Build Status

This is a package - swedishbirdtrends - that distributes Swedish bird population trend data (currently from 2016-02-16) from the Swedish Bird Inventory Facility along with some interactive web user interfaces presenting this data.

The package does not provide real-time, online bird monitoring data and therefore it can be used offline.


The development version from Github


Then load the package


Use Swedish bird population trend data

Inspect the bundled data:


#> Source: local data frame [477 x 8]
#>      Art   Arthela        Ind YPctChg Significance Series Suffix
#>    (chr)     (chr)      (dbl)   (dbl)        (chr)  (chr)  (chr)
#> 1    008 Storskarv   923.0513    3.29          *** Vinter     NA
#> 2    009     Häger   133.7179    3.63          *** Vinter     NA
#> 3    012   Gräsand 10231.1538    2.60          *** Vinter     NA
#> 4    016   Bläsand   414.0000   27.19              Vinter     NA
#> 5    020      Vigg  9798.0256    2.93          *** Vinter     NA
#> 6    021   Brunand   224.8974    3.81            * Vinter     NA
#> 7    022     Knipa  2001.8462    1.06          *** Vinter     NA
#> 8    023   Alfågel  1657.7692   -1.66              Vinter     NA
#> 9    026     Ejder   749.4615    0.96              Vinter     NA
#> 10   027 Småskrake   191.1026    0.73              Vinter     NA
#> ..   ...       ...        ...     ...          ...    ...    ...
#> Variables not shown: Vernacular (chr)
#> Source: local data frame [12,598 x 8]
#>      Art   Arthela  Year Measure         ts Series Suffix Vernacular
#>    (chr)     (chr) (chr)   (dbl)     (time)  (chr)  (chr)      (chr)
#> 1    008 Storskarv  1975  0.3378 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA  Storskarv
#> 2    009     Häger  1975  0.9471 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA      Häger
#> 3    012   Gräsand  1975  0.4342 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA    Gräsand
#> 4    016   Bläsand  1975      NA 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA    Bläsand
#> 5    020      Vigg  1975  0.5928 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA       Vigg
#> 6    021   Brunand  1975  0.1161 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA    Brunand
#> 7    022     Knipa  1975  0.3211 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA      Knipa
#> 8    023   Alfågel  1975  0.3505 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA    Alfågel
#> 9    026     Ejder  1975  1.8316 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA      Ejder
#> 10   027 Småskrake  1975  0.5940 1975-01-01 Vinter     NA  Småskrake
#> ..   ...       ...   ...     ...        ...    ...    ...        ...

Explore Swedish Bird Population trends interactively


Compare Swedish Bird species longterm trends



mskyttner/swedishbirdtrends documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:53 a.m.