
Defines functions running.mean climdex.quantile select.blocks.gt.length running.quantile total.precip.op.threshold spell.length.max simple.precipitation.intensity.index nday.consec.prec.max mean.daily.temp.range threshold.exceedance.duration.index percent.days.op.threshold growing.season.length number.days.op.threshold get.series.lengths.at.ends climdex.get.available.indices climdex.prcptot climdex.r99ptot climdex.r95ptot climdex.cwd climdex.cdd climdex.rnnmm climdex.r20mm climdex.r10mm climdex.sdii climdex.rx5day climdex.rx1day climdex.dtr climdex.csdi climdex.wsdi climdex.tx90p climdex.tn90p climdex.tx10p climdex.tn10p climdex.tnn climdex.txn climdex.tnx climdex.txx climdex.gsl climdex.tr climdex.id climdex.su climdex.fd climdexInput.csv climdexInput.raw get.outofbase.quantiles get.prec.var.quantiles get.temp.var.quantiles check.quantile.validity check.basic.argument.validity get.num.days.in.range get.na.mask zhang.running.qtile get.bootstrap.set get.jdays.replaced.feb29 get.months get.years get.jdays create.filled.series get.date.field valid.climdexInput get.last.monthday.of.year

#' Get the last month and day of the year
#' Get the last month and day of the year as a character sting, separated by
#' the specified separator.
#' This is a utility function necessitated by 360-day calendars. Works on PCICt objects.
#' @param d An exemplar date.
#' @param sep Separator to use.
#' @return A string (like "12-30", or "12-31")
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' last.mday <- get.last.monthday.of.year(as.PCICt("2011-01-01", cal="360"))
#' @export
get.last.monthday.of.year <- function(d, sep="-") {
  if(!is.null(attr(d, "months"))) paste("12", attr(d, "months")[12], sep=sep) else paste("12", "31", sep=sep)

## Lower overhead version of tapply
tapply.fast <- function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
  FUN <- if (!is.null(FUN))
    stop("INDEX must be a factor.")
  if (length(INDEX) != length(X))
    stop("arguments must have same length")
  if (is.null(FUN))
  namelist <- levels(INDEX)
  ans <- lapply(split(X, INDEX), FUN, ...)
  ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
  names(ans) <- levels(INDEX)

## Check that climdexInput data structure is valid.
valid.climdexInput <- function(x) {
  temp.quantiles <- c(10, 90)
  prec.quantiles <- c(95, 99)
  errors <- c()

  separate.base <- c(tmax=T, tmin=T, tavg=T, prec=F)
  present.data.vars <- names(x@data)
  length.check.slots <- c("dates", "jdays")
  length.check.members <- c("date.factors", "data")
  data.lengths <- c(sapply(x@data, length), sapply(length.check.slots, function(y) length(slot(x, y))), unlist(sapply(length.check.members, function(y) { sapply(slot(x, y), length) })))
  quantiles <- list(tmax=temp.quantiles, tmin=temp.quantiles, prec=prec.quantiles)
  if(!all(data.lengths == max(data.lengths)))
    errors <- c(errors, "Data fields, dates, and date factors must all be of the same length")

  ## Check that namasks have columns for each of the variables
  if(!all(c("annual", "monthly") %in% names(x@namasks)) || !all(present.data.vars %in% names(x@namasks$annual) & present.data.vars %in% names(x@namasks$monthly)))
    errors <- c(errors, "NA mask for monthly and annual must contain data for all variables supplied.")

  ## Check that appropriate thresholds are present.
  need.base.data <- get.num.days.in.range(x@dates, x@base.range) > 0
  errors <- do.call(c, c(list(errors), lapply(intersect(present.data.vars, c("tmax", "tmin", "prec")), function(n) {
    ## FIXME: This test isn't necessarily valid and prevents calculating indices when no base period data is available.
    if(!(n %in% ls(envir=x@quantiles)))
      return(paste("Quantiles for", n, "are missing."))

  if(length(x@northern.hemisphere) != 1)
    errors <- c(errors, "northern.hemisphere must be of length 1.")
  if(length(errors) == 0)

