
# this is the version; We modified the projection system on 2016/01/06;
# it turns out the computations in the prvious version is equivalent to the new version; thus no revision in the code now; see evernote for proof. 
# sometimes numerically 0 is to be forced into exact 0
forceZero <- function(x, eps=1e-10){
	x[abs(x)<eps] <- 0
# calculate P value assuming avg~Normal(mean, sd)
getNormP <- function(avg, mean, sd){
		return (1-pnorm(avg, mean, sd))
	} else {
		return(pnorm(avg, mean, sd))
# calculate P value assuming avg~Normal(mean, sd)
getNormPvec <- function(avg, mean, sd){
	ind1 <- avg>mean
	res1 <- 1-pnorm(avg, mean, sd)
	res2 <- pnorm(avg, mean, sd)
	res <- res2
	i1 <- which(ind1)
	res[i1] <- res1[i1]

getFixedRatioInfo <- function(d1, d2, e, tol=0.001){
	ind1 <- d1!=0 & d2==0
	ind2 <- d1==0 & d2!=0
	#ind12_ <- d1!=0 & d2!=0 # where the dose differs
	ind12 <- d1!=0 & d2!=0 # where the dose differs
	ratio_d <- d2[ind12]/d1[ind12] # pointwise ratio
	isRayDesign <- all.equal(ratio_d, rep(mean(ratio_d), length(ratio_d)), tolerance=tol) # TRUE or a string
	if(isRayDesign!=TRUE) isRayDesign <- FALSE # make string as false
		d2.d1 <- NA
		warning('This is not a fixed ratio design!')
	} else {
		d2.d1 <- mean(ratio_d) # this is not necessary for fixed ratio design
	list(drMat=data.frame(d1=d1, d2=d2, e=e), isRayDesign=isRayDesign, 
		d1=d1[ind1], e1=e[ind1], d2=d2[ind2], e2=e[ind2], d12=d1[ind12]+d2[ind12], e12=e[ind12], ind12=ind12, d2.d1=d2.d1, d2.d1_avail=ratio_d)

# convert d12=d1+d2 to projected dose sqrt(d1^2+d2^2) in the direction of (d1, d2) given fixed ratio d2/d1
d12_to_dproj <- function(d12, d2.d1){
	r <- d2.d1
# convert d1 to projected dose sqrt(d1^2+d2^2) given fixed ratio d2/d1
d1_to_dproj <- function(d1, d2.d1){
dproj_to_d1 <- function(dproj, d2.d1, islogd=FALSE){
	if(islogd) {
		dproj <- 10^dproj
		res <- dproj/sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)
	} else {
		res <- 	dproj/sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)
safeCSV <- function(vec, empty='', sep=','){
		csv <- str_c(noNA(vec), collapse=sep)
	} else {
		csv <- empty
# convert d2 to projected dose sqrt(d1^2+d2^2) given fixed ratio d2/d1
d2_to_dproj <- function(d2, d2.d1, islogd=FALSE){
	if(islogd) {
		d2 <- 10^d2
		res <- d2*sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)/d2.d1 #  return original dose
	} else {
		res <- d2*sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)/d2.d1		
dproj_to_d2 <- function(dproj, d2.d1, islogd=FALSE){
	if(islogd) {
		dproj <- 10^dproj
		res <- dproj*d2.d1/sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)
	} else {
		res <- dproj*d2.d1/sqrt(d2.d1^2+1)

# get response of Bliss model based on two vectors of response
getBliss <- function(y1, y2){
	#res <- y1*y2
	# 05/27: when y1>1, the yBliss is larger than individual one, obsurd!
		# this is for constant dose design where B@x and thus y2 has a single value
		y2 <- rep(y2, length(y1))
	res <- pmin(y1, 1)*pmin(y2, 1)

getHSA <- function(y1, y2){
	#res <- min(y1, y2)
