
Defines functions .un_object taxon_query taxon_is_operator_allowed taxon_group_by_scientific_name taxon_get_settings taxon_get_setting taxon_get_paths taxon_get_field_info taxon_get_distinct_values_per_group taxon_get_distinct_values taxon_find_by_ids taxon_find taxon_dwca_query taxon_dwca_get_data_set_names taxon_dwca_get_data_set taxon_download_query taxon_count_distinct_values_per_group taxon_count_distinct_values taxon_count

Documented in taxon_count taxon_count_distinct_values taxon_count_distinct_values_per_group taxon_download_query taxon_dwca_get_data_set taxon_dwca_get_data_set_names taxon_dwca_query taxon_find taxon_find_by_ids taxon_get_distinct_values taxon_get_distinct_values_per_group taxon_get_field_info taxon_get_paths taxon_get_setting taxon_get_settings taxon_group_by_scientific_name taxon_is_operator_allowed taxon_query

# Netherlands Biodiversity API
# Access to the digitised Natural History collection at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center
# OpenAPI spec version: v2
# Contact: support@naturalis.nl
# Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git

# Taxon client wrapper
# for nbaR.Taxon objects

#' @name taxon_count
#' @title Get the number of taxa matching a given condition
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ count }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Conditions given as query parameters or a querySpec JSON
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param queryParams Named list or vector with names being the fields to be queried and values being the values to match
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to count from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_count <- function(
                        queryParams = list(),
                        ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$count(
    queryParams = queryParams,
  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_count_distinct_values
#' @title Count the distinct number of values that exist for a given field
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ count_distinct_values }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details See also endpoint /getDistinctValues
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param field name of field in the taxon object, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to count_distinct_values from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_count_distinct_values <- function(
                                        field = NULL,
                                        returnType = "data.frame",
                                        ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$count_distinct_values(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_count_distinct_values_per_group
#' @title Count the distinct number of field values that exist per the given field to group by
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ count_distinct_values_per_group }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details See also endpoint /getDistinctValuesPerGroup
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param group name of field in the taxon object you want to group by, type:
#' @param field name of field in the taxon object, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to count_distinct_values_per_group from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_count_distinct_values_per_group <- function(
                                                  group = NULL,
                                                  field = NULL,
                                                  returnType = "data.frame",
                                                  ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$count_distinct_values_per_group(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_download_query
#' @title Dynamic download service: Query for taxa and return result as a stream ...
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ download_query }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Query with query parameters or querySpec JSON. ...
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return list or data.frame, as specified by \code{returnType}
#' @param queryParams Named list or vector with names being the fields to be queried and values being the values to match
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to download_query from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_download_query <- function(
                                 queryParams = list(),
                                 returnType = "data.frame",
                                 ...) {

  ## check returnType argument
  if (!returnType %in% c("list", "data.frame")) {
    stop("Invalid returnType argument. Must be 'data.frame' or 'list'")

  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$download_query(
    queryParams = queryParams,
  ## return simpler data structure for object response
  result <- .un_object(res, returnType = returnType)
#' @name taxon_dwca_get_data_set
#' @title Download dataset as Darwin Core Archive File
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ dwca_get_data_set }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Available datasets can be queried with /taxon/dwca/getDataSetNames. Response saved to &lt;datasetname&gt;-&lt;yyyymmdd&gt;.dwca.zip
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers

#' @param dataset name of dataset, type:
#' @param filename Filename to save results to, defaults to `format(Sys.time(),"download-\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%m.zip")`
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to dwca_get_data_set from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_dwca_get_data_set <- function(
                                    dataset = NULL,
                                    filename = format(
                                    ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$dwca_get_data_set(
    filename = filename,
#' @name taxon_dwca_get_data_set_names
#' @title Retrieve the names of all available datasets
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ dwca_get_data_set_names }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Individual datasets can then be downloaded with /dwca/getDataSet/{dataset}
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to dwca_get_data_set_names from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_dwca_get_data_set_names <- function(
                                          returnType = "data.frame",
                                          ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$dwca_get_data_set_names(
  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_dwca_query
#' @title Dynamic download service: Query for taxa and return result as Darwin Core Archive File
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ dwca_query }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Query with query parameters or querySpec JSON. Response saved to nba-taxa.dwca.zip
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers

#' @param queryParams Named list or vector with names being the fields to be queried and values being the values to match
#' @param filename Filename to save results to, defaults to `format(Sys.time(),"download-\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%m.zip")`
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to dwca_query from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_dwca_query <- function(
                             queryParams = list(),
                             filename = format(
                             ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$dwca_query(
    queryParams = queryParams,
    filename = filename,
#' @name taxon_find
#' @title Find a taxon by id
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ find }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details If found, returns a single taxon
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return list or data.frame, as specified by \code{returnType}
#' @param id id of taxon, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to find from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_find <- function(
                       id = NULL,
                       returnType = "data.frame",
                       ...) {

  ## check returnType argument
  if (!returnType %in% c("list", "data.frame")) {
    stop("Invalid returnType argument. Must be 'data.frame' or 'list'")

  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$find(

  ## return simpler data structure for object response
  result <- .un_object(res, returnType = returnType)
#' @name taxon_find_by_ids
#' @title Find taxa by ids
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ find_by_ids }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Given multiple ids, returns a list of taxa
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return list or data.frame, as specified by \code{returnType}
#' @param ids ids of multiple taxa, separated by comma, type: character
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to find_by_ids from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_find_by_ids <- function(
                              ids = NULL,
                              returnType = "data.frame",
                              ...) {