## Class definition declaration
#' @title climdexInput
#' @description
#' The climdexInput class contains all the data necessary to compute the
#' climdex indices.
#' @details
#' The \code{climdexInput} class consists of all the data necessary to compute
#' the climdex indices. Users will not need to modify any of the slots in this
#' class. That being said, users may want or need to repurpose this data for
#' further analysis. The following description of the data is aimed at that
#' audience.
#' The \code{data} slot contains time series' of daily data of equal length for
#' each of the provided variables. Missing days have been replaced with NA.
#' The \code{dates} slot is the corresponding series of dates (of type PCICt)
#' for the daily data.
#' The \code{quantiles} slot contains quantiles used for computing the
#' tn/tx 10/90p indices, w/csdi, r95ptot, and r99ptot. If precipitation data
#' is supplied, the 'prec' member contains the 95th and 99th percentile values
#' for precipitation within the base period. For tmin and tmax, if present each
#' will have a corresponding member in the slot. Within each of these, there
#' will be an 'inbase' and 'outbase' member, corresponding to thresholds to be
#' used within the base period (inbase) and outside the base period (outbase).
#' The 'inbase' member consists of one percentile for each day of the year,
#' computed using an n-day (default is 5-day) running window surrounding that
#' day. These percentiles are computed for at least the 10th and 90th
#' percentile of the data. For the 'outbase' member, given n years
#' of data to use as the base period, there are n * (n - 1) sets of daily
#' quantiles of the same type as those in 'inbase'.
#' To ease computation of monthly and annual data, \code{date.factors} 
#' contains date factors which group data into annual and monthly time
#' buckets. They are of the same length as the time series and can be reused
#' for computation of any annual or monthly aggregates.
#' The climdexInput class also includes NA masks for both monthly
#' and annual as parts of the \code{namasks} slot. Each of these masks consist
#' of a vector of numbers of the same length as the monthly or annual output
#' data. The values used are 1 to signify that the data meets the QC criteria,
#' and NA to signify it does not. Years with more than (by default) 15 days
#' missing, and months with more than (by default) 3 days missing, are
#' considered to be of poor quality and are masked here with NA. These
#' thresholds can be set when instantiating the object, and are stored in the
#' \code{max.missing.days} slot.
#' The \code{base.range} slot contains vector of type PCICt containing the
#' first and last day included in the baseline.
#' The \code{northern.hemisphere} slot contains a boolean indicating whether
#' the data came from the northern hemisphere. If FALSE, data is assumed to
#' have come from the southern hemisphere. This is used when computing growing
#' season length; if the data is from the southern hemisphere, growing season
#' length is the growing season starting in the beginning of July of the year
#' indicated, running to the end of June of the following year.
#' The \code{max.missing.days} slot is a vector consisting of 'annual'
#' (the number of days that can be missing in a year) and 'monthly' (the
#' number of days that can be missing in a month. If one month in a year fails
#' the test, the corresponding year will be omitted.
#' @name climdexInput
#' @aliases climdexInput-class
#' @docType class
#' @section Slots: \describe{
#' \item{data}{Time series of supplied data variables.}
#' \item{quantiles}{Threshold quantiles used for threshold-based indices.}
#' \item{namasks}{Data quality masks for annual and monthly data.}
#' \item{dates}{Date sequence (type PCICt) corresponding to temperature and
#' precipitation data.}
#' \item{jdays}{Julian days for the date sequence.}
#' \item{base.range}{Date range (type PCICt) of baseline period.}
#' \item{date.factors}{Factors used for creation of annual and monthly indices.}
#' \item{northern.hemisphere}{Boolean used when computing growing season
#' length.}
#' \item{max.missing.days}{Maximum number of missing days of data for annual
#' and monthly data.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdexInput.csv}}, \code{\link{climdexInput.raw}}.
#' @keywords climate ts
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' @export
         representation(data = "list",
                        quantiles = "environment",
                        namasks = "list",
                        dates = "PCICt",
                        jdays = "numeric",
                        base.range = "PCICt",
                        date.factors = "list",
                        northern.hemisphere = "logical",
                        max.missing.days = "numeric"),

## Returns PCICt field or dies
get.date.field <- function(input.data, cal, date.types) {
  valid.date.types <- sapply(date.types, function(x) { return(!inherits(try(input.data[,x$fields], silent=TRUE), "try-error")) })

  if(sum(valid.date.types) == 0) {
    stop("Could not find a workable set of date fields")

  date.type <- date.types[[which(valid.date.types)[1]]]
  date.strings <- do.call(paste, input.data[,date.type$fields,drop=FALSE])
  return(as.PCICt(date.strings, format=date.type$format, cal=cal))

## Creates a filled series given the data, dates, and new date sequence to be used.
create.filled.series <- function(data, data.dates, new.date.sequence) {
  new.data <- rep(NA, length(new.date.sequence))
  data.in.new.data <- (data.dates >= new.date.sequence[1]) & (data.dates <= new.date.sequence[length(new.date.sequence)])
  indices <- floor(as.numeric(data.dates[data.in.new.data] - new.date.sequence[1], units="days")) + 1
  new.data[indices] <- data[data.in.new.data]

