
Defines functions haircut.get.training.contigs haircut.get.training.data haircutwrap.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs haircut.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs haircut.get.curated.contigs haircut.get.fitted.model.150816a haircut.large.regexpr

Documented in haircut.get.training.contigs

##	get contigs to be used for training. this excludes duplicate raw/cut contigs for which a curated answer is available 
#' @title Generate curated contigs that are used for training
#' @export
haircut.get.training.contigs<- function(indir=NA, outfile=NA, ctrain=NULL)
		options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
		readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(outfile)))
		options(show.error.messages = TRUE)			
	if( inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")	)
		infiles	<- data.table(FILE=list.files(indir, pattern='fasta$', recursive=T))
		infiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('_wRefs\\.fasta','',gsub('_cut|_raw','',basename(FILE)))]
		infiles[, BLASTnCUT:= regmatches(FILE,regexpr('cut|raw',FILE))]		 
		#	identify identical raw and cut contigs, and identify cut contigs that are part of the raw contig
		txe		<- infiles[,{
					#png_id	<- '12559_1_11'
					#files	<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, FILE]
					#blastncut<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, BLASTnCUT]
					cat('\nProcess', PNG_ID)
					tx	<- haircut.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs(indir, FILE, PNG_ID, BLASTnCUT)
				}, by='PNG_ID']
		#	consider identical contigs. merge cut contigs into equal contigs, so we can look at all equal pairs
		txec	<- merge(subset(txe, EQ), ctrain, all.x=TRUE, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON'))		
		tmp		<- subset(txe, EQ & CUT=='cut', select=c(PNG_ID, OCNTG, CCNTG, TAXON, EQ_FIRST, EQ_LAST))
		txec	<- merge(txec, tmp, all.x=TRUE, allow.cartesian=TRUE,by=c('PNG_ID','OCNTG'))
		tmp		<- subset(ctrain, select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, ANS_LEN))
		setnames(tmp, c('TAXON','ANS_LEN'), c('TAXON_CUT','ANS_LEN_CUT'))
		txec	<- merge(txec, tmp, all.x=1, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON_CUT'))
		#	work out which contigs to use for training
		txec[, USE_IN_TRAIN:='Y']
		#	if raw and cut contigs in curated and identical: don t use raw (double counting).
		tmp		<- txec[, which(CUT=='raw' & is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))]
		cat(paste('\nFound raw and cut contigs in curated that are identical: don t use raw for training to avoid double counting, n=', length(tmp)))
		set(txec, tmp, 'ANS_FILE', NA_character_)
		set(txec, tmp, c('ANS_FIRST','ANS_LAST'), NA_integer_)	#need to set ANS_LEN to NA later
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'N')
		#	if raw and concatenated cut contigs identical and only raw in curated: don t use cut in training as 0
		tmp		<- subset(txec, USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' & CUT=='raw' & is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(ANS_LEN) & is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))[, TAXON_CUT] 
		cat(paste('\nFound raw and cut contigs identical and only raw in curated: don t use cut in training as 0, n=', length(tmp)))
		set(txec, txec[, which(TAXON%in%tmp & CUT=='cut')], 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'N')
