#' Prepares variables for model input
#' Prepares tree and competition variables from IFN tree data for model input (used internally in model functions like \code{\link{IFNgrowth}}).
#' @param x a data frame with column names.
#' @param BAL A flag to indicate that basal area of larger trees (between inventories) has to be calculated.
#' @param BALext A flag to indicate that basal area of larger extracted trees (between inventories) has to be calculated (requires column 'OIFFIN' in \code{x}).
#' @param sortByDBH A flag to sort rows within each plot by increasing diameter at breast height.
#' @param keep.vars A character vector with names of variables in \code{x} that should be copied to the output data frame.
#' @param provinceFromID A flag to indicate that province should be extracted from 'ID' assuming they are IFN plot codes.
#' @param verbose A flag to indicate console output during the process.
#' @return Function \code{prepareTreeCompetitionTable} returns a data frame with as many rows as rows in the input \code{x} object
#' and columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{Province}: Spanish province code (will be empty if \code{provinceFromID = FALSE}).}
#' \item{\code{ID}: Plot code.}
#' \item{\code{species}: Species code.}
#' \item{\code{d}: Tree diameter at breast height.}
#' \item{\code{inv.d}: Inverse of tree diameter at breast height.}
#' \item{\code{ln.d}: Logarithm of tree diameter at breast height.}
#' \item{\code{sq.d}: Square of tree diameter at breast height.}
#' \item{\code{sqrt.d}: Square-root of tree diameter at breast height.}
#' \item{\code{h}: Tree height (m).}
#' \item{\code{inv.h}: Inverse of tree height.}
#' \item{\code{ln.h}: Logarithm of tree height.}
#' \item{\code{h.d}: Height to diameter ratio.}
#' \item{\code{N}: Stand tree density.}
#' \item{\code{BAL}: Basal area of trees larger than the target tree.}
#' \item{\code{BAL.ln.d}: Basal area of larger trees divided by the logarithm of tree diameter.}
#' \item{\code{BAL.ext}: Basal area of trees extracted in a previous step.}
#' \item{\code{G}: Stand total basal area.}
#' \item{\code{ln.G}: Logarithm of total basal area.}
#' }
#' Additional columns may be returned if required using \code{keep.vars}. Function \code{prepareSpeciesCompetitionTable} returns a data frame with as many
#' rows as species in plots and columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{Province}: Spanish province code (will be empty if \code{provinceFromID = FALSE}).}
#' \item{\code{ID}: Plot code.}
#' \item{\code{species}: Species code.}
#' \item{\code{G}: Stand total basal area.}
#' \item{\code{ln.G}: Logarithm of total basal area.}
#' \item{\code{ln.N}: Logarithm of stand total tree density.}
#' \item{\code{Nsp.N}: Proportion of trees of the target species.}
#' }
#' @name prepareTreeCompetitionTable
#' @aliases prepareTreeCompetitionTable prepareSpeciesCompetitionTable
#' @examples
#' # Load example tree data and coordinates
#' data(exampleTreeData)
#' data(examplePlotCoords)
#' # Prepare input for growth/survival models
#' prepareTreeCompetitionTable(exampleTreeData)
#' # Prepare input for ingrowth models
#' prepareSpeciesCompetitionTable(exampleTreeData)
#' # Prepare input for ingrowth models including dispersal effects
#' nb = IFNknn(examplePlotCoords, k = 1)