	# 05/27: when y1>1, the yBliss is larger than individual one, obsurd!
		# this is for constant dose design where B@x and thus y2 has a single value
		y2 <- rep(y2, length(y1))
	res <- pmin(y1, y2)

# AUC > 1 is not very useful; Robert like 3 AUC>1 to claim deltaAUC=0 for Ray design	
boundAUC <- function(AUC, ub=1){
	AUC[AUC>ub] <- ub

# this is to calculate values in synergy plot table, which is useful to calculate synergy and log volume values
# the interpretation: it is the extra kill percent where the reference is the most extreme observation under a given alpha; so this is conservative extra percent killing
getSynergyPlotValues <- function(avg, mean, sd, alpha=0.05){
	Zalpha <- qnorm(1-alpha/2, 0, 1) # 1.96 for alpha=0.05, 2.57 for alpha=0.01
	# if(avg>mean+Zalpha*sd){
	# 	res <- (avg-(mean+Zalpha*sd))
	# } else if(avg<mean-Zalpha*sd) {
	# 	res <- (avg-(mean-Zalpha*sd))
	# } else {
	# 	res <- 0
	# }
	# res <- forceZero(res)
	# vector version
	res1 <- (avg-(mean+Zalpha*sd))
	res2 <- (avg-(mean-Zalpha*sd))
	res <- rep(0, length(res1)) 
	i1 <- which(avg>mean+Zalpha*sd)
	res[i1] <- res1[i1]
	i2 <- which(avg<mean-Zalpha*sd)
	res[i2] <- res2[i2]
	res <- forceZero(res)
	res[is.na(res1) | is.na(res2)] <- NA # 2017/0501: may contain NA since not enough data from lab as they deleted some

fitHSA_ray_ <- function(d1, d2, e, tol=0.05, strict=TRUE, name1='Drug A', name2='Drug B', dmin=NULL, dmax=NULL, islogd=TRUE){
	frInfo <- getFixedRatioInfo(d1, d2, e, tol=tol)
	if(!frInfo$isRayDesign & strict) {
		rs <- round(frInfo$d2.d1_avail, 2)
		ratios <- safeCSV(sort(unique(rs)))
		message <- sprintf('\nNot fixed ratio design!\n Drug1: %s; Drug2: %s\tRatios observed: %s; Ratio majority: %s\n', name1, name2, ratios, names(sort(table(rs), decreasing=T))[1])
	d2.d1 <- frInfo$d2.d1
	d2.d1_avail <- frInfo$d2.d1_avail
	ind1 <- d1!=0 & d2==0
	ind2 <- d1==0 & d2!=0
	#ind12_ <- d1!=0 & d2!=0 # where the dose differs
	ind12 <- d1!=0 & d2!=0 # where the dose differs
	### specify models
	#models <- drModels(return=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)[['recommendedModels']]
	models <- iaiModels
	dat1 <- data.frame(Dose=d1[ind1], Response=e[ind1])
	dat2 <- data.frame(Dose=d2[ind2], Response=e[ind2])
	dat12 <- data.frame(Dose=d1[ind12]+d2[ind12], Response=e[ind12]) 
	# notice the combined dose is used for fitting combination data
	# this is consistent to Dianne's code
	fitdat <- function(dat, drug){
		resPrepDR <- drexplorer:::prepDRdat(dat, alpha=1, fitCtr=FALSE, standardize=FALSE)
		info_experimentSetup <- drexplorer:::prepDRdat2expInfo(resPrepDR)
		#if(!is.null(con))	cat(sprintf("Working on %s...", info_experiment), file = con)
		resL <- fitOneExp(dat=dat, drug=drug, cellLine='', models=models, percentile=seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05), plot=FALSE, fitCtr=FALSE, transparency=0.95, standardize=FALSE, interpolation=FALSE, unit='')
		resL$ICx <- data.frame(resL$ICx)
		resL$info_experimentSetup <- info_experimentSetup
	# convert dose for combination: d1+d2 ---> sqrt(d1^2+d2^2)
	# for fixed ratio: all ratio same
	#dat12 <- mutate(dat12, Dose=d12_to_dproj(Dose, d2.d1=frInfo$d2.d1))
	# 2016/12/14: this will allow variable ratio to proceed
	dat12 <- mutate(dat12, Dose=d12_to_dproj(Dose, d2.d1=frInfo$d2.d1_avail))
