
Defines functions StepwiseFn

Documented in StepwiseFn

#' Step-wise model selection
#' Run step-wise model selection to facilitate the exploration of several
#' modelling configurations using Akaike information criterion (AIC).
#' @details AIC seems like an appropriate method to select among possible
#' values for `PlusAge`, i.e., the last row of `SearchMat`, because `PlusAge`
#' determines the number of estimated fixed-effect hyperparameters that are
#' used to define the true proportion-at-age hyperdistribution. This
#' hyperdistribution is in turn used as a prior when integrating across a true
#' age associated with each otolith. This true age, which is a latent effect,
#' can be interpreted as a random effect with one for each observation. So, the
#' use of AIC to select among parameterizations of the fixed effects defining
#' this hyperdistribution is customary (Pinheiro and Bates, 2009). This was
#' tested for sablefish, where AIC lead to a true proportion at age that was
#' biologically plausible.
#' @inheritParams RunFn
#' @param SearchMat A matrix explaining stepwise model selection options. One
#'   row for each readers error and one row for each readers bias + 2 rows, one
#'   for `MinusAge`, i.e., the age where the proportion at age begins to
#'   decrease exponentially with decreasing age, and one for `PlusAge`, i.e.,
#'   the age where the proportion-at-age begins to decrease exponentially with
#'   increasing age.
#'   Each element of a given row is a possible value to search across for that
#'   reader. So, the number of columns of `SearchMat` will be the maximum
#'   number of options that you want to include. Think of it as several vectors
#'   stacked row-wise where shorter rows are filled in with `NA` values. If
#'   reader two only has two options that the analyst wants to search over the
#'   remainder of the columns should be filled with `NA` values for that row.
#' @param InformationCriterion A string specifying the type of information
#'   criterion that should be used to choose the best model. The default is to
#'   use AIC, though AIC corrected for small sample sizes and BIC are also
#'   available.
#' @param SelectAges A logical input specifying if the boundaries should be
#'   based on `MinusAge` and `PlusAge`. The default is `TRUE`.
#' @references
#' Punt, A.E., Smith, D.C., KrusicGolub, K., and Robertson, S. 2008.
#' Quantifying age-reading error for use in fisheries stock assessments,
#' with application to species in Australia's southern and eastern scalefish
#' and shark fishery. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65: 1991-2005.
#' Pinheiro, J.C., and Bates, D. 2009. Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS.
#' Springer, Germany.
#' @author James T. Thorson
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' * `RunFn()` will run a single model, where this function runs multiple models.
#' * `PlotOutputFn()` will help summarize the output from `RunFn()`.
#' @examples
#' example(RunFn)
#' \dontrun{
#' ##### Run the model (MAY TAKE 5-10 MINUTES)
#' fileloc <- file.path(tempdir(), "age")
#' dir.create(fileloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' RunFn(Data = AgeReads2, SigOpt = SigOpt, KnotAges = KnotAges,
#'   BiasOpt = BiasOpt,
#'   NDataSets = 1, MinAge = MinAge, MaxAge = MaxAge, RefAge = 10,
#'   MinusAge = 1, PlusAge = 30, SaveFile = fileloc,
#'   AdmbFile = file.path(system.file("executables",
#'     package = "nwfscAgeingError"), .Platform$file.sep),
#'   EffSampleSize = 0, Intern = FALSE, JustWrite = FALSE, CallType = "shell"
#' )
#' # Plot output
#' PlotOutputFn(Data = AgeReads2, MaxAge = MaxAge,
#'   SaveFile = fileloc, PlotType = "PDF"
#' )
#' ##### Stepwise selection
#' # Parameters
#' MaxAge <- ceiling(max(AgeReads2) / 10) * 10
#' MinAge <- 1
#' ##### Stepwise selection
#' StartMinusAge <- 1
#' StartPlusAge <- 30
#' # Define matrix explaining stepwise model selection options
#' # One row for each reader + 2 rows for
#' # PlusAge (age where the proportion-at-age begins to
#' # decrease exponentially with increasing age) and
#' # MinusAge (the age where the proportion-at-age begins to
#' # decrease exponentially with decreasing age)
#' # Each element of a given row is a possible value to search
#' # across for that reader
#' SearchMat <- array(NA,
#'   dim = c(Nreaders * 2 + 2, 7),
#'   dimnames = list(c(paste("Error_Reader", 1:Nreaders),
#'     paste("Bias_Reader", 1:Nreaders), "MinusAge", "PlusAge"),
#'     paste("Option", 1:7))
#' )
#' # Readers 1 and 3 search across options 1-3 for ERROR
#' SearchMat[c(1, 3), 1:3] <- rep(1, 2) %o% c(1, 2, 3)
#' # Reader 2 mirrors reader 1
#' SearchMat[2, 1] <- -1
#' # Reader 4 mirrors reader 3
#' SearchMat[4, 1] <- -3
#' # Reader 1 has no BIAS
#' SearchMat[5, 1] <- 0
#' # Reader 2 mirrors reader 1
#' SearchMat[6, 1] <- -1
#' # Reader 3 search across options 0-2 for BIAS
#' SearchMat[7, 1:3] <- c(1, 2, 0)
#' # Reader 4 mirrors reader 3
#' SearchMat[8, 1] <- -3
#' # MinusAge searches with a search kernal of -10,-4,-1,+0,+1,+4,+10
#' SearchMat[9, 1:7] <- c(
#'   StartMinusAge,
#'   StartMinusAge - 10,
#'   StartMinusAge - 4,
#'   StartMinusAge - 1,
#'   StartMinusAge + 1,
#'   StartMinusAge + 4,
#'   StartMinusAge + 10
#' )
#' SearchMat[9, 1:7] <- ifelse(SearchMat[9,1:7] < MinAge,
#'   NA, SearchMat[9, 1:7]
#' )
#' # PlusAge searches with a search kernal of -10,-4,-1,+0,+1,+4,+10
#' SearchMat[10, 1:7] <- c(
#'   StartPlusAge,
#'   StartPlusAge - 10,
#'   StartPlusAge - 4,
#'   StartPlusAge - 1,
#'   StartPlusAge + 1,
#'   StartPlusAge + 4,
#'   StartPlusAge + 10
#' )
#' SearchMat[10,1:7] <- ifelse(SearchMat[10, 1:7] > MaxAge,
#'   NA, SearchMat[10, 1:7])
#' # Run model selection
#' # This outputs a series of files
#' # 1. "Stepwise - Model loop X.txt" --
#' #   Shows the AIC/BIC/AICc value for all different combinations
#' #   of parameters arising from changing one parameter at a time
#' #   according to SearchMat during loop X
#' # 2. "Stepwise - Record.txt" --
#' #   The Xth row of IcRecord shows the record of the
#' #   Information Criterion for all trials in loop X,
#' #   while the Xth row of StateRecord shows the current selected values
#' #   for all parameters at the end of loop X
#' # 3. Standard plots for each loop
#' # WARNING: One run of this stepwise model building example can take
#' # 8+ hours, and should be run overnight
#' \dontrun{
#' StepwiseFn(SearchMat = SearchMat, Data = AgeReads2,
#'   NDataSets = 1, MinAge = MinAge, MaxAge = MaxAge,
#'   RefAge = 10, MaxSd = 40, MaxExpectedAge = MaxAge + 10,
#'   SaveFile = fileloc, InformationCriterion = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC")[3]
#' )
#' }
StepwiseFn <- function(SearchMat,
                       EffSampleSize = 0,
                       Intern = TRUE,
                       InformationCriterion = c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC"),
                       SelectAges = TRUE) {