		#	if raw and concatenated cut contigs identical and only cut in curated: don t use raw in training as 0
		tmp		<- txec[, which(USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' & CUT=='raw' & is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))] 
		cat(paste('\nFound raw and cut contigs identical and only cut in curated: don t use raw in training as 0, n=', length(tmp)))
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'N')
		#	if cut contig subset of raw contig and both in curated: should not happen
		tmp		<- nrow(subset(txec, USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' & CUT=='raw' & !is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT)))
		#	if cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: use cut only partial
		tmp		<- txec[, which(USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' & CUT=='cut' & !is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(EQ_FIRST) & !is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))]
		cat(paste('\nFound cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: use cut only partial, n=', length(tmp)))
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'P')
		#	if cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: dont use raw as 0's
		tmp		<- txec[, which(USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' & CUT=='raw' & !is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(EQ_FIRST_CUT) & is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))]
		cat(paste('\nFound cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: dont use raw as 0s, n=', length(tmp)))
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'N')
		#	if cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: use cut only partial
		tmp		<- subset(txec, CUT=='raw' & !is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(EQ_FIRST_CUT) & is.na(ANS_LEN) & !is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT))[, TAXON_CUT]
		tmp		<- txec[, which(TAXON%in%tmp & CUT=='cut')]
		cat(paste('\nFound cut contig subset of raw contig and only cut in curated: dont use raw as 0s, n=', length(tmp)))		
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'P')
		#	can now set ANS_LEN to NA from above case 
		set(txec, txec[, which(is.na(ANS_FIRST) & !is.na(ANS_LEN))], 'ANS_LEN', NA_integer_)
		#	add contigs that are in curated and unique amongst cut and raw
		tmp		<- merge(subset(txe, !EQ), ctrain, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON'))
		tmp[, USE_IN_TRAIN:='Y']
		stopifnot( length(intersect( tmp[, TAXON], txec[,TAXON] ))==0	)
		txec	<- rbind(txec, tmp, use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
		#	if cut contig subset of raw contig and only raw in curated: dont use cut as 0's
		tmp		<- subset(txec, CUT=='raw' & !is.na(CCNTG_CUT) & !is.na(EQ_FIRST_CUT) & !is.na(ANS_LEN) & is.na(ANS_LEN_CUT), c(PNG_ID, OCNTG))
		tmp		<- subset( merge(tmp, txe, by=c('PNG_ID','OCNTG')), CUT=='cut' )[, unique(TAXON)]
		cat(paste('\nFound cut contig subset of raw contig and only raw in curated: dont use cut as 0, n=', length(tmp)))
		tmp		<- txec[, which(TAXON%in%tmp & CUT=='cut')]
		set(txec, tmp, 'USE_IN_TRAIN', 'N')
		#	delete tmp cols
		setkey(txec, PNG_ID, TAXON, CUT)
		txec	<- unique(txec)					
		save(txec, file=outfile)
		#print( txec[, table(USE_IN_TRAIN)] )
