
Defines functions haircutwrap.get.call.for.PNG_ID haircut.get.call.for.PNG_ID seq.rmgaps haircutwrap.get.cut.statistics haircut.get.cut.statistics haircut.load.training.data haircut.calculate.offset haircut.find.nonLTRstart haircut.find.lastRefSite haircut.get.frequencies

Documented in haircutwrap.get.call.for.PNG_ID haircutwrap.get.cut.statistics

##	wrapper to call 'haircutwrap.get.call.for.PNG_ID'
#' @title Call 10bp chunks of cut/raw contigs with the same PANGEA_ID
#' @import data.table zoo plyr ape reshape2 ggplot2 
#' @export
#' @example example/ex.get.call.for.PNG_ID.R
haircutwrap.get.call.for.PNG_ID<- function(indir.st,indir.al,outdir,ctrmc,predict.fun,par,ctrain=NULL,batch.n=NA,batch.id=NA)
	infiles	<- data.table(INFILE=list.files(indir.st, pattern='\\.R$', recursive=T))
	infiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('_wRefs.*','',INFILE)]
	#infiles[, BLASTnCUT:= regmatches(INFILE,regexpr('cut|raw',INFILE))]
	#set(infiles, NULL, 'BLASTnCUT', infiles[, factor(BLASTnCUT, levels=c('cut','raw'), labels=c('Y','N'))])
	alfiles <- data.table(ALFILE=list.files(indir.al, pattern='\\.fasta$', recursive=T))
	alfiles	<- subset(alfiles, grepl('wRefs',ALFILE))
	alfiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('_wRefs.*','',ALFILE)]
	#alfiles[, BLASTnCUT:= regmatches(basename(ALFILE),regexpr('cut|raw',basename(ALFILE)))]
	#set(alfiles, NULL, 'BLASTnCUT', alfiles[, factor(BLASTnCUT, levels=c('cut','raw'), labels=c('Y','N'))])
	infiles	<- merge(infiles, alfiles, by='PNG_ID')
	if(!is.na(batch.n) & !is.na(batch.id))
		infiles[, BATCH:= ceiling(seq_len(nrow(infiles))/batch.n)]
		infiles		<- subset(infiles, BATCH==batch.id)
	#	get reference file names
	crn			<- data.table(TAXON=rownames(read.dna(system.file(package="PANGEAhaircut", "HIV1_COM_2012_genome_DNA_NoLTR.fasta"), format='fasta')), CONTIG=0L)
	#	predict by PANGEA_ID
	cnsc.info	<-  infiles[,
				cat(paste('\nProcess', PNG_ID))
				conf	<- 1
				#	catch any warnings that indicate that automatic calling may have failed
				#	if this happens, set confidence scores to 0
				if(0)	#devel
					PNG_ID<- png_id	<- '15099_1_49'
					PNG_ID	<- png_id <- 'R13_X84343'
					files	<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, INFILE]
					alfiles	<- subset(infiles, PNG_ID==png_id)[, ALFILE]								
					tmp		<- haircut.get.call.for.PNG_ID(indir.st, indir.al, png_id, files, alfiles, par, ctrmc, predict.fun, crn)
					tmp		<- haircut.get.call.for.PNG_ID(indir.st, indir.al, PNG_ID, INFILE, ALFILE, par, ctrmc, predict.fun, crn)							
				cr		<- tmp$cr
				cnsc.df	<- tmp$cnsc.df	
				conf	<- tmp$conf
				#	handle output
				if(length(setdiff(rownames(cr), crn[,TAXON]))>0)
					tmp		<- paste(outdir,'/',PNG_ID,'_wref_nohair.fasta',sep='')
					cat('\nWrite to file', tmp)
					write.dna(cr, file=tmp, format='fasta', colsep='', nbcol=-1)
					#	save as R
					tmp	<- paste(outdir, '/', PNG_ID, '_wref_nohair.R',sep='')
					cat('\nSave to file', tmp)
					save(cnsc.df, cr, file=tmp)	
					#	handle plotting
					set(cnsc.df, NULL, 'TAXON', cnsc.df[, gsub('_cut','',TAXON)]) 
					#	see if there is curated contig available
						cnsc.df	<- merge(cnsc.df, subset(ctrain, select=c(PNG_ID, TAXON, BLASTnCUT, ANS_FIRST, ANS_LAST)), all.x=T, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON','BLASTnCUT'))		
						cnsc.df[, CUR_CALL:=NA_integer_]
						set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(!is.na(ANS_FIRST) & SITE>=ANS_FIRST & SITE<=ANS_LAST)], 'CUR_CALL', 1L)
						set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(!is.na(ANS_FIRST) & (SITE<ANS_FIRST | SITE>ANS_LAST))], 'CUR_CALL', 0L)
						set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(is.na(CUR_CALL))], 'CUR_CALL', 0L)								
						cnsc.df[, CUR_CALL:=NA_integer_]
					#	plot				
					cnsc.df[, TAXONnCUT:= cnsc.df[, paste(TAXON,'_cut=',BLASTnCUT,sep='')]]
					ggplot(cnsc.df, aes(x=SITE, fill=BLASTnCUT, group=TAXONnCUT)) +
							geom_ribbon(aes(ymax=CALL, ymin=0), alpha=0.5) +
							geom_line(aes(y=PR_CALL), colour='black') +