  InformationCriterion <- match.arg(InformationCriterion)
    # Define variables
    Nages <- MaxAge + 1
    Nreaders <- ncol(Data) - 1
    ParamVecOpt <- SearchMat[, 1]
    Stop <- FALSE
    IcRecord <- NULL
    StateRecord <- NULL
    OuterIndex <- 0

    # Continue searching until Stop==TRUE
    while (Stop == FALSE) {

      # Increment and intialize variables
      OuterIndex <- OuterIndex + 1
      Index <- 0
      IcVec <- NULL
      ParamMat <- NULL
      Rep <- NULL
      ParamVecOptPreviouslyEstimates <- FALSE

      # Loop across all combinations of parameters obtained from one change in the current parameters
      for (VarI in 1:nrow(SearchMat)) {
        for (ValueI in 1:length(stats::na.omit(SearchMat[VarI, ]))) {

          # Update the current vector of parameters
          ParamVecCurrent <- ParamVecOpt
          ParamVecCurrent[VarI] <- stats::na.omit(SearchMat[VarI, ])[ValueI]

          # Decide if this ParamVecCurrent should be run
          if (all(ParamVecCurrent == ParamVecOpt) & ParamVecOptPreviouslyEstimates == FALSE | !all(ParamVecCurrent == ParamVecOpt)) {

            # If running the current optimum, change so that it won't run again this loop
            if (all(ParamVecCurrent == ParamVecOpt)) ParamVecOptPreviouslyEstimates <- TRUE