## Get julian day of year
get.jdays <- function(dates) {
  return(as.POSIXlt(dates)$yday + 1)

## Get year
get.years <- function(dates) {
  return(as.POSIXlt(dates)$year + 1900)

## Get month number
get.months <- function(dates) {
  return(as.POSIXlt(dates)$mon + 1)

## Juggle the list so that day 366 == day 365
get.jdays.replaced.feb29 <- function(jdays) {
  indices <- which(jdays == 366)
  if(length(indices) > 0)
    jdays[rep(indices, each=366) + -365:0] <- c(1:59, 59, 60:365)

## Get set of days for bootstrap use
get.bootstrap.set <- function(dates, bootstrap.range, win.size) {
  dpy <- ifelse(is.null(attr(dates, "dpy")), 365, attr(dates, "dpy"))
  return(dates >= bootstrap.range[1] & dates <= bootstrap.range[2] & (dpy == 360 | format(dates, format="%m-%d", tz="GMT") != "02-29"))

## Calculate a running quantile on the data set over the bootstrap range.
## If get.bootstrap.data is TRUE, use the Zhang boostrapping method described in Xuebin Zhang et al's 2005 paper, "Avoiding Inhomogeneity in Percentile-Based Indices of Temperature Extremes" J.Clim vol 18 pp.1647-1648, "Removing the 'jump'".
## Expects PCICt for all dates
zhang.running.qtile <- function(x, dates.base, qtiles, bootstrap.range, include.mask=NULL, n=5, get.bootstrap.data=FALSE, min.fraction.present=0.1) {
  inset <- get.bootstrap.set(dates.base, bootstrap.range, n)
  dpy <- ifelse(is.null(attr(dates.base, "dpy")), 365, attr(dates.base, "dpy"))
  nyears <- floor(sum(inset) / dpy)
    x[include.mask] <- NA

  bs.data <- x[inset]

  qdat <- NULL
  if(get.bootstrap.data) {
    d <- .Call("running_quantile_windowed_bootstrap", bs.data, n, qtiles, dpy, min.fraction.present, PACKAGE='climdex.pcic')
    dim(d) <- c(dpy, nyears, nyears - 1, length(qtiles))
    qdat <- lapply(1:length(qtiles), function(x) { r <- d[,,,x, drop=FALSE]; dim(r) <- dim(r)[1:3]; r })
  } else {
    res <- running.quantile(bs.data, n, qtiles, dpy, min.fraction.present)
    qdat <- lapply(1:length(qtiles), function(x) { res[,x] })
  names(qdat) <- paste("q", qtiles * 100, sep="")

## Get NA mask given threshold and split factor
get.na.mask <- function(x, f, threshold) {
  return(c(1, NA)[1 + as.numeric(tapply.fast(is.na(x), f, function(y) { return(sum(y) > threshold) } ))])

## Get number of days within range
get.num.days.in.range <- function(x, date.range) {
  return(sum(x >= date.range[1] & x <= date.range[2]))  

## Check that arguments to climdexInput.raw et al are complete enough and valid enough.
check.basic.argument.validity <- function(tmax, tmin, prec, tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1961, 1990), n=5, tavg=NULL, tavg.dates=NULL) {
  check.var <- function(var, var.dates, var.name) {
    if(is.null(var) != is.null(var.dates))
      stop(paste("If passing in", var, ", must pass in", var, "dates too.."))
    if(!is.null(var.dates) && length(var) != length(var.dates))
      stop(paste("Length of", var.name, "data and dates do not match."))
    if(!is.null(var.dates) && !inherits(var.dates, "PCICt"))
      stop(paste(var.name, "dates must be of class PCICt."))
    if(!is.null(var) && !is.numeric(var))
      stop(paste(var.name, "must be of type numeric."))
  check.var(tmax, tmax.dates, "tmax")
  check.var(tmin, tmin.dates, "tmin")
  check.var(tavg, tavg.dates, "tavg")
  check.var(prec, prec.dates, "prec")

  if(all(c(is.null(tmax), is.null(tmin), is.null(prec), is.null(tavg))))
    stop("Must supply at least one variable to calculate indices upon.")

  if(!(length(base.range) == 2 && is.numeric(base.range)))
    stop("Invalid base date range; expecting vector of 2 numeric years.")

  if(!is.numeric(n) || length(n) != 1)
    stop("n must be numeric and of length 1.")
  if(n != 5)
    warning("Use of n != 5 varies from the Climdex definition. Use at your own risk.")

