This vignette illustrates use of the demogsurv package to: process Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) datasets, replicate the standard demographic indicators produced in DHS reports, and * calculate indicators for customized periods or age groups.

Load DHS survey datasets

DHS provides an example model dataset downloadable without registration from here. Download the Stata dataset version of the individual recode and birth recode datasets into temporary files.

## irdt_zip <- tempfile()
## download.file("", irdt_zip)
## brdt_zip <- tempfile()
## download.file("", brdt_zip)

The function read_zipdta() identifies and reads the file with extension .DTA from within the zip archive. read_zipdta() is a wrapper for the more generic function read_zipdata() which can match an arbitrary filename inside a zip directory using regular expressions (argument pattern) and read the file using a given function (argument readfn).

## ir <- read_zipdta(irdt_zip)
## br <- read_zipdta(brdt_zip)

Adult and maternal mortality


mrc-ide/hhsurveydata documentation built on March 31, 2022, 1:05 p.m.