
# Netherlands Biodiversity API
# Access to the digitised Natural History collection at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center
# OpenAPI spec version: v2
# Contact: support@naturalis.nl
# Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git

#' @title ApiClient class
#' @description Generic class for API client calls, all nbaR client classes
#' derive from this class
#' @field basePath specifies the base URL of the API, defaults to
#'                 http://api.biodiversitydata.nl/v2
#' @field userAgent Set the user agent of the request, defaults to
#'                 nbaR/0.1.0
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom httr add_headers user_agent GET POST
#' @export
ApiClient <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    basePath = "http://api.biodiversitydata.nl/v2",
    userAgent = "nbaR/0.1.0",
    initialize = function(basePath, userAgent) {
      if (!missing(basePath)) {
        self$basePath <- basePath
      if (!missing(userAgent)) {
        self$userAgent <- userAgent
    callApi = function(url, method, queryParams, headerParams, body, ...) {
      headers <- httr::add_headers(headerParams)
      ua <- httr::user_agent(self$userAgent)
      if (method == "GET") {
          query = queryParams, ua,
          headers = headers, ...
      else if (method == "POST") {
          query = queryParams, ua,
          headers = headers, body = body, encode = "json", ...
      else {
        stop(paste("http method must be `GET` or `POST`."))
    handleError = function(response) {
      warningMessage <- ""
      responseMessage <- ""

      if (typeof(httr::content(response)) == "list") {
        ## handle (server) errors with stack trace etc
        c <- httr::content(response)
        warningMessage <- paste0(
          "Status code:",
          "\n", c$httpStatus$message,
          "\nException: ", c$exception$message,
          "\nException type: ", c$exception$type,
          "\nFull stack trace stored in response object"
        responseMessage <- c$httpStatus$message
      } else {
        ## handle errors in which httr only returns a string
        warningMessage <- httr::content(response)
        responseMessage <- httr::content(response)
      Response$new(responseMessage, response)
    ping = function() {
      url <- paste0(self$basePath, "/ping")
      res <- self$callApi(url, "GET", NULL, NULL)
      httr::content(res, encoding = "UTF-8") == "NBA Service is up and running!"
    print = function(...) {
      ## print class name
      ## print all members with values
      cat("\tbasePath:\t", self$basePath, "\n")
      cat("\tuserAgent:\t", self$userAgent, "\n")
      ## print all methods
  private = list(
    getBaseDataType = function() {
      result <- gsub("Client", "", class(self)[1])
      result <- gsub("Multimedia", "MultiMediaObject", result)
      result <- gsub("Geo", "GeoArea", result)
naturalis/nbaR documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 4:47 p.m.