## Check validity of quantile input.
check.quantile.validity <- function(quantiles, present.vars, days.in.base) {
  if(class(quantiles) != "list")
    stop("Provided quantiles must be a list.")
  if(!all(present.vars %in% names(quantiles)))
    stop("Quantiles must be present for all variables provided.\n")

  if(!all(sapply(quantiles[names(quantiles) %in% intersect(present.vars, c("tmax", "tmin"))], function(x) { "outbase" %in% names(x) && all(c("q10", "q90") %in% names(x$outbase)) })))
    stop("Temperature out-of-base quantiles must contain 10th and 90th percentiles.\n")

  if(any(days.in.base > 0) && !all(sapply(quantiles[names(quantiles) %in% intersect(intersect(present.vars, c("tmax", "tmin")), names(days.in.base)[days.in.base > 0])], function(x) { "inbase" %in% names(x) && all(c("q10", "q90") %in% names(x$inbase)) })))
    stop("Temperature in-base quantiles must contain 10th and 90th percentiles.\n")

  if("prec" %in% names(quantiles) && !all(c("q95", "q99") %in% names(quantiles$prec)))
    stop("Precipitation quantiles must contain 95th and 99th percentiles.\n")

get.temp.var.quantiles <- function(filled.data, date.series, bs.date.series, qtiles, bs.date.range, n, in.base=FALSE, min.base.data.fraction.present=0.1) {
  base.data <- create.filled.series(filled.data, date.series, bs.date.series)
    return(list(outbase=zhang.running.qtile(base.data, dates.base=bs.date.series, qtiles=qtiles, bootstrap.range=bs.date.range, n=n, min.fraction.present=min.base.data.fraction.present),
                inbase=zhang.running.qtile(base.data, dates.base=bs.date.series, qtiles=qtiles, bootstrap.range=bs.date.range, n=n, get.bootstrap.data=TRUE, min.fraction.present=min.base.data.fraction.present)))
    return(list(outbase=zhang.running.qtile(base.data, dates.base=bs.date.series, qtiles=qtiles, bootstrap.range=bs.date.range, n=n, min.fraction.present=min.base.data.fraction.present)))

get.prec.var.quantiles <- function(filled.prec, date.series, bs.date.range, qtiles=c(0.95, 0.99)) {
  wet.days <- !(is.na(filled.prec) | filled.prec < 1)
  inset <- date.series >= bs.date.range[1] & date.series <= bs.date.range[2] & !is.na(filled.prec) & wet.days
  pq <- quantile(filled.prec[inset], qtiles, type=8)
  names(pq) <- paste("q", qtiles * 100, sep="")

#' @title Method for getting threshold quantiles for use in computing indices
#' @description
#' This function creates threshold quantiles for use with climdexInput.raw
#' or climdexInput.csv.
#' @details
#' This function takes input climate data at daily resolution, and produces as
#' output a set of threshold quantiles. This data structure can then be passed
#' to climdexInput.raw or climdexInput.csv.
#' For more details on arguments, see \code{\link{climdexInput.raw}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.pcic-package}}, \code{\link{climdexInput.raw}}.
#' @references \url{http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml}
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @param tmax Daily maximum temperature data.
#' @param tmin Daily minimum temperature data.
#' @param prec Daily total precipitation data.
#' @param tmax.dates Dates for the daily maximum temperature data.
#' @param tmin.dates Dates for the daily minimum temperature data.
#' @param prec.dates Dates for the daily total precipitation data.
#' @template climdexInput_common_params
#' @param quantiles Threshold quantiles for supplied variables.
#' @return A set of threshold quantiles
#' @note Units are assumed to be mm/day for precipitation and degrees Celsius
#' for temperature. No units conversion is performed internally.
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Create a climdexInput object from some data already loaded in and
#' ## ready to go.
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' quantiles <- get.outofbase.quantiles(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' @export
get.outofbase.quantiles <- function(tmax=NULL, tmin=NULL, prec=NULL, tmax.dates=NULL, tmin.dates=NULL, prec.dates=NULL, base.range=c(1961, 1990), n=5, temp.qtiles=c(0.10, 0.90), prec.qtiles=c(0.95, 0.99), min.base.data.fraction.present=0.1) {
  days.threshold <- 359
  check.basic.argument.validity(tmax, tmin, prec, tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range, n)
  d.list <- list(tmin.dates, tmax.dates, prec.dates)
  all.dates <- do.call(c, d.list[!sapply(d.list, is.null)])
  last.day.of.year <- get.last.monthday.of.year(all.dates)
  cal <- attr(all.dates, "cal")

  bs.date.range <- as.PCICt(paste(base.range, c("01-01", last.day.of.year), sep="-"), cal=cal)
  new.date.range <- as.PCICt(paste(as.numeric(format(range(all.dates), "%Y", tz="GMT")), c("01-01", last.day.of.year), sep="-"), cal=cal)
  date.series <- seq(new.date.range[1], new.date.range[2], by="day")
  bs.date.series <- seq(bs.date.range[1], bs.date.range[2], by="day")
  quantiles <- list()

  if(!is.null(tmax)) {
    if(get.num.days.in.range(tmax.dates, bs.date.range) <= days.threshold)
      stop("There is less than a year of tmax data within the base period. Consider revising your base range and/or check your input data.")
    filled.tmax <- create.filled.series(tmax, trunc(tmax.dates, "days"), date.series)
    quantiles$tmax <- get.temp.var.quantiles(filled.tmax, date.series, bs.date.series, temp.qtiles, bs.date.range, n)