							geom_line(aes(y=CNS_PR_CALL), colour='blue') +
							geom_line(aes(y=CUR_CALL), colour='red') +
							scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,15e3, ifelse(cnsc.df[,max(SITE)]>5e2, 5e2, floor(cnsc.df[,max(SITE)/3])))) + 
							facet_wrap(~TAXONnCUT, ncol=1) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position='bottom') +
							labs(fill='Contig BLASTnCUT', x='position on consensus w/o LTR', y='fill: predicted call\nblack line: predictive probability\nblue line: threshold\nred line: curated call')
					tmp		<- paste(outdir, '/', PNG_ID, '_wref_nohair.pdf',sep='')
					cat('\nPlot to file', tmp)
					ggsave(w=10, h=3*cnsc.df[, length(unique(TAXON))], file=tmp)					
				#	report confidence score
				tmp		<- subset(cnsc.df, CALL==1)[, list(QUANTILE=c(0,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5), PR_CALL=quantile(PR_CALL, p=c(0,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5))), by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT')]
					set(tmp, NULL, 'PR_CALL', 0)
			}, by='PNG_ID']
	#	write quantiles of PR_CALL to file
	if(is.na(batch.n) || is.na(batch.id))
		file		<- paste(outdir, '/model150816a_QUANTILESofPRCALLbyCONTIG.csv',sep='')
	if(!is.na(batch.n) & !is.na(batch.id))
		file		<- paste(outdir, '/model150816a_QUANTILESofPRCALLbyCONTIG_batchn',batch.n,'_batchid',batch.id,'.csv',sep='')
	cnsc.info	<- dcast.data.table(cnsc.info, PNG_ID+TAXON+BLASTnCUT~QUANTILE, value.var='PR_CALL')
	write.csv(cnsc.info, row.names=FALSE, file=file)	
##	predict Calls for contigs with same PANGEA ID, based on fitted model
##	update: 
##		1)	do not return duplicate contigs (ie cut and raw, if both are to be kept)
##		2)	do not return raw contigs if cut exists and if raw extends into LTR
haircut.get.call.for.PNG_ID<- function(indir.st, indir.al, png_id, files, alfiles, par, ctrmc, predict.fun, crn)	
	conf	<- 1
	#	load covariates
	stopifnot(length(files)==1, length(alfiles)==1)
	load( paste(indir.st, '/', files, sep='') )
	tmp		<- subset(cnsc.df, TAXON=='consensus', c(SITE, FRQ, FRQ_STD, GPS))
	setnames(tmp, c('FRQ','FRQ_STD','GPS'), c('CNS_FRQ','CNS_FRQ_STD','CNS_GPS'))
	cnsc.df	<- merge(subset(cnsc.df, TAXON!='consensus'), tmp, by='SITE')					
	#	load alignment	and cut LTR and anything that extends past references
	cr		<- read.dna(file=paste(indir.al,alfiles,sep='/'), format='fasta')
	cr		<- cr[, seq.int(haircut.find.nonLTRstart(cr), ncol(cr))]
	cr		<- cr[, seq.int(1, haircut.find.lastRefSite(cr))]
	#	check that coverage is >1 amongst references for long enough
	if(!is.na(par['PRCALL.mxgpinref']) && nrow(cnsc.df) && nrow(cr))
		rp		<- haircut.get.frequencies(cr[crn[, TAXON], ], bases=c('a','c','g','t','-'))
		rp		<- subset(rp, BASE=='-', select=c(SITE, COV, FRQ))
		rp[, GPinREF:= as.integer(COV_NOGP<1)]	
		tmp		<- rp[, gregexpr('1+',paste(GPinREF,collapse=''))[[1]]]
		#rp[, paste(GPinREF,collapse='')]
		rp		<- data.table(CALL_ID= seq_along(tmp), CALL_POS=as.integer(tmp), CALL_LEN=attr(tmp, 'match.length'))
		rp		<- subset(rp, CALL_LEN>par['PRCALL.mxgpinref'])
		rp		<- rp[, CALL_LAST:=CALL_POS+CALL_LEN-1L]
		setkey(rp, CALL_POS)
		for(i in rev(seq_len(nrow(rp))))
			cat('\nFound large gap in references at pos', rp[i,CALL_POS],'-',rp[i,CALL_LAST],'setting all CALLS to 0')
			cnsc.df	<- subset(cnsc.df, SITE<rp$CALL_POS[i] | SITE>rp$CALL_LAST[i])
			tmp		<- cnsc.df[, which(SITE>rp$CALL_LAST[i])]
			set(cnsc.df, tmp, 'SITE', cnsc.df[tmp, SITE-rp$CALL_LEN[i]])			
			cr		<- cr[, setdiff(seq_len(ncol(cr)), rp[i,seq.int(CALL_POS,CALL_LAST)])]
			stopifnot( cnsc.df[,max(SITE)]<=ncol(cr) )
	#	get contig table
	tx		<- subset( merge(data.table(TAXON=rownames(cr)), crn, by='TAXON', all.x=1), is.na(CONTIG), TAXON )
	tx[, BLASTnCUT:= factor(grepl('cut',TAXON), levels=c(TRUE,FALSE),labels=c('Y','N'))]
	tx[, FIRST:= apply( as.character(cr[TAXON,,drop=FALSE]), 1, function(x) which(x!='-')[1] )]
	tx[, LAST:= ncol(cr)-apply( as.character(cr[TAXON,,drop=FALSE]), 1, function(x) which(rev(x)!='-')[1] ) + 1L]