	### fit drugs: drug1: y~d1; drug2: y~d2; combo: y~projected dose
	### plot: combo (projected dose, f(projected dose))
	### drug 1: (projected dose, f1(d1))
	### drug 2: (projected dose, f2(d2))
	resL_1 <- fitdat(dat1, name1)
	resL_2 <- fitdat(dat2, name2)
	dat1 <- mutate(dat1, dproj=d1_to_dproj(d1=Dose, d2.d1=d2.d1_avail))
	dat2 <- mutate(dat2, dproj=d2_to_dproj(d2=Dose, d2.d1=d2.d1_avail))
	resL_12 <- fitdat(dat12, str_c(name1, name2, sep='_'))
	df12 <- data.frame(dat12, d1=d1[ind12], d2=d2[ind12], d12=d1[ind12]+d2[ind12], dproj=dat12$Dose)
	## AUC calculation
	# assumption: the predict function is trained on original dose
	# The AUC is always calculated at projected dose axis. So to fulfill this, given dproj, convert it to the same dose axis as fit (to d1 for A, d2 for B or dproj for combo) and get the response
	# then do integration; Note, this can be simplified: all fits are forced to on dproj, then no dose conversion needed
	# the rationale: predict response at each dose; apply integration;
	# AUC can be calculated based on log10 dr curve or original dr curve (in this case, absolute AUC is smaller, scaled AUC is also smaller usually); Notice that this only changes the integration range/scale (x) without affecting response (y)
	# However, the user should supply dmin/dmax in log10 scale if islogd==TRUE (for log10 AUC) and dmin/dmax in original scale for islogd=FALSE (for untransformed AUC)
	# according to the Nature paper, AUC is defined on the log10 scale; this is also more intuitive since it matches dr curve which is in log10 scale
	# islogd: this makes it possible to calculate AUC either on log10dose or original dose. However, the user
	#      should make sure dmin and dmax is on the same scale (take log10 correspondingly)
	## always supply dproj, but need to convert to d1 or d2 for fit1 and fit2
	fint_12 <- function(fit, dproj, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		res <- predict(fit, newData=dd)
	fint_1 <- function(fit, dproj, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		# bug found 2017/02/24? why this is using d2.d1=d2? rather than d2.d1?
		#res <- predict(fit, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		res <- predict(fit, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
	fint_2 <- function(fit, dproj, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		# bug found 2017/02/24? why this is using d2.d1=d2? rather than d2.d1?
		#res <- predict(fit, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		res <- predict(fit, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
	fint_HSA <- function(fit1, fit2, dproj, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		# cannot use d2.d1_avail since this is arbitrary data grid
		# bug found 2017/02/24? why this is using d2.d1=d2? rather than d2.d1?
		#y1 <- predict(fit1, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		#y2 <- predict(fit2, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		y1 <- predict(fit1, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
		y2 <- predict(fit2, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
		res <- pmin(y1, y2) 
	fint_Bliss <- function(fit1, fit2, dproj, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		# bug found 2017/02/24? why this is using d2.d1=d2? rather than d2.d1?
