
Available Data

Streamflow, tide, and estuary water level data

Tide data for the NOAA Point Reyes Station is provided to reference ocean conditions. Estuary inflow data from the Russian River and Austin Creek is sourced from the USGS gauges near Guerneville, CA and Cazadero, CA, respectively. Estuary water level data is derived from pressure gauges is collected by the Coastal Oceanography Group and from a water level gauge near Jenner, CA managed by SCWA.

Bathymetry data

Esutuary bathymetry and floodplain topography was provided by the Lower Russian River Bathymetric Analysis (Environmental Data Solutions, 2009).

Water quality data

The Coastal Oceanography Group routinely performs Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts at 12 monitoring locations within the Russian River Estuary along a longitudinal transect. A single CTD cast contains data on water temperature, salinity (derived from conductivity) and dissolved oxygen throughout the water column. Transect meta data is available in the Russian River Estuary Circulation and Water Quality Data Reports (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) submitted to the Sonoma County Water Agency.

Closure information

Estuary closures were identified from water level and time lapse imagery collected by the Coastal Oceanography Group.

mkoohafkan/habitatblueprint documentation built on June 28, 2021, 9:45 a.m.