  if(!is.null(tmin)) {
    if(get.num.days.in.range(tmin.dates, bs.date.range) <= days.threshold)
      stop("There is less than a year of tmin data within the base period. Consider revising your base range and/or check your input data.")
    filled.tmin <- create.filled.series(tmin, trunc(tmin.dates, "days"), date.series)
    quantiles$tmin <- get.temp.var.quantiles(filled.tmin, date.series, bs.date.series, temp.qtiles, bs.date.range, n)

  if(!is.null(prec)) {
    if(get.num.days.in.range(prec.dates, bs.date.range) <= days.threshold)
      stop("There is less than a year of prec data within the base period. Consider revising your base range and/or check your input data.")
    filled.prec <- create.filled.series(prec, trunc(prec.dates, "days"), date.series)
    quantiles$prec <- get.prec.var.quantiles(filled.prec, date.series, bs.date.range, prec.qtiles)

#' @title Method for creating climdexInput object from vectors of data
#' @description
#' This function creates a climdexInput object from data already ingested into
#' R.
#' @details
#' This function takes input climate data at daily resolution, and produces as
#' output a ClimdexInput data structure. This data structure can then be passed
#' to any of the routines used to compute the Climdex indices. The indices
#' themselves are specified on the webpage cited in the references section.
#' The \code{base.range} argument is a pair of 4 digit years which bound the
#' data on which the base percentiles are calculated.
#' The \code{tmax}, \code{tmin}, and \code{prec} arguments are numeric vectors
#' containing the data on which the indices are to be computed. The units are
#' assumed to be degrees C for temperature, and mm/day for precipitation.
#' The \code{tmax.dates}, \code{tmin.dates}, and \code{prec.dates} arguments
#' are vectors of type \code{PCICt}.
#' The \code{n} argument specifies the size of the window used when computing
#' the percentiles used in \code{\link{climdex.tx10p}},
#' \code{\link{climdex.tn10p}}, \code{\link{climdex.tx90p}}, and
#' \code{\link{climdex.tn90p}}.
#' The \code{northern.hemisphere} argument specifies whether the data came from
#' the northern hemisphere. If FALSE, data is assumed to have come from the
#' southern hemisphere. This is used when computing growing season length; if
#' the data is from the southern hemisphere, growing season length is the
#' growing season starting in the beginning of July of the year indicated,
#' running to the end of June of the following year.
#' The \code{quantiles} argument allows the user to supply pre-computed quantiles.
#' This is a list consisting of quantiles for each variable.
#' For each temperature variable, there are separate lists of quantiles for 
#' inbase and outbase, with these names. In both cases, quantiles within these
#' lists are named q10 for the 10th percentile and q90 for the 90th percentile.
#' Other percentiles would be named qnn for the nnth percentile. For the
#' outbase quantiles, each element in the list is a vector of length 365 (or 360
#' in the case of 360-day calendars), corresponding to one value for each day of
#' the year. For the inbase quantiles, each element in the list is an array of
#' dimensions [365 or 360, nyr, nyr - 1], where nyr is the number of years in
#' the base period. Each value corresponds to a quantile for each day, for each
#' year, with a particular year replaced.
#' For precipitation variables, there is a named vector of quantiles, consisting
#' of at least q95 and q99. 
#' The \code{temp.qtiles} and \code{prec.qtiles} arguments allow the user to
#' modify the quantiles calculated. For example, specifying
#' temp.qtiles=c(0.10, 0.50, 0.90) would calculate the 10th, 50th, and 90th
#' percentiles for temperature.
#' The \code{min.base.fraction.present} argument specifies the minimum fraction
#' of data which must be present for a quantile to be calculated for a 
#' particular day. If the fraction of data present is less than this threshold, 
#' the quantile for that day will be set to NA.
#' The \code{max.missing.days} argument is a vector consisting of 'annual'
#' (the number of days that can be missing in a year) and 'monthly' (the
#' number of days that can be missing in a month. If one month in a year fails
#' the test, the corresponding year will be omitted.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.pcic-package}}, \code{\link{strptime}}.
#' @references \url{http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml}
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @template climdexInput_raw_help1 
#' @template climdexInput_raw_params
#' @template climdexInput_common_params
#' @param northern.hemisphere Whether this point is in the northern hemisphere.
#' @param quantiles Threshold quantiles for supplied variables.
#' @param max.missing.days Vector containing thresholds for number of days
#' allowed missing per year (annual) and per month (monthly).
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{climdexInput-class}} for use with
#' other climdex methods.
#' @note Units are assumed to be mm/day for precipitation and degrees Celsius
#' for temperature. No units conversion is performed internally.
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Create a climdexInput object from some data already loaded in and
#' ## ready to go.
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' @export
climdexInput.raw <- function(tmax=NULL, tmin=NULL, prec=NULL, tmax.dates=NULL, tmin.dates=NULL, prec.dates=NULL,
                             base.range=c(1961, 1990), n=5, northern.hemisphere=TRUE,
                             tavg=NULL, tavg.dates=NULL, quantiles=NULL, temp.qtiles=c(0.10, 0.90), prec.qtiles=c(0.95, 0.99), max.missing.days=c(annual=15, monthly=3), min.base.data.fraction.present=0.1) {
  ## Make sure all of these arguments are valid...
  check.basic.argument.validity(tmax, tmin, prec, tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range, n, tavg, tavg.dates)