	tx		<- subset(tx, !is.na(FIRST) & !is.na(LAST))	#some contigs may just be in LTR
	#	find common substring between TAXA names and png_id
	tmp		<- unlist(sapply(seq_len(nchar(png_id)), function(i)	sapply(seq.int(i,nchar(png_id)), function(j)	substr(png_id, i, j)	)))	
	tmp		<- tx[, {	
						#tmp		<- LCS( strsplit(TAXON, '')[[1]], strsplit(png_id, '')[[1]] )$vb
						#tmp		<- tmp[ tmp==(tmp[1]-1+seq_along(tmp)) ]				
						#list(PNG_KEY=substring(png_id, tmp[1], tail(tmp,1)))
						z		<- tmp[ sapply(tmp, function(x) grepl(x, TAXON)) ]						
						list(PNG_KEY=z[ which.max( nchar(z) ) ])														
					}, by='TAXON']
	png_key	<- Reduce(intersect, as.list(tmp[, PNG_KEY]))
	cat('\nFound common substring between TAXON names and PNG_ID=', png_key)
	tx[, CNTG:=tx[, gsub('^\\.','',gsub('_cut','',gsub(png_key,'',substring(TAXON, regexpr(png_key, TAXON)))))]]		
	tx[, OCNTG:= tx[, sapply(strsplit(CNTG,'.',fixed=T),	function(x)  paste(x[1:par['CNF.contig.idx']],collapse='.') )]]
	tx		<- merge(tx, tx[, list(CCNTG= gsub('^\\.','',gsub(OCNTG, '', CNTG, fixed=1))), by='TAXON' ], by=c('TAXON'))
	set(tx, tx[, which(nchar(CCNTG)==0)], 'CCNTG', NA_character_)
	tmp		<- subset(tx, BLASTnCUT=='Y' & !is.na(CCNTG))[, list(CCNTGn=length(CCNTG)), by='OCNTG']
	tmp		<- subset(tmp, CCNTGn==1)[, OCNTG]	#check for cut contigs that should be present in multiple cuts by naming scheme, but after LTR removal there is only one cut
		cat('\nFound lone cuts for which multiple cuts are expected by naming scheme, n=', length(tmp))
		tmp	<- tx[, which(BLASTnCUT=='Y' & OCNTG%in%tmp)]
		set(tx, tmp, 'CCNTG', NA_character_)
		set(tx, tmp, 'CNTG', tx[tmp, OCNTG])
	#	calculate PR_CALL of contig and of consensus
	tmp		<- seq(cnsc.df[, floor(min(SITE)/10)*10-10],cnsc.df[, max(SITE)+10],10)	
	cnsc.df[, CHUNK:=cut(SITE, breaks=tmp, labels=tmp[-length(tmp)])]
	cnsc.df	<- merge(cnsc.df, ctrmc, by='CHUNK', all.x=TRUE)
	stopifnot(cnsc.df[,!any(is.na(FRQ))], cnsc.df[,!any(is.na(FRQ_STD))], cnsc.df[,!any(is.na(GPS))] )
	if(cnsc.df[, any(is.na(BETA0))])
		conf	<- 0
		tmp		<- cnsc.df[, which(SITE==subset(cnsc.df, !is.na(BETA0))[, max(SITE)])[1]]
		tmp2	<- cnsc.df[, which(is.na(BETA0))]
		set(cnsc.df, tmp2, 'BETA0', cnsc.df[tmp, BETA0])
		set(cnsc.df, tmp2, 'BETA1', cnsc.df[tmp, BETA1])
		set(cnsc.df, tmp2, 'BETA2', cnsc.df[tmp, BETA2])
	cnsc.df[, PR_CALL:= predict.fun(FRQ, GPS, BETA0, BETA1, BETA2)]
	cnsc.df[, CNS_PR_CALL:= CNS_FRQ-par['PRCALL.thrstd']*CNS_FRQ_STD]
	set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(CNS_PR_CALL<0)], 'CNS_PR_CALL', 0)
	set(cnsc.df, NULL, 'CNS_PR_CALL', cnsc.df[,predict.fun(CNS_PR_CALL, CNS_GPS, BETA0, BETA1, BETA2)])
	set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(CNS_PR_CALL>par['PRCALL.thrmax'])], 'CNS_PR_CALL', par['PRCALL.thrmax']) 
	#	call if call prob of contig is not too low in relation to the call prob of the consensus 
	cnsc.df[, CALL:= as.integer(PR_CALL>=CNS_PR_CALL)]
		ggplot(cnsc.df, aes(x=SITE)) + facet_wrap(~TAXON, ncol=1) +
				geom_line(aes(y=PR_CALL), colour='black') +
				geom_line(aes(y=CNS_FRQ), colour='red') +
				geom_line(aes(y=CNS_PR_CALL), colour='blue') +
				geom_line(aes(y=CNS_GPS), colour='orange') +
				geom_line(aes(y=FRQ), colour='green') +
				geom_line(aes(y=GPS), colour='DarkGreen')
	#	determine predicted sites
	cnsc.1s	<- cnsc.df[, {
				z	<- gsub('0*$','',paste(CALL,collapse=''))
				z	<- gregexpr('1+',z)[[1]]	
				list(CALL_ID= seq_along(z), CALL_ID_MX= length(z), CALL_POS=as.integer(z+min(SITE)-1L), CALL_LEN=attr(z, 'match.length'))
			}, by=c('PNG_ID','TAXON','BLASTnCUT')]
	cnsc.1s	<- subset(cnsc.1s, CALL_LEN>0)		
		conf	<- 0
	#	calculate gaps and consecutive chunks
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, {
						ans	<- NA_integer_
						ans	<- CALL_POS[seq.int(2,length(CALL_POS))]-CALL_LAST[seq.int(1,length(CALL_LAST)-1)]-1L
					list(CALL_LAST=CALL_LAST[seq.int(1,length(CALL_LAST)-1)], GAP_LEN= ans)
				}, by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT')]
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, tmp,  by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT','CALL_LAST'), all.x=1)