		#y1 <- predict(fit1, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		#y2 <- predict(fit2, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2))
		y1 <- predict(fit1, newData=dproj_to_d1(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
		y2 <- predict(fit2, newData=dproj_to_d2(dd, d2.d1=d2.d1))
		res <- getBliss(y1, y2)
	f_ref <- function(dproj, reference=1, islogd=islogd) {
		if(islogd) {
			dd <- 10^(dproj)
		} else {
			dd <- dproj
		res <- rep(reference, length(dproj))
	res <- list(fit1=resL_1$fits[[resL_1$indBest]], 
		drug12=sprintf('%s+%s', name1, name2))
	datMacsyn <- ddply(res$dat12, .(dproj), summarise, CPavg=mean(Response, na.rm=T), CPstd=sd(Response, na.rm=T), d1=mean(d1, na.rm=T), d2=mean(d2, na.rm=T))
	# add predicted value and bliss value
	datMacsyn <- mutate(datMacsyn, y1=predict(res$fit1, d1),
			y2=predict(res$fit2, d2), yBliss=getBliss(y1, y2), yHSA=getHSA(y1, y2))
	# add InhibitionAvg
	datMacsyn_HSA <- datMacsyn
	datMacsyn <- mutate(datMacsyn, InhibitionAvg=1-CPavg, InhibitionAvgPercent=InhibitionAvg*100, 
		InhibitionStdPercent=CPstd*100, AdditiveInhibitionPercent=100*(1-yBliss), extra_kill_percent=InhibitionAvgPercent - AdditiveInhibitionPercent)
	datMacsyn_HSA <- mutate(datMacsyn_HSA, InhibitionAvg=1-CPavg, InhibitionAvgPercent=InhibitionAvg*100, 
		InhibitionStdPercent=CPstd*100, AdditiveInhibitionPercent=100*(1-yHSA), extra_kill_percent=InhibitionAvgPercent - AdditiveInhibitionPercent)
	# add P value
	datMacsyn <- mutate(datMacsyn, p=getNormPvec(InhibitionAvgPercent, AdditiveInhibitionPercent, InhibitionStdPercent),
		synergy_plot_95=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.05),
		synergy_plot_99=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.01),
		synergy_plot_99.9=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.001)
	datMacsyn_HSA <- mutate(datMacsyn_HSA, p=getNormPvec(InhibitionAvgPercent, AdditiveInhibitionPercent, InhibitionStdPercent),
		synergy_plot_95=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.05),
		synergy_plot_99=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.01),
		synergy_plot_99.9=getSynergyPlotValues(avg=InhibitionAvgPercent, mean=AdditiveInhibitionPercent, sd=InhibitionStdPercent, alpha=0.001)
	res$datMacsyn <- datMacsyn
	res$datMacsyn_HSA <- datMacsyn_HSA
	if(is.null(dmin)) {
		dmin <- min(res$dat12$dproj)
		if(islogd) dmin <- log10(dmin)
	if(is.null(dmax)) {
		dmax <- max(res$dat12$dproj)
		if(islogd) dmax <- log10(dmax)
	tryError2NA <- function(res){
		if(class(res)=='try-error') res <- NA
	AUC_ref <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(f_ref, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value, silent=TRUE))  
	AUC_12 <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(fint_12, fit=res$fit12, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value/AUC_ref  , silent=TRUE))
	AUC_HSA <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(fint_HSA, fit1=res$fit1, fit2=res$fit2, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value/AUC_ref, silent=TRUE))  
	AUC_Bliss <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(fint_Bliss, fit1=res$fit1, fit2=res$fit2, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value/AUC_ref, silent=TRUE))
	AUC_1 <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(fint_1, fit=res$fit1, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value/AUC_ref, silent=TRUE))
	AUC_2 <- tryError2NA(try(integrate(fint_2, fit=res$fit2, lower=dmin, upper=dmax, islogd=islogd)$value/AUC_ref, silent=TRUE))  
