
Defines functions triCube plot.pfGridding pfGridding

Documented in pfGridding plot.pfGridding triCube


#' Produce gridded maps of transformed charcoal values.
#' The function uses weighted spatio-temporal interpolation to produce gridded
#' maps of transformed charcoal values. Spatial grids are used to interpolate
#' transformed charcoal values for a key period defined by \code{Age}. For each
#' grid cell the function search charcoal sites located in a radius defined by
#' \code{distance_buffer} from the grid centre and at an elevation within a
#' range defined by \code{elevation_buffer} from the mean elevation of the
#' cell. Then the function search for charcoal samples within a temporal range
#' from the key date defined by \code{time_buffer}. Finally a tricube distance
#' weighting function is applied to each sample by considering it spatial
#' distance to the grid centre and it temporal distance to the key date. This
#' approach that weight samples according to their spatio-temporal location
#' also down-weight charcoal sites that are poorly sampled.
#' @param data An object returned by \code{\link{pfTransform}}.
#' @param cell_sizex Numeric, grid cell width (m).
#' @param cell_sizey Numeric, grid cell height (m).
#' @param age Numeric, key date (years BP).
#' @param cell_size Numeric, grid cell size (bypass cell_sizex and cell_sizey
#' and produce square cells).
#' @param time_buffer Numeric, temporal distance (years) from the key date to
#' search for charcoal samples.
#' @param distance_buffer Numeric, spatial distance from the grid centres to
#' search for charcoal samples (m).
#' @param raster_extent Numeric, define custom extent for the analysis such as
#' raster_extent = c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#' @param elevation_buffer Numeric, elevation range from the mean grid cell
#' elevation to search for charcoal sites.
#' @param proj4 String, proj.4 string representing the desired projection for
#' plotted maps. Default is Robinson ("+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
#' +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"). See
#' \url{http://www.spatialreference.org} to look up the string for your
#' favorite projections.
#' @param sea_mask Logical, mask cells falling in the sea.
#' @param other_mask A sp object (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame) used to mask data
#' i.e. for not interpollating pixels under the mask (classical usage: ice
#' extent mask). Note that the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame projection must be used
#' in the analysis and defined using \code{proj4} argument, otherwise the mask
#' should be reprojected (e.g. using rgdal::spTransform).
#' @param verbose Logical, verbose or not...
#' @return A "pfGridding" object (list) that could be plotted using
#' \code{\link{plot.pfGridding}}.
#' @author O.Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.pfGridding}}, \code{\link{pfTransform}},
#' \code{\link{pfDotMap}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent="North America", l12==1, long>-85)
#' TR=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),BasePeriod=c(200,4000))
#' p=pfGridding(TR,age=1000)
#' summary(p)
#' require(raster)
#' plot(p$raster)
#' ## Example of other_mask usage: we will use here Dyke 2003 ice extent map for North
#'  America
#' require(maptools)
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent=="North America", long>-100,lat>40)
#' TR=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),BasePeriod=c(200,4000))
#' ## Define projection (same as Dyke 2003)
#' proj4="+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49
#'  +lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs"
#' ## Download the shapefile
#' where=getwd()
#' download.file("http://blarquez.com/public/data/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.shp",
#'                paste0(where,"/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.shp"))
#' download.file("http://blarquez.com/public/data/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.dbf",
#'                paste0(where,"/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.dbf"))
#' download.file("http://blarquez.com/public/data/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.shx",
#'                paste0(where,"/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.shx"))
#' ice_shp=readShapePoly(paste0(where,"/ice_9500_calBP_lcc.shp"),
#'                       proj4string=CRS(proj4))
#' plot(ice_shp)
#' p=pfGridding(TR,age=9500,cell_size=100000,distance_buffer=300000,
#'              proj4=proj4,other_mask=ice_shp)
#' plot(p,add=ice_shp)
#' # Citation: Dyke, A.S., Moore, A. And Robertson, L. 2003 :
#' # Deglaciation of North America, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1574.