##	get training data set: contig statistics aligned to sites where curated contigs were not cut 
haircut.get.training.data<- function(indir, ctrain, par, outdir, outfile)
	infiles	<- data.table(INFILE=list.files(indir, pattern='\\.R$', recursive=T))
	infiles[, BATCH:= ceiling(seq_len(nrow(infiles))/100)]
	for(b in infiles[, unique(BATCH)])
		#	add curated answers to data by batch
		tmp		<- subset(infiles, BATCH==b)[, {
					cat(paste('\nProcess', INFILE ))
					#	INFILE	<- infiles[12,INFILE]
					load( paste(indir,INFILE,sep='/'))						
					#	select contig+refs for which curated answer available				
					#cm		<- merge( unique(subset(cnsc.df, select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, BLASTnCUT))), subset( ctrain, select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, BLASTnCUT, USE_IN_TRAIN, EQ_FIRST, EQ_LAST, ANS_FILE, ANS_LEN, ANS_FIRST, ANS_LAST) ), all.x=1, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON','BLASTnCUT') )
					cm		<- merge( unique(subset(cnsc.df, TAXON!='consensus',select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, BLASTnCUT))), subset( ctrain, select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, BLASTnCUT, USE_IN_TRAIN, EQ_FIRST, EQ_LAST, ANS_FILE, ANS_LEN, ANS_FIRST, ANS_LAST) ), all.x=1, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON','BLASTnCUT') )
					#	code below identifies ANS_CALL=1
					#	we also need ANS_CALL=0; these are all those that don t have a curated file + all those that have USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y'					
					cm		<- subset(cm, is.na(USE_IN_TRAIN) |  USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' |  USE_IN_TRAIN=='P')
					if( cm[, all(is.na(ANS_LEN))] )
						cat(paste('\nNo data contigs matched in training data set', INFILE ))
						ca	<- merge(subset(cnsc.df, select=c(TAXON, SITE, FRQ, FRQ_STD, AGRpc, GPS, PNG_ID, BLASTnCUT)), subset(cm, select=TAXON), by='TAXON')
						ca[, ANS_CALL:=0L]							
					if( cm[, !all(is.na(ANS_LEN))] && ncol(cnsc)!=subset(cm, !is.na(ANS_LEN))[1, ANS_LEN] )
						cat(paste('\nMatching contigs exist in training data set, but are not necessarily aligned', INFILE )) 
						cr		<- read.dna(subset(cm, !is.na(ANS_LEN))[1,  ANS_FILE], format='fasta')
						#	determine start of non-LTR position and cut 
						cr		<- cr[, seq.int(haircut.find.nonLTRstart(cr), ncol(cr))]
						#	determine consensus to calculate offset
						tmp		<- strsplit(basename(subset(cm, !is.na(ANS_LEN))[1,  ANS_FILE]), '_')[[1]][1]
						tx		<- data.table(TAXON= rownames(cr), CONTIG=as.integer(grepl(tmp, rownames(cr))) )			
						tmp		<- cr[subset(tx, CONTIG==0)[, TAXON],]
						rp		<- haircut.get.frequencies(tmp, bases=c('a','c','g','t','-') )
						crc		<- haircut.get.consensus.from.frequencies(rp, par)$DNAbin
						cdc		<- cnsc['consensus', ]
						#	calculate site offset in the curated sequence (crc)
						offset	<- haircut.calculate.offset(crc,cdc)
						#	update ANS_FIRST and ANS_LAST according to offset of curated contig in data contigs
						if(any(offset!=0) && ncol(cnsc)!=subset(cm, !is.na(ANS_LEN))[1, ANS_LEN])
							warning(paste('\nPerhaps check: Found unequal lengths for', INFILE))
					if( cm[, !all(is.na(ANS_LEN))] )
						#	expand to SITEs that were called manually
						ca		<- subset(cm, !is.na(ANS_LEN))[, list(SITE=seq.int(ANS_FIRST,ANS_LAST), ANS_CALL=1L), by='TAXON']