	AUC_12 <- boundAUC(AUC_12)
	AUC_1 <- boundAUC(AUC_1)
	AUC_2 <- boundAUC(AUC_2)
	AUC_Bliss <- boundAUC(AUC_Bliss)
	AUC_ref <- boundAUC(AUC_ref)
	deltaAUC_HSA <- AUC_12-AUC_HSA
	deltaAUC_Bliss <- AUC_12-AUC_Bliss
	res$islogd <- islogd
	res$dmin <- dmin
	res$dmax <- dmax
	res$AUC_ref <- AUC_ref
	res$AUC_12 <- AUC_12
	res$AUC_Bliss <- AUC_Bliss
	res$deltaAUC_HSA <- deltaAUC_HSA
	res$deltaAUC_Bliss <- deltaAUC_Bliss
	res$AUC_1 <- AUC_1
	res$AUC_2 <- AUC_2

#' bootstrap of fitHSA_ray to obtain variation of deltaAUC
#' @param bootstrapB number of boostrap iterations
#' @param nrep how many replicates are sampled with replacement for each dose combination. nrep=3 will make it much narrower CI band
fitHSA_ray_boot <- function(d1, d2, e, tol=0.05, strict=TRUE, name1='Drug A', name2='Drug B', dmin=NULL, dmax=NULL, islogd=TRUE, bootstrapB=10, nrep=3, seed=100){
	myd <- data.frame(d1=d1, d2=d2, e=e)
	myd <- mutate(myd, d1_d2=str_c(d1, d2, sep='_'))
	resBoot <- foreach(b=1:bootstrapB) %do% {
		# sample data
		myd_s <- ddply(myd, .(d1_d2), function(x) {
		N <- nrow(x)
		ss <- sample(1:N, size=nrep, replace=TRUE)
		x[ss, ]
		# fit
		tp <- with(myd_s, fitHSA_ray_(d1=d1, d2=d2, e=e, tol=tol, strict=strict, name1=name1, name2=name2, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, islogd=islogd))
	deltaAUC_Bliss_CI <- quantile(sapply(resBoot, function(x) x$deltaAUC_Bliss), c(0.025, 0.975))
	deltaAUC_HSA_CI <- quantile(sapply(resBoot, function(x) x$deltaAUC_HSA), c(0.025, 0.975))
	list(resBoot=resBoot, deltaAUC_Bliss_CI=deltaAUC_Bliss_CI, deltaAUC_HSA_CI=deltaAUC_HSA_CI)
#' fit HSA and Bliss model given a fixed ratio design with input (d1, d2, e)
#' @param strict whether to stop if not fixed ratio; this is just for visualization; the calculations of synergy is wrong since d12=d1+d2 is meaningless for variable ratio!
#' At the end, this is a waste of time: it would not make sense and impossible to do this!
#' @param d1 drug 1 dose in original scale
#' @param d1 drug 2 dose in original scale
#' @param e response at the dose pair 
#' @param dmin start position to calcualte AUC at projected dose, in original scale, default is minimum projected dose
#' @param dmax end position to calcualte AUC at projected dose, in original scale, default is maximum projected dose
#' @param islogd whether to compute AUC at log10 dose; if TRUE, dmin and dmax must also be log10 scale
#' @export
fitHSA_ray <- function(d1, d2, e, tol=0.05, strict=TRUE, name1='Drug A', name2='Drug B', dmin=NULL, dmax=NULL, islogd=TRUE, bootstrapB=0, nrep=3, seed=100){
	# this calls the core
	res <- fitHSA_ray_(d1=d1, d2=d2, e=e, tol=tol, strict=strict, name1=name1, name2=name2, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, islogd=islogd)
		resB <- fitHSA_ray_boot(d1=d1, d2=d2, e=e, tol=tol, strict=strict, name1=name1, name2=name2, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, islogd=islogd, bootstrapB=bootstrapB, nrep=nrep, seed=seed)
		# percentile CI is not recommended; use basic bootstrap CI
		#res$deltaAUC_Bliss_CI <- resB$deltaAUC_Bliss_CI
		#res$deltaAUC_HSA_CI <- resB$deltaAUC_HSA_CI		
		# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_(statistics)#Methods_for_bootstrap_confidence_intervals
		res$deltaAUC_Bliss_CI <- 2*res$deltaAUC_Bliss - rev(resB$deltaAUC_Bliss_CI)
		res$deltaAUC_HSA_CI_CI <- 2*res$deltaAUC_Bliss - rev(resB$deltaAUC_HSA_CI) # may not cover the mean estimate!!!
