
Defines functions soilHeatFlux netRadiation incLWradiation outLWradiation surfaceTemperature SWtrasmisivity LAI albedo incSWradiation solarAngles METRICtopo prepareSRTMdata checkSRTMgrids createAoi

Documented in albedo checkSRTMgrids createAoi incLWradiation incSWradiation LAI METRICtopo netRadiation outLWradiation prepareSRTMdata soilHeatFlux solarAngles surfaceTemperature SWtrasmisivity

#' Create aoi polygon from topleft and bottomright coordinates
#' @description
#' An AOI (Area of Interest) is created based on two points (topleft and bottomright) using a coordinate reference system.
#' @param topleft     a vector with topleft x,y coordinates 
#' @param bottomright a vector with bottomright x,y coordinates
#' @param EPSG        Coordinate reference system EPSG code
#' @return object of class SpatialPolygons
#' @family support functions
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @examples 
#' tl <- c(493300, -3592700)
#' br <- c(557200, -3700000) 
#' aoi <- createAoi(topleft = tl, bottomright=br, EPSG=32619)
#' plot(aoi)
#' @import rgdal raster sp 
#' @export
# Maybe i can provide some points and use CHull like in QGIS-Geostat
createAoi <- function(topleft, bottomright, EPSG){
  aoi <- SpatialPolygons(
    list(Polygons(list(Polygon(coords = matrix(
      c(topleft[1],bottomright[1], bottomright[1],topleft[1],topleft[1],
        topleft[2], topleft[2], bottomright[2], 
        bottomright[2],topleft[2]), ncol=2, nrow= 5))), ID=1)))
  if(!missing(EPSG)){aoi@proj4string <- CRS(paste0("+init=epsg:", EPSG))}

#' Check needed SRTM grids from image extent
#' @param raw.image  image to calculate extent
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @export
#' @family support functions
# Get links or optionally open web pages... 
# Check if the files are present on path o in a specific SRTM local repo
checkSRTMgrids <-function(raw.image){
  path = getwd()
  polyaoi <- SpatialPolygons(
    list(Polygons(list(Polygon(coords = matrix(
      c(xmin(raw.image), xmax(raw.image), xmax(raw.image),
        xmin(raw.image),xmin(raw.image), ymax(raw.image),
        ymax(raw.image), ymin(raw.image), ymin(raw.image),
        ymax(raw.image)), ncol=2, nrow= 5))), ID=1)))
  polyaoi@proj4string <- raw.image@crs
#   limits <- proj4::project(xy = matrix(polyaoi@bbox, ncol=2, nrow=2), proj = polyaoi@proj4string, 
#                            inverse = TRUE)
  limits <- extent(sp::spTransform(polyaoi, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")))
  lat_needed <- seq(ifelse(trunc(limits[3])>0, trunc(limits[3]),trunc(limits[3])-1), 
                    ifelse(trunc(limits[4])>0, trunc(limits[4]),trunc(limits[4])-1), by=1)
  long_needed <- seq(ifelse(trunc(limits[1])>0, trunc(limits[1]),trunc(limits[1])-1), 
                     ifelse(trunc(limits[2])>0, trunc(limits[2]),trunc(limits[2])-1), by = 1)
  grids <- expand.grid(lat_needed, long_needed)
  result <- list()
  link <- "http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/download/options/8360/SRTM1"
  for(i in 1:nrow(grids)){
    result[[i]] <- paste(link, ifelse(grids[i,1]>0,"N", "S"), abs(grids[i,1]),
                         ifelse(grids[i,2]>0,"E", "W"), "0", abs(grids[i,2]),"V3/", sep="")
  print(paste("You need", nrow(grids), "1deg x 1deg SRTM grids"))
  print("You can get them here:")