#' Nmatrix = tapply(exampleTreeData$N, list(exampleTreeData$ID, exampleTreeData$Species),
#' sum, na.rm=T)
#' NspNmatrix = sweep(Nmatrix, 1, rowSums(Nmatrix, na.rm=T), "/")
#' NspNmatrix = rbind(NspNmatrix,c(0.5, NA, NA, NA))
#' rownames(NspNmatrix)[4] = "80003"
#' NspNmatrix = cbind(NspNmatrix, c(NA,NA,NA,0.5))
#' colnames(NspNmatrix)[5] = "25"
#' prepareSpatialSpeciesCompetitionTable(exampleTreeData, nb, NspNmatrix)
prepareTreeCompetitionTable<-function(x, BAL = TRUE, BALext = FALSE, sortByDBH = FALSE,
keep.vars = character(0), provinceFromID = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
if(BALext) {
if(!("OIFFIN" %in% names(x))) stop("Field 'OIFFIN' is needed to calculate BALext")
prepareTreeCompetitionPlot<-function(y) {
ntree = nrow(y)
SecAreaN = y$N*pi*(y$DBH/200)^2 # Sectional area (in m2)
G = sum(SecAreaN)
# o = order(y$DBH, decreasing = T)
# BAL_v = rep(0, ntree)
# BAL_ext_v = rep(0, ntree)
# if(BAL) {
# BAL_v = cumsum(SecAreaN[o])[order(o)]
# }
# if(BALext) {
# SecAreaN[y$OIFFIN!=0] = 0
# BAL_ext_v = cumsum(SecAreaN[o])[order(o)]
# }
BAL_v = rep(0, ntree)
BAL_ext_v = rep(0, ntree)
if((ntree>0) && (BAL || BALext)) {
for(i in 1:ntree) {
if(BAL) {
sel = (y$DBH> y$DBH[i])
BAL_v[i] = sum(SecAreaN[sel])
if(BALext) {
sel = (y$DBH> y$DBH[i] & y$OIFFIN == 0) #Trees that were cut in IFN3
sel[is.na(sel)] = FALSE
BAL_ext_v[i] = sum(SecAreaN[sel])
df = data.frame("Province" = rep(NA, ntree),
"ID" = y$ID,
"Species" = y$Species,
"d" = y$DBH, "inv.d" = 1/y$DBH, "ln.d" = log(y$DBH+1), "sq.d"= (y$DBH)^2, "sqrt.d" = sqrt(y$DBH),
"h" = rep(NA, ntree), "inv.h" = rep(NA, ntree), "ln.h" = rep(NA, ntree), "h.d"= rep(NA,ntree),
"N" = rep(sum(y$N), ntree),
"BAL" = BAL_v, "BAL.ln.d" = BAL_v/log(y$DBH+1), "BAL.ext" = BAL_ext_v,
"G"=G, "ln.G" = log(G), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if("H" %in% names(y)) {
df$h = y$H
df$inv.h = 1/y$H
df$ln.h = log(y$H+1)
df$h.d = y$H/y$DBH
if(length(keep.vars)>0) df= data.frame(df, y[,keep.vars, drop=FALSE])
if(sortByDBH) df = df[order(df$d),]
IDs = unique(x$ID)
sel1 = (x$ID==IDs[1])
df1 = prepareTreeCompetitionPlot(x[sel1, , drop=FALSE])
cn = names(df1)
df = data.frame(matrix(NA,ncol=length(cn), nrow=nrow(x)))
names(df) = cn
row.names(df) = row.names(x)
df$ID = as.character(df$ID)
df$Species = as.character(df$Species)
df[sel1,] = df1
if(length(IDs)>1) {
if(verbose) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, length(IDs), style=3)
for(i in 2:length(IDs)) {
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
seli = (x$ID==IDs[i])
resi = prepareTreeCompetitionPlot(x[seli,,drop=FALSE])
df$ID[seli] =resi$ID
df$Species[seli] =resi$Species
df[seli,-c(1,2)] = resi[,-c(1,2)]
if(provinceFromID) {
df$Province = .getProvinceFromID(x$ID)
#' @rdname prepareTreeCompetitionTable
prepareSpeciesCompetitionTable<-function(x, provinceFromID = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
prepareSpeciesCompetitionPlot<-function(y) {
SecArea = pi*(y$DBH/200)^2 # Sectional area (in m2)
sdDBH = sd(y$DBH)
G = sum(SecArea*y$N)
N = sum(y$N)
spp = unique(y$Species)
nspp = length(spp)
Nsp = rep(NA, nspp)
for(i in 1:nspp) Nsp[i] = sum(y$N[y$Species==spp[i]])
df = data.frame("Species" = spp,
"G" = G, "ln.G" = log(G), "ln.N" = log(N), "Nsp.N" = Nsp/N, "sd.DBH" = sdDBH)
df$Species = as.character(df$Species)
idChar = as.character(x$ID)