		res$bootstrap <- resB
	res$design <- 'fixedRatio'

#' plot the ray design from fit object returned by fitHSA_ray
#' @param cols color corresponding to mixture, drugA, drugB
#' @param xlim x-axis limit
#' @param ylim y-axis limit
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param plotSetup whether initiate a new figure; set to False when just to add curve as lines
#' @param legend whether to show legend
#' @export
plotHSA_ray <- function(fit, cols=c(1, 2, 3), xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab='Relative viability', 
	main=NULL, tag=NULL, type=c('line', 'HSA', 'Bliss', 'se'), legend=TRUE, plotSetup=TRUE, digit=3){
	design <- fit$design
		if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- 'Projected dose'
		fit1 <- fit$fit1
		fit2 <- fit$fit2
		fit12 <- fit$fit12
		dat12 <- fit$dat12
		dat1 <- fit$dat1
		dat2 <- fit$dat2
		d2.d1 <- fit$d2.d1
		gg1 <- drexplorer:::format_grid(dat12$d1)
		datp <- data.frame(d1=gg1$xGrid)
		datp <- mutate(datp, d2=d2.d1*d1, dproj=d12_to_dproj(d1+d2, d2.d1=d2.d1),
				y1=predict(fit1, d1),
				y2=predict(fit2, d2),
				y12=predict(fit12, dproj),
				yHSA=pmin(y1, y2),
				yBliss=getBliss(y1, y2)
		if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, range(pretty(c(dat12$Response, dat1$Response, dat2$Response)))[2])
		if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(pretty(log10(datp$dproj)))
		# y1 <- predict(fit1, dat12$d1) # (dproj, f1(d1))
		# y2 <- predict(fit2, dat12$d2) # (dproj, f1(d2))
		# y12 <- predict(fit12, dat12$dproj) # (dproj, f12(dproj))
		# plot(log10(dat12$dproj), y12, ylim=c(0, 1.2))
		# points(log10(dat12$dproj), y1, col=2)
		# points(log10(dat12$dproj), y2, col=3)
			main <- sprintf('AUC: mixture=%.3f, HSA=%.3f, Bliss=%.3f\nDiff AUC: HSA=%.3f, Bliss=%.3f', fit$AUC_12, fit$AUC_HSA, fit$AUC_Bliss, fit$deltaAUC_HSA, fit$deltaAUC_Bliss)
		if(!is.null(tag)) main <- sprintf('%s\n%s', tag, main)
		if('line' %in% type){
				# plot setup; disable this if multiple plots are to be shown on one figure
				op1 <- par(mar=c(8, 7, 4, 2) + 0.1)
				plot(log10(datp$dproj), datp$y12, col=cols[1], ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type='l', xlab='', ylab=ylab, main=main, xaxt='n')
			} else {
				lines(log10(datp$dproj), datp$y12, col=cols[1])
			lines(log10(datp$dproj), datp$y1, col=cols[2])
			lines(log10(datp$dproj), datp$y2, col=cols[3])
		if('points' %in% type){
			points(log10(dat12$dproj), dat12$Response, col=cols[1])
			points(log10(dat1$dproj), dat1$Response, col=cols[2])
			points(log10(dat2$dproj), dat2$Response, col=cols[3])
		getSmry <- function(dat) {
			ddply(dat, .(dproj), function(x) data.frame(Mean=mean(x$Response), SE=sd(x$Response)/sqrt(nrow(x))))
		if('se' %in% type){
			with(getSmry(dat12), points(log10(dproj), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[1]))
			with(getSmry(dat1), points(log10(dproj), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[2]))
			with(getSmry(dat2), points(log10(dproj), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[3]))
			with(getSmry(dat12), arrows(log10(dproj), Mean-SE, log10(dproj), Mean+SE, col=cols[1], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
			with(getSmry(dat1), arrows(log10(dproj), Mean-SE, log10(dproj), Mean+SE, col=cols[2], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
			with(getSmry(dat2), arrows(log10(dproj), Mean-SE, log10(dproj), Mean+SE, col=cols[3], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
		if('HSA' %in% type){
			lines(log10(datp$dproj), datp$yHSA, col='blue', lty=2, lwd=2)
		if('Bliss' %in% type){