#' }
pfGridding <- function(data, cell_sizex=NULL,
                       verbose=TRUE) {
  ## pfTransform object
  if (class(data) == "pfTransform") {
    data <- data.frame(
      x = rep(summary(data$params$ID)$long, each = length(data$TransData[, 1])),
      y = rep(summary(data$params$ID)$lat, each = length(data$TransData[, 1])),
      age = c(data$Age),
      char = c(data$TransData)
    data <- na.omit(data)
    ## Remove extreme outliers i.e. 3*sd (sometimes happens... why? probably baseperiod related)
    data <- data[data[, 4] < 3 * sd(data[, 4]) & data[, 4] > -(3 * sd(data[, 4])), ]
  ## Limit the input to age+-time_buffer
  if (is.null(time_buffer)) time_buffer <- 500
  data <- data[data[, 3] >= age - time_buffer & data[, 3] <= age + time_buffer, ]
  # source("/Users/Olivier/Documents/BorealTreeCover/final/triCube.R")
  ## Load countries with lakes from http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/10m-cultural-vectors/
  # load(file="/Users/Olivier/Documents/BorealTreeCover/final/world_map.rda")
  longlat <- "+proj=longlat|+proj = longlat|+proj =longlat|+proj= longlat|+proj=longlat"
  if (is.null(proj4)) {
    proj4 <- "+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
  xy <- cbind(data[, 1], data[, 2])
  ### LOAD DEM if required
  if (is.null(elevation_buffer) == FALSE | sea_mask == TRUE) {
    if(verbose == TRUE){
      cat("Preparing data and loading DEM...")
    ## dem is GMTED2010
    dem <- NULL
    data(dem, envir = environment())
    if (is.null(raster_extent)) v <- extent(xy) else v <- extent(raster_extent)
    dem <- crop(dem, v)
    dem1 <- projectRaster(dem, crs = proj4)
    # plot(dem1)
  if (grepl(longlat, proj4) == FALSE) {
    dat2 <- data.frame(rgdal::project(xy, proj4))
  } else {
    dat2 <- data.frame(xy)
  colnames(dat2) <- c("x", "y")
  if (is.null(raster_extent)) {
    e <- extent(c(round(range(dat2$x) * 2) / 2, round(range(dat2$y) * 2) / 2))
  } else {
      toto <- cbind(
        x = c(raster_extent[c(1, 1, 2, 2)], raster_extent[1] + (raster_extent[2] - raster_extent[1]) / 2),
        y = c(raster_extent[c(3, 4, 3, 4)], raster_extent[3])
      e <- extent(project(toto, proj4))
  # Cell sizes
  if (is.null(cell_size)) {
    if (is.null(cell_sizex)) cell_sizex <- 200000
    if (is.null(cell_sizey)) cell_sizey <- 200000
  } else {
    cell_sizex <- cell_size
    cell_sizey <- cell_size
  # Number of rows and columns (WORK only if coords are in m)
  nc <- ceiling((e@xmax - e@xmin) / cell_sizex)
  nr <- ceiling((e@ymax - e@ymin) / cell_sizey)
  r <- raster(e, ncol = nc, nrow = nr, resolution = c(cell_sizex, cell_sizey)) # Empty raster
  projection(r) <- proj4
  if (is.null(distance_buffer)) distance_buffer <- 300000
  ## Elevation stuff (median elevation in each predicted cell)
  if (is.null(elevation_buffer) == FALSE | sea_mask == TRUE) {
    temp <- rasterToPoints(dem1)
    temp1 <- rasterize(temp[, 1:2], r, temp[, 3], fun = mean)
    ## ???????? Hack for Sea Mask NEW 12 may 14
    dem2 <- dem1
    dem2[is.na(dem2)] <- -9999
    dem2 <- rasterToPoints(dem2)
    temp2 <- rasterize(dem2[, 1:2], r, dem2[, 3], fun = median)
    ## !!!!!!!!
    z <- raster::intersect(temp1, r)
    # plot(temp1)
    elev1 <- rasterToPoints(temp1)[, 3]
    dat1 <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(z))
  } else {
    dat1 <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(r))
  ## Initiate a percentage counter
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    percent <- seq(1, 100, by = 1)
    values <- round(percent * length(dat1[, 1]) / 100)
    cat("Spatio-temporal weighted interpolation...")
