

y2aristan is the 3rd package in the y2analytics package series. It relies heavily on the first two packages, y2clerk and orderlabel, so be sure to have those installed first.

The goal of y2artisan is to quickly and easily create visualizations relying on the infrastructure provided by either ggplot2 or mschart. Using one of those two bases, you can create the following types of charts with pre-set defaults: *_grouped_y2 (bar) *_histo_y2 *_line_y2 *_pie_y2 *_single_y2 (bar) *_stacked_y2 (bar)

You can also add these charts to PowerPoint through the add*c_y2 functions, or look at open ended questions with openend_y2 and wordcloud_y2. And don’t forget to add in all the Qualtrics’ color defaults with add_colors_y2.


You can install the released version of y2clerk from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Below you will find a few basic examples which show you how to quickly get a frequencies table with freqs():

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# Create a data frame for the charts
frequencies <- mtcars %>%
  y2clerk::freqs(carb) %>%
  orderlabel::order_label(inherent_order_label = T)

# ggplot2 based charts
chart <- gg_single_y2(font_family = "sans")
#> Using `n` as weighting variable
#> ℹ Quiet this message with `wt = n` or count rows with `wt = 1`

# mschart based charts
color_settings <- list('blue')
text_settings<- list('result' = fp_text(font.size = 20))
#chart <- ms_single_y2()


If you have issues using y2artisan, please post your issue on GitHub along with a minimal reproducible example. We will do our best to address your issues and get them fixed for the next version of y2artisan

nick-moffitt/y2artisan documentation built on July 30, 2023, 5:40 p.m.