
Defines functions .authToken .url .extractMicaSessionId .handleResponse .post .get .verbose .flatten .reportListMetrics .nullToNA .extractLabel .extractLabel2 print.mica mica.logout mica.login

Documented in .authToken .extractLabel .extractLabel2 .extractMicaSessionId .flatten .get .handleResponse mica.login mica.logout .post .reportListMetrics .url .verbose

# Copyright (c) 2019 OBiBa. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Open a connection with Mica and returns a Mica object. When the two-factor
#' authentication mechanism is enabled, the user will be prompt for one-time password input. 
#' @title Open connection with Mica
#' @return A Mica object.
#' @param username User name in mica. Can be provided by "mica.username" option.
#' @param password User password in mica. Can be provided by "mica.password" option.
#' @param url Mica url or list of mica urls. Can be provided by "mica.url" option. Secure http (https) connection is required.
#' @param opts Curl options. Can be provided by "mica.opts" option.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # login using credentials from mica.username and mica.password options
#' m <- mica.login("https://mica-demo.obiba.org")
#' # login by providing credentials
#' m <- mica.login("administrator", "password", "https://mica-demo.obiba.org")
#' }
#' @export
mica.login <- function(username=getOption("mica.username", "anonymous"), password=getOption("mica.password", "password"), url=getOption("mica.url"), opts=getOption("mica.opts", list())) {
  if (is.null(url)) stop("mica url is required", call.=FALSE)
  micaUrl <- url
  if (startsWith(url, "http://localhost:8082")) {
    micaUrl <- gsub("http://localhost:8082", "https://localhost:8445", url)
    warning("Deprecation: connecting through secure http is required. Replacing http://localhost:8082 by https://localhost:8445.")
  } else if (startsWith(url, "http://")) {
    stop("Deprecation: connecting through secure http is required.")
  urlObj <- httr::parse_url(micaUrl)
  mica <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
  # Username
  mica$username <- username
  # Strip trailing slash
  mica$url <- sub("/$", "", micaUrl)
  # Domain name
  mica$name <- urlObj$hostname
  # Version default value
  mica$version <- NA
  # Authorization
  mica$authorization <- .authToken(username, password)
  class(mica) <- "mica"
  options <- opts
  if (urlObj$hostname == "localhost" && length(options) == 0) {
    options <- list(ssl_verifyhost=F, ssl_verifypeer=F)
  mica$httrConfig <- config()
  mica$httrConfig$options <- options
  r <- GET(.url(mica, "config"), config = mica$httrConfig, httr::add_headers(Authorization = mica$authorization), .verbose())
  if (httr::status_code(r) == 401) {
    headers <- httr::headers(r)
    optHeader <- headers[tolower('WWW-Authenticate')]
    if (optHeader == 'X-Obiba-TOTP') {
      # TOTP code is required
      code <- readline(prompt = 'Enter 6-digits code: ')
      r <- GET(.url(mica, "config"), config = mica$httrConfig, httr::add_headers(Authorization = mica$authorization, 'X-Obiba-TOTP' = code), .verbose())
  mica$config <- .handleResponse(mica, r)

#' Close connection and release resources of Mica.
#' @title Close connection with Mica
#' @param mica A Mica object
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' m <- mica.login("https://mica-demo.obiba.org")
#' mica.logout(m)
#' }
#' @export
mica.logout <- function(mica) {
  if (getOption("verbose", FALSE)) {
    r <- DELETE(.url(mica, "auth", "session", "_current"), config = mica$httrConfig, httr::verbose())
  } else {
    r <- DELETE(.url(mica, "auth", "session", "_current"), config = mica$httrConfig)
  mica$sid <- NULL

#' @export
print.mica <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("url:", x$url, "\n")
  cat("name:", x$name, "\n")
  cat("version:", x$version, "\n")
  cat("username:", x$username, "\n")
  cat("session:", x$sid, "\n")

#' Extract label for locale. If not found, fallback to undefined language label (if any).
#' @keywords internal
.extractLabel2 <- function(locale="en", labels=list(), localeKey="locale", valueKey="text") {
  .extractLabel(locale, labels, localeKey=localeKey, valueKey=valueKey)