		#calculate GAP_LEN_EFF
		cnsc.1s[, GAP_LEN_EFF:=NA_real_]
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, which(!is.na(GAP_LEN))]		
		for(i in tmp)
			z	<- cnsc.df[, which(TAXON==cnsc.1s$TAXON[i] & SITE>cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i] & SITE<=(cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i]+cnsc.1s$GAP_LEN[i]))]
			stopifnot(cnsc.df[z, ][, !any(CALL==1)])
			set(cnsc.1s, i, 'GAP_LEN_EFF', cnsc.df[z, ][, sum(abs(CNS_PR_CALL-PR_CALL))])
		set(cnsc.1s, NULL, 'GAP_LEN_EFF', cnsc.1s[, GAP_LEN_EFF/ifelse(is.na(par['PRCALL.thrmax']),1,par['PRCALL.thrmax'])])
		#	determine if is same chunk
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, {					
					z	<- as.numeric(!is.na(GAP_LEN) & GAP_LEN>2*par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair'])					
					list(CALL_ID=CALL_ID, CHUNK_ID=cumsum(c(0, z[-length(z)])))	
				}, by='TAXON']
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, tmp, by=c('TAXON','CALL_ID'))		
		#	determine if is no hair
		cnsc.1s[, HAIR:=1]
		#	no hair if first call of chunk, and longer than what is considered to be hair
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, list(CALL_ID=min(CALL_ID), HAIRtmp=CALL_LEN[which.min(CALL_ID)]<par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair']), by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID')], by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID','CALL_ID'), all.x=TRUE)
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[,which(!is.na(HAIRtmp))]
		set(cnsc.1s, tmp, 'HAIR', cnsc.1s[tmp, HAIR*HAIRtmp])
		set(cnsc.1s, NULL, 'HAIRtmp', NULL)
		#	no hair if last call of chunk and longer than what is considered to be hair
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, list(CALL_ID=max(CALL_ID), HAIRtmp=CALL_LEN[which.max(CALL_ID)]<par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair']), by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID')], by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID','CALL_ID'), all.x=TRUE)
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[,which(!is.na(HAIRtmp))]
		set(cnsc.1s, tmp, 'HAIR', cnsc.1s[tmp, HAIR*HAIRtmp])
		set(cnsc.1s, NULL, 'HAIRtmp', NULL)
		#	no hair if neither first nor last call of chunk
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, list(CALL_ID= CALL_ID[ CALL_ID!=max(CALL_ID) & CALL_ID!=min(CALL_ID)], HAIRtmp=0L), by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID')]	
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, subset(tmp, !is.na(CALL_ID)), by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID','CALL_ID'), all.x=TRUE)
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[,which(!is.na(HAIRtmp))]
		set(cnsc.1s, tmp, 'HAIR', cnsc.1s[tmp, HAIR*HAIRtmp])
		set(cnsc.1s, NULL, 'HAIRtmp', NULL)
		#	calculate if next is hair
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, list(CALL_ID=CALL_ID, HAIR_NEXT=c(HAIR[-1], 0)), by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID')], by=c('TAXON','CHUNK_ID','CALL_ID'))		
	#	fill internal gaps
	if((!is.na(par['PRCALL.rmintrnlgpsblw'] | !is.na(par['PRCALL.rmintrnlgpsend']))) && nrow(cnsc.1s))
		#	fill internal predicted gaps if no hair
			tmp	<- cnsc.1s[, which(GAP_LEN_EFF<par['PRCALL.rmintrnlgpsblw'] & HAIR==0 & HAIR_NEXT==0)]
		#	fill gaps at the end
			tmp	<- sort(union(tmp, cnsc.1s[, which(CALL_LAST>par['PRCALL.rmintrnlgpsend'] & !is.na(GAP_LEN))]))		
		for(i in tmp)	#	add ith called region to next call region
			tmp2	<- cnsc.df[, which(TAXON==cnsc.1s$TAXON[i] & BLASTnCUT==cnsc.1s$BLASTnCUT[i] & SITE>cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i] & SITE<=cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i]+cnsc.1s$GAP_LEN[i])]
			stopifnot( cnsc.df[tmp2,all(CALL==0)])
			cat('\nFound internal predicted gap and set to CALL=1, taxon=',cnsc.1s[i,TAXON],', cut=',cnsc.1s[i,as.character(BLASTnCUT)],', pos=',cnsc.1s[i,CALL_LAST+1L],', len=', length(tmp2))
			set(cnsc.df, tmp2, 'CALL', 1L)