#' Create a mosaic with SRTM grid from image extent
#' @param format  format of SRTM grid files
#' @param extent  minimal extent of mosaic
#' @param path  folder where SRTM files are stored
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @export
#' @family support functions
# Should use checkSRTMgrids to get the files list and not use all from the folder...!
# Also look for files on path and local repo
prepareSRTMdata <- function(path=getwd(), format="tif", extent){
  files <- list.files(path= path,  
                              format, "$", sep=""), full.names = T) 
  if(length(files) < 1){stop(paste("You need to download SRTM grids and save them to working directory \n try: checkSRTMgrids()"))}
  stack1 <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(files)){
    stack1[[i]] <- raster(files[i])}
  stack1$fun <- mean
  if(length(files)>1){SRTMmosaic <- do.call(mosaic, stack1)}
  if(length(files)==1){SRTMmosaic <- stack1[[1]]}
  destino  <-  projectExtent(extent, extent@crs)
  mosaicp <- projectRaster(SRTMmosaic, destino)
  mosaicp <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = mosaicp, stack.names = "DEM", 
                           file = "DEM", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates surface model used in METRIC
#' @description
#' DEM map is used to generate the surface representation of the image through of aspect and slope maps. This procedure helps to avoid differences in the surface temperature (and finally Evapotranspiration) caused by different incidence angles and/or elevations in mountainous areas.
#' @param DEM  raster with Digital elevation model 
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
METRICtopo <- function(DEM){
  aspect <- terrain(DEM, opt="aspect") 
  slope <- terrain(DEM, opt="slope") 
  aspect_metric <- aspect-pi  #METRIC expects aspect - 1 pi
  surface.model <- stack(DEM, slope, aspect_metric)
  surface.model <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = surface.model, 
                                 stack.names = c("DEM", "Slope", "Aspect"), 
                                 file = "surface.model", 

#' Calculates solar angles
#' @description
#' Metadata, aspect and slope maps are combined to estimate solar angles for the entire image. 
#' @param surface.model   rasterStack with DEM, Slope and Aspect. See surface.model()
#' @param MTL             Landsat Metadata File
#' @param WeatherStation  Weather Station data
#' @details Narrowband transmittances,are calculated considering some radiation transfer models operated 
#' over a wide range of climates and locations across the world, this parameter vary with the cosine of 
#' the solar angle, atmospheric pressure and precipitable water vapor in the atmosphere, so the author must 
#' obtain accurate values of these three parameters.
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @author Fernando Fuentes Peñailillo
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
### Change to look in metadata for keyword instead of using line #
solarAngles <- function(surface.model, MTL, WeatherStation){
  path = getwd()
  if(class(WeatherStation)== "waterWeatherStation"){
    WeatherStation <- getDataWS(WeatherStation)
  if(missing(MTL)){MTL <- list.files(path = path, pattern = "MTL.txt", full.names = T)}
  MTL <- readLines(MTL, warn=FALSE)
  Elev.line <- grep("SUN_ELEVATION",MTL,value=TRUE)
  sun.elevation <- (90 - as.numeric(regmatches(Elev.line, 
                                               regexec(text=Elev.line ,
  Azim.line <- grep("SUN_AZIMUTH",MTL,value=TRUE)
  sun.azimuth <- as.numeric(regmatches(Azim.line, 
                                       regexec(text=Azim.line ,
  # latitude
  latitude <- surface.model[[1]]
  xy <- SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(latitude, cellFromRowCol(latitude, 1:nrow(latitude), 1)))
  xy@proj4string <- latitude@crs
  lat <- coordinates( spTransform(xy, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")))[,2] 
  values(latitude) <- rep(lat*pi/180,each=ncol(latitude))
  # declination
  time.line <- grep("SCENE_CENTER_TIME",MTL,value=TRUE)
  date.line <- grep("DATE_ACQUIRED",MTL,value=TRUE)
  sat.time <-regmatches(time.line,regexec(text=time.line,
  sat.date <-regmatches(date.line,regexec(text=date.line,
  sat.datetime <- strptime(paste(sat.date, sat.time), 
                           format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
  DOY <-  sat.datetime$yday +1
  declination <- surface.model[[1]]
  values(declination) <- 0.409*sin((2*pi/365*DOY)-1.39)
  # hour angle
  hour.angle <- surface.model[[1]]
  time.line <- grep("SCENE_CENTER_TIME",MTL,value=TRUE)
  time.hours <-regmatches(time.line,regexec(text=time.line,
  time.hours <- strptime(time.hours, format = "%H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
  Sc <- (0.1645*sin(4*pi*(DOY-81)/364)-0.1255*cos(2*pi*(DOY-81)/364)-0.025*sin(2*pi*(DOY-81)/364))*60
  time.hours <- (time.hours$hour*3600+time.hours$min*60+time.hours$sec+WeatherStation$long/15*3600)/60 + Sc
  values(hour.angle) <- abs((12-as.numeric(time.hours)/60)*15/180*pi)
  #hour.angle <- asin(-1*(cos(sun.elevation)*sin(sun.azimuth)/cos(declination))) first
  ## solar incidence angle, for horizontal surface
  incidence.hor <- acos(sin(declination) * sin(latitude) + cos(declination)*
  slope <- surface.model$Slope
  aspect <- surface.model$Aspect
  ##solar incidence angle, for sloping surface
  incidence.rel <- acos(sin(declination)*sin(latitude)*cos(slope) 
                        - sin(declination)*cos(latitude)*sin(slope)*cos(aspect)
                        + cos(declination)*cos(latitude)*cos(slope)*cos(hour.angle)
                        + cos(declination)*sin(latitude)*sin(slope)*cos(aspect)*cos(hour.angle)
                        + cos(declination)*sin(aspect)*sin(slope)*sin(hour.angle))
  ## End
  solarAngles <- stack(latitude, declination, hour.angle, incidence.hor, incidence.rel)
  solarAngles <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = solarAngles, 
                               stack.names = c("latitude", "declination", 
                                               "hour.angle", "incidence.hor", "incidence.rel"), 
                               file = "solarAngles", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates Incoming Solar Radiation
#' @description 
#' This function calculates incoming solar radiation from surface model and solar angles.