#' Extract label for locale. If not found, fallback to undefined language label (if any).
#' @keywords internal
.extractLabel <- function(locale="en", labels=list(), localeKey="lang", valueKey="value") {
  if (is.null(labels) || length(labels) == 0) {
  label <- NA
  label.und <- NA
  for (i in 1:length(labels)) {
    l <- labels[[i]]
    if (l[[localeKey]] == locale) {
      label <- l[[valueKey]]
    if (l[[localeKey]] == "und") {
      label.und <- l[[valueKey]]
  if (is.na(label)) {
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
.nullToNA <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {

#' Display search result metrics
#' @keywords internal
.reportListMetrics <- function(results){
  if ("variableResultDto" %in% names(results)) {
    message("variables: ", results[["variableResultDto"]][["totalHits"]], "/", results[["variableResultDto"]][["totalCount"]])
  if ("datasetResultDto" %in% names(results)) {
    message("datasets: ", results[["datasetResultDto"]][["totalHits"]], "/", results[["datasetResultDto"]][["totalCount"]])
  if ("studyResultDto" %in% names(results)) {
    message("studies: ", results[["studyResultDto"]][["totalHits"]], "/", results[["studyResultDto"]][["totalCount"]])
  if ("networkResultDto" %in% names(results)) {
    message("networks: ", results[["networkResultDto"]][["totalHits"]], "/", results[["networkResultDto"]][["totalCount"]])

#' Flatten a list hierarchy
#' @keywords internal
.flatten <- function(content, locale="en") {
  rval <- list()
  flattenValue <- function(val) {
    ifelse(is.null(val), NA, ifelse(length(val)<2 && (is.logical(val) || is.numeric(val)), val, paste(val, collapse = "|")))
  if (is.null(names(content))) {
    # a list, but not a named one
    for (i in 1:length(content)) {
      val <- content[[i]]
      if (!is.list(val)) {
        rval[[i]] <- flattenValue(val)
      } else {
        subct <- .flatten(val, locale)
        for (subn in names(subct)) {
          if (is.null(rval[[subn]])) {
            rval[[subn]] <- subct[[subn]]
          } else {
            rval[[subn]] <- paste0(rval[[subn]], "|", subct[[subn]])  
  } else {
    for (n in names(content)) {
      val <- content[[n]]
      if (!is.list(val)) {
        rval[[n]] <- flattenValue(val)
      } else if (length(val) == 0) {
        rval[[n]] <- NA
      } else {
        subct <- .flatten(val, locale)
        for (subn in names(subct)) {
          # localized value is attached to the parent node
          k <- ifelse(subn == locale, n,  paste0(n, ".", subn))
          rval[[k]] <- subct[[subn]]

#' Verbose flag
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.verbose <- function() {
  verbose <- NULL
  if (getOption("verbose", FALSE)) {
    verbose <- httr::verbose()

#' Issues a GET request to mica for the specified resource
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.get <- function(mica, ..., query=list()) {
  r <- GET(.url(mica, ...), config = mica$httrConfig, query=query, .verbose())
  .handleResponse(mica, r)

#' Issues a POST form request to mica for the specified resource
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.post <- function(mica, ..., query=list()) {
  r <- POST(.url(mica, ...), config = mica$httrConfig, body=query, encode=c("form"), .verbose())
  .handleResponse(mica, r)

#' Default request response handler.
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponse <- function(mica, response) {
  if (is.null(mica$version) || is.na(mica$version)) {
    headers <- httr::headers(response)
    mica$version <- as.character(headers[tolower('X-Mica-Version')])
  content <- content(response)
  if (response$status>=300) {
    if ("error" %in% names(content)) {
      if ("message" %in% names(content)) {
        stop(content$message, call.=FALSE)
      } else {
        stop(content$error, call.=FALSE)  
    } else {
      stop(response$status, call.=FALSE)
  cookies <- httr::cookies(response)
  mica$sid <- .extractMicaSessionId(cookies)

#' Extract micasid from cookie data frame.
#' @keywords internal
.extractMicaSessionId <- function(cookies) {
  if (nrow(cookies[cookies$name=="micasid",])>0) {
    sid <- cookies[cookies$name=="micasid",]$value
    if (!is.na(sid)) {

#' Utility method to build urls. Concatenates all arguments and adds a '/' separator between each element
#' @keywords internal
.url <- function(mica, ...) {
  paste(mica$url, "ws", ..., sep="/")

#' Constructs the value for the Authorization header
#' @import jsonlite
#' @keywords internal
.authToken <- function(username, password) {
  paste("Basic", jsonlite::base64_enc(paste(username, password, sep=":")))
obiba/micar documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 11:51 p.m.