
# lavSimulate: fit the *same* model, on simulated datasets
# YR - 4 July 2016

lavSimulate <- function(pop.model     = NULL,             # population model
                        model         = NULL,             # user model
                        dataFunction  = simulateData,
                        dataFunction.args = list(model = pop.model,
                                                 sample.nobs = 1000L),   
                        ndat          = 1000L,
                        cmd           = "sem",
                        cmd.pop       = "sem",
                        store.slots   = c("partable"),
                        FUN           = NULL,
                        show.progress = FALSE,
                        store.failed  = FALSE,
                        parallel      = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
                        ncpus         = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                        cl            = NULL) {

    # dotdotdot
    dotdotdot <- list(...)

    # dotdotdot for fit.pop
    dotdotdot.pop <- dotdotdot
    dotdotdot.pop$verbose <- FALSE
    dotdotdot.pop$debug <- FALSE
    dotdotdot.pop$data <- NULL
    dotdotdot.pop$sample.cov <- NULL

    # 'fit' population model without data, to get 'true' parameters
    fit.pop <- do.call(cmd.pop, 
                       args = c(list(model = pop.model), dotdotdot.pop))

    # check model object
    if(is.null(model)) {
        model <- fit.pop@ParTable

    # per default, use 'true' values as starting values
    if(is.null(dotdotdot$start)) {
        dotdotdot$start = fit.pop

    # no warnings during/after the simulations
    # dotdotdot$warn <- FALSE

    # generate simulations
    fit <- do.call("psindexList", args = c(list(model = model, 
                   dataFunction = dataFunction,
                   dataFunction.args = dataFunction.args,
                   ndat = ndat, cmd = cmd,
                   store.slots = store.slots, FUN = FUN,
                   show.progress = show.progress,
                   store.failed = store.failed,
                   parallel = parallel, ncpus = ncpus, cl = cl), dotdotdot))

    # flag this is a simulation
    fit@meta$lavSimulate <- TRUE

    # NOTE!!!
    # if the model != pop.model, we may need to 'reorder' the 
    # 'true' parameters, so they correspond to the 'model' parameters
    p2.id <- lav_partable_map_id_p1_in_p2(p1 = fit@ParTable, 
                                          p2 = fit.pop@ParTable, 
                                          stopifnotfound = FALSE)
    est1 <- fit@ParTable$est
    na.idx <- which(is.na(p2.id))
    if(length(na.idx) > 0L) {
        warning("psindex WARNING: some estimated parameters were not mentioned",
                "\n\t\t in the population model;",
                " partable user model idx = ", paste(na.idx))

        # replace NA by '1' (override later!)
        p2.id[ na.idx ] <- 1L
    est.pop <- fit.pop@ParTable$est[ p2.id ]

    # by default, the 'unknown' population values are set to 0.0
    if(length(na.idx) > 0L) {
        est.pop[na.idx] <- 0

    # store 'true' parameters in meta$est.true
    fit@meta$est.true <- est.pop

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.