#' @param surface.model   rasterStack with DEM, Slope and Aspect. See surface.model()
#' @param solar.angles    rasterStack with latitude, declination, hour.angle, incidence.hor and incidence.rel. See solarAngles()
#' @param WeatherStation  Weather Station data
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Daniel de la Fuente Saiz
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
incSWradiation <- function(surface.model, solar.angles, WeatherStation){
  if(class(WeatherStation)== "waterWeatherStation"){
    WeatherStation <- getDataWS(WeatherStation)
  ea <- (WeatherStation$RH/100)*0.6108*exp((17.27*WeatherStation$temp)/(WeatherStation$temp+237.3))
  tau.sw <- SWtrasmisivity(Kt = 1, ea, surface.model$DEM, solar.angles$incidence.hor)
  DOY <- WeatherStation$DOY
  d <- sqrt(1/(1+0.033*cos(DOY * (2 * pi/365))))
  Rs.inc <- 1367 * cos(solar.angles$incidence.rel) * tau.sw / d^2
  Rs.inc <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = Rs.inc, 
                          file = "Rs.inc", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates Broadband Albedo from Landsat data
#' @description 
#' Broadband surface Albedo is estimated considering the integration of all 
#' narrowband at-surface reflectances following a weighting function with 
#' empirical coefficients (Tasumi et al., 2007).
#' @param image.SR   surface reflectance image with bands B, R, G, NIR, SWIR1, 
#' SWIR2
#' @param aoi        area of interest to crop images, if waterOptions("autoAoi")
#'  == TRUE will look for any object called aoi on .GlobalEnv
#' @param coeff      coefficient to transform narrow to broad band albedo. 
#' See Details.
#' @param sat        "L7" for Landsat 7, "L8" for Landsat 8 or "auto" to guess 
#' from filenames 
#' @details 
#' There are differents models to convert narrowband data to broadband albedo. 
#' You can choose coeff="Tasumi" to use Tasumi et al (2008) coefficients, 
#' calculated for Landsat 7; coeff="Liang" to use Liang Landsat 7 coefficients 
#' or "Olmedo" to use Olmedo coefficients for Landsat 8.
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' M. Tasumi, Allen, R. G., and Trezza, R. 2007. "Estimation of at-surface reflection albedo from satellite for routine operational calculation of land surface energy balance". J. Hydrol. Eng. \cr
#' Liang, S. (2000). Narrowband to broadband conversions of land surface albedo: I. Algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 76(1), 213-238. \cr
#' @export
albedo <- function(image.SR, aoi, coeff="Tasumi", sat="auto"){
  path <- getwd
  if(sat=="auto"){sat = getSat(path)}
  if(sat=="L7" | sat=="L8"){
    if(coeff=="Tasumi"){wb <- c(0.254, 0.149, 0.147, 0.311, 0.103, 0.036)}# Tasumi 2008
    if(coeff=="Olmedo") {wb <- c(0.246, 0.146, 0.191, 0.304, 0.105, 0.008)} # Calculated using SMARTS for Kimberly2-noc13 and Direct Normal Irradiance
    if(coeff=="Liang") {wb <- c(0.356, 0, 0.130, 0.373, 0.085, 0.072)} # Liang 2001
  if(sat=="MODIS"){wb <- c(0.037, 0.479, -0.068, 0.0976, 0.266, 0.0757, 0.107)} # Liang 2001 direct-NIR coefficients
  albedo <- calc(image.SR[[1]], fun=function(x){x *wb[1]})
    for(i in 2:6){
      albedo <- albedo + calc(image.SR[[i]], fun=function(x){x *wb[i]})
  albedo <- aoiCrop(albedo, aoi) 
    albedo <- albedo - 0.0018
  albedo <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = albedo, 
                          file = "albedo", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Estimate LAI from Landsat Data
#' @description
#' This function implements empirical models to estimate LAI (Leaf Area Index) for satellital images. Models were extracted from METRIC publications and other works developed on different crops.