x$Species = as.character(x$Species)
nspp = tapply(x$Species, idChar, function(y) length(unique(y)))
nrows = sum(nspp)
df = data.frame("Province" = character(nrows), "ID" = character(nrows), "Species" = character(nrows),
"G"=numeric(nrows), "ln.G"=numeric(nrows),
"ln.N"=numeric(nrows), "Nsp.N"=numeric(nrows), "sd.DBH"=numeric(nrows),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
IDs = unique(idChar)
if(verbose && length(IDs)>1) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, length(IDs), style=3)
cnt = 0
for(i in 1:length(IDs)) {
if(verbose && length(IDs)>1) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
dfi = prepareSpeciesCompetitionPlot(x[idChar==IDs[i],])
df$Province[(cnt+1):(cnt+nrow(dfi))] = NA
if(provinceFromID) {
df$Province[(cnt+1):(cnt+nrow(dfi))] = .getProvinceFromID(IDs[i])
df$ID[(cnt+1):(cnt+nrow(dfi))] = rep(IDs[i], nrow(dfi))
df$Species[(cnt+1):(cnt+nrow(dfi))] = as.character(dfi$Species)
df[(cnt+1):(cnt+nrow(dfi)),-c(1,2,3)] = dfi[,-1]
cnt = cnt + nrow(dfi)
#' @rdname prepareTreeCompetitionTable
#' @param nb An object of class \code{listw} (see functions \code{\link{IFNknn}} and \code{\link{nb2listw}}).
#' @param NspNmatrix A numeric matrix with the density proportion of each species (columns) in each plot (rows).
prepareSpatialSpeciesCompetitionTable<-function(x, nb, NspNmatrix, sigma = c(0.5, 1, 2, 4),
provinceFromID = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
x = prepareSpeciesCompetitionTable(x, provinceFromID = provinceFromID, verbose = verbose)
IDs_x = unique(x$ID) #Target plots
IDs_matrix = rownames(NspNmatrix)
spp_m = unique(colnames(NspNmatrix)) #Target species
IDs_nb = attr(nb,"ID")
x_exp <- x
x_dis <- x %>% distinct(ID, .keep_all = TRUE)
if(verbose) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, nrow(x_dis), style=3)
for(i in 1:nrow(x_dis)) {
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
id = x_dis$ID[i]
oldSpp = x$Species[x$ID==id]
#Find plot index in nb
inb = which(IDs_nb==id)
#Calculate kernel (including plots with no Nmatrix data)
nIDs = IDs_nb[nb$neighbours[[inb]]]
newSpp = spp_m[which(colSums(NspNmatrix[IDs_matrix %in% nIDs, , drop = FALSE], na.rm=T)>0)]
newSpp = newSpp[!(newSpp %in% oldSpp)]
if(length(newSpp)>0) {
nr <- data.frame(x_dis[i,], NewSpp = newSpp, row.names = NULL)
nr$Species = nr$NewSpp
nr$NewSpp = NULL
nr$Nsp.N = 0
x_exp <- bind_rows(x_exp, nr)
#Define variables
for(s in sigma) x_exp[[paste0("Nsp.N_s", s)]] = NA
if(verbose) {
pb = txtProgressBar(1, nrow(x_exp), style=3)
for(i in 1:nrow(x_exp)) {
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
id = x_exp$ID[i]
sp = x_exp$Species[i]
#Find plot index in nb
inb = which(IDs_nb==id)
di = nb$distances[[inb]]
names(di) = IDs_nb[nb$neighbours[[inb]]]
di_def = di[names(di) %in% IDs_matrix]
#Extract NspNi vectors (not target plot)
# if(sp=="217") print(id)
if(sp %in% spp_m) {
NspNi_m = NspNmatrix[names(di_def),sp]
#Add target plot (distance 0)
di_def = c(0, di_def)
names(di_def)[1] = id
NspNi = c(x_exp$Nsp.N[i], NspNi_m)
for(s in sigma) {
#Calculate kernel (including plots with no Nmatrix data)
ki = exp(-(di_def/s)^2)
#Normalize full kernel
ki_def = ki/sum(ki)
#Calculate weighed value
x_exp[i, paste0("Nsp.N_s", s)] = max(x_exp$Nsp.N[i], sum(NspNi*ki_def,na.rm=T))
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