
Defines functions get_trait_type get_trait_name get_trait_units get_trait_crop get_scale_trait render_quantitative_ext render_quantitative render_categorical render_trait render_trait_ext render_dup_plotdbid_ext get_duplicate_db_id render_duplicated_plot_dbid_ext

Documented in get_duplicate_db_id get_scale_trait get_trait_crop get_trait_name get_trait_type get_trait_units render_categorical render_duplicated_plot_dbid_ext render_dup_plotdbid_ext render_quantitative render_quantitative_ext render_trait render_trait_ext

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#'Get the type of trait into the trait dictionary
#' @param trait trait abreviation
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @return The type of trait
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data
#' data(potato_yield)
#' #str(potato_yield)
#' # NTP: Number of tuber planted
#' get_trait_type("NTP", potato_yield)
#' }
#' @export
get_trait_type <- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource = 1)
  dsource <- dsource
  if(dsource == 1){
    tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("TYPE")])
  if(dsource == 2){
    #tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("TYPE")])
    tp <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("TYPE") %>% unlist() %>% as.character()# %>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
  #tp <- na.exclude(tp)
  if(is.na(tp) || length(tp)==0){
    tp <- "none"

#'Get the full name of the trait into crop trait dictionary
#' @param trait trait abreviation
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @return The full name of the trait
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data
#' data(potato_yield)
#' #str(potato_yield)
#' # NTP: Number of tuber planted
#' get_trait_name("NTP", potato_yield)
#' }
#' @export
get_trait_name <- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource=1 )
  dsource <- dsource
  if(dsource == 1){
    tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("VAR")])
  if(dsource == 2){
    #tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("VAR")])
    tp <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("VAR") %>% unlist() %>% as.character()#%>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
  tp <- na.exclude(tp)
  if(is.na(tp) || length(tp)==0){
    tp <- "It not Defined"

#'Get the units of trait into the trait dictionary
#' @param trait trait abreviation
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @return The units of the trait in which has been measured
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data
#' data(potato_yield)
#' #str(potato_yield)
#' # NTP: Number of tuber planted
#' get_trait_units("NTP", potato_yield)
#' }
#' @export
get_trait_units <- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource = 1)
  dsource <- dsource
  if(dsource == 1){
    tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("UNITS")])
  if(dsource == 2){
    #tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("UNITS")])
    tp <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("UNITS") %>% unlist() %>% as.character()#%>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
  #tp <- na.exclude(tp)
  if(is.na(tp) || length(tp)==0){
    tp <- "none"

#'Get the crop which one trait belong
#' @param trait trait abreviation
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @return The crop 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data
#' data(potato_yield)
#' #str(potato_yield)
#' # NTP: Number of tuber planted
#' get_trait_crop("NTP", potato_yield)
#' }
#' @export
get_trait_crop <- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource = 1)
  dsource <- dsource
  if(dsource == 1){
    tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("VAR")])
  if(dsource == 2){
    #tp <- as.character(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("VAR")])
    tp <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("VAR") %>% unlist() %>% as.character() #%>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
  #tp <- na.exclude(tp)
  if(is.na(tp) || length(tp)==0){
    tp <- "none"

