#' Volumetric models
#' Static models for the wood volume (VCC, VSC, VLE & IAVC) by species and province in the IFN
#' @param x A data frame with tree records in rows and columns 'Provincia' (numeric), 'Species', 'DBH' (in cm), 'H' (in m) and 'N' (ha-1).
#' Additionally, the data frame may include a column 'FC' that specifies the cubic content form for each tree. In this case, the value of parameter 'FC' is overriden.
#' @param IFN Integer or integer pair to indicate order of preferred forest inventory:
#' (\code{IFN=2} indicates using IFN-2 only, \code{IFN=3} indicates using IFN-3 only, and \code{IFN=c(3,2)} indicates using IFN3 and if not available IFN2)
#' @param FC Vector of integers to indicate preferred cubic content forms (1 to 6)
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Forma 1. Arboles fusiformes prácticamente en todo su fuste, con troncos maderables,
#' limpios y derechos de más de 6 m, flecha inferior al 1% de su longitud, veta no torcida
#' y diámetro normal mayor de 20 cm.}
#' \item{Forma 2. Arboles que cumplan las cuatro condiciones siguientes: ser fusiformes, tener
#' troncos maderables de 4 o más metros, ramificarse por la parte superior y no pertenecer
#' a la forma 1.}
#' \item{Forma 3. Arboles fusiformes pequeños, en los que el diámetro del fuste de 75 mm
#' queda por debajo de los 4 m de altura.}
#' \item{Forma 4. Árboles cuyo tronco principal se ramifica antes de los 4 m de altura y que
#' pertenezcan a algunas de las siguientes especies 07, 12, 16, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
#' 47, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 75, 79 y 94.}
#' \item{Forma 5. Arboles cuyo tronco principal es tortuoso, está dañado o es muy ramoso, por
#' lo que no admite la clasificación en formas 1, 2 o 3. También pies de altura de fuste
#' menor de 4 m si son de especies diferentes a las de los códigos 4 y 6.}
#' \item{Forma 6. Árboles descabezados o trasmochos a los que se les ha cortado la parte
#' superior del tronco y las ramas en puntos próximos a su inserción en el tronco y que
#' pertenezcan a algunas de las siguientes especies: 41, 42, 43, 55, 56, 71, 72 y 94.}
#' }
#' @param code_missing Species code to use when equations are not available for the species recorded ("99" is Otras frondosas)
#' @param provinceFromID A flag to indicate that province should be extracted from 'ID' assuming they are IFN plot codes.
#' @param DBHclasses A numeric vector of DBH class limits (see breaks in function \code{cut}), used to group results by DBH class (in addition to species and plot). If \code{DBHclasses = NULL} then grouping on the basis of DBH classes is not performed.
#' @param verbose A flag to indicate console output of the volume calculation process
#' @return If \code{DBHclasses = NULL}, a data frame with as many rows as tree records in \code{x} and columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{ID}: Plot identifier}
#' \item{\code{Species}: Species code}
#' \item{\code{Name}: Species name}
#' \item{\code{FC}: Cubic content form used to calculate volume.}
#' \item{\code{VCC}: Volumen con corteza (m3/ha).}
#' \item{\code{VSC}: Volumen sin corteza (m3/ha).}
#' \item{\code{VLE}: Volumen de leñas (m3/ha).}
#' \item{\code{IAVC}: Incremento anual del volumen con corteza (m3/ha/yr).}
#' }
#' If \code{DBHclasses != NULL} then an extra column \code{DBHclass} is given and the data frame has less rows than tree records in \code{x}.
#' @details The volumetric equation used for each tree record depends on province, species, cubic content form and volume parameter (VCC, VSC, VLE and IAVC).
#' Volumes are given as per hectare (i.e. the result of the volumetric equation is multiplied by the density 'N'). If cubic content form is not given in 'x', then
#' the function iterates over the values of 'FC' until an equation is available.