						#	keep only those contigs that are not in USE_IN_TRAIN=='N'
						tmp		<- merge(subset(cnsc.df, select=c(TAXON, SITE, FRQ, FRQ_STD, AGRpc, GPS, PNG_ID, BLASTnCUT)), subset(cm, select=c(TAXON, USE_IN_TRAIN, EQ_FIRST, EQ_LAST)), by='TAXON')
						ca		<- merge(tmp, ca, all.x=1, by=c('TAXON','SITE'))
						ca		<- subset(ca, USE_IN_TRAIN=='Y' | is.na(USE_IN_TRAIN) | (USE_IN_TRAIN=='P' & SITE>=EQ_FIRST & SITE<=EQ_LAST))
						set(ca, ca[,which(is.na(ANS_CALL))],'ANS_CALL',0L)
						set(ca, NULL, c('USE_IN_TRAIN','EQ_FIRST','EQ_LAST'), NULL)
					tmp		<- subset(cnsc.df, TAXON=='consensus')
					setnames(tmp, c('FRQ','FRQ_STD','AGRpc','GPS'), c('CNS_FRQ','CNS_FRQ_STD','CNS_AGRpc','CNS_GPS'))
					ca		<- merge(ca, subset(tmp, select=c(SITE, CNS_FRQ, CNS_FRQ_STD, CNS_AGRpc, CNS_GPS)), by='SITE')
				}, by='INFILE']
		#	save batches in chunks of sites
		cat(paste('\nSave batch to file', b ))
		tmp[, CHUNK:= cut(SITE, breaks=c(-1,seq.int(200, 10000, 200),Inf), labels=c(seq.int(200, 10200, 200) ))]
		for(c in tmp[, unique(CHUNK)])
			ctr	<- subset(tmp, CHUNK==c)				
			save(ctr, file=paste(outdir, '/', outfile,'_sites',c,'_batch',b,'.R',sep=''))
		cat(paste('\nSaved batch to file', b ))
	#	load batches and save chunks
	ofiles	<- data.table(FILE=list.files(outdir, pattern='\\.R$', recursive=T))
	ofiles	<- subset(ofiles, !grepl('SITES', FILE))
	set(ofiles, NULL, 'SITES', ofiles[, substring(regmatches(FILE, regexpr('sites[0-9]+',FILE)), 6)])
	ofiles[, {
				ctr	<- do.call('rbind',lapply(FILE, function(x)
				save(ctr, file=paste(outdir, '/', outfile,'_SITES',SITES,'.R',sep=''))
			}, by='SITES']
	#	rm intermediates files
	invisible( file.remove(ofiles[, paste(outdir,FILE,sep='/')]) )
	#Perhaps check: Found unequal lengths for 15065_1_10_cut_wRefs_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr5_aw200_fw100_gw200.R	1367
	#Perhaps check: Found unequal lengths for 15070_1_9_raw_wRefs_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr5_aw200_fw100_gw200.R	1522
	#Perhaps check: Found unequal lengths for 15099_1_87_raw_wRefs_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr5_aw200_fw100_gw200.R	1924
	#Perhaps check: Found unequal lengths for 15172_1_43_cut_wRefs_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr5_aw200_fw100_gw200.R	2325
##	determine if cut contigs are identical to a stretch or possibly the whole raw contig with the same contig ID 
haircutwrap.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs<- function(indir, outfile)
	options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
	readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(outfile)))
	options(show.error.messages = TRUE)	
	if( inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")	)
		infiles	<- data.table(FILE=list.files(indir, pattern='fasta$', recursive=T))
		infiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('_wRefs\\.fasta','',gsub('_cut|_raw','',basename(FILE)))]
		infiles[, BLASTnCUT:= regmatches(FILE,regexpr('cut|raw',FILE))]		 
		#	identify identical raw and cut contigs, and identify cut contigs that are part of the raw contig
		txe		<- infiles[,{
					#png_id	<- '12559_1_11'
					#files	<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, FILE]
					#blastncut<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, BLASTnCUT]
					cat('\nProcess', PNG_ID)