#'Get a scale condition for quantitative or cualitative traits
#' @param trait trait abreviation
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @description Function to get the scale of differents trait, 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The data
#' data(potato_yield)
#' #str(potato_yield)
#' # NTP: Number of tuber planted
#' get_scale_trait("NTP", potato_yield)
#' }
#' @export
get_scale_trait <- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource = 1){
  dsource <- dsource
  tp <- get_trait_type(trait = trait,trait_dict = trait_dict, dsource = dsource)
  #tp <- na.exclude(tp)
    if(dsource ==1){
      ll <- as.numeric(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("LOWER")])
      if(is.na(ll)) {ll <- 0}
      ul <- as.numeric(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("UPPER")])
      #In case trait is defined but dont have ul scale values will take 100000
      if(is.na(ul)) {ul <- 1000000}
    if(dsource ==2){
      #ll <- as.numeric(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("LOWER")])
      ll <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("LOWER") %>% unlist() %>% as.character()# %>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
      if(is.na(ll)) {ll <- 0}
      #ul <- as.numeric(trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR==trait,c("UPPER")])
      ul <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("UPPER") %>% unlist() %>% as.character() #%>% dplyr::pull() %>% as.character()
      #In case trait is defined but dont have ul scale values will take 100000
      if(is.na(ul)) {ul <- 1000000}
    # #In case trait is defined but dont have ll scale values will take 0
    # if(is.na(ll)) {ll <- 0}
    # #print(ll)
    # ul <- as.numeric(trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR==trait,c("UPPER")])
    # #In case trait is defined but dont have ul scale values will take 100000
    # if(is.na(ul)) {ul <- 1000000}
    # #print(ul)
    output <- list(ll=ll,ul=ul)
    if(dsource == 1){
      cat_scale <- trait_dict[trait_dict$ABBR == trait, c("CLASS1","CLASS2","CLASS3","CLASS4","CLASS5","CLASS6","CLASS7","CLASS8","CLASS9","CLASS10")]
    if(dsource == 2){
      #cat_scale <- trait_dict[trait_dict$CO_VAR == trait, c("CLASS1","CLASS2","CLASS3","CLASS4","CLASS5","CLASS6","CLASS7","CLASS8","CLASS9","CLASS10", "CLASS11", "CLASS12", "CLASS13", "CLASS14")]
      cat_scale <- trait_dict %>% dplyr::filter(TRAIT_COID == trait) %>% select_("CLASS1","CLASS2","CLASS3","CLASS4","CLASS5","CLASS6","CLASS7","CLASS8","CLASS9","CLASS10", "CLASS11", "CLASS12", "CLASS13", "CLASS14")
    pattern <- "= .*$"
    cat_scale <- gsub(pattern=pattern,replacement = "",x = cat_scale)
    cat_scale <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cat_scale))
    cat_scale <- as.numeric(stringr::str_trim(cat_scale[!is.na(cat_scale)],side="both"))
    #In case trait is defined but dont have scale values will take 1,2,3,4,5
    if(length(cat_scale)==0) {cat_scale <- c(1,2,3,4,5)}
    output <- list(cat_scale=cat_scale)
    #Non-defined trait will be considered as quantative
    ll <- 0
    ul <- 1000000
    output <- list(ll=ll,ul=ul)

#'RJavascript generator extended to render quantitative traits with javascript conditions and outlier detection
#' @param ll lower limit values of the trait
#' @param ul upper limmit values of the trait
#' @param ol lower outlier bound
#' @param ou upper outlier bound
#' @author omar benites
#' @description Function to generate Javascript code for quantitative trait validation and outlier detection
#' in Rhansontable 
#' @export

render_quantitative_ext <- function(ll,ul,ol,ou){
  out <-  paste("function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
                Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
              if (value <", ll," ) {
              td.style.background = 'pink';
              } else if (value >", ul,") {
              td.style.background = 'pink';
              } else if (value <=", ol,"  && value >=", ll,") {
              td.style.background = 'gold';
              } else if (value >=", ou,"   &&  value <=", ul,") {
              td.style.background = 'gold';

#'RJavascript generator for quantitative traits in javascript conditions
#' @param ll lower limit values of the trait
#' @param ul upper limmit values of the trait
#' @author omar benites
#' @description Function to generate Javascript code for cualitative trait validation in Rhansontable 
#' @export
render_quantitative <- function(ll,ul){
  out <- paste("function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
               Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); 
               if (value <", ll ,"  ) {
               td.style.background = 'pink';
               } else if (value >", ul,") {
               td.style.background = 'pink';
}", sep="")
    #cat(out,"\n"," ")

#'RJavascript generator for cualitative trait renders
#' @param scale_condition scale condition of the trait
#' @author omar benites
#' @description Function to generate Javascript code for quantitative trait validation in Rhansontable. 
#' @export
render_categorical <- function(scale_condition){ 
  out <- paste("function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
               Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
               if (",scale_condition,"  ) {
               td.style.background = 'pink';
    #cat(out,"\n"," ")

#'Javascript Generator for Trait Renders usigin Trai Dictionary from Crop Ontology
#' @param trait trait
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @description  Javascript code generator for render trait variables for Rhandsontable
#' @export 
render_trait<- function(trait,trait_dict, dsource =1){
  tp <- get_trait_type(trait,trait_dict)  
  dsource <- dsource
  scale_trait_values <- get_scale_trait(trait = trait,trait_dict = trait_dict, dsource = dsource)
  if(tp == "Continuous"|| tp == "Discrete"||tp=="Numerical"){
    ul <- scale_trait_values$ul  
    ll <- scale_trait_values$ll 
    #assign_trait <- paste("renderer_",trait," <- ",sep="") 
    render_trait <- render_quantitative(ll=ll,ul=ul)
    #render_trait_rule <- paste(assign_trait,"\"",render_trait,"\"")
    #cat("\"",render_trait,"\"","\n"," ")
    #out <- paste("\"",render_trait,"\"","\n"," ")
    out <- paste(render_trait)
  if(tp =="Categorical"||tp=="Nominal"||tp=="Ordinal"){
    categorical_scale <- scale_trait_values$cat_scale
    n <- length(categorical_scale)
    scale_rule_first <- paste("value!=",categorical_scale[1], sep = "") #1st class of categorical trait
    scale_rule_global <- paste(scale_rule_first,"&&","value!=",categorical_scale[2:n]) #%>%  paste(.,collapse = " && ")
    scale_rule_global <- paste(scale_rule_global, collapse = " && ")
    #assign_trait <- paste("renderer_",trait," <- ",sep="") 
    render_trait <- render_categorical(scale_condition = scale_rule_global)
    #render_trait_rule <- paste(assign_trait,"\"",render_trait,"\"")
    #cat("\"",render_trait,"\"","\n"," ")
    out <- paste(render_trait)
    out <- print("none")