    #cat("Percentage done: ")
  # ptm <- proc.time()
  if(verbose== TRUE){
    pb   <- txtProgressBar(1, length(dat1[, 1]), style=3)}
  ## Main loop time--distance weighting
  dat1[, 3] <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(dat1[, 1])) {
    if (grepl(longlat, proj4)) {
      d <- pointDistance(dat1[i, 1:2], dat2, longlat = TRUE)
    } else {
      d <- pointDistance(dat1[i, 1:2], dat2, longlat = FALSE)
    d <- cbind(dat2, data[, 3], d, triCube(d, distance_buffer))
    ## Elevation range search
    if (is.null(elevation_buffer) == FALSE) {
      elev2 <- extract(dem1, d[, 1:2])
      elev1 <- extract(temp1, dat1[i, 1:2])
      elev2[elev2 < elev1 - elevation_buffer] <- NA
      elev2[elev2 > elev1 + elevation_buffer] <- NA
      d <- cbind(d, elev2)
      d[is.na(d[, 6]), 5] <- 0
    d1 <- d[d[, 5] != 0, ]
    ## Time weight
    d1 <- cbind(d1, triCube(age - d1[, 3], time_buffer))
    # head(d)
    if (is.null(elevation_buffer) == FALSE) {
      colnames(d1) <- c("x", "y", "age", "dist", "dweight", "elev", "tweight")
    } else {
      colnames(d1) <- c("x", "y", "age", "dist", "dweight", "tweight")
    d1$weight <- d1$dweight * d1$tweight
    d1$data <- data[d[, 5] != 0, 4]
    ## Combine time and distance weights
    threshold <- 0.5
    if (sum(d1$weight, na.rm = TRUE) > threshold) {
      dat1[i, 3] <- sum(d1$data * d1$weight, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(d1$weight, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      dat1[i, 3] <- NA
    ## Verbose
    if(verbose== TRUE){
      if (i %in% values) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if(verbose== TRUE){
  r1 <- rasterize(dat1[, 1:2], r, dat1[, 3], fun = mean) # Fill raster with mean value
  #   plot(r1)
  if (sea_mask == TRUE) {
    r2 <- temp2 < (-1000) ## sea is now 1
    r2[r2 == 1] <- NA
    ## Other mask (e.g. ice) see help for details
    if (is.null(other_mask) == FALSE) {
      #       plot(r2)
      r3 <- mask(r2, other_mask)
      #       plot(r3)
      r3[r3 == 0] <- 1
      r3[is.na(r3)] <- 0
      #       plot(r2-r3)
      r2 <- r2 - r3
      r2[r2 != 0] <- NA
      #       plot(r2)
    # !!!!!!MASK
    r1 <- (r1 - r2)
  # plot(r1-r2)
  dat1 <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(r1))
  ## End of DATA part --------------------------------------------------------------------
  out <- list(raster = r1, df = dat1, proj4 = proj4, extent = e, points = dat2, res = c(cell_sizex, cell_sizey))
  class(out) <- "pfGridding"

#' Plot a "pfGridding" object.
#' Plot maps presenting gridded and transformed charcoal values obtained from
#' the \code{\link{pfGridding}} function.
#' @method plot pfGridding
#' @export
#' @param x An object returned by \code{\link{pfGridding}}.
#' @param continuous Logical, plot continuous (TRUE) or discrete (FALSE) colors
#' on the map.
#' @param col_class Numeric, if continuous is false define here color classes
#' (single values: col_class=5, or sequences col_class=seq(-15,15,5) are
#' accepted.)
#' @param col_lim Numeric, limits for plotting grid cells values, grid cells
#' with values beyond col_lim are not plotted.
#' @param xlim Numeric, map limits.
#' @param ylim Numeric, map limits.
#' @param empty_space Percentage, define empty space around the map.
#' @param cpal String, color palette to use see
#' \code{\link[RColorBrewer]{brewer.pal}}
#' @param anomalies Logical, adapt output for plotting anomalies or not (color
#' classes, etc..)
#' @param file Path/Filename.tiff, the function can output a GeoTiff file if
#' desired.
#' @param points Logical, plot charcoal sites on the map?
#' @param add An object of the class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" (sp) to be
#' ploted on the map.
#' @param add_color Color of the added SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
#' @param plot_countries Logical, default FALSE (if TRUE plot countries borderlines and coastlines)
#' @param \dots \dots{}
#' @return A ggplot2 "gg" object that could be further manipulated.
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @seealso \code{\link{pfGridding}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent="North America", l12==1, long>-85)
#' TR=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),BasePeriod=c(200,4000))
#' p=pfGridding(TR,age=1000)
#' plot(p,empty_space=100)
#' # require(ggplot2)
#' # pp=plot(p,empty_space=100)
#' # pp+ggtitle("my title..")