					tx	<- haircut.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs(indir, FILE, PNG_ID, BLASTnCUT)
				}, by='PNG_ID']
		save(txe, file=outfile)
##	return EQ= 1 and EQ_FIRST EQ_LAST positions, if cut contig are subsets of the raw contig in that: 
##	- 	there is only once cut contig which disagrees on up to x positions, where x is the difference in alignment lengths in the cut and raw files
##	- 	the cut contigs matches the raw contig without gaps, where the raw contig is set to start from the start position of the cut contig
haircut.get.subset.among.raw.and.cut.contigs<- function(indir, files, png_id, blastncut)
	crs		<- lapply(files, function(x)
				cr		<- read.dna(file=paste(indir,'/',x,sep=''), format='fasta')
					cr		<- cr[, seq.int(haircut.find.nonLTRstart(cr), ncol(cr))]
					tmp		<- strsplit(basename(x), '_')[[1]][1]
					tx		<- data.table(TAXON= rownames(cr), CONTIG=as.integer(grepl(tmp, rownames(cr))) )
					cr		<- cr[ subset(tx, CONTIG==1)[, TAXON], ]	
					cr		<- as.DNAbin(matrix(vector('character',0), nrow=2, byrow=T, dimnames=list(c('DUMMY','DUMMY'),c())))
	names(crs)	<- blastncut
	#	get contig table
	tx		<- do.call('rbind',lapply(seq_along(crs), function(i)	data.table(	TAXON=rownames(crs[[i]]), 
								CUT= blastncut[i], 
								FIRST= apply( as.character(crs[[i]]), 1, function(x) which(x!='-')[1] ),
								LAST= ncol(crs[[i]])-apply( as.character(crs[[i]]), 1, function(x) which(rev(x)!='-')[1] ) + 1L,
								CRS_ID=i)	))
	tx		<- subset(tx, !is.na(FIRST) & !is.na(LAST))	#some contigs may just be in LTR
	tx[, CNTG:=tx[, gsub(paste(png_id,'.',sep=''),'',substring(TAXON, regexpr(png_id, TAXON)))]]
	tx[, OCNTG:= tx[, sapply(strsplit(CNTG,'.',fixed=T),'[[',1)]]
	tx[, CCNTG:= NA_character_]		
	tx[, EQ:=FALSE]
	tx[, EQ_FIRST:=NA_integer_]
	tx[, EQ_LAST:=NA_integer_]
	tmp		<- tx[, which(grepl('.',CNTG,fixed=T))]
		set(tx, tmp, 'CCNTG', tx[tmp, sapply(strsplit(CNTG,'.',fixed=T),'[[',2)])	
	tmp		<- subset(tx, CUT=='cut' & !is.na(CCNTG))[, list(CCNTGn=length(CCNTG)), by='OCNTG']
	tmp		<- subset(tmp, CCNTGn==1)[, OCNTG]	#check for cut contigs that should be present in multiple cuts by naming scheme, but after LTR removal there is only one cut
		cat('\nFound lone cuts for which multiple cuts are expected by naming scheme, n=', length(tmp))
		tmp	<- tx[, which(CUT=='cut' & OCNTG%in%tmp)]
		set(tx, tmp, 'CCNTG', NA_character_)
		set(tx, tmp, 'CNTG', tx[tmp, OCNTG])
	}#	check if there are contigs with corresponding name in 'cut' and that are identical / subset
	#	differences in gaps are allowed: these will come from different alignment
	txe		<- dcast.data.table(tx, CNTG~CUT, value.var='TAXON')
	txe		<- subset( txe, !is.na(cut) & !is.na(raw) )
	if(nrow(txe) && c('cut','raw')%in%colnames(txe))
		txe		<- txe[, {
					x							<- sub('^-*','',sub('-*$','',paste(as.vector(as.character(crs[['cut']][cut,])),collapse='')))
					y							<- sub('^-*','',sub('-*$','',paste(as.vector(as.character(crs[['raw']][raw,])),collapse='')))
					z							<- nchar(x)
						z2	<- x==y
						z3	<- 1L
						attr(z3, 'match.length')<- nchar(y)
						z	<- gsub('-','',x)
						z2	<- z==gsub('-','',y)
						z3	<- haircut.large.regexpr(z,gsub('-','',y))
						z	<- nchar(x)
					list(EQtmp=z2, EQ_FIRSTtmp=as.integer(z3), EQ_LASTtmp=as.integer(z3+attr(z3, 'match.length')-1L+nchar(x)-z))					
				}, by='CNTG']
		tx		<- merge(tx, txe, all.x=TRUE, by='CNTG')