			set(cnsc.1s, i+1L, 'CALL_POS', cnsc.1s[i,CALL_POS])
			set(cnsc.1s, i+1L, 'CALL_LEN', cnsc.1s[i+1L,CALL_LEN]+cnsc.1s[i,CALL_LEN]+cnsc.1s[i,GAP_LEN])
			set(cnsc.1s, i, 'CALL_ID', NA_integer_)
		cnsc.1s		<- subset(cnsc.1s, !is.na(CALL_ID))
	#	remove hair
	if(!is.na(par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair']) && nrow(cnsc.1s))
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, which(HAIR==1 & CALL_LEN<par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair'] )]	
		for(i in tmp)
			cat('\nFound predicted extra hair of length <',par['PRCALL.cutprdcthair'],'delete, n=',cnsc.1s$CALL_LEN[i])
			set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which(TAXON==cnsc.1s$TAXON[i] & BLASTnCUT==cnsc.1s$BLASTnCUT[i] & SITE>=cnsc.1s$CALL_POS[i] & SITE<=cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i])], 'CALL', 0L)
			set(cnsc.1s, i, 'CALL_ID', NA_integer_)										
		cnsc.1s	<- subset(cnsc.1s, !is.na(CALL_ID))								
	#	check if all called chunks in cut and raw contigs correspond to each other
	if(!is.na(par['PRCALL.cutrawgrace']) && nrow(cnsc.1s))
		cnsc.1s	<- merge(cnsc.1s, tx, by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT'))
		tmp		<- subset(cnsc.1s, BLASTnCUT=='Y', select=c(OCNTG, TAXON, CALL_ID, CALL_POS, CALL_LEN ))
		tmp		<- merge(subset(cnsc.1s, BLASTnCUT=='N'), tmp, by='OCNTG', allow.cartesian=TRUE)
		tmp		<- subset(tmp, abs(CALL_POS-CALL_POS_CUT)<par['PRCALL.cutrawgrace'] )	
		#	of the corresponding calls, keep the longer one 
		#	dont extend shorter for now as alignments may not match
		tmp2	<- subset(tmp, CALL_LEN>CALL_LEN_CUT)
		for(i in seq_len(nrow(tmp2)))	#keep raw
			cat('\nkeep only raw:', tmp2[i,TAXON])
			z	<- cnsc.df[, which( TAXON==tmp2$TAXON_CUT[i] & BLASTnCUT=='Y' & SITE>=tmp2$CALL_POS_CUT[i] & SITE<(tmp2$CALL_POS_CUT[i]+tmp2$CALL_LEN_CUT[i]))]
			stopifnot( cnsc.df[z,all(CALL==1)])
			set(cnsc.df, z, 'CALL', 0L)
			set(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, which(TAXON==tmp2$TAXON_CUT[i] & BLASTnCUT=='Y' & CALL_ID==tmp2$CALL_ID_CUT[i])],'CALL_ID',NA_integer_)
		tmp2	<- subset(tmp, CALL_LEN<=CALL_LEN_CUT)
		for(i in seq_len(nrow(tmp2)))	#keep cut
			cat('\nkeep only cut:', tmp2[i,TAXON_CUT])
			z	<- cnsc.df[, which( TAXON==tmp2$TAXON[i] & BLASTnCUT=='N' & SITE>=tmp2$CALL_POS[i] & SITE<=tmp2$CALL_LAST[i])]
			stopifnot( cnsc.df[z,all(CALL==1)])
			set(cnsc.df, z, 'CALL', 0L)
			set(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, which(TAXON==tmp2$TAXON[i] & BLASTnCUT=='N' & CALL_ID==tmp2$CALL_ID[i])],'CALL_ID',NA_integer_)
		cnsc.1s	<- subset(cnsc.1s, !is.na(CALL_ID))		
	#	check that remaining contigs have sufficient length
	if(!is.na(par['PRCALL.cutprdctcntg']) && nrow(cnsc.1s))
		tmp		<- cnsc.1s[, which(CALL_LEN<par['PRCALL.cutprdctcntg'])]	
		set(cnsc.1s, tmp, 'CALL_ID', NA_integer_)
		for(i in tmp)	#keep raw
			cat('\nFound predicted contig of length <',par['PRCALL.cutprdctcntg'],'delete, n=',cnsc.1s$CALL_LEN[i])
			set(cnsc.df, cnsc.df[, which( TAXON==cnsc.1s$TAXON[i] & BLASTnCUT==cnsc.1s$BLASTnCUT[i] & SITE>=cnsc.1s$CALL_POS[i] & SITE<=cnsc.1s$CALL_LAST[i])], 'CALL', 0L)
		cnsc.1s	<- subset(cnsc.1s, !is.na(CALL_ID))								
	#	update CALL_ID s
	setnames(cnsc.1s, 'CALL_ID', 'CALL_ID_OLD')
	cnsc.1s		<- merge(cnsc.1s, cnsc.1s[, list(CALL_ID_OLD=CALL_ID_OLD, CALL_ID=seq_along(CALL_POS), CALL_N=length(CALL_POS)), by='TAXON'], by=c('TAXON','CALL_ID_OLD'))
	set(cnsc.1s, NULL, 'CALL_ID_OLD', NULL)	
	#	split contigs if more than one CALL_ID	
	cnsc.1s		<- subset(cnsc.1s, CALL_N>1)
		# split cnsc.df
		z		<- cnsc.df[, sum(CALL)]
		cnsc.df	<- merge(cnsc.df,subset(cnsc.1s, select=c(TAXON, BLASTnCUT, CALL_ID, CALL_POS, CALL_LAST)),all.x=TRUE, allow.cartesian=TRUE,by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT'))
		tmp		<- cnsc.df[, which(!is.na(CALL_ID) & (SITE<CALL_POS | SITE>CALL_LAST))]
		set(cnsc.df, tmp, 'CALL', 0L)
		stopifnot(z==cnsc.df[, sum(CALL)])
		tmp		<- cnsc.df[, which(!is.na(CALL_ID))]
		set(cnsc.df, tmp, 'TAXON', cnsc.df[tmp, paste(TAXON,CALL_ID,sep='.')])