#' @param method   Method used to estimate LAI from spectral data. 
#' @param image    image. top-of-atmosphere reflectance for method=="metric" | method=="metric2010" | method=="MCB"; surface reflectance for method = "turner". Radiance for method = "vineyard".
#' @param aoi      area of interest to crop images, if waterOptions("autoAoi") == TRUE will look for any object called aoi on .GlobalEnv
#' @param L        L factor used in method = "metric" or "metric2010" to estimate SAVI, defaults to 0.1
#' @param sat      Landsat satellite version. "L7" or "L8"
#' @details LAI is computed using the top-of atmosphere (at-satellite) reflectance value. 
#' LAI and other indices such NDVI, SAVI are used to predict characteristics of vegetation, 
#' depending on preferences of the user.
#' Available methods are: "metric", "metric2010", "MCB", "vineyard" and "turner". 
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @author Fernando Fuentes Peñailillo
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' Carrasco-Benavides, M., Ortega-Farias, S., Lagos, L., Kleissl, J., Morales-Salinas, L., & Kilic, A. (2014). Parameterization of the Satellite-Based Model (METRIC) for the Estimation of Instantaneous Surface Energy Balance Components over a Drip-Irrigated Vineyard. Remote Sensing, 6(11), 11342-11371. http://doi.org/10.3390/rs61111342\cr
#' Johnson, L. F. (2003). Temporal Stability of the NDVI-LAI Relationship in a Napa Valley Vineyard, 96-101. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-0238.2003.tb00258.x
#' Turner, D. P., Cohen, W. B., Kennedy, R. E., Fassnacht, K. S., & Briggs, J. M. (1999). Relationships between leaf area index and Landsat TM spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites. Remote Sensing of Environment, 70(1), 52–68. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0034-4257(99)00057-7
#' @export
## Cite Pocas work for LAI from METRIC2010
LAI <- function(method="metric2010", image, aoi, L=0.1, sat){
  if(method=="metric" | method=="metric2010" | method=="vineyard" | method=="MCB"){
      toa.4.5 <- stack(image[[3]], image[[4]])}
      sr.4.5 <- stack(image[[3]], image[[4]])}
    sr.4.5 <- sr.4.5 * 0.0001}
    SAVI_ID <- (1 + L)*(toa.4.5[[2]] - toa.4.5[[1]])/(L + toa.4.5[[1]] + 
    SAVI_ID <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = SAVI_ID, stack.names = "SAVI_ID", 
                             file = "SAVI_ID", overwrite=TRUE)
    LAI <- raster(SAVI_ID)
    LAI[SAVI_ID <= 0] <- 0
    LAI[SAVI_ID > 0 & SAVI_ID <= 0.817] <- 11 * SAVI_ID[SAVI_ID > 0 & 
                                                          SAVI_ID <= 0.817]^3 # for SAVI <= 0.817
    LAI[SAVI_ID > 0.817] <- 6
    SAVI_ID <- (1 + L)*(toa.4.5[[2]] - toa.4.5[[1]])/(L + toa.4.5[[1]] + toa.4.5[[2]])
    LAI <- log((0.69-SAVI_ID)/0.59)/0.91 *-1
    LAI[SAVI_ID > 0.817] <- 6
    # image must be the DN image
    toa.4.5 <- stack(image[[3]], image[[4]])
    NDVI <- (toa.4.5[[2]] - toa.4.5[[1]])/(toa.4.5[[1]] + toa.4.5[[2]])
    LAI <- 4.9 * NDVI -0.46 # Johnson 2003
  ## method carrasco
    NDVI <- (toa.4.5[[2]] - toa.4.5[[1]])/(toa.4.5[[1]] + toa.4.5[[2]])
    LAI <- 1.2 - 3.08*exp(-2013.35*NDVI^6.41) 
    NDVI <- (sr.4.5[[2]] - sr.4.5[[1]])/(sr.4.5[[1]] + sr.4.5[[2]])
    LAI <- 0.5724+0.0989*NDVI-0.0114*NDVI^2+0.0004*NDVI^3 # Turner 1999
  LAI[LAI<0]  <- 0
  LAI <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = LAI, stack.names = "LAI", 
                       file = "LAI", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates short wave transmisivity
#' @description
#' Short wave transmisivity is estimated for broad-band considering an extended equation developed by Allen (1996), based from Majumdar et al.(1972), using coefficients developed by ASCE-EWRI (2005).