  stopifnot(length(max.missing.days) == 2 && all(c("annual", "monthly") %in% names(max.missing.days)))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(min.base.data.fraction.present) && length(min.base.data.fraction.present) == 1)
  d.list <- list(tmin.dates, tmax.dates, prec.dates, tavg.dates)
  all.dates <- do.call(c, d.list[!sapply(d.list, is.null)])
  last.day.of.year <- get.last.monthday.of.year(all.dates)
  cal <- attr(all.dates, "cal")

  ## Convert base range (in years) to PCICt
  bs.date.range <- as.PCICt(paste(base.range, c("01-01", last.day.of.year), sep="-"), cal=cal)
  bs.date.series <- seq(bs.date.range[1], bs.date.range[2], by="day")
  ## Get dates for normal data
  new.date.range <- as.PCICt(paste(as.numeric(format(range(all.dates), "%Y", tz="GMT")), c("01-01", last.day.of.year), sep="-"), cal=cal)
  date.series <- seq(new.date.range[1], new.date.range[2], by="day")
  jdays <- get.jdays.replaced.feb29(get.jdays(date.series))
  ## Factors for dividing data up
  date.factors <- list(annual=factor(format(date.series, format="%Y", tz="GMT")), monthly=factor(format(date.series, format="%Y-%m", tz="GMT")))

  ## Filled data...
  var.list <- c("tmax", "tmin", "prec", "tavg")
  present.var.list <- var.list[sapply(var.list, function(x) !is.null(get(x)))]
  filled.list <- sapply(present.var.list, function(x) { return(create.filled.series(get(x), trunc(get(paste(x, "dates", sep="."))), date.series)) }, simplify=FALSE)
  if(is.null(tavg) && !is.null(tmin) && !is.null(tmax))
    filled.list$tavg <- (filled.list$tmax + filled.list$tmin) / 2

  ## Establish some truth values for later use in logic...
  days.threshold <- 359
  present.dates <- sapply(present.var.list, function(x) get(paste(x, "dates", sep=".")))
  quantile.dates <- list(tmax=tmax.dates, tmin=tmin.dates, prec=prec.dates)
  days.in.base <- sapply(quantile.dates, get.num.days.in.range, bs.date.range)

  ## Check that provided quantiles, if any, are valid
  check.quantile.validity(quantiles, present.var.list, days.in.base)

  data.in.base.period <- any(days.in.base != 0)
  have.quantiles <- all(present.var.list %in% names(quantiles))

  ## NA masks
  namasks <- list(annual=lapply(filled.list, get.na.mask, date.factors$annual, max.missing.days['annual']), monthly=lapply(filled.list, get.na.mask, date.factors$monthly, max.missing.days['monthly']))
  namasks$annual <- lapply(names(namasks$annual), function(v) { d <- namasks$annual[[v]] * as.numeric(tapply(namasks$monthly[[v]], rep(seq_along(namasks$annual[[v]]), each=12), prod)); dimnames(d) <- dim(d) <- NULL; d })
  names(namasks$annual) <- names(namasks$monthly)
  ## Pad data passed as base if we're missing endpoints...
  if(!have.quantiles) {
    quantiles <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

    if(days.in.base['tmax'] > days.threshold)
      delayedAssign("tmax", get.temp.var.quantiles(filled.list$tmax, date.series, bs.date.series, temp.qtiles, bs.date.range, n, TRUE, min.base.data.fraction.present), assign.env=quantiles)
    if(days.in.base['tmin'] > days.threshold)
      delayedAssign("tmin", get.temp.var.quantiles(filled.list$tmin, date.series, bs.date.series, temp.qtiles, bs.date.range, n, TRUE, min.base.data.fraction.present), assign.env=quantiles)
    if(days.in.base['prec'] > days.threshold)
      delayedAssign("prec", get.prec.var.quantiles(filled.list$prec, date.series, bs.date.range, prec.qtiles), assign.env=quantiles)
  } else {
    quantiles <- as.environment(quantiles)
  return(new("climdexInput", data=filled.list, quantiles=quantiles, namasks=namasks, dates=date.series, jdays=jdays, base.range=bs.date.range, date.factors=date.factors, northern.hemisphere=northern.hemisphere, max.missing.days=max.missing.days))