		tmp		<- tx[, which(!is.na(EQ_FIRSTtmp) & EQ_FIRSTtmp>0)]
		set(tx, tmp, 'EQ_FIRST', tx[tmp,FIRST]+tx[tmp,EQ_FIRSTtmp]-1L)
		set(tx, tmp, 'EQ_LAST', tx[tmp,FIRST]+tx[tmp,EQ_LASTtmp]-tx[tmp,EQ_FIRSTtmp])
		set(tx, tmp, 'EQ', tx[tmp,EQtmp])
		set(tx, NULL, c('EQ_FIRSTtmp','EQ_LASTtmp','EQtmp'),NULL)				
	#	see if cut contigs are subset of the raw contig
	txe		<- subset(tx, !is.na(CCNTG))
		tmp		<- subset(tx, CUT=='raw')
		setnames(tmp, colnames(tmp)[ !grepl('OCNTG',colnames(tmp))], paste( colnames(tmp)[ !grepl('OCNTG',colnames(tmp))], '_raw',sep='' ))
		txe		<- merge(txe, tmp, by='OCNTG')
		txe		<- txe[, {
					z		<- sub('-*$','',paste(as.vector(as.character(crs[['cut']][TAXON,])),collapse=''))
					x		<- sub('^-*','',z)
					tmp		<- nchar(z)-nchar(x)	#number '-' clipped up to start of cut contig
					tmp		<- max(1L, 1L+tmp-abs(diff(c(ncol(crs[['cut']]), ncol(crs[['raw']])))))	#read pos in raw contig
					y		<- sub('-*$','',paste(as.vector(as.character(crs[['raw']][TAXON_raw, seq.int(tmp, ncol(crs[['raw']])) ])),collapse=''))
					#	y starts just a few sites before x should fit, need to determine exact position
					z		<- gsub('-','',x)	#rm internal '-' because cut and raw are not in same alignment
					z2		<- gsub('-','',y)	#rm internal '-' because cut and raw are not in same alignment
					z3		<- regexpr( substr(z,1,min(9,nchar(z))),  z2 )
						z2	<- substring(z2, z3)
						z2	<- haircut.large.regexpr(z, z2)
					if(	z3<0 || z3> (abs(diff(c(ncol(crs[['cut']]), ncol(crs[['raw']]))))+1)  )	#positioned raw to fit cut within alignment accuracy - reject match if that s not the case
						z3	<- -1L					
					list(EQ_FIRSTtmp=as.integer(z3), EQ_LASTtmp=as.integer(z3+attr(z2, 'match.length')-1L+nchar(x)-nchar(z)) )					
				}, by=c('CNTG','OCNTG')]
		txe		<- subset(txe, EQ_FIRSTtmp>0)
		tx		<- merge(tx,txe,all.x=TRUE,by=c('CNTG','OCNTG'))
		tmp		<- tx[, which(!is.na(EQ_FIRSTtmp) & EQ_FIRSTtmp>0)]
		set(tx, tmp, 'EQ_FIRST', tx[tmp,FIRST]+tx[tmp,EQ_FIRSTtmp]-1L)
		set(tx, tmp, 'EQ_LAST', tx[tmp,FIRST]+tx[tmp,EQ_LASTtmp]-tx[tmp,EQ_FIRSTtmp])
		set(tx, NULL, c('EQ_FIRSTtmp','EQ_LASTtmp'),NULL)
		set(tx, tx[, which( CUT=='raw' & OCNTG%in%txe[, unique(OCNTG)] )], 'EQ', TRUE)
		set(tx, tx[, which( !is.na(EQ_FIRST))], 'EQ', TRUE)
	tx		<- merge(tx, data.table(INFILE=files, CUT=blastncut), by='CUT')
##	get curated contigs: names of curated contigs and first/last sites where they were not cut 
haircut.get.curated.contigs<- function(indir, outfile)
	options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
	readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(outfile)))
	options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
	tmp				<- !inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")
		infiles	<- data.table(FILE=list.files(indir, recursive=T, pattern='fasta$'))
		infiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('\\.fasta','',basename(FILE))]
		stopifnot( nrow(infiles)==infiles[, length(unique(PNG_ID))] )					
		ctrain	<- infiles[, {
					file	<- paste(indir, FILE, sep='/')
					cat(paste('\nProcess', file))
					#	read Contigs+Rrefs: cr
					cr		<- read.dna(file, format='fasta')
					#	determine start of non-LTR position and cut 
					tmp		<- haircut.find.nonLTRstart(cr)
					cat(paste('\nFound end of LTR at=', tmp-1))
					cr		<- cr[, seq.int(tmp, ncol(cr))]
