#' @name match_501
#' @title 501 match
#' @description This function is used as calculator for a 501 match
#' @usage match_501(player1, player2, sets2win = 1, legs2win = 1)
#' @param player1 player1 name, he is the one who start in the first leg
#' @param player2 player2 name
#' @param sets2win number of sets to win the match
#' @param legs2win number of legs to win the set
#' @returns A match2p object containing:
#' \item{p1match}{A match1p class object for the 1st player}
#' \item{p2match}{A match1p class object for the 2nd player}
#' \item{set2win}{Number of sets to win the match}
#' @author Matteo Miotto
#' @importFrom svDialogs dlg_form
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of
#' @export
match_501 <- function(player1, player2, sets2win = 1, legs2win = 1){
# verifiche varie
if (!is.character(player1) | !is.character(player2)) {stop("Players' names must be strings")}
if (legs2win%%1!=0 | sets2win%%1!=0) {stop("Number of sets and legs must be integers")}
if (legs2win <= 0 | sets2win <= 0) {stop("Number of legs or sets must be > 0")}
# useful values
nset <- 1
p1.sets <- p2.sets <- 0
p1.sets.list <- p2.sets.list <- NULL
# df to print scores
df.print <- data.frame(player = c(player1, player2),
SETS = c(0,0),
LEGS = c(0,0),
scores = c(501, 501))
# show instructions in first leg
dlg_form(form = list("Press Enter to start"=""), message = "To record the scores, for each visit insert the value for the thrown darts separated by a comma (,) in the following form:
#: for singles
d#: for doubles
t#: for trebles \nFor example: t20, 19, d25",
title = "Instructions")
while ((p1.sets != sets2win) & (p2.sets != sets2win)) {
# set intro
cat(paste("Set", nset), ": Game on!", "\n", sep = "")
# change set values in df print
df.print$SETS[df.print$player == player1] <- p1.sets
df.print$LEGS[df.print$player == player2] <- p2.sets
# change players turn
if (nset%%2 == 0) {
play1 <- player2
play2 <- player1} else {
play1 <- player1
play2 <- player2
# launch set function
set <- set_501(player1 = play1, player2 = play2, legs2win = legs2win, nset = nset, df.print = df.print)
# get winner
if (getWinner(set) == player1) {p1.sets <- p1.sets + 1} else {p2.sets <- p2.sets + 1}
# add sets in list
if (getPlayers(set@p1set) == player1) {
p1.sets.list <- c(p1.sets.list, set@p1set)
p2.sets.list <- c(p2.sets.list, set@p2set)
} else {
p1.sets.list <- c(p1.sets.list, set@p2set)
p2.sets.list <- c(p2.sets.list, set@p1set)
# increase nlegs
nset <- nset + 1
if (p1.sets == sets2win) {p1win <- 1; p2win <- 0} else {p1win <- 0; p2win <- 1}
# put in classes and return
p1.match <- match1p(
win = p1win,
sets = p1.sets.list
p2.match <- match1p(
win = p2win,
sets = p2.sets.list
matres <- match2p(
p1match = p1.match,
p2match = p2.match,
set2win = sets2win)
cat(paste("Congratulations ", getWinner(matres), "!", sep = ""), "You've won the match", "\n\n")
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