#' }
plot.pfGridding <- function(x, continuous=TRUE,
                            xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, empty_space=10,
                            file=NULL, points=FALSE, add=NULL, add_color="white", plot_countries=FALSE, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) {
  y <- long <- lat <- group <- res1 <- res2 <- NULL ##  no visible binding for global variable 'y' ?
  x$df <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(x$raster))
  x$df[, 3][is.infinite(x$df[, 3])] <- NA # define Inf as NA
  # Define classes for colors
  if (is.null(col_class)) {
    if (anomalies == TRUE) {
      b1 <- seq(floor(min(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), 0, len = 5)
      b2 <- seq(0, ceiling(max(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), len = 5)
      breaks <- c(b1, b2[2:5])
      breaks <- unique(breaks)
    } else {
      breaks <- seq(floor(min(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), ceiling(max(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), len = 10)
  if (is.numeric(col_class) & length(col_class) == 1) {
    if (anomalies == TRUE) {
      b2 <- seq(0, ceiling(max(abs(x$df$layer))) + col_class, by = col_class)
      breaks <- c(-rev(b2), b2[2:length(b2)])
    } else {
      breaks <- seq(floor(min(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), ceiling(max(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)) + col_class, by = col_class)
  if (is.numeric(col_class) & length(col_class) > 1) {
    breaks <- col_class
  # End of options
  ## Define color limils
  if (is.null(col_lim)) {
    col_lim <- c(floor(min(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)), ceiling(max(x$df$layer, na.rm = TRUE)))
  x$df <- cbind(x$df, class = cut(x$df$layer, breaks))
  #   data=na.omit(data)
  coast <- NULL ## Load coast data and transform
  data(coast, envir = environment())
  coast <- coast[coast$X <= 180, ]
  # plot((coast$X),(coast$Y),type="l")
  xy <- cbind(coast[, 2], coast[, 1])
  longlat <- "+proj=longlat|+proj = longlat|+proj =longlat|+proj= longlat|+proj=longlat"
  if (grepl(longlat, x$proj4) == FALSE) {
    coast <- data.frame(rgdal::project(xy, x$proj4))
  } else {
    coast <- data.frame(xy)
  colnames(coast) <- c("x", "y")
  countries <- NULL ## Load countries data and transform
  data(countries, envir = environment())
  # plot((coast$X),(coast$Y),type="l")
  xy <- cbind(countries$x, countries$y)
  xy <- xy[xy[, 1] <= 180, ]
  countries <- data.frame(rgdal::project(xy, x$proj4))
  colnames(countries) <- c("x", "y")
  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    xplus <- (x$extent@xmax - x$extent@xmin) * empty_space / 100
    xlim <- c(x$extent@xmin - xplus, x$extent@xmax + xplus)
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    yplus <- (x$extent@ymax - x$extent@ymin) * empty_space / 100
    ylim <- c(x$extent@ymin - yplus, x$extent@ymax + yplus)
  ## Crop coast using limits
  #  coast <- coast[coast$x > xlim[1] - 8000000 & coast$x < xlim[2] + 8000000 &
  #  coast$y > ylim[1] - 8000000 & coast$y < ylim[2] + 8000000, ]
  # plot(coast[,1],coast[,2],type="l")
  x$points <- data.frame(na.omit(x$points))
  colnames(x$points) <- c("x", "y")
  if (anomalies == TRUE) {
    if (cpal == "YlGn") {
      cpal <- "RdBu"
    pal <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, cpal))
  } else {
    pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, cpal)
  testcol <- colorRampPalette(pal)
  #   ## LIMITS
  #   if(is.null(xlim)){
  #     xplus=(x$extent@xmax-x$extent@xmin)*0.1
  #     xlim=c(x$extent@xmin-xplus,x$extent@xmax+xplus)}
  #   if(is.null(ylim)){
  #     yplus=(x$extent@ymax-x$extent@ymin)*0.1
  #     ylim=c(x$extent@ymin-yplus,x$extent@ymax+yplus)}
  if (continuous == FALSE & is.numeric(col_class) & length(col_class) > 1) {
    options(warn = -1)
    c1 <- breaks + (diff(breaks) / 2)
    c3 <- cbind(xlim[2] + 1e+6, ylim[2] + 1e+6, c1)
    c3 <- c3[1:(length(c3[, 1]) - 1), ]
    c3 <- data.frame(c3, rr = (cut(c3[, 3], breaks)))
    colnames(c3) <- colnames(x$df)
    x$df <- rbind(x$df, c3)
  pale <- testcol(length(levels(x$df$class)))
  if (cpal == "Greys") {
    pale <- rev(testcol(length(levels(x$df$class)) + 1)[1:(length(levels(x$df$class)))])
  # display.brewer.pal(12,"RdYlBu")
  # pal=c(pal[9],pal[8],pal[6:1])
  ## On fait une carte avec ggplot2
  # pdf(file="/Users/Olivier/Desktop/x$dfMap.pdf",height=6,width=9)
  ## Add shp to the plot
  if (is.null(add) == FALSE) {