#' @param Kt            unitless turbidity coefficient 0<Kt<=1.0, where Kt=1.0 for clean air and Kt=0.5 for extremely turbid, dusty, or polluted air
#' @param ea            near-surface vapor pressure (kPa)
#' @param dem           digital elevation model 
#' @param incidence.hor solar incidence angle, considering plain surface
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' Majumdar, N.; Mathur, B. & Kaushik, S. Prediction of direct solar radiation for low atmospheric turbidity Solar Energy, Elsevier, 1972, 13, 383-394 \cr
#' ASCE-EWRI The ASCE Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation Report of the ASCE-EWRI Task Committee on Standardization of Reference Evapotranspiration, 2005 \cr
#' @export
SWtrasmisivity <- function(Kt = 1, ea, dem, incidence.hor){
  P <- 101.3*((293-0.0065 * dem)/293)^5.26
  W <- 0.14 * ea * P + 2.1
  tauB <- 0.98 * exp(((-0.00149 * P )/ (Kt * 
                      cos(incidence.hor)))-0.075*((W / cos(incidence.hor))^0.4))
  tauD <- raster(tauB)
  tauD <- 0.35 - 0.36 * tauB 
  tauD[tauB < 0.15] <- 0.18 + 0.82 * tauB[tauB < 0.15]
  tau.sw <- tauB + tauD
  # Next one it's from METRIC 2007, previous from METRIC 2010
  #sw.t <- 0.35 + 0.627 * exp((-0.00149 * P / Kt * 
  #                              cos(incidence.hor))-0.075*(W / cos(incidence.hor))^0.4)

#' Estimates Land Surface Temperature from Landsat Data
#' @description
#' Surface temperature is estimated using a modified Plank equation considering empirical constants for Landsat images. In addition, this model implements a correction of thermal radiance following to Wukelic et al. (1989).
#' @param image.DN      raw image in digital numbers
#' @param thermalband     Satellite thermal band. For L8 this should be band 10. Deprecated argument
#' @param sat             "L7" for Landsat 7, "L8" for Landsat 8 or "auto" to guess from filenames 
#' @param LAI             raster layer with leaf area index. See LAI()
#' @param aoi             area of interest to crop images, if 
#'                        waterOptions("autoAoi") == TRUE will look for any 
#'                        object called aoi on .GlobalEnv
#' @param method          "SC" for single channel or "SW" for split window 
#'                        algorithm. "SW" is only available for L8
#' @param WeatherStation  Weather Station data
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for 
#' mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - 
#' Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, 
#' p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' Wukelic G. E.; Gibbons D. E.; Martucci L. M. & Foote, H. P. Radiometric 
#' calibration of Landsat thematic mapper thermal band Remote Sensing of 
#' Environment, 1989, 28, (339-347) \cr
#' Jimenez-Munoz, J. C., Sobrino, J. A., Skokovic, D., Mattar, C., & Cristobal, 
#' J. (2014). Land surface temperature retrieval methods from landsat-8 thermal 
#' infrared sensor data.  IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(10), 
#' 1840–1843. http://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2014.2312032 \cr 
#' @export
## Add Sobrino and Qin improvements to LST in ETM+
surfaceTemperature <- function(image.DN, sat="auto", LAI, aoi, 
                               method = "SC", WeatherStation, thermalband){
  if(class(WeatherStation)== "waterWeatherStation"){
    WeatherStation <- getDataWS(WeatherStation)
  epsilon_NB <- raster(LAI)
  epsilon_NB <- 0.97 + 0.0033 * LAI  