			lines(log10(datp$dproj), datp$yBliss, col='purple', lty=2, lwd=2)
		ltext <- c(fit$drug12, fit$drug1, fit$drug2)
		legend_col <- cols
		legend_lty <- c(1, 1, 1)
		legend_lwd <- c(1, 1, 1)
		if('HSA' %in% type){
			ltext <- c(ltext, 'HSA')
			legend_col <- c(legend_col, 'blue')
			legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 2)
			legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 2)
		if('Bliss' %in% type){
			ltext <- c(ltext, 'Bliss')
			legend_col <- c(legend_col, 'purple')
			legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 2)
			legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 2)
			legend('bottomleft', legend=ltext, col=legend_col, lty=legend_lty, lwd=legend_lwd, bty='n')
		# add backup axis
		mtext(xlab, side=1, line=2)
		at_proj <- axTicks(1)
		at_d1 <- dproj_to_d1(at_proj, d2.d1=fit$d2.d1, islogd=TRUE)
		at_d2 <- dproj_to_d2(at_proj, d2.d1=fit$d2.d1, islogd=TRUE)
		# for proj. dose
		axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(10^at_proj, digit=digit), tick=T, lwd=1,line=0, col='black', col.axis='black', col.ticks='black', lty=1)
		# for d1
		axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d1, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=2.5, col=cols[2], col.axis=cols[2], col.ticks=cols[2], lty=2)
		axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d1, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=2.5, col=cols[2], col.axis=cols[2], col.ticks=cols[2], lty=2)
		# for d2
		axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d2, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=5, col=cols[3], col.axis=cols[3], col.ticks=cols[3], lty=2)
		mtat <- par("usr")[1]-0.15*diff(par("usr")[1:2])
		#mtext("Projected dose", side=1, line=0+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, col='black', at=mtat)
		mtext(sprintf("%s dose", fit$drug1), side=1, line=2.5+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, at=mtat, col=cols[2])
		mtext(sprintf("%s dose", fit$drug2), side=1, line=5+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, at=mtat, col=cols[3])
	} else {
	# constant design
		drug1 <- fit$drug1
		fit1 <- fit$fit1
		fit12 <- fit$fit12
		dat12 <- fit$dat12
		dat1 <- fit$dat1
		dat2 <- fit$dat2
		yConstant <- fit$yConstant
		if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- sprintf('%s dose', drug1)
		gg1 <- drexplorer:::format_grid(dat12$Dose)
		datp <- data.frame(d1=gg1$xGrid)
		datp <- mutate(datp,
				y1=predict(fit1, d1),
				y12=predict(fit12, d1),
				yHSA=getHSA(y1, yConstant),
				yBliss=getBliss(y1, yConstant)
		if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, range(pretty(c(dat12$Response, dat1$Response, dat2$Response)))[2])
		if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(pretty(log10(datp$d1)))
		# y1 <- predict(fit1, dat12$d1) # (dproj, f1(d1))
		# y2 <- predict(fit2, dat12$d2) # (dproj, f1(d2))
		# y12 <- predict(fit12, dat12$dproj) # (dproj, f12(dproj))
		# plot(log10(dat12$dproj), y12, ylim=c(0, 1.2))
		# points(log10(dat12$dproj), y1, col=2)
		# points(log10(dat12$dproj), y2, col=3)
			main <- sprintf('AUC: mixture=%.3f, HSA=%.3f, Bliss=%.3f\nDiff AUC: HSA=%.3f, Bliss=%.3f', fit$AUC_12, fit$AUC_HSA, fit$AUC_Bliss, fit$deltaAUC_HSA, fit$deltaAUC_Bliss)
		if(!is.null(tag)) main <- sprintf('%s\n%s', tag, main)
		if('line' %in% type){
				# plot setup; disable this if multiple plots are to be shown on one figure
				op1 <- par(mar=c(8, 7, 4, 2) + 0.1)
				plot(log10(datp$d1), datp$y12, col=cols[1], ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type='l', xlab='', ylab=ylab, main=main, xaxt='n')
