Analyzing first decisions on applications from Afghanistan across Europe

Data Sources:

decision data from Eurostat is in the tables and the datasets migr_asydcfstq , migr_asydcfsta. Let's start with the annual data , the full title being " First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)", size 85 MB, 13311070 values, from 2008 to 2017 (as of July 2018).


Reduce to: Only totals in age and sex, only Afghanistan, only countries with at least 1000 decisions in 2017, only columns of interest. 1 - extract list of countries with > 1000 decisions in 2017:

for nicer code, use dplyr:


major_geo=filter(migr_asydcfsta, values > 500, time >= "2017-01-01", decision == "TOTAL", sex == "T", age == "TOTAL", citizen == "AF", geo != "EU28", geo != "TOTAL") %>%  arrange(desc(values)

muc-fluechtlingsrat/r-eurostat-refugees documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:20 a.m.