  epsilon_NB[LAI > 3] <- 0.98
  # Downwelling atm radiance
  R_sky <- (1.807e-10)*(WeatherStation$temp+273.15)^4*(1-0.26*
  # path radiance
  Rp <- 0.91     
  # atm transmissivity
  tau_NB <- 0.75+2e-5*WeatherStation$elev
  if(sat=="auto"){sat = getSat(path)}
    TIRS_THERMAL_CONSTANTS <- c(K1_CONSTANT_BAND_10 = 774.8853, K1_CONSTANT_BAND_11 = 480.8883, K2_CONSTANT_BAND_10 = 1321.0789,
                                K2_CONSTANT_BAND_11 = 1201.1442)
    L_b10 <- image.DN$Thermal1*3.3420E-04+0.1
    if(method == "SC"){
      #atm.coeff from Jimenez-Munoz, 2014
      atm.coeff <- matrix(data=c(0.04019, 0.02916, 1.01523,
                                 -0.38333, -1.50294, 0.20324,
                                 0.00918, 1.36072, -0.27514),
                          byrow= TRUE, nrow= 3, ncol=3)
      ea = (WeatherStation$RH/100)*0.6108*exp((17.27*WeatherStation$temp)/
      atm.cond <- matrix(data=c(ea^2, ea, 1), nrow= 3, ncol=1) #not ea, vwc in g/cm2
      AF.j <- atm.coeff %*% atm.cond
      AF.m <- c(1/tau_NB, -R_sky - (Rp/tau_NB), R_sky)
      delta <- (bT_b10^2)/(1324*L_b10 )
      gama <- bT_b10 - (bT_b10^2/1324)
      Ts <- delta*((1/epsilon_NB)*(AF.m[1]*L_b10+AF.m[2])+AF.m[3])+gama
      L_b11 <- image.DN$Thermal2*3.3420E-04+0.1
      bT_b11 <- TIRS_THERMAL_CONSTANTS[4] / log((TIRS_THERMAL_CONSTANTS[2]/L_b11)+1)
      SW.c <- c(-0.268, 1.378, 0.183, 54.30, -2.238, -129.20, 16.40)
      w <- 1.2 #Atm water vapor content in g cm-2
      delta_e <- 0 # emissivity difference 
      Ts <- bT_b10 + SW.c[2] * (bT_b10 - bT_b11) +
        SW.c[3] * (bT_b10 - bT_b11)^2 + SW.c[1] +
        (SW.c[4] + SW.c[5] * w) * (1 - epsilon_NB) 
      # If I had two different emissivity, I should change epsilon_NB parameter
      # with the mean emissivity and add +(SW.c[6] + SW.c[7] * w) * delta_e
      B6 <- thermalband
    } else {
      B6 <- image.DN$Thermal1  
    L_t_6 <-  0.067 * B6 - 0.06709
    L7_K1 <- 666.09 
    L7_K2 <- 1282.71 
    Rc <- ((L_t_6 - Rp) / tau_NB) - (1-epsilon_NB)*R_sky
    Ts <- L7_K2 / log((epsilon_NB*L7_K1/Rc)+1)}
  Ts <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = Ts, 
                      file = "Ts", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates Long wave outgoing radiation
#' @description
#' This function estimates the long wave outgoing radiation using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
#' @param LAI  raster layer with leaf area index. See LAI()
#' @param Ts   Land surface temperature. See surfaceTemperature()
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for 
#' mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" 
#' Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
outLWradiation <- function(LAI, Ts){
  surf.emissivity <- 0.95 + 0.01 * LAI
  surf.emissivity[LAI>3] <- 0.98
  Rl.out <- surf.emissivity * 5.67e-8 * Ts^4
  Rl.out <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = Rl.out, 
                          file = "Rl.out", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Calculates long wave incoming radiation
#' @description
#' This function estimates the long wave incoming radiation using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. In addition, empirical equation of Bastiaanssen (1995) with coefficients developed by Allen (2000) are used to estimate the effective atmospheric emissivity.
#' @param WeatherStation   Weather Station data
#' @param DEM              digital elevation model in meters.