		# split seqs
		setkey(cnsc.1s, TAXON, BLASTnCUT, CALL_ID)
		for(i in rev(seq_len(nrow(cnsc.1s))))
				tmp				<- cr[cnsc.1s[i,TAXON], ]
				rownames(tmp)	<- cnsc.1s[i,paste(TAXON,CALL_ID,sep='.')]
				cr				<- rbind(cr,tmp)	
				rownames(cr)[ rownames(cr)==cnsc.1s[i,TAXON] ]	<- cnsc.1s[i,paste(TAXON,CALL_ID,sep='.')]
	#cnsc.df		<- merge(cnsc.df, unique(subset(cnsc.1s, select=c(TAXON, CALL_ID))), by='TAXON', all.x=TRUE)
	#	check there is no dust
	tmp			<- subset(cnsc.df, CALL==1)[, list(CALL_N= length(CALL)), by=c('TAXON','BLASTnCUT')][, CALL_N]
	#	produce fasta output:
	#	select cut and raw contigs with a call, then set all characters with CALL==0 to -
	cr			<- as.character(cr)
	tmp			<- subset(cnsc.df, CALL==1 )[, unique(TAXON)]
	tmp2		<- c( crn[, TAXON], rownames(cr)[ rownames(cr)%in%tmp ] ) 
	cr			<- cr[tmp2,]
	for(tx in tmp)
		cr[tx, subset(cnsc.df, TAXON==tx & CALL==0 & SITE<=ncol(cr))[, SITE]]	<- '-'
	#	rm all gaps from alignment
	cr			<- seq.rmgaps(cr)				
	list(cr=cr, cnsc.df=cnsc.df, conf=conf)
##	remove gaps 
seq.rmgaps<- function(seq.DNAbin.matrix, rm.only.col.gaps=1, rm.char='-', verbose=0)
		seq.DNAbin.matrix		<- as.character(seq.DNAbin.matrix)		
			tmp					<- lapply(seq_len(nrow(seq.DNAbin.matrix)), function(i){	seq.DNAbin.matrix[i, !seq.DNAbin.matrix[i,]%in%rm.char]	})
			names(tmp)			<- rownames(seq.DNAbin.matrix)
			tmp					<- lapply(seq_along(seq.DNAbin.matrix), function(i){	seq.DNAbin.matrix[[i]][ !seq.DNAbin.matrix[[i]]%in%rm.char]	})
			names(tmp)			<- names(seq.DNAbin.matrix)
		seq.DNAbin.matrix	<- tmp
		gap					<- apply(seq.DNAbin.matrix,2,function(x) all(x%in%rm.char)) 
		if(verbose)		cat(paste("\nremove gaps, n=",length(which(gap))))
		if(verbose>1)	cat(paste("\nremove gaps, at pos=",which(gap)))
		seq.DNAbin.matrix	<- seq.DNAbin.matrix[,!gap]	
	as.DNAbin( seq.DNAbin.matrix )
##	process all files in indir with 'haircut.get.cut.statistics'
#' @title Compute descriptive statistics that are used to calculate the call probability
#' @import data.table zoo plyr ape reshape2 ggplot2
#' @export
#' @example example/ex.get.cut.statistics.R
haircutwrap.get.cut.statistics<- function(indir, par, outdir=indir, batch.n=NA, batch.id=NA)	
	#	read just one file
	#	determine statistics for each contig after LTR
	infiles		<- data.table(FILE=list.files(indir, pattern='fasta$', recursive=T))
	infiles		<- subset(infiles, grepl('wRefs',FILE))
	infiles[, PNG_ID:= gsub('_wRefs\\.fasta','',gsub('_cut|_raw','',FILE))]
	if(!is.na(batch.n) & !is.na(batch.id))
		infiles[, BATCH:= ceiling(seq_len(nrow(infiles))/batch.n)]
		infiles		<- subset(infiles, BATCH==batch.id)
	#	check which contigs not yet processed
	infiles		<- merge(infiles, infiles[, {
						file	<- paste(indir, FILE, sep='/')
						tmp		<- paste(outdir, '/', gsub('\\.fasta',paste('_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr',100*par['FRQx.quantile'],'_aw',par['CNS_AGR.window'],'_fw',par['CNS_FRQ.window'],'_gw',par['GPS.window'],'.R',sep=''),basename(file)), sep='')
						options(show.error.messages = FALSE)		
						readAttempt		<-try(suppressWarnings(load(tmp)))
						options(show.error.messages = TRUE)	
						list(	DONE=!inherits(readAttempt, "try-error")	)			
					}, by='FILE'], by='FILE')
	cat(paste('\nFound processed files, n=', infiles[, length(which(DONE))]))
	infiles		<- subset(infiles, !DONE)
	#	get reference file names
	crn			<- data.table(TAXON=rownames(read.dna(system.file(package="PANGEAhaircut", "HIV1_COM_2012_genome_DNA_NoLTR.fasta"), format='fasta')), CONTIG=0L)
	#	infiles[, which(grepl('15173_1_56',FILE))]	fls<- 1224
	#	process files
	for(fls in infiles[, seq_along(FILE)])
		file	<- paste(indir, infiles[fls, FILE], sep='/')
		cat(paste('\nProcess', file))
		#	read Contigs+Rrefs: cr
		cr		<- read.dna(file, format='fasta')
		if(!is.matrix(cr) || nrow(cr)==0)
			warning('Found unexpected file format for file ', file)
		if(is.matrix(cr) && nrow(cr)>0)
			#	determine start of non-LTR position and cut 
			cr		<- cr[, seq.int(haircut.find.nonLTRstart(cr), ncol(cr))]
			#	cut at last site of references
			cr		<- cr[, seq.int(1, haircut.find.lastRefSite(cr))]		