  ## check returnType argument
  if (!returnType %in% c("list", "data.frame")) {
    stop("Invalid returnType argument. Must be 'data.frame' or 'list'")

  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$find_by_ids(

  ## return simpler data structure for object response
  result <- .un_object(res, returnType = returnType)
#' @name taxon_get_distinct_values
#' @title Get all different values that can be found for one field
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_distinct_values }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details A list of all fields for taxon documents can be retrieved with /metadata/getFieldInfo
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param field name of field in a taxon object, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_distinct_values from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_distinct_values <- function(
                                      field = NULL,
                                      returnType = "data.frame",
                                      ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_distinct_values(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_get_distinct_values_per_group
#' @title Get all distinct values (and their document count) for the field given divided per distinct value of the field to group by
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_distinct_values_per_group }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details See also endpoint /getDistinctValues
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param group name of field in the taxon object you want to group by, type:
#' @param field name of field in the taxon object, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_distinct_values_per_group from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_distinct_values_per_group <- function(
                                                group = NULL,
                                                field = NULL,
                                                returnType = "data.frame",
                                                ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_distinct_values_per_group(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_get_field_info
#' @title Returns extended information for each field of a specimen document
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_field_info }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Info consists of whether the fields is indexed, the ElasticSearch datatype and a list of allowed operators
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_field_info from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_field_info <- function(
                                 returnType = "data.frame",
                                 ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_field_info(
  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_get_paths
#' @title Returns the full path of all fields within a document
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_paths }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details See also metadata/getFieldInfo for all allowed operators per field
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_paths from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_paths <- function(
                            returnType = "data.frame",
                            ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_paths(
  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_get_setting
#' @title Get the value of an NBA setting
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_setting }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details All settings can be queried with /metadata/getSettings
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param name name of setting, type:
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_setting from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_setting <- function(
                              name = NULL,
                              ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_setting(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_get_settings
#' @title List all publicly available configuration settings for the NBA
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ get_settings }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details The value of a specific setting can be queried with metadata/getSetting/{name}
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to get_settings from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_get_settings <- function(
                               returnType = "data.frame",
                               ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$get_settings(
  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_group_by_scientific_name
#' @title Aggregates Taxon and Specimen documents according to their scientific names
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ group_by_scientific_name }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Returns a list with ScientificNameGroups, which contain Taxon and Specimen documents that share a scientific name
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return list or data.frame, as specified by \code{returnType}
#' @param queryParams Named list or vector with names being the fields to be queried and values being the values to match
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to group_by_scientific_name from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_group_by_scientific_name <- function(
                                           queryParams = list(),
                                           returnType = "data.frame",
                                           ...) {

  ## check returnType argument
  if (!returnType %in% c("list", "data.frame")) {
    stop("Invalid returnType argument. Must be 'data.frame' or 'list'")

  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$group_by_scientific_name(
    queryParams = queryParams,
  ## return simpler data structure for object response
  result <- .un_object(res, returnType = returnType)
#' @name taxon_is_operator_allowed
#' @title Checks if a given operator is allowed for a given field
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ is_operator_allowed }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details See also metadata/getFieldInfo
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return scalar
#' @param field specimen document field, type:
#' @param operator operator, type:
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to is_operator_allowed from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_is_operator_allowed <- function(
                                      field = NULL,
                                      operator = NULL,
                                      returnType = "data.frame",
                                      ...) {
  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$is_operator_allowed(

  result <- res$content
#' @name taxon_query
#' @title Query for taxa
#' @description This is a wrapper for the method \code{ query }
#' from class \code{ TaxonClient}.
#' @details Search for taxa (GET) using query parameters or a querySpec JSON
#' @family nbaR.TaxonClient-wrappers
#' @return list or data.frame, as specified by \code{returnType}
#' @param queryParams Named list or vector with names being the fields to be queried and values being the values to match
#' @param returnType Either \code{list} or \code{data.frame} (default)
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to query from class nbaR.TaxonClient
#' @export
taxon_query <- function(
                        queryParams = list(),
                        returnType = "data.frame",
                        ...) {

  ## check returnType argument
  if (!returnType %in% c("list", "data.frame")) {
    stop("Invalid returnType argument. Must be 'data.frame' or 'list'")

  sc <- TaxonClient$new()
  res <- sc$query(
    queryParams = queryParams,
  ## return simpler data structure for object response
  result <- .un_object(res, returnType = returnType)

#' @noRd
#' @param response Object of class Response
#' @param returnType either 'list' or 'data.frame'
#' Internal function to convert all (nested) objects
#' in a response object to lists or data frames
.un_object <- function(response, returnType = "data.frame") {
  l <- response$content

  ## Handle return objects of class QueryResult
  if (class(l)[1] == "QueryResult") {
    tmp <- list()
    for (r in l$resultSet) {
      tmp <- append(tmp, r$item)
    l <- tmp

  if (returnType == "data.frame") {
    if (!is.list(l)) {
      result <- as.data.frame(l$toList())
    } else {
      strs <- vapply(l, function(x) x$toJSONString(), FUN.VALUE = character(1))
      result <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
        paste("[", paste(strs, collapse = ","), "]")
  } else {
    ## Return type is list, coerce everything to list
    if (!is.list(l)) {
      result <- l$toList()
    } else {
      result <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(l)) {
        if (is.object(l[[i]])) {
          result[[i]] <- l[[i]]$toList()
        } else {
          result[[i]] <- l[[i]]
naturalis/nbaR documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 4:47 p.m.