
Defines functions ts.analysis

Documented in ts.analysis

#' @title 
#' Time series analysis results for OBEU Time series
#' @description
#' Univariate time series analysis for short and long time series data using the appropriate model.
#' @usage ts.analysis(tsdata, x.order = NULL, prediction.steps = 1, tojson = TRUE)
#' @param tsdata The input univariate time series data
#' @param x.order An integer vector of length 3 specifying the order of the Arima model
#' @param prediction.steps The number of prediction steps
#' @param tojson If TRUE the results are returned in json format, default returns a list
#' @details 
#' This function automatically tests for stationarity of the input time series data using \code{\link{ts.stationary.test}}
#' function. Depending the nature of the time series data and the stationary tests there are four branches:
#' a.)short and non seasonal, b.)short and seasonal, c.)long and non seasonal and d.)long and seasonal.
#' For branches a and c \code{\link{ts.non.seas.model}} is used and for b and d \code{\link{ts.seasonal.model}} is used.
#' This function also decomposes both seasonal and non seasonal time series through \code{\link{ts.non.seas.decomp}} and 
#' \code{\link{ts.seasonal.decomp}} and forecasts h steps ahead the user selected(default h=1) using \code{\link{ts.forecast}}.
#' @return A json string with the parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item acf.param
#' \itemize{
#'  \item acf.parameters: 
#'  \itemize{ 
#'  \item acf The estimated acf values of the input time series
#'  \item acf.lag The lags at which the acf is estimated
#'  \item confidence.interval.up The upper limit of the confidence interval
#'  \item confidence.interval.low The lower limit of the confidence interval}
#'  \item pacf.parameters: 
#'  \itemize{ 
#'  \item pacf The estimated pacf values of the input time series
#'  \item pacf.lag The lags at which the pacf is estimated
#'  \item confidence.interval.up The upper limit of the confidence interval
#'  \item confidence.interval.low The lower limit of the confidence interval}
#'  \item acf.residuals.parameters: 
#'  \itemize{ 
#'  \item acf.res The estimated acf values of the model residuals
#'  \item acf.res.lag The lags at which the acf is estimated of the model residuals
#'  \item confidence.interval.up The upper limit of the confidence interval
#'  \item confidence.interval.low The lower limit of the confidence interval}
#'  \item pacf.residuals.parameters: 
#'  \itemize{ 
#'  \item pacf.res The estimated pacf values of the model residuals
#'  \item pacf.res.lag The lags at which the pacf is estimated of the model residuals
#'  \item confidence.interval.up The upper limit of the confidence interval
#'  \item confidence.interval.low The lower limit of the confidence interval}}
#' \item param
#' \itemize{
#' \item stl.plot: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item trend The estimated trend component
#'  \item trend.ci.up The estimated up limit for trend component (for non seasonal time series)
#'  \item trend.ci.low The estimated low limit for trend component (for non seasonal time series)
#'  \item seasonal The estimated seasonal component
#'  \item remainder The estimated remainder component
#'  \item time The time of the series was sampled}
#' \item stl.general:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item stl.degree The degree of fit
#'  \item degfr The effective degrees of freedom for non seasonal time series
#'  \item degfr.fitted The fitted degrees of freedom for non seasonal time series
#'  \item fitted The model's fitted values }
#' \item residuals The residuals of the model (fitted innovations)
#' \item compare: 
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item arima.order The Arima order for seasonal time series
#'  \item arima.coef A vector of AR, MA and regression coefficients
#'  \item arima.coef.se The standard error of the coefficients 
#'  \item covariance.coef The matrix of the estimated variance of the coefficients 
#'  \item resid.variance The residuals variance
#'  \item not.used.obs The number of not used observations for the fitting  
#'  \item used.obs The used observations for the fitting
#'  \item loglik The maximized log-likelihood (of the differenced data), or the approximation to it used
#'  \item aic The AIC value corresponding to the log-likelihood
#'  \item bic The BIC value corresponding to the log-likelihood
#'  \item gcv The generalized cross-validation statistic   time series
#'  \item aicc The second-order Akaike Information Criterion corresponding to the log-likelihood
#'  for seasonal time series}}
#' \item forecasts
#' \itemize{
#' \item ts.model a string indicating the arima orders
#' \item data_year The time that time series data were sampled
#' \item data The time series values
#' \item predict_time The time that defined by the prediction_steps parameter
#' \item predict_values The predicted values that defined by the prediction_steps parameter
#' \item up80 The upper limit of the 80\% predicted confidence interval
#' \item low80 The lower limit of the 80\% predicted confidence interval
#' \item up95 The upper limit of the 95\% predicted confidence interval
#' \item low95 The lower limit of the 95\% predicted confidence interval}
#' }
#' @author Kleanthis Koupidis, Charalampos Bratsas
#' @seealso \code{\link{ts.stationary.test}}, \code{\link{ts.acf}}, \code{\link{ts.seasonal.model}}, \code{\link{ts.seasonal.decomp}},
#' \code{\link{ts.non.seas.model}}, \code{\link{ts.non.seas.decomp}}, \code{\link{ts.forecast}}
#' @examples
#' ts.analysis(Athens_draft_ts, prediction.steps = 3, tojson = FALSE)
#' @rdname ts.analysis
#' @export