#' @title Method for creating climdexInput object from CSV files
#' @description
#' This function creates a climdexInput object from data in CSV files.
#' @details
#' This function takes input climate data in CSV files at daily resolution,
#' and produces as output a ClimdexInput data structure. This data structure
#' can then be passed to any of the routines used to compute the Climdex
#' indices. The indices themselves are specified on the webpage cited in the
#' references section.
#' Any of tmin.file (daily minimum temperature), tmax.file (daily maximum
#' temperature), tavg.file (daily mean temperature), and prec.file (daily
#' precipitation) can be passed in. tavg will be derived from the mean of
#' tmax and tmin if it is not supplied. If any of tmin.file, tmax.file, and
#' prec.file are not supplied, the set of indices which can be calculated will
#' be limited to indices which do not involve the missing variables.
#' The \code{tmax.file}, \code{tmin.file}, and \code{prec.file} arguments
#' should be names of CSV files containing dates and the data on which the
#' indices are to be computed. The units are assumed to be degrees C for
#' temperature, and mm/day for precipitation.
#' The \code{data.columns} argument is a vector consisting of named items tmax,
#' tmin, and prec. These named items are used as the column names in their
#' respective files when loading in CSV.
#' The \code{cal} argument is a textual description of the calendar type, as
#' described in the documentation for \code{\link{as.PCICt}}.
#' The \code{date.types} argument is a list of lists containing two named
#' items: \code{fields}, and \code{format}. The \code{fields} item is a vector
#' of names consisting of the columns to be concatenated together with spaces.
#' The \code{format} item is a date format as taken by \code{strptime}.
#' For more details on arguments, see \code{\link{climdexInput.raw}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.pcic-package}}, \code{\link{climdexInput.raw}}.
#' @references \url{http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml}
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @param tmax.file Name of file containing daily maximum temperature data.
#' @param tmin.file Name of file containing daily minimum temperature data.
#' @param prec.file Name of file containing daily total precipitation data.
#' @param tavg.file Name of file containing daily mean temperature data.
#' @param data.columns Column names for tmin, tmax, and prec data.
#' @param date.types Column names for tmin, tmax, and prec data (see notes).
#' @param na.strings Strings used for NA values; passed to
#' \code{\link{read.csv}}.
#' @param cal The calendar type used in the input files.
#' @template climdexInput_common_params
#' @param northern.hemisphere Whether this point is in the northern hemisphere.
#' @param quantiles Threshold quantiles for supplied variables.
#' @param max.missing.days Vector containing thresholds for number of days
#' allowed missing per year (annual) and per month (monthly).
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{climdexInput-class}} for use with
#' other climdex methods.
#' @note Units are assumed to be mm/day for precipitation and degrees Celsius
#' for temperature. No units conversion is performed internally.
#' @examples
#' ## This would create a climdexInput object from a set of filenames (already
#' ## stored as variables), with a different date format.
#' \dontrun{ci.csv <- climdexInput.csv(tmax.filename, tmin.filename,
#' prec.filename, date.types=list(list(fields=c("date"), format="%Y-%m-%d")))}
#' @export
climdexInput.csv <- function(tmax.file=NULL, tmin.file=NULL, prec.file=NULL,
                             data.columns=list(tmin="tmin", tmax="tmax", prec="prec"), base.range=c(1961, 1990),
                             na.strings=NULL, cal="gregorian", date.types=NULL, n=5, northern.hemisphere=TRUE,
                             tavg.file=NULL, quantiles=NULL, temp.qtiles=c(0.10, 0.90), prec.qtiles=c(0.95, 0.99), max.missing.days=c(annual=15, monthly=3), min.base.data.fraction.present=0.1) {
  get.and.check.data <- function(fn, datacol) {
    if(!is.null(fn)) {
      dat <- read.csv(fn, na.strings=na.strings)
      if(!(datacol %in% names(dat)))
        stop("Data column not found in tmin data.")
      return(list(dat=dat[!is.na(dat[,datacol]),datacol],  dates=get.date.field(dat, cal, date.types)))
    return(list(dat=NULL, dates=NULL))
    date.types <- list(list(fields=c("year", "jday"), format="%Y %j"),
                       list(fields=c("year", "month", "day"), format="%Y %m %d"))
    if(any(!sapply(date.types, function(x) { return(sum(c("fields", "format") %in% names(x)) == 2 && is.character(x$fields) && is.character(x$format)) } )))
      stop("Invalid date.types specified. See ?climdexInput.csv .")