					#	determine reference sequences. 
					#	non-refs have the first part of the file name in their contig name and are at the top of the alignment
					tmp		<- strsplit(basename(file), '_')[[1]][1]
					tx		<- data.table(TAXON= rownames(cr), CONTIG=as.integer(grepl(tmp, rownames(cr))) )
					stopifnot( all( tx[, which(CONTIG==1)] == seq.int(1, tx[, length(which(CONTIG==1))]) ) )
					cat(paste('\nFound contigs, n=', tx[, length(which(CONTIG==1))]))
					cns		<- cr[subset(tx, CONTIG==1)[, TAXON],]
					#	determine first and last non-gap sites
					tx		<- data.table(	TAXON= rownames(cns), PNG_ID=PNG_ID, LEN= ncol(cr),
							FIRST= apply( as.character(cns), 1, function(x) which(x!='-')[1] ),
							LAST= ncol(cns)-apply( as.character(cns), 1, function(x) which(rev(x)!='-')[1] )+1L		)
					subset(tx, !is.na(FIRST) & !is.na(LAST))	#	some contigs only map into LTR
				}, by='FILE']
		set(ctrain, NULL, 'FILE', ctrain[, paste(indir, FILE, sep='/')])
		save(ctrain, file=outfile)
##	Binomial model using FRQ and GAP
#' @import data.table zoo plyr ape reshape2 ggplot2
#' @export
haircut.get.fitted.model.150816a<- function(indir=NA, outfile=NA)
	if(is.na(outfile) | is.na(indir))		#	load from R package
		options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
		readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(system.file(package='PANGEAhaircut', "model_150816a.R"))))
		options(show.error.messages = TRUE)	
		if( inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")	)
			stop('Cannot find model file on system location')
	if(!is.na(outfile) & !is.na(indir))		#	load from outfile, and if not there create
		options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
		readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(outfile)))
		options(show.error.messages = TRUE)	
		if( inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")	)
			ctrmc	<- do.call('rbind', lapply(seq(1,10001,200), function(site)
								ctr		<- haircut.load.training.data(indir, site)	
								tmp		<- seq(ctr[, min(SITE)-1],ctr[, max(SITE)+10],10)
								tmp		<- tmp[tmp<=10000 | tmp==floor(ctr[, max(SITE)+10]/10)*10]
								ctr[, CHUNK:=cut(SITE, breaks=tmp, labels=tmp[-length(tmp)])]							
								ctrmc	<- do.call('rbind',lapply(ctr[, unique(CHUNK)], function(chunk)
													ctrch	<- subset(ctr, CHUNK==chunk)
													ctrchm	<- gamlss(ANS_CALL~FRQ+GPS, data=ctrch, family=BI())				#as good as 'AGRpc+GPS+CNS_FRQr' in terms of FN, FP
													ctrchmc	<- data.table(CHUNK=chunk, BETA0=coef(ctrchm)[1], BETA1=coef(ctrchm)[2], BETA2=coef(ctrchm)[3])					
			#	deal with end of genome where little data is available: we estimated coefs for all sites > 1e4, now split up using CHUNK notation
			ctr		<- haircut.load.training.data(indir, 10001)
			tmp		<- seq(ctr[, min(SITE)-1],ctr[, max(SITE)+10],10)
			tmp		<- as.data.table(expand.grid(CHUNK=as.character(tmp[tmp>10000]), BETA0=subset(ctrmc, CHUNK==10000)[, BETA0], BETA1=subset(ctrmc, CHUNK==10000)[, BETA1], BETA2=subset(ctrmc, CHUNK==10000)[, BETA2], stringsAsFactors=F))
			ctrmc	<- rbind(ctrmc, tmp)
			#	model predict function, so we save mem by not having to call 'predict'
			model.150816a.predict<- function(frq, gps, b0, b1, b2)
				stopifnot(all(!is.na(frq)), all(!is.na(gps)))
				b0[which(is.na(b0))]	<- 0
				b1[which(is.na(b1))]	<- 0
				b2[which(is.na(b2))]	<- 0
			#	calculate Sensitivity & Specificity on training data
			ctrev	<- do.call('rbind', lapply(seq(1,10200,200), function(site)