			} else {
				lines(log10(datp$d1), datp$y12, col=cols[1])
			lines(log10(datp$d1), datp$y1, col=cols[2])
			abline(h=yConstant, col=cols[3], lty=5)
		if('points' %in% type){
			points(log10(dat12$Dose), dat12$Response, col=cols[1])
			points(log10(dat1$Dose), dat1$Response, col=cols[2])
			#points(log10(dat2$Dose), dat2$Response, col=cols[3])
			points(rep(xlim[1], nrow(dat2)), dat2$Response, col=cols[3])
		getSmry <- function(dat) {
			ddply(dat, .(Dose), function(x) data.frame(Mean=mean(x$Response), SE=sd(x$Response)/sqrt(nrow(x))))
		if('se' %in% type){
			with(getSmry(dat12), points(log10(Dose), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[1]))
			with(getSmry(dat1), points(log10(Dose), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[2]))
			#with(getSmry(dat2), points(log10(Dose), Mean, cex=0.5, col=cols[3]))
			with(getSmry(dat12), arrows(log10(Dose), Mean-SE, log10(Dose), Mean+SE, col=cols[1], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
			with(getSmry(dat1), arrows(log10(Dose), Mean-SE, log10(Dose), Mean+SE, col=cols[2], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
			#with(getSmry(dat2), arrows(log10(Dose), Mean-SE, log10(dproj), Mean+SE, col=cols[3], code=3, length=0.02, angle=90))
		if('HSA' %in% type){
			lines(log10(datp$d1), datp$yHSA, col='blue', lty=2, lwd=2)
		if('Bliss' %in% type){
			lines(log10(datp$d1), datp$yBliss, col='purple', lty=2, lwd=2)
		ltext <- c(fit$drug12, fit$drug1, sprintf('%s@%.2f', fit$drug2, dat2[1, 'Dose']))
		legend_col <- cols
		legend_lty <- c(1, 1, 5)
		legend_lwd <- c(1, 1, 1)
		if('HSA' %in% type){
			ltext <- c(ltext, 'HSA')
			legend_col <- c(legend_col, 'blue')
			legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 2)
			legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 2)
		if('Bliss' %in% type){
			ltext <- c(ltext, 'Bliss')
			legend_col <- c(legend_col, 'purple')
			legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 2)
			legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 2)
			legend('bottomleft', legend=ltext, col=legend_col, lty=legend_lty, lwd=legend_lwd, bty='n')
		# add backup axis
		mtext(xlab, side=1, line=2)
		at_proj <- axTicks(1)
		labels <- sapply(at_proj,function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
		#axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(10^at_proj, digit=digit), tick=T, lwd=1,line=0, col='black', col.axis='black', col.ticks='black', lty=1)
		axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=labels, tick=T, lwd=1,line=0, col='black', col.axis='black', col.ticks='black', lty=1)
		# for d1
		#axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d1, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=2.5, col=cols[2], col.axis=cols[2], col.ticks=cols[2], lty=2)
		#axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d1, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=2.5, col=cols[2], col.axis=cols[2], col.ticks=cols[2], lty=2)
		# for d2
		#axis(1, at=at_proj, labels=round(at_d2, digit=digit), tick=F, lwd=1,line=5, col=cols[3], col.axis=cols[3], col.ticks=cols[3], lty=2)
		#mtat <- par("usr")[1]-0.15*diff(par("usr")[1:2])
		#mtext("Projected dose", side=1, line=0+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, col='black', at=mtat)
		#mtext(sprintf("%s dose", fit$drug1), side=1, line=2.5+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, at=mtat, col=cols[2])
		#mtext(sprintf("%s dose", fit$drug2), side=1, line=5+1, cex.lab=1,las=1, at=mtat, col=cols[3])
nickytong/drexplorer documentation built on May 23, 2019, 5:08 p.m.