			#	determine reference sequences. 
			#	non-refs have the first part of the file name in their contig name and are at the top of the alignment
			tx		<- merge(data.table(TAXON= rownames(cr)), crn, by='TAXON',all.x=1)
			set(tx, tx[, which(is.na(CONTIG))], 'CONTIG', 1L)
			tx		<- tx[order(-CONTIG, na.last=TRUE)]
			cr		<- cr[tx[,TAXON],]			
			cat(paste('\nFound contigs, n=', tx[, length(which(CONTIG==1))]))
			#	determine base frequencies at each site amongst references.
			tmp		<- cr[subset(tx, CONTIG==0)[, TAXON],]
			rp		<- haircut.get.frequencies(tmp, bases=c('a','c','g','t','-') )
			tmp		<- haircut.get.consensus.from.frequencies(rp, par)
			cnsr	<- tmp$DNAbin
			cnsr.df	<- tmp$DATATABLE
			#	for each contig, determine %agreement with consensus on rolling window
			cnsc	<- rbind(cnsr, cr[subset(tx, CONTIG==1)[, TAXON],])
			#	determine first and last non-gap sites
			tmp		<- as.character(cnsc)
			tx		<- data.table(	TAXON= rownames(cnsc), 
					FIRST= apply( tmp, 1, function(x) which(x!='-')[1] ),
					LAST= ncol(cnsc)-apply( tmp, 1, function(x) which(rev(x)!='-')[1] )+1L		)
			tx		<- subset(tx, !is.na(FIRST) & !is.na(LAST))	#	some contigs only map into LTR
			#	determine all cut statistics
			cnsc.df	<- haircut.get.cut.statistics(cnsc, rp, tx, par)		
			#ggplot(cnsc.df, aes(x=SITE)) +facet_wrap(~TAXON, ncol=1) + geom_line(aes(y=FRQ), colour='black') + geom_line(aes(y=AGRpc), colour='blue') + geom_line(aes(y=GPS), colour='red') + geom_line(aes(y=FRQ-2*FRQ_STD), colour='DarkGreen')
			cnsc.df[, PNG_ID:= infiles[fls, PNG_ID]]
			cnsc.df[, BLASTnCUT:= cnsc.df[, factor(grepl('cut',TAXON),levels=c(TRUE,FALSE),labels=c('Y','N'))]]
			cat(paste('\nSave contigs+consensus, n=', cnsc.df[, length(unique(TAXON))]))
			#	save
			file	<- paste(outdir, '/', gsub('\\.fasta',paste('_HAIRCUTSTAT_thr',100*par['FRQx.quantile'],'_aw',par['CNS_AGR.window'],'_fw',par['CNS_FRQ.window'],'_gw',par['GPS.window'],'.R',sep=''),basename(file)), sep='')
			cat(paste('\nSave to', file))
			save(cnsc, cnsc.df, file=file)	
##	get cut statistics:
##		- FRQ, FRQ_STD, AGRpc, GPS
haircut.get.cut.statistics<- function(cnsc, rp,  tx, par)
	cnsc.df	<- tx[,{					
				tmp		<- cnsc[ c('consensus',TAXON), seq.int(FIRST,LAST)]
				agrpc	<- 1-rollapply( seq_len(LAST-FIRST+1), width=par['CNS_AGR.window'], FUN= function(z) dist.dna(tmp[,z], model='indel' )/length(z), align='center', partial=T )					
				tmp		<- data.table(	BASE=as.vector(as.character(cnsc[TAXON, seq.int(FIRST,LAST)])), SITE=seq.int(FIRST,LAST))
				tmp		<- merge(rp,tmp,by=c('SITE','BASE'))
				set(tmp, NULL, 'FRQ_STD', tmp[, sqrt(FRQ*(1-FRQ)/COV)])
				freqr	<- rollapply( seq_len(LAST-FIRST+1), width=par['CNS_AGR.window'], FUN= function(z) mean(tmp$FRQ[z]), align='center', partial=T )
				freqsr	<- rollapply( seq_len(LAST-FIRST+1), width=par['CNS_AGR.window'], FUN= function(z) mean(tmp$FRQ_STD[z]), align='center', partial=T )
				tmp		<- as.character( cnsc[ TAXON, seq.int(FIRST,LAST)] )=='-'
				gps		<- rollapply( seq_len(LAST-FIRST+1), width=par['GPS.window'], FUN= function(z) mean(tmp[z]), align='center', partial=T )
				list( SITE=seq.int(FIRST,LAST),  FRQ=freqr, FRQ_STD=freqsr, AGRpc=agrpc, GPS=gps   )

##	load training data set for sites 
haircut.load.training.data<- function(indir, site)
	tmp		<- cut(site, breaks=c(-1,seq.int(200, 10200, 200),Inf), labels=c(paste('<',seq.int(200, 10200, 200),sep=''),'>10200'))
	tmp		<- gsub('<|>','',tmp)
	tmp		<- list.files(indir, pattern=paste('SITES',tmp,'\\.R',sep=''), full.names=T)
##	calculate offset of the first sequence to the second sequence, assuming that the only difference are gap characters
haircut.calculate.offset<- function(x,y)