								ctr		<- haircut.load.training.data(indir, site)	
								tmp		<- seq(ctr[, min(SITE)-1],ctr[, max(SITE)+10],10)							
								ctr[, CHUNK:=cut(SITE, breaks=tmp, labels=tmp[-length(tmp)])]
								ctrp	<- merge(ctr, ctrmc, by='CHUNK')
								ctrp[, PR_CALL:=model.150816a.predict(FRQ, GPS, BETA0, BETA1, BETA2)]														
								setkey(ctrp, CHUNK)
									ctrev	<- as.data.table(expand.grid(THR= seq(0.05,0.95,0.01), CHUNK= as.character(ctrp[, unique(CHUNK)]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
									ctrev	<- ctrev[, {																																
												tmp	<- ctrp[CHUNK,][,table(ANS_CALL, factor(PR_CALL>=THR, levels=c('TRUE','FALSE'), labels=c('TRUE','FALSE')))]
												list(TP= tmp['1','TRUE'], FP= tmp['0','TRUE'], FN= tmp['1','FALSE'], TN= tmp['0','FALSE'] )					
											}, by=c('CHUNK','THR')]
									ctrev	<- merge(ctrev, ctrev[, list(SENS= TP/(TP+FN), SPEC=TN/(TN+FP), FDR=FP/(FP+TP), FOR=FN/(FN+TN)), by=c('CHUNK','THR')], by=c('CHUNK','THR'))
									ctrev	<- as.data.table(expand.grid(THR= c(seq(2,10,1), seq(15,30,5)), CHUNK= as.character(ctrp[, unique(CHUNK)]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
									ctrev	<- ctrev[, {
												ctrp[, CNS_PR_CALL:=CNS_FRQ-THR*CNS_FRQ_STD]
												set(ctrp, NULL, 'CNS_PR_CALL', ctrp[,model.150816a.predict(CNS_PR_CALL, CNS_GPS, BETA0, BETA1, BETA2)])										
												tmp	<- ctrp[CHUNK,][,table(ANS_CALL, factor(PR_CALL>=CNS_PR_CALL, levels=c('TRUE','FALSE'), labels=c('TRUE','FALSE')))]
												list(TP= tmp['1','TRUE'], FP= tmp['0','TRUE'], FN= tmp['1','FALSE'], TN= tmp['0','FALSE'] )					
											}, by=c('CHUNK','THR')]
									ctrev	<- merge(ctrev, ctrev[, list(SENS= TP/(TP+FN), SPEC=TN/(TN+FP), FDR=FP/(FP+TP), FOR=FN/(FN+TN)), by=c('CHUNK','THR')], by=c('CHUNK','THR'))								
								#	plot Sensitivity & Specificity
								ggplot(melt(ctrev, id.vars=c('CHUNK','THR'), measure.vars=c('SENS','SPEC','FDR','FOR')), aes(x=THR, y=100*value, colour=CHUNK)) +
										scale_x_reverse() +
										geom_line() + labs(x='standard deviations of consensus call prob\nPR_CALL_CNT >= PR_CALL_CNS-x*std(PR_CALL_CNS)',y='%', colour='site\n(base relative to HXB2)') +
										theme_bw() + theme(legend.position='bottom') + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol=2, scales='free') +									
										guides(col = guide_legend(ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)) 
								ggsave(file=paste(outdir,'/model.150816a_SensSpec_SITE',site,'.pdf',sep=''), w=9, h=9)
			set(ctrev, NULL, 'CHUNK', ctrev[, as.numeric(CHUNK)])			
			save(ctrmc, ctrev, model.150816a.predict, file=outfile)
	list(coef=ctrmc, predict=model.150816a.predict)
##	deal with large expressions by performing them subsequently
haircut.large.regexpr<- function(pattern, x, n=500, ...)
	tmp		<- seq_len(ceiling( nchar(pattern)/500 ))*500
	tmp		<- matrix( c(1, tmp[-length(tmp)]+1, tmp[-length(tmp)], nchar(pattern), rep(NA, 2*length(tmp))), byrow=T, nrow=4  )
	for(j in seq_len(ncol(tmp)))
		z			<- regexpr(substr(pattern, tmp[1,j], tmp[2,j]), x, ...)
		tmp[4,j]	<- attr(z,'match.length')
		tmp[3,j]	<- as.numeric(z)
	tmp		<- tmp[, as.logical(cummin( tmp[4,]>0 )), drop=FALSE]
	z		<- all( tmp[3, ]+tmp[4, ]-1==tmp[2, ] )		#check if complete match
	if(ncol(tmp) & z)
		ans							<- tmp[3,1]
		attr(ans,'match.length')	<- sum(tmp[4,])
	if(!ncol(tmp) | !z)
		ans							<- -1
		attr(ans,'match.length')	<- -1
olli0601/PANGEAhaircut documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:52 p.m.