  tmin <- get.and.check.data(tmin.file, data.columns$tmin)
  tmax <- get.and.check.data(tmax.file, data.columns$tmax)
  tavg <- get.and.check.data(tavg.file, data.columns$tavg)
  prec <- get.and.check.data(prec.file, data.columns$prec)
  return(climdexInput.raw(tmax=tmax$dat, tmin=tmin$dat, prec=prec$dat, tmax.dates=tmax$dates, tmin.dates=tmin$dates, prec.dates=prec$dates, base.range=base.range, n=n, northern.hemisphere=northern.hemisphere, tavg=tavg$dat, tavg.dates=tavg$dates, quantiles=quantiles, temp.qtiles=temp.qtiles, prec.qtiles=prec.qtiles, max.missing.days=max.missing.days, min.base.data.fraction.present=min.base.data.fraction.present))

#' Frost Days
#' This function computes the climdex index FD.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the FD (frost
#' days) climdex index: that is, the annual count of days where daily minimum
#' temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the number of frost days for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar fd
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the number of frost days.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.fd <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors$annual, 0, "<") * ci@namasks$annual$tmin) }

#' Summer Days
#' This function computes the climdex index SU.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the SU (summer
#' days) climdex index: that is, the annual count of days where daily maximum
#' temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the number of summer days for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar su
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the number of summer days.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.su <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmax, ci@date.factors$annual, 25, ">") * ci@namasks$annual$tmax) }

#' Icing Days
#' This function computes the climdex index ID.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the ID (icing
#' days) climdex index: that is, the annual count of days where daily maximum
#' temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the number of icing days for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar id
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the number of icing days.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.id <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmax, ci@date.factors$annual, 0, "<") * ci@namasks$annual$tmax) }

#' Tropical Nights
#' This function computes the climdex index TR.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the TR
#' (tropical nights) climdex index: that is, the annual count of days where
#' daily minimum temperature stays above 20 degrees Celsius.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the number of frost days for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tr
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the number of tropical nights.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tr <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors$annual, 20, ">") * ci@namasks$annual$tmin) }

#' @title Growing Season Length
#' @description
#' This function computes the growing season length (GSL) given the input.
#' @details
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the growing
#' season length based on this data.
#' Growing season length as defined by the climdex indices is the number of
#' days between the start of the first spell of warm days in the first half of
#' the year, and the start of the first spell of cold days in the second half
#' of the year. Spells of warm days are defined as six or more days with mean
#' temperature above 5 degrees Celsius; spells of cold days are defined as six
#' or more days with a mean temperature below 5 degrees Celsius.
#' The three alternate modes provided ('GSL_first', 'GSL_max', and 'GSL_sum')
#' are for testing purposes only. They differ considerably from the first
#' ('GSL') mode. All of them use a list of growing seasons -- here defined as
#' six or more consecutive days with a mean temperature greater than or equal
#' to 5 degrees Celsius, followed by either the end of the year or six or more
#' consecutive days with a mean temperature less than 5 degrees Celsius.
#' 'GSL_first' returns the first growing season found; 'GSL_max' returns the
#' longest growing season found; and 'GSL_sum' returns the total length of all
#' growing seasons found.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param gsl.mode Growing season length method to use.
#' @return A vector containing the number of days in the growing season for
#' each year.
#' @note Note that fclimdex results may differ from results using the first
#' ('GSL') mode due to bugs in fclimdex. Please ensure you are using the latest
#' version of fclimdex, as there have been numerous bug fixes and the results
#' should, at this point, match.
#' Please do not use the 'GSL_first', 'GSL_max', or 'GSL_sum' modes for
#' anything other than testing purposes at this time, nor should you rely on
#' this parameter being present in future versions of climdex.pcic.
#' @seealso \code{\link{growing.season.length}},
#' \code{\link{climdexInput.csv}}.
#' @references \url{http://etccdi.pacificclimate.org/list_27_indices.shtml}
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @templateVar cdxvar gsl
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the growing season length in days.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.gsl <- function(ci, gsl.mode=c("GSL", "GSL_first", "GSL_max", "GSL_sum")) {
  ## Gotta shift dates so that July 1 is considered Jan 1 of same year in southern hemisphere
  if(ci@northern.hemisphere) {
    return(growing.season.length(ci@data$tavg, ci@date.factors$annual, ci@dates, ci@northern.hemisphere, gsl.mode=match.arg(gsl.mode)) * ci@namasks$annual$tavg)
  } else {
    dates.POSIXlt <- as.POSIXlt(ci@dates)
    years <- dates.POSIXlt$year + 1900
    months <- dates.POSIXlt$mon + 1

    valid.years <- range(years)
    years.gsl <- years - floor((12 - months) / 6)
    inset <- years.gsl >= valid.years[1]
