Example with pure eurostat.


get data


inspect data


Reduce data

Applications from Syrian citizens in Germany; All Applications; Exclude age and sex totals and overlapping age class; Reduce to columns needed

de_sy_migr_asyappctza <- subset(migr_asyappctza, citizen == "SY" & asyl_app == "ASY_APP" & geo == "DE" & sex != "T" & age != "Y_LT18" & age != "TOTAL")[c(2,4,7:8)]

Aggregate per year to be able to compare to bpb ... close enough

agg_sy=aggregate(de_sy_migr_asyappctza_df$value ~ de_sy_migr_asyappctza_df$time, de_sy_migr_asyappctza_df, FUN=sum)

barplot by sex, and age

bar_sy_de_sex <- ggplot(de_sy_migr_asyappctza, aes(x=time, y=values, fill=sex)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + scale_x_date() + ggtitle("Asylanträge von syrischen Staatsangehörigen, in Deutschland, nach Geschlecht") + xlab("Jahr") + ylab("Anzahl Asylanträge") bar_sy_de_sex + scale_fill_discrete() + theme_light()

For plot per age, change order

de_sy_migr_asyappctza$age <- factor(de_sy_migr_asyappctza$age, levels=c("Y_GE65","Y35-64","Y18-34","Y14-17","Y_LT14","UNK")) bar_sy_de_age <- ggplot(de_sy_migr_asyappctza, aes(x=time, y=values, fill=age)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + scale_x_date() + ggtitle("Asylanträge von syrischen Staatsangehörigen, in Deutschland, nach Alter") + xlab("Jahr") + ylab("Anzahl Asylanträge") bar_sy_de_age + scale_fill_brewer() + theme_light()

very basic example for Afghanistan, useful to compare with other sources (such as

de_afgh_migr_asyappctza=subset(migr_asyappctza, citizen == "AF" & age == "TOTAL" & asyl_app == "ASY_APP" & geo == "DE" & sex == "T")[7:8]

p <- ggplot(de_afgh_migr_asyappctza, aes(x=time, y=values)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="steelblue") + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + scale_x_date() + ggtitle("Asylanträge von afghanischen Staatsangehörigen, in Deutschland") + xlab("Jahr") + ylab("Anzahl Asylanträge")


muc-fluechtlingsrat/r-eurostat-refugees documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:20 a.m.