#'Javascript Generator Extended for Trait Renders usigin Trai Dictionary from Crop Ontology
#' @param data The name of the data frame.
#' @param trait trait
#' @param trait_dict trait dictionary
#' @param dsource source of the data \code{1}: Hidap,  \code{2}: FieldbookApp. 
#' @author omar benites
#' @description  Javascript code generator for render trait variables for Rhandsontable
#' @export 

render_trait_ext<- function(data,trait,trait_dict, dsource = 1){
  dsource <- dsource
  tp <- get_trait_type(trait,trait_dict, dsource)  
  scale_trait_values <- get_scale_trait(trait = trait,trait_dict = trait_dict, dsource = dsource)
  if(tp == "Continuous"|| tp == "Discrete"||tp=="Numerical"){
    ul <- scale_trait_values$ul  
    ll <- scale_trait_values$ll
    ol <- outlier_val(data[,trait])$ol
    ou <- outlier_val(data[,trait])$ou
    render_trait <- render_quantitative_ext(ll,ul,ol,ou)
    out <- paste(render_trait)
  if(tp =="Categorical"||tp=="Nominal"||tp=="Ordinal"){
    categorical_scale <- scale_trait_values$cat_scale
    n <- length(categorical_scale)
    scale_rule_first <- paste("value!=",categorical_scale[1], sep = "") #1st class of categorical trait
    scale_rule_global <- paste(scale_rule_first,"&&","value!=",categorical_scale[2:n]) #%>%  paste(.,collapse = " && ")
    scale_rule_global <- paste(scale_rule_global, collapse = " && ")
    render_trait <- render_categorical(scale_condition = scale_rule_global)
    out <- paste(render_trait)
    #out <- print("")
    ul <- 10000000  
    ll <- 0
    ol <- outlier_val(data[,trait])$ol
    ou <- outlier_val(data[,trait])$ou
    render_trait <- render_quantitative_ext(ll,ul,ol,ou)
    out <- paste(render_trait)


#'Javascript Generator Extended for plot db id 
#' @param data The name of the data frame.
#' @author alonso medina
#' @description  Javascript code generator for render trait variables for Rhandsontable
#' @export 

render_dup_plotdbid_ext<- function(data){
  dup_values <- get_duplicate_db_id(data)$values

    n <- length(dup_values)
    dup_values_first <- paste("value ==",dup_values[1], sep = "") #1st class of categorical trait
    dup_values_global <- paste(dup_values_first,"||","value ==",dup_values[2:n]) #%>%  paste(.,collapse = " && ")
    dup_values_global <- paste(dup_values_global, collapse = " || ")
    #render_trait <- render_categorical(scale_condition = dup_values_global)
    render_dup <- render_duplicated_plot_dbid_ext(dup_values_global)
    out <- paste(render_dup)

# rhandsontable(data = datos ,readOnly = FALSE) %>%
# hot_col("NOPS",renderer = renderer)  

#'Get duplicates of plot db id from fieldbook app files.
#' @param data The name of the data frame.
#' @author alonso medina
#' @description  Get duplicates plot db id of fieldbook.
#' @return List of duplicated unique values and row position of plot ids
#' @export 
get_duplicate_db_id <- function(data){

  idx <- duplicated(data$plot_id) | duplicated(data$plot_id, fromLast = TRUE)
  values <- unique(data[idx, "plot_id"])
  row_pos <- row.names(data[idx, "plot_id"])
  output <- list(values = values,row_pos = row_pos)

#'RJavascript generator for duplicated plot db id values
#' @param dup_values scale condition of the trait
#' @author alonso medina
#' @description Function to generate Javascript code for duplicated plot db ids values in Rhansontable. 
#' @export
render_duplicated_plot_dbid_ext <- function(dup_values){ 
  out <- paste("function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
               Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
               if (",dup_values,"  ) {
               td.style.background = 'lightblue';
  #cat(out,"\n"," ")
omarbenites/traittools documentation built on Dec. 24, 2019, 5:33 a.m.