#' @param solar.angles     rasterStack with latitude, declination, hour.angle, incidence.hor and incidence.rel. See solarAngles()
#' @param Ts               Land surface temperature. See surfaceTemperature()
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' Bastiaanssen W. Regionalization of surface flux densities and moisture indicators in composite terrain: A remote sensing approach under clear skies in Mediterranean climates. Ph.D. dissertation, CIP Data Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 1995, p273 \cr
#' Allen R. RAPID long-wave radiation calculations and model comparisons Internal report, University of Idaho, Kimberly, Idaho, 2000 \cr
#' @export
# Add a function to get "cold" pixel temperature so in can be used in the next function
incLWradiation <- function(WeatherStation, DEM, solar.angles, Ts){
  if(class(WeatherStation)== "waterWeatherStation"){
    WeatherStation <- getDataWS(WeatherStation)
  ea <- (WeatherStation$RH/100)*0.6108*exp((17.27*WeatherStation$temp)/
  tau.sw <- SWtrasmisivity(Kt = 1, ea, DEM, solar.angles$incidence.hor)
  #temp <-  WeatherStation$temp+273.15 - (DEM - WeatherStation$elev) * 6.49 / 1000 
  ## Temperature in Kelvin
  #Mountain lapse effects from International Civil Aviation Organization
  ef.atm.emissivity  <- 0.85*(-1*log(tau.sw))^0.09
  Rl.in <- ef.atm.emissivity * 5.67e-8 * Ts^4
  #Rl.in <- ef.atm.emissivity * 5.67e-8 * temp^4
  Rl.in <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = Rl.in, 
                         file = "Rl.in", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Estimates net radiation
#' @description
#' This function estimates net radiation considering a surface radiation balance. Equations use the information from the image, in addition of measurements of actual vapor pressure and altitude.
#' @param LAI     raster layer with leaf area index. See LAI()
#' @param albedo  broadband surface albedo. See albedo()
#' @param Rs.inc  incoming short-wave radiation
#' @param Rl.inc  incomin long-wave radiation
#' @param Rl.out  outgoing long-wave radiation
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
netRadiation <- function(LAI, albedo, Rs.inc, Rl.inc, Rl.out){
  surf.emissivity <- 0.95 + 0.01 * LAI 
  surf.emissivity[LAI>3] <- 0.98
  Rn <- (1- albedo)*Rs.inc + Rl.inc - Rl.out - (1-surf.emissivity)*Rl.inc
  Rn <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = Rn, 
                      file = "Rn", overwrite=TRUE)

#' Estimates Soil Heat Flux
#' @description
#' This function implements models to estimate soil heat flux for different surfaces and considering different inputs.
#' @param image    surface reflectance image
#' @param Ts       Land surface temperature. See surfaceTemperature()
#' @param albedo   broadband surface albedo. See albedo()
#' @param LAI      raster layer with leaf area index. See LAI()
#' @param Rn       Net radiation. See netRadiation()
#' @param aoi      area of interest to crop images, if waterOptions("autoAoi") == TRUE will look for any object called aoi on .GlobalEnv
#' @param method   method used for the G estimation. Currently implemeted are 
#'                 "Tasumi" for Tasumi,2003 or "Bastiaanssen" for Bastiaanssen, 2000
#' @author Guillermo Federico Olmedo
#' @author Fonseca-Luengo, David
#' @family net radiation related functions
#' @references 
#' R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007 \cr
#' @export
soilHeatFlux <- function(image, Ts, albedo, LAI, Rn, aoi, method = "Tasumi"){
  sr.4.5 <- stack(image[[3]], image[[4]])
  NDVI <- (sr.4.5[[2]] - sr.4.5[[1]])/(sr.4.5[[1]] + sr.4.5[[2]])
  if(method == "Bastiaanssen"){
    G <- ((Ts - 273.15)*(0.0038+0.0074*albedo)*(1-0.98*NDVI^4))*Rn
  if(method == "Tasumi"){
    G <- raster(NDVI)
    e <- 2.71828
    G <- (0.05 + 0.18 * e^(-0.521*LAI)) * Rn
    G[LAI < 0.5] <- ((1.8*(Ts[LAI < 0.5] - 273.16) / Rn[LAI < 0.5]) + 0.084) * 
      Rn[LAI < 0.5]
  G <- saveLoadClean(imagestack = G, file = "G", overwrite=TRUE)
midraed/water documentation built on Feb. 20, 2022, 7:30 a.m.