#' Biomass models
#' Static models for the biomass (kg/ha) of stem, roots, branches, leaves/needles and bark of species in the IFN
#' @param x A data frame with tree records in rows and columns 'Species', 'DBH' (in cm), 'H' (in m) and 'N' (ha-1)
#' @param as.CO2 Flag to indicate output as kg of CO2 / ha instead of kg of dry weight / ha. Percentage of carbon per dry weight biomass by species are
#' taken from Montero et al. (2005) (in turn, from Ibáñez et al. 2002).
#' @param area Either 'Atlantic' or 'Mediterranean' to specify allometric equations specific to the area (for Pinus pinaster)
#' @param DBHclasses A numeric vector of DBH class limits (see breaks in function \code{cut}), used to group results by DBH class (in addition to species and plot). If \code{DBHclasses = NULL} then grouping on the basis of DBH classes is not performed.
#' @param verbose A flag to indicate console output of the biomass calculation process
#' @details Function \code{IFNbiomass} determines the allometric equation for each biomass fraction (i.e. compartment) using species code.
#' All equations are calculated form height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of felled trees. Biomass values from equations refer to
#' individual trees, but the function multiplies the result by the density of individuals 'N', so the resulting value is in units of kg/ha.
#' Biomass of branches is the result of adding the result of equations calibrated for different branch diameters.
#' @name IFNbiomass
#' @return If \code{DBHclasses = NULL}, function \code{IFNbiomass} returns a data frame with as many rows as tree records in \code{x} and columns 'ID', 'Species', 'Roots', 'Stem', 'Branches', 'Leaves', 'Needles', 'Bark', 'Aerial' and 'Total'.
#' If \code{DBHclasses != NULL} then an extra column \code{DBHclass} is given and the data frame has less rows than tree records in \code{x}.
#' Function \code{IFNproducts} returns a data frame with the biomass of products (as well as that of stumps and slash), assuming trees have been felled down.
#' @references
#' Diéguez-Aranda, U., A. Rojo Alboreca, F. Castedo-Dorado, J. G. Álvarez González, M. Barrio-Anta, F. Crecente-Campo, J. M. González González, C. Pérez-Cruzado, R. Rodríguez Soalleiro, C. A. López-Sánchez, M. Á. Balboa-Murias, J. J. Gorgoso Varela, and F. Sánchez Rodríguez (2009) Herramientas selvícolas para la gestión forestal sostenible en Galicia. Dirección Xeral de Montes, Consellería do Medio Rural, Xunta de Galicia.
#' Ibáñez JJ, Vayreda J., Gracia C. (2002) Metodología complementaria al Inventario Forestal Nacional en Catalunya. En: Bravo F.; del Río M.; del Peso C.
#' (eds.) El inventario Forestal Nacional. Elemento clave para la gestión forestal sostenible: 67-77. Fundación General de la Universidad de Valladolid
#' Montero G, Ruiz-Peinado R, Muñoz M (2005) Producción de biomasa y fijación de CO2 por los bosques españoles. Monografias INIA: Serie Forestal nº 13.
#' Ruiz-Peinado, R., M. Rio, and G. Montero (2011) New models for estimating the carbon sink capacity of Spanish. Forest Systems 20:176–188.
#' Ruiz-Peinado, R., G. Montero, and M. Del Rio (2012) Biomass models to estimate carbon stocks for hardwood tree species. Forest Systems 21:42.
#' @examples
#' data(exampleTreeData)
#' IFNbiomass(exampleTreeData)
#' # Groups the result by DBH clases
#' IFNbiomass(exampleTreeData,
#' DBHclasses = seq(0, 120, by=5))
IFNbiomass<-function(x, as.CO2 = FALSE, area = NA,
DBHclasses = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
Species = x$Species
H = x$H
N = x$N
nr = nrow(x)
df = data.frame(ID = x$ID, Species = x$Species, Name = rep(NA,nr),
SpeciesAllom = rep(NA,nr), NameAllom = rep(NA, nr),
Roots = rep(NA, nr), Stem = rep(NA, nr),
Branches = rep(NA,nr), Leaves = rep(NA, nr),
Needles = rep(NA, nr), Bark = rep(NA, nr),
Aerial = rep(NA, nr), Total = rep(NA,nr))
sp_unique = unique(Species)
nu = length(sp_unique)
if(verbose) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, nu, style=3)
for(i in 1:nu) {
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
spu = sp_unique[i]
sel = (Species==spu)
# cat(paste("Taxon",spu," #", sum(sel)))
perc.CO2 = biomass_species_match$PORCENTAJE_CARBONO[biomass_species_match$ID_TAXON == spu]
taxon = as.numeric(biomass_species_match$ID_TAXON2[biomass_species_match$ID_TAXON == spu])
if(length(taxon)!=1) stop(paste0("Wrong species code '", spu,"'."))
