
context("Testing VAR data creation")

test_that("Simulating AR(p) works", {
  # basic test
  a <- c(0.7, -0.3, 0.2)
  ee <- rnorm(100)[-(1:3)] # legacy: first p residuals used to be ignored
  y_0 <-c(0, 0, 0)

  expect_equal_to_reference(create_arp_data(a, y_0, ee), "arp_data.rds")

  ee <- c(rnorm(100), rep(0, 1000))
  expect_equal(tail(create_arp_data(a, y_0, ee), 100), rep(0, 100))

  # is it equivalent to VAR(1) with K = 1?
    create_arp_data(a, y_0, ee),
    create_varp_data(A = t(a), Y0 = t(y_0), U = t(ee)),
    tol = 1E-20

test_that("Simulating VAR(1) works", {
  # basic test
  A <- matrix(c(1/2, 1/4, 2/3, 1/3), ncol = 2)
  EE <- matrix(c(5, 4), ncol = 1)
  Y_0 <- c(10, 15)

    create_varp_data(A, Y_0, EE),
    cbind(Y_0, matrix(c(20, 11.5), ncol = 1))

  # will it converge to uncond. mean (= zero), when stationary?
  n <- 1E4
  K <- 5
  A <- matrix(0.05, K, K)
  diag(A) <- 0.25
  EE <- matrix(0, K, n)
  EE[, seq_len(n - 1E3)] <- rnorm(K * (n - 1E3))
  Y_0 <- rep(50, K)

    create_varp_data(A, Y_0, EE)[, n], # takes nearly 1000 obs !
    c(y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = 0, y4 = 0, y5 = 0)

test_that("Simulating Var(p) works", {
  K <- 3
  Tt <- 50
  B1 <- matrix(0.15, K, K); diag(B1) <- 0.2
  B2 <- matrix(0, K, K)
  B <- cbind(B1, B2)
  UU <- matrix(rnorm(K * Tt), K, Tt)
  Y_0 <- matrix(0, K, 1)
  Z_0 <- matrix(0, K, 2)

  out_var1 <- create_varp_data(B1, Y_0, UU)
  out_varp <- create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU)[, -1]
  expect_equal(sum(out_varp - out_var1), 0)

  B2 <- matrix(0.05, K, K); diag(B2) <- 0.1
  B  <- cbind(B1, B2)
  out <- create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU)
  # compute the second element by hand
  expect_equivalent(out[1, 4, drop = FALSE], UU[, 1] %*% B[, 1] + UU[1, 2])

  # will it converge to uncond. mean (= zero), when stationary?
  n <- 1E4
  K <- 3
  B1 <- matrix(0.2, K, K); diag(B1) <- 0.4
  B2 <- matrix(0.04, K, K); diag(B2) <- 0.09
  B <- cbind(B1, B2)
  p <- ncol(B) / K
  UU <- matrix(0, K, n)
  UU[, seq_len(n - 1E3)] <- rnorm(K * (n - 1E3))
  Z_0 <- matrix(50, K, p)

    create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU)[, n],
    c(y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = 0)

  # check if adding intercept works
  nu <- c(50, 100, 5)

  mu <- c(solve(diag(K) - B1 - B2) %*% nu)
  names(mu) <- c("y1", "y2", "y3")

  # let it converge as above to long-term mean mu
  YY <- create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU, nu = nu)

  expect_equal(YY[, n], mu, tol = 1E-10)

  # check error if Z_0 wrong

  # # Not needed below
  # Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE" = "EN")

  # init_error_lang <- function(lang = "EN") {
  #   first_lang <- lang
  #   function(..., lang = first_lang) {
  #     # unsetting only works on windows machines
  #     if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows" && first_lang != lang) {
  #       # or .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
  #       warning(paste("May not be able to change language again",
  #                     "on this operating system."))
  #     }
  #     Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE" = lang)
  #     expect_error(...)
  #     Sys.unsetenv("LANGUAGE")
  #   }
  # }

  # expect_error_english_dim <- function(...){
  #   expect_error_english <- init_error_lang()
  #   expect_error_english(..., regexp = "dim(Z_0)[1] == K", fixed = TRUE)
  # }

  expect_error_dim <- function(...){
    expect_error(..., regexp = "dim(Y0)[1] == K", fixed = TRUE)

  # Z_0 should have K rows and p columns
  Z_0 <- matrix(50, K, p + 1)
  expect_error_dim(create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU))
  Z_0 <- matrix(50, K + 1, p)
  expect_error_dim(create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU))
  Z_0 <- c(50, 50)
  expect_error_dim(create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU))
  Z_0 <- array(50, dim = c(3, 2, 2))
  expect_error_dim(create_varp_data(B, Z_0, UU))
nielsaka/zeitreihe documentation built on March 17, 2020, 8:38 p.m.