knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Eurostat Asylum Data Sources

First, you want to know which eurostat dataset or table to use. Our main sources are:

Dataset Code | Dataset Shortname | Number of values as of May 2017 | size as of May 2017 ------------------------| ------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|-------------------- migr_asyappctza | applications, annual | 3'033'853 | migr_asyappctzm | applications, monthly | 37'833'549 | migr_asydcfstq | First instance decisions, quarterly | 46'153'986 | 8.7 MB migr_asydcfsta | First instance decisions, annual | 11'163'156 | 5.3 MB

How do you find all the eurostat sources on asylum? First, you can download it the native way from This is also useful to double check if you found all the relevant sources.7 From this, we expect on "asylum" and "resettlement" 17 MIGR_ASY datasets, and 6 TPS tables, = 24 data sources.

With R eurostat:


eurostat_data_asyl <- search_eurostat("syl",type="all")
# Some of the asylum datasets don't have "asylum" in their description:
eurostat_data_dec <- search_eurostat("decisions on appl",type="all")
eurostat_data_withdrawn <- search_eurostat("withdraw", type="all")
eurostat_data_resettle <- search_eurostat("Resettled persons ", type="all")
eurostat_data_sources <- rbind(eurostat_data_asyl, eurostat_data_dec, eurostat_data_resettle, eurostat_data_withdrawn)
# now we have duplicates
eurostat_data_sources_u <-
eurostat_data_asyl_sorted <- subset(eurostat_data_sources_u[order(eurostat_data_sources_u$code),], type != "folder")
# Do we get the 23 rows that we expect?

kable(eurostat_data_asyl_sorted, title="Eurostat Data Sources on Asylum")

Some of these are big. Unfortunately, the "values" column isn't filled the number of lines. It can be seen when looking the table up in the browser, as in and then choosing the "information" icon

For details and background information, go to pages like

There are more sources on "Dublin" cases.

muc-fluechtlingsrat/r-eurostat-refugees documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:20 a.m.