
Defines functions hdhist.read

Documented in hdhist.read

#' @export hdhist.read
#' @title Read HabDyn history TXT file
#' @description
#' \code{hdhist.read}
#' reads data from habdyn history TXT file (hd-hist), produced by the RAMAS GIS -
#' Habitat Dynamics module.  The history (HIST) file provides a key
#' for determining which populaitons in individual *.ptc files match up
#' with populations in the *.mp file that is produced when several *.ptc
#' files are combined by the Habitat Dyanimcs (HabDyn) module.
#' @param hdhistFile name of HIST file
#' @return A list object containing all for the information in the HIST file
hdhist.read <- function( hdhistFile ) {

  # Print the name of the hd-hist file to the console
  print( paste( "Begin hdhist.read function with file: ", hdhistFile ) )
  # Read the hd-hist file in as a long unsorted 'list' structure
  Hdhist <- readLines( hdhistFile )

  ## Create an empty list structure to store the hd-hist file information
  hdh.list <- vector("list",length=0)

  ## Linked Metapop (*.mp) file - Line 1 of the hd-hist file - the
  ## name and file path for the *.mp file created by Habitat Dynaimcs, which
  ## combines multiple *.ptc files to incorporate habitat change into meta-
  ## populaiton simulations.
  hdh.list$mp.link <- Hdhist[1]

  ## Number of *.ptc files in HabDyn run - Line 2
  hdh.list$PtcFileN <- as.numeric( Hdhist[2] )

  ## *.ptc files used in HabDyn run - Line 3 to Line 2 + PtcFileN - each
  ## file path is preceeded by the HabDyn 'iteration' number.
  ## If there is 'blank space' in the file paths, using read.table as I do here will result
  ## in a table with more than two rows. This requires a bit of editing.
  hdh.list$PtcFiles <- read.table( hdhistFile, header=FALSE, skip=2, nrows=hdh.list$PtcFileN )
  if ( length( hdh.list$PtcFiles ) == 2 ) {
    colnames( hdh.list$PtcFiles ) <- c('iter','ptc.file')
  } else if ( length( hdh.list$PtcFiles ) > 2) {
    # Make a temp data.frame to work with
    PtcFiles.temp <- hdh.list$PtcFiles
    # The first column is the 'iteration' values
    PtcFiles.iter <- PtcFiles.temp[1]
    # Remove the first column from the data.frame
    PtcFiles.temp <- PtcFiles.temp[-1]
    # Merge / Collapse the rest of the data.frame elements
    PtcFiles.files <- apply( PtcFiles.temp, 1 , paste, collapse=" " )
    # Combine the new data.frame
    PtcFiles <- as.data.frame( cbind( PtcFiles.iter, PtcFiles.files ) )
    # Re-name columns
    colnames( PtcFiles ) <- c('iter','ptc.file')
    hdh.list$PtcFiles <- PtcFiles

  ## Habitat Dynamics Patch Information Matrix - Line 3 + PtcFileN to End-of-file
  ## This information matrix contains the following columns:
  ## iter - the HabDyn iteration number, each iteration corresponds to a
  ##  particular *.ptc file
  ## Fyear - First year of simulation corresponding to the iteration
  ## Lyear - Last year of simulation corresponding to the iteration
  ## new2old - new2old[ new ] = old - the corrsponding metapopulation number
  ##  for the present patch-iteration combination
  ## old2new - old2new[ old ] = new
  hdh.list$patch.info.mat <- read.table( hdhistFile, header=TRUE, skip=(2+hdh.list$PtcFileN))

mlammens/demgsa documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:16 a.m.