            # Make a new file for ADMB
            if (!grepl(paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "$"), SaveFile)) {
              SaveFile <- paste0(SaveFile, .Platform$file.sep)
            RunFile <- paste(SaveFile, "Run\\", sep = "")
            dir.create(RunFile, showWarnings = FALSE)
            file.copy(from = paste(SaveFile, "agemat.exe", sep = ""), to = paste(RunFile, "agemat.exe", sep = ""))

            # Increment Index
            Index <- Index + 1
            print(paste("Loop=", OuterIndex, " Run=", Index, " StartTime=", date(), sep = ""))

            # Configure and run model
            SigOpt <- ParamVecCurrent[1:Nreaders]
            BiasOpt <- ParamVecCurrent[Nreaders + 1:Nreaders]
            MinusAge <- ParamVecCurrent[2 * Nreaders + 1]
            PlusAge <- ParamVecCurrent[2 * Nreaders + 2]
            RunFn(SigOpt = SigOpt, KnotAges = KnotAges, BiasOpt = BiasOpt, Data = Data, NDataSets = NDataSets, MinAge = MinAge, MaxAge = MaxAge, RefAge = RefAge, MinusAge = MinusAge, PlusAge = PlusAge, MaxSd = MaxSd, MaxExpectedAge = MaxExpectedAge, SaveFile = RunFile)

            # Compute information criteria
            Df <- as.numeric(scan(paste(RunFile, "agemat.par", sep = ""), comment.char = "%", what = "character", quiet = TRUE)[6])
            Nll <- as.numeric(scan(paste(RunFile, "agemat.par", sep = ""), comment.char = "%", what = "character", quiet = TRUE)[11])
            n <- sum(ifelse(Data[, -1] == -999, 0, 1))
            Aic <- 2 * Nll + 2 * Df
            Aicc <- Aic + 2 * Df * (Df + 1) / (n - Df - 1)
            Bic <- 2 * Nll + Df * log(n)
            if (InformationCriterion == "AIC") IcVec <- c(IcVec, Aic)
            if (InformationCriterion == "AICc") IcVec <- c(IcVec, Aicc)
            if (InformationCriterion == "BIC") IcVec <- c(IcVec, Bic)
            ParamMat <- rbind(ParamMat, ParamVecCurrent)
            utils::write.table(cbind(IcVec, ParamMat),
              paste0(SaveFile, "Stepwise - Model loop ", OuterIndex, ".txt"),
              sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE

            # Input misclassification matrices
            Rep[[Index]] <- readLines(paste(RunFile, "agemat.rep", sep = ""))
          } # End if-statement for only running ParamVecOpt once per loop
      } # End loop accross VarI and ValueI

      IcRecord <- rbind(IcRecord, IcVec)
      StateRecord <- rbind(StateRecord, ParamVecOpt)
      utils::capture.output(list(IcRecord = IcRecord,
        StateRecord = StateRecord),
        file = paste0(SaveFile, "Stepwise - Record.txt"))

      # Change current vector of optimum parameters
      Max <- which.max(IcVec)
      if (all(ParamMat[Max, ] == ParamVecOpt)) Stop <- TRUE
      ParamVecOpt <- ParamMat[Max, ]

      # Change boundaries for MinusAge parameter
      CurrentMinusAge <- ParamVecOpt[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1]
      if (SelectAges == TRUE) {
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1, 1:7] <- c(CurrentMinusAge, CurrentMinusAge - 10, CurrentMinusAge - 4, CurrentMinusAge - 1, CurrentMinusAge + 1, CurrentMinusAge + 4, CurrentMinusAge + 10)
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1, 1:7] <- ifelse(SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1, 1:7] < MinAge, NA, SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1, 1:7])
      } else {
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt) - 1, 1:7] <- c(CurrentMinusAge, rep(NA, 6))

      # Change boundaries for PlusAge parameter
      CurrentPlusAge <- ParamVecOpt[length(ParamVecOpt)]
      if (SelectAges == TRUE) {
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt), 1:7] <- c(CurrentPlusAge, CurrentPlusAge - 10, CurrentPlusAge - 4, CurrentPlusAge - 1, CurrentPlusAge + 1, CurrentPlusAge + 4, CurrentPlusAge + 10)
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt), 1:7] <- ifelse(SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt), 1:7] > MaxAge, NA, SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt), 1:7])
      } else {
        SearchMat[length(ParamVecOpt), 1:7] <- c(CurrentPlusAge, rep(NA, 6))
      # Save image for each while loop
      writeLines(Rep[[Max]], con = paste(SaveFile, "agemat.rep", sep = ""))
      PlotOutputFn(Data = Data, MaxAge = MaxAge, SaveFile = SaveFile, PlotType = "JPG")
    } # End while statement
  } # End StepwiseFn
nwfsc-assess/nwfscAgeingError documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 10:19 a.m.