#' @examples
#' data(exampleTreeData)
#' IFNvolume(exampleTreeData)
#' # Groups the result by DBH clases
#' IFNvolume(exampleTreeData,
#' DBHclasses = seq(0, 120, by=5))
IFNvolume<-function(x, IFN = c(3,2), FC = 1:6, code_missing = "99",
provinceFromID = FALSE, DBHclasses = NULL,
verbose=FALSE) {
Species = x$Species
if(!("DBH" %in% names(x))) stop("Column 'DBH' missing in 'x'")
if(!("N" %in% names(x))) stop("Column 'N' missing in 'x'")
if(!("H" %in% names(x))) stop("Column 'H' missing in 'x'")
DBH = x$DBH*10 #From cm to mm (models are calibrated with these units)
H = x$H
N = x$N
if("FC" %in% names(x)) {
fc = x$FC
} else {
fc = rep(NA, length(DBH))
if(provinceFromID) {
Province = .getProvinceFromID(x$ID)
} else {
if(!("Provincia" %in% names(x)) && !("Province" %in% names(x))) stop("Column 'Provincia' or 'Province' missing in 'x'")
if("Provincia" %in% names(x)) Province = x$Provincia
else Province = x$Province
nr = nrow(x)
df = data.frame(ID = x$ID, Species = x$Species, Name = rep(NA,nr),
FC = fc,
VCC = rep(NA, nr), VSC = rep(NA, nr),
VLE = rep(NA,nr), IAVC = rep(NA, nr))
prov_tax_fc = paste(Province, Species, fc, sep="_")
un_prov_tax_fc = unique(prov_tax_fc)
if(verbose) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, length(un_prov_tax_fc), style=3)
for(i in 1:length(un_prov_tax_fc)) {
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
s = strsplit(un_prov_tax_fc[i],"_")[[1]]
provincei = as.numeric(s[1])
taxoni = as.numeric(s[2])
sel = (prov_tax_fc==un_prov_tax_fc[i])
# print(provincei)
# print(taxoni)
fci = s[3]
if(fci=="NA") fci=NA
if(!is.na(fci)) {
par_vcc = .getVolumeParams(IFN, provincei, taxoni, "VCC", fci, code_missing)
else {
found = FALSE
#Try with input FC
while((!found) && (j<=length(FC))) {
par_vcc = .getVolumeParams(IFN, provincei, taxoni, "VCC", FC[j], code_missing)
found = (nrow(par_vcc)>0)
if(found) {
df[sel,"FC"] = FC[j]
fci = FC[j]
j = j+1
par_vsc = .getVolumeParams(IFN, provincei, taxoni, "VSC", fci, code_missing)
par_vle = .getVolumeParams(IFN, provincei, taxoni, "VLE", fci, code_missing)
par_iavc = .getVolumeParams(IFN, provincei, taxoni, "IAVC", fci, code_missing)
vcc = rep(NA, sum(sel))
df$Name[sel] = par_vcc[1,"Species"]
vcc = .volume(DBH[sel], H[sel], NA, as.list(par_vcc[1,]))
df$VCC[sel] = vcc*N[sel]*0.001 #from dm3 to m3
if(nrow(par_vsc)>0) {
df$VSC[sel] = .volume(DBH[sel], H[sel], vcc, as.list(par_vsc[1,]))*N[sel]*0.001 #from dm3 to m3
if(nrow(par_vle)>0) {
df$VLE[sel] = .volume(DBH[sel], H[sel], vcc, as.list(par_vle[1,]))*N[sel]*0.001 #from dm3 to m3
if(nrow(par_iavc)>0) {
df$IAVC[sel] = .volume(DBH[sel], H[sel], vcc, as.list(par_iavc[1,]))*N[sel]*0.001 #from dm3 to m3
if(!is.null(DBHclasses)) {
df$DBHclass = cut(x$DBH, DBHclasses)
df<-as.data.frame(df %>% dplyr::group_by(ID, Species, Name, DBHclass, FC) %>%
dplyr::summarize(VCC = sum(VCC, na.rm=T), VSC = sum(VSC, na.rm= T), VLE = sum(VLE, na.rm=T),
IAVC = sum(IAVC, na.rm=T)))
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