Coursera: Building R Packages

AppVeyor build status

This is a project submission for Coursera: Building R Packages. This package meets all of the submission criteria, listed below.

Submission Requirements

For this assessment you must

  1. write a vignette to include in your package using knitr and R Markdown
  2. write at least one test written using testthat
  3. put your package on GitHub
  4. set up the repository so that the package can be checked and built on Travis
  5. Once your package has built on Travis and the build is passing with no errors, warnings, or notes you should add your Travis badge to the file of your package repository.


Since I am on a Windows System, I was not able to use Travis, and instead used Appveyor to perform build tests.

ntbohl/fars documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:19 a.m.