

"container_it.R is a command-line interface to the R package containerit.
It packages R sessions, scripts, workspace directories and R Markdown documents with all dependencies to execute them in Docker containers.

Usage:  container_it.R dir [options] [--copy arg] [-d <DIR>]
        container_it.R file [options] [--copy arg] [--cmd-render <FORMAT> | --cmd-R-file] <FILE>
        container_it.R session [options] [-e <EXPR> ...]
        container_it.R [--help | --version]

    dir       Searches the given directory for R / Rmarkdown files and uses the first encounter for packaging
    file      Packages a given R script or R markdown file. Optionally, the container can run a batch execution
              or rendering of the given file instead of an interactive R session.
    session   Packages an empty R session in which a series of R commands may be executed (see option -e)

Options (for all modes):
  --force -f          Force writing output even if a file of the same name already exists
  --image <ARG>       Specify the Docker image that shall be used for the Docker container (FROM-statement)
                      By default, the image is extracted from the given r_version,
                      while the version is matched with tags from the base image rocker/r-ver
                      see details about the rocker/r-ver at'
  --maintainer -m <ARG>   Name / email of the dockerfile's maintainer
                          (will be read from environment variables if not given)
  --no-write          Don't write dockerfile to output file
  --output -o FILE    Path and name of the output Dockerfile [default: ./Dockerfile]
  --print -p          Print dockerfile to the console
  --r_version -r <ARG>  Specify an R version number that should run inside the container.
                      By default, the version of the currently linked R instance is used.
  --save -s <objects> ...    Save a list of objects from the workspace to an .RData file (overwrites --save-image)
  --save-image -i     Save the current workspace to an .RData file
  --soft              Whether to include soft dependencies among the system dependencies of R packages.
                      [default: FALSE]
  --quiet -q          Run containerit as silent as possible (print only errors and warnings) [default: FALSE]

  --copy -c script | script_dir | <copy_file> ...
                      Indicates whether and how a workspace should be copied.
                      For the modes 'dir' and 'file' containerit copies either the given input file,
                      the complete directory or a list of individual files and directories that should
                      be located below the current directory. [default: script]
  -d <DIR>            Directory to be used for packaging in mode 'dir'.
                      Use either current dir or a folder below. [default: ./]
  -e <EXPR>           Expression do be executed within the R session that shall be packaged ('session' mode).
  --cmd-render all | pdf | html
                      Indicates that the given R markdown file should be rendered when running the container
  --cmd-R-file        Indicates that the give R script should be executed on container startup
                      (uses R -f example.R)
  --help -h           print usage and exit
  --version -v        print version and exit

  # runs the first r-script / r-script file locally and prints the corresponding dockerfile
  container_it.R dir -p --no-write

  # Runs the given R-script locally and saves a workspace image.
  # The Dockerfile will be written to the current directory and overwritten if it already exists
  # It contains instructions to copy the script and workspace image and to execute the script on start-up
  container_it.R file -ifp --cmd-R-file path/example.R

  # Creates an empty R session and executes the given R commands, which later can be reproduced in the Docker container
  # The container will opperate with the given R version 3.3.0
  container_it.R session -p -e \"library(sp)\" -e \"demo(meuse, ask=FALSE)\" --r_version 3.3.0

" -> doc


if (length(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) == 0) {
  # the line below creates an error within R sessions (bug?)
  # opts <- docopt::docopt(doc, "--help")
} else {
  opts <-
    docopt::docopt(doc, version = paste0("containerit ", utils::packageVersion("containerit"), "\n"))

  if (opts[["quiet"]])

  output_file <- opts[["output"]]
  if (file.exists(output_file) &&
      !opts[["force"]] && !opts[["--no-write"]])
      "Dockerfile cannot be written because the target file already exists.\n",
      "\t Re-run with option -f / --force in order to overwride the file or use the flag --no-write."

  if (is.null(opts[["maintainer"]])) {
    #use default argument from dockerfile-method
    this_maintainer <- eval(formals(dockerfile)$maintainer)
  } else
    this_maintainer <- opts[["maintainer"]]

  save_image <- opts[["save-image"]]
  #save image may be overwritten by save:
  if (!is.null(opts[["save"]])) {
    save_image <- opts[["save"]]

  #mode-specific handling:
  if (opts$session == TRUE) {
    expr <- list()
    if (!is.null(opts[["-e"]])) {
      expr <- parse(text = unlist(opts[["-e"]]))
    invisible("Packaging a new R session..."))
    from <-
      clean_session(expr = expr)
    this_cmd <- eval(formals(dockerfile)$cmd)
  } else{
    if (opts$dir == TRUE) {
      from <- unlist(opts[["d"]])
    } else if (opts$file == TRUE) {
      from <- unlist(opts[["<FILE>"]])
    } else{
      stop("Invalid arguments!")

    if (!is.null(opts[["cmd-render"]]) &&
        opts$file == TRUE) {
      if (opts[["cmd-render"]] == "all")
        this_cmd <-
          CMD_Render(from, output_format = rmarkdown::all_output_formats(input = from))
      else if (opts[["cmd-render"]] == "pdf")
        this_cmd <-
          CMD_Render(from, output_format = rmarkdown::pdf_document())
      else  if (opts[["cmd-render"]] == "html")
        this_cmd <-
          CMD_Render(from, output_format = rmarkdown::html_document())

    } else if (opts[["cmd-R-file"]] && opts$file == TRUE) {
      this_cmd <- CMD_Rscript(from)
    } else
      this_cmd <- eval(formals(dockerfile)$cmd)

  dockerfile_args <- list(
    from = from,
    copy = opts$copy,
    silent = opts$quiet,
    save_image = save_image,
    maintainer = this_maintainer,
    cmd = this_cmd,
    soft = opts$soft

  #some arguments should be left to method-default if not explicitely given:
  if (!is.null(opts[["image"]]))
    dockerfile_args$image <- opts$image

  if (!is.null(opts[["r_version"]]))
    dockerfile_args$r_version <- opts$r_version

  df_obj <-"dockerfile", dockerfile_args)

  if (!opts[["no-write"]]) {
    write(df_obj, file = output_file)

  if (opts[["print"]]) {"Dockerfile printout: \n")
    cat(format(df_obj), sep = "\n")

o2r-project/containerit documentation built on June 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.