    theclass <- lapply(add@data, class)
    theclass <- which(theclass == "factor")
      add@data$id <- add@data[, as.numeric(theclass[1])]
    } else {
      add@data$id <- as.factor( seq(1,nrow(add@data)))
    add.points <- ggplot2::fortify(add, region = "id")
    add.df <- plyr::join(add.points, add@data, by = "id")
  x$df$res1 <- x$res[1]
  x$df$res2 <- x$res[2]
  ## Plot only points
  if (points == "Only") {
    p <- ggplot(x$df) +
      geom_polygon(data = coast, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "grey80", fill = "grey80") +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") +
      theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
      geom_point(data = x$points, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "grey40")
    if (is.null(add) == FALSE) {
      p <- p + geom_polygon(data = add.df, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = add_color, colour = "grey80")
    if (plot_countries == TRUE) {
      p <- p + geom_path(data = countries, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "white")
  } else {
    ## Plot interp data
    if (continuous == FALSE) {
      p <- ggplot(x$df)
      if (cpal == "Greys") {
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = coast, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "black", fill = "white")
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = coast, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "black", fill = "white")
      p <- p + geom_tile(data = x$df, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = class, width = res1, height = res2)) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = pale, name = "") +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") +
        theme_bw(base_size = 16)
      if (is.null(add) == FALSE) {
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = add.df, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = add_color, colour = "grey80")
      if (points == TRUE) p <- p + geom_point(data = x$points, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "grey40")
      if (plot_countries == TRUE) {
        p <- p + geom_path(data = countries, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "white")
    } else {
      p <- ggplot(x$df) +
        geom_polygon(data = coast, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "black", fill = "white") +
        geom_tile(data = x$df, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = layer, width = res1, height = res2)) +
        #scale_fill_gradient2(high = pal[9], low = pal[1], mid = "white", limits = col_lim) +
        scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pale, name = "") +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") +
        theme_bw(base_size = 16)
      if (is.null(add) == FALSE) {
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = add.df, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill = add_color, colour = "grey80")
      if (points == TRUE) p <- p + geom_point(data = x$points, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "grey40")
      if (plot_countries == TRUE) {
        p <- p + geom_path(data = countries, aes(x = x, y = y), colour = "black")
  if (is.null(file) == FALSE) {
    projection(x$raster) <- sp::CRS(x$proj4)
    writeRaster(x$raster, filename = file, format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Tukey's Tricube weight function
#' From the EGRET package http://usgs-r.github.io/EGRET/ Robert Hirsch and
#' Laura De Cicco
#' Computes the tricube weight function on a vector of distance values (d),
#' based on a half-window width of h, and returns a vector of weights that
#' range from zero to 1.
#' @param d numeric vector of distances from the point of estimation to the
#' given sample value
#' @param h numeric value, the half-window width, measured in the same units as
#' d
#' @return w numeric vector of weights, all 0<=w<=1
#' @keywords statistics weighting
#' @examples
#' h<-10
#'  d<-c(-11,-10,-5,-1,-0.01,0,5,9.9,10,20)
#'  triCube(d,h)
triCube <- function(d, h) {
  #  triCube is Tukey tricubed weight function
  #    first argument, d, is a vector of the distances between the observations and the estimation point
  #    second argument, h, is the half window width
  #    it returns a vector of weights (w) for the observations in the vector, d
  n <- length(d)
  zero <- rep(0, n)
  ad <- abs(d)
  w <- (1 - (ad / h)^3)^3
  w <- pmax(zero, w)
oblarquez/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11 a.m.