
Defines functions cellMask

Documented in cellMask

#' Voronoi Cell Segmentation from Nuclei
#' Define boundaries between adjacent cells (regions) from a
#' nuclear mask and optional cellular mask with the
#' \code{\link[EBImage]{propagate}} function. 
#' @param seeds An \code{Image} object, array, or list of these objects
#'   containing the seeds of identified regions. This would typically
#'   be a segmented nuclear mask or list of masks such as those generated
#'   by \code{\link{nucMask}}.
#' @param mask An optional \code{Image} object, array, or a \code{list} of
#'   these objects containing a binary mask defining regions of the image
#'   to be segmented. If this value is \code{NULL}, the nuclear mask
#'   (\code{seeds}) will be expanded for Voronoi segmentation. If the
#'   first argument \code{seeds} is a list, \code{mask} must be a
#'   list of identical size with \code{Image} binary objects or arrays.
#' @param brush Size of the brush to expand the nuclear mask as an 
#'   odd number of pixels. If this value is \code{NULL}, the mean value of 
#'   the semi-major axis of the nuclei will be used.
#' @param lambda A numeric value used by \code{\link[EBImage]{propagate}}  
#'   determining the trade-off between the Euclidean distance in the image  
#'   plane and the contribution of the gradient to define the boundary during
#'   Voronoi segmentation. See \code{\link[EBImage]{propagate}} for details. 
#' @details
#' A mask to define \emph{approximate} cellular boundaries will be created
#' from a nuclear mask in \code{seeds} and an optional cytoplasmic
#' mask \code{mask}. If the second argument (\code{mask}) is \code{NULL},
#' the nuclear mask will be dilated with a disc-shaped brush of size equal
#' to \code{brush} or, if \code{brush} is \code{NULL}, the average semi-major
#' axis of all nuclei. If \code{mask} is not \code{NULL}, \code{mask} must be
#' a binary (or integer) mask defining the limits for the Voronoi segmentation
#' based on the seeds provided in \code{seeds}. Such a binary mask can be
#' created by thresholding a non-specific widespread cytoplasmic signal such
#' antibody labeling for actin or a diffuse membrane stain.
#' To create a \emph{smaller} nuclear mask, use \code{\link{trimMask}} on a 
#' nuclear mask with a negative brush value.
#' To create a cytoplasmic mask that excludes the nucleus, generate a 
#' cell mask and combine this with the nuclear mask \code{nmask} as shown below. 
#' \preformatted{
#' # When both are single objects:
#'   cytoplasm <- cellMask(nmask) * (nmask == 0)
#' # When both are list objects:
#'   cytoplasm <- Map(function(a, b) a * (b == 0), cellMask(nmask), nmask)
#' }
#' @return
#' An \code{Image} object produced by \code{\link[EBImage]{propagate}} 
#' containing the labeled objects (cells) or a \code{list} of such objects.
#' @examples
#'   x <- readImage(system.file("extdata", "by_folder/a4/file001.tif", package = "virustiter"))
#'   y <- readImage(system.file("extdata", "by_folder/a4/file002.tif", package = "virustiter"))
#'   nm <- nucMask(x)
#'   cm <- cellMask(nm)
#'   img <- rgbImage(red = normalize(y) * 0.2, green = normalize(y) * 0.8)
#'   img <- paintObjects(nm, img, col = "cyan")
#'   img <- paintObjects(cm, img, col = "red")
#'   plot(img)
#' @import EBImage
#' @export
cellMask <- function(seeds, mask = NULL, brush = NULL, lambda = 1e-4)
	if (missing(seeds)) {
		usage <- c("cellMask argument hints:",
			'  seeds: object or list of objects, typically nuclear masks',
			'  mask: an optional binary mask defining area to be segmented',
      '  brush: disc radius used to dilate mask',
			'  brush = NULL uses the semi-major axis of objects in seeds')
		cat(usage, sep = "\n")
# require seeds to be an integer mask or list of the same
	if (is(seeds, "list")) {
		sel <- sapply(seeds, function(x) is.integer(imageData(x)))
		if (!all(sel))
			stop("'", deparse(substitute(seeds)),
				"' is a list but not all are integer Image masks")
		dim.seeds <- sapply(seeds, function(v) dim(v)[3])
	else if (!is.integer(imageData(seeds)))
		stop("'", deparse(substitute(seeds)), "' is not an integer Image mask")
		dim.seeds <- dim(seeds)[3]

# if mask is used, require it to be an integer mask or list of the same
	if (!is.null(mask)) {
		if (is(mask, "list")) {
			sel <- sapply(mask, function(x) is.integer(imageData(x)))
			if (!all(sel))
				stop("'", deparse(substitute(mask)), "' is a list but not all are integer Image masks")
			dim.mask <- sapply(mask, function(v) dim(v)[3])
		else if (!is.integer(imageData(mask)))
			stop("'", deparse(substitute(mask)), "' is not an integer Image mask")
			dim.mask <- dim(mask)[3]
		if(!identical(dim.seeds, dim.mask))
			stop("'", deparse(substitute(seeds)), "' and '", deparse(substitute(mask)),
					"' have different dimensions")

# if brush is present, ensure that it is an integer
	if (!is.null(brush)) {
		if(brush >= 0)
			brush <- as.integer(brush)
			stop ("'brush' must be non-negative")

# process function
	.proc <- function(seeds, mask, brush, lambda)
	# ensure three-dimensions present
		dm <- dim(seeds)
		if (length(dm) == 2)
			dim(seeds) <- c(dm, 1)
	# create mask from seeds if mask == NULL
		if (is.null(mask)) {
			if (is.null(brush)) {
				valid <- apply(seeds, 3, function(z) max(z) > 0) # avoid blank seeds
				if (any(valid)) {
					brush <- mean(apply(seeds[,,valid, drop = FALSE], 3,
						function(x) mean(computeFeatures.moment(x)[,"m.majoraxis"])))
					brush <- as.integer(brush)
					brush <- 1
		# apply dilation
			brush <- 2*brush%/%2 + 1 # ensure odd number
			mask <- dilate(seeds, makeBrush(brush, "disc"))
			mask <- fillHull(mask)
			dim(mask) <- dm
	# restore dimensions and return results from propagate
		dim(seeds) <- dm
		return(propagate(Image(0, dm), seeds = seeds, mask = mask, lambda = lambda))

# dispatch function accordingly
	if (is(seeds, "Image"))
		ans <- .proc(seeds = seeds, mask = mask, brush = brush, lambda = lambda)
	else if (is(seeds, "list") && is.null(mask))
		ans <- lapply(seeds, function(s) .proc(s, mask = NULL, brush = brush, lambda = lambda))
	else if (is(seeds, "list") && is(mask, "list") && length(seeds) == length(mask))
		ans <- Map(function(s, m) .proc(s, m, brush = brush, lambda = lambda),
			seeds, mask)
		stop("CAN'T HAPPEN: '", deparse(substitute(seeds)), "' and '",
			deparse(substitute(mask)), "' fell through error checking...")
ornelles/virustiter documentation built on March 29, 2024, 8:30 p.m.