	x		<- as.character(x)	
	y		<- as.character(y)		
	stopifnot( gsub('-','',paste(as.vector(x), collapse=''))==gsub('-','',paste(as.vector(y), collapse='')) )
	z		<- rbind.fill.matrix(x,y)
	offset	<- rep(0, ncol(z))			
	k		<- seq_len(ncol(z))+offset
	k		<- k[ k>0 & k<=ncol(z)]
	k		<- which( z[1, seq_along(k)]!=z[2, k] )[1]
		if( z[1,k]!='-' )
			offset[ seq.int(k,length(offset)) ] <- offset[ seq.int(k,length(offset)) ]+1
		if( z[1,k]=='-' )
			offset[ seq.int(k,length(offset)) ] <- offset[ seq.int(k,length(offset)) ]-1
		k		<- seq_len(ncol(z))+offset
		k		<- k[ k>0 & k<=ncol(z)]
		k		<- which( z[1, seq_along(k)]!=z[2, k] )[1]		
		offset	<- offset[ seq_len(length(x)) ]

##	find the first site outside the LTR in the contig + reference alignment 
haircut.find.nonLTRstart<- function(cr)
	ans				<- seq.find.pos.of.pattern(cr, pattern='a-*t-*g-*g-*g-*t-*g-*c-*g-*a-*g-*a-*g-*c-*g-*t-*c-*a', row.name='B.FR.83.HXB2_LA')
	stopifnot(length(ans)==1, ans>0)
##	find the last site inside the reference alignment 
haircut.find.lastRefSite<- function(cr)
	ans				<- seq.find.pos.of.pattern(cr, pattern='t-*t-*t-*t-*a-*g-*t-*c-*a-*g-*t-*g-*t-*g-*g-*a-*a-*a-*a-*t-*c-*t-*c-*t-*a-*g-*c-*a', row.name='B.FR.83.HXB2_LA')
	stopifnot(length(ans)==1, ans>0)
##	determine the base frequencies in the reference alignment
haircut.get.frequencies	<- function(seq, bases=c('a','c','g','t','-') )
	#	calculate base frequency Profile among References: rp
	rp		<- sapply(seq_len(ncol(seq)), function(i) base.freq(seq[,i], freq=T, all=T))
	rp		<- as.data.table( t(rp[bases,]) )
	rp[, SITE:= seq_len(nrow(rp))]
	setnames(rp, c('a','c','g','t','-'), c('BASEa','BASEc','BASEg','BASEt','GAP'))
	#	calculate first and last positions of each sequence
	tmp		<- as.character(seq)
	tx		<- data.table(	TAXON= rownames(tmp), 
			FIRST= apply( tmp, 1, function(x) which(x!='-')[1] ),
			LAST= ncol(tmp)-apply( tmp, 1, function(x) which(rev(x)!='-')[1] ) + 1L		)
	#	calculate coverage
	tmp		<- data.table(SITE=c(tx[, seq_len(max(FIRST))], tx[, seq.int(min(LAST), ncol(seq))]))
	tmp		<- tmp[, list( COV=tx[, as.numeric(length(which(SITE>=FIRST & SITE<=LAST)))]), by='SITE']
	rp		<- merge(rp, tmp, by='SITE', all.x=TRUE)
	set(rp, rp[, which(is.na(COV))], 'COV', nrow(seq))
	#	correct - count
	set(rp, NULL, 'GAP', rp[, GAP+COV-nrow(seq)]) 
	#	get frequencies
	rp		<- melt(rp, id.vars=c('SITE','COV'), variable.name='BASE', value.name='FRQ')
	set(rp, NULL, 'BASE', rp[, gsub('GAP','-',gsub('BASE','',BASE))])
	set(rp, NULL, 'BASE', rp[, factor(BASE, levels=bases, labels=bases)])
	set(rp, NULL, 'FRQ', rp[, FRQ/COV])
	set(rp, rp[, which(COV==0)], 'FRQ', 0.)
##	calculate consensus from frequency profile
haircut.get.consensus.from.frequencies	<- function(rp, par)
	#	get consensus
	crp		<- rp[, {
						z	<- which.max(FRQ)
						list(CNS_BASE= BASE[z], CNS_FRQ=FRQ[z], CNS_COV=COV[z])
					}, by='SITE']
	#	get consensus base above lower quantile. Some consensus bases will be ?
		set(crp, crp[, which(CNS_FRQ<par['FRQx.thr'])], 'CNS_BASE', '?')
	#	get DNAbin
	tmp		<- crp[, as.DNAbin(t(as.matrix(CNS_BASE)))]
	rownames(tmp)	<- 'consensus'
	list(DNAbin=tmp, DATATABLE=crp)	
##	find the first site with pattern in alignment 
##	TODO: put into hivclust
seq.find.pos.of.pattern<- function(seq, pattern, row.name)
	stopifnot(is.matrix(seq), !is.na(pattern), !is.na(row.name))
	tmp		<- which(grepl(row.name, rownames(seq), fixed=1))
	regexpr(pattern, paste(as.character( seq[tmp, ] ),collapse=''))	
olli0601/PANGEAhaircut documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:52 p.m.