Build Status Project Status: Active


Calculate pair-wise distances between all pairs of bicycle hire docking stations represented in the bikedata package, by routing using the dodgr package through the corresponding OpenStreetMap street networks extracted using the osmdata package.


You can install streetdists from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Extract a single street network for London, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, or Los Angeles (respectively "ny", "ch", "ph", "dc", "bo", and "la") like this:

net <- get_streetnet ("ny")

Or save all to disk with

get_all_networks ()

Street networks are returned as simple data.frame objects of a form ready to submit to dodgr routines for calculating distances. See the dodgr vignette for more information.

mpadge/streetnets documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:12 p.m.