
Lifecycle:experimental Travis build status License: MIT

Laminar is a companion app to Apache Airflow which aims to make for a smoother Airflow admin experience by:

  1. Providing a real-time, globally-consistent state for all Airflow DAGs and tasks.
  2. Enabling simpler CRUD operations by taking care of the complex interrelationships between DAG Python files, DAG objects, Database metadata, Scheduler process memory and Webserver process memory to present a single logical DAG entity with straigtforward create/edit/delete mechanics.


Laminar is only available on Github. You can install it with:


Laminar requires a running Airflow instance backed by a DBI-compliant database. The best way to experience it is by using the included Docker/Docker-Compose files.

Docker Image

Clone the laminar directory to your computer.

To run the laminar docker setup, navigate to the root laminar directory and type:

docker-compose -f inst/docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d

This will bring up linked containers containing:

To test drive the app, bring up:

  1. Airflow UI at
  2. Laminar UI at

Try switching on and running example_bash_operator in the Airflow UI, and observing real-time job progress through the Laminar UI. Try running the same job through the Laminar UI by selecting it, and pressing 'Trigger' or 'Pause/Unpause' from the contextual menu. Reload the Airflow UI to verify the changes.


To build the laminar docker image, navigate to the root laminar directory and type:

docker build -t mul118/laminar -f inst/docker/laminar/Dockerfile .

Custom Settings

Laminar uses Rstudio's config package to store & accesss per-environment settings. To customize settings modify the config.yaml file located in inst/laminar_app, then reinstall/rebuild as needed.

misha-lisovich/laminar documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:51 a.m.