df$Name[sel] = biomass_species_match$LATIN_TAXON[biomass_species_match$ID_TAXON == spu]
df$SpeciesAllom[sel] = taxon
df$NameAllom[sel] = biomass_species_match$LATIN_TAXON[biomass_species_match$ID_TAXON == taxon]
par_stem = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Stem", area)
if(nrow(par_stem)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_stem[1,]))
if(sum(is.na(b))>0) {
if(verbose) {
cat(paste("\nWarning: NA values in stem biomass estimation for",sum(is.na(b)), "records.\n"))
cat("Parameter vector:\n")
sel2 = sel
sel2[sel][!is.na(b)] = FALSE
cat(paste("Input rows:",paste0(which(sel2), collapse = ","),"\n"))
cat("Input DBH values:\n")
cat("Input H values:\n")
warning(paste("Warning: NA values in stem biomass estimation for",sum(is.na(H[sel])), "records."))
} else {
if(sum(b<0)>0) {
warning(paste0(sum(b<0)," negative stem biomass values truncated to zero for taxon ", taxon, " with model ", par_stem[1,"Model"],"."))
b[b<0] = 0
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Stem[sel] = b*N[sel]
par_branches = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Branches", area)
if(nrow(par_branches)>0) {
df$Branches[sel] = 0
for(j in 1:nrow(par_branches)) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_branches[j,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Branches[sel] = df$Branches[sel] + b*N[sel]
par_roots = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Roots", area)
if(nrow(par_roots)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_roots[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Roots[sel] = b*N[sel]
par_leaves = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Leaves", area)
if(nrow(par_leaves)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_leaves[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Leaves[sel] = b*N[sel]
par_needles = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Needles", area)
if(nrow(par_needles)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_needles[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Needles[sel] = b*N[sel]
par_bark = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Bark", area)
if(nrow(par_bark)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_bark[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Bark[sel] = b*N[sel]
# Sum total biomass
df$Total[sel] = rowSums(df[sel, c("Leaves", "Needles","Branches", "Stem", "Bark", "Roots")], na.rm=TRUE)
#If separate allometry, recalculate total biomass
par_total = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Total", area)
if(nrow(par_total)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_total[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Total[sel] = b*N[sel]
#If aerial allometry, calculate aerial biomass, otherwise substract roots from total if possible
par_aerial = .getBiomassParams(taxon, "Aerial", area)
if(nrow(par_aerial)>0) {
b = .biomass(DBH[sel], H[sel], as.list(par_aerial[1,]))
if(as.CO2) b = b*(perc.CO2/100)*(44/12) # from biomass as kg dry weight to biomass as kg of CO2
df$Aerial[sel] = b*N[sel]
# If Aerial is not estimated, estimate it as difference
na_aer = is.na(df$Aerial)
dif = df$Total - df$Roots
df$Aerial[na_aer] = dif[na_aer]
if(!is.null(DBHclasses)) {
df$DBHclass = cut(x$DBH, DBHclasses)
df<-as.data.frame(df %>% dplyr::group_by(ID, Species, Name, SpeciesAllom, NameAllom, DBHclass) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Roots = sum(Roots, na.rm=T), Stem = sum(Stem, na.rm= T), Branches = sum(Branches, na.rm=T),
Leaves = sum(Leaves, na.rm=T), Needles = sum(Needles , na.rm=T), Bark = sum(Bark, na.rm=T),
Aerial = sum(Aerial, na.rm=T), Total = sum(Total, na.rm=T)))
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