ts.analysis <- function(tsdata, x.order = NULL, prediction.steps = 1, tojson = TRUE) {
  # Stop if no time series data provided
  if(length(tsdata) < 5) {
    stop("Invalid time series object.")}
  # Stop if no time series data provided
  if(is.nan(prediction.steps) == TRUE |
     is.na(prediction.steps) == TRUE |
     is.character(prediction.steps) == TRUE | 
     is.numeric(as.numeric(as.character(prediction.steps))) == FALSE) {
    stop("Please give an integer input as 'prediction.steps', e.g. prediction.steps = 4")}
  # Extract the time series name
  #Stationarity testing
  ## If TS is <20 and non seasonal 
  if (length(tsdata) <= 20 && stats::frequency(tsdata) <= 2) {
    decomposition <- ts.non.seas.decomp(tsdata)
    model <- ts.non.seas.model(tsdata, x.ord = x.order)
    ts_model <- model$model.summary
    residuals <- model$residuals
    model.param <- model[-1]
    ## If TS is <20 and seasonal 
  } else if (length(tsdata) <= 20 && stats::frequency(tsdata) > 2) {
    decomposition <- ts.seasonal.decomp(tsdata)
    model <- ts.seasonal.model(tsdata, x.ord = x.order)
    #model param for >20 and seasonal
    if(is.null(x.order)) {
      ts_model <- decomposition$model.summary
      residuals <- decomposition$residuals_fitted$residuals
    } else if (is.null(x.order) == FALSE) {
      ts_model <- model$model.summary
      residuals <- model$residuals
    decomposition <- decomposition[-1]
    model.param <- model[-1]
    ## If TS is >20 and non seasonal
  } else if(length(tsdata) > 20 && stats::frequency(tsdata) < 2) {
    # Decomposition
    decomposition <- ts.non.seas.decomp(tsdata)
    # Stationary 
    if(check_stat == "Stationary") {
      model <- ts.non.seas.model(tsdata,x.ord = x.order)
      # non stationary
    } else if(check_stat == "Non Stationary") {
      #log transform
      #tsr <- log(tsdata+0.000000001) #log(tsdata)-> tsr
      model <- ts.non.seas.model(tsdata, x.ord = x.order)
    # model param for >20 and non seasonal
    ts_model <- model$model.summary
    residuals <- model$residuals
    model.param <- model[-1]
    ## If TS is >20 and seasonal
  } else if(length(tsdata) > 20 && stats::frequency(tsdata) > 2) {
    decomposition <- ts.seasonal.decomp(tsdata)
    # Stationary 
    if(check_stat == "Stationary") {
      model <- ts.seasonal.model(tsdata,x.ord=x.order)
      # non Stationary 
    } else if(check_stat == "Non Stationary") {
      #log transform
      #tsr <- log(tsdata+0.000000001) #log(tsdata)-> tsr
      model <- ts.seasonal.model(tsdata,x.ord = x.order)
    #model param for >20 and seasonal
    if(is.null(x.order)) {
      ts_model <- decomposition$model.summary
      residuals <- decomposition$residuals_fitted$residuals
    } else if (is.null(x.order) == FALSE) {
      ts_model <- model$model.summary
      residuals <- model$residuals
    decomposition <- decomposition[-1]
    model.param <- model[-1]
  #ACF and PACF extraction before and after model fit
  acf.param <- ts.acf(tsdata, model_residuals = residuals, a = 0.95)
  ## Forecasts
  forecasts <- ts.forecast(ts_modelx = ts_model, h = prediction.steps)
  ##  Parameter Extraction
  parameters <- list(acf.param = acf.param,
                     decomposition = decomposition,
                     model.param = model.param,
                     forecasts = forecasts)
  ##  to JSON
  if (tojson == TRUE) {
    parameters <- jsonlite::toJSON(parameters)
  ##  Return
okgreece/TimeSeries.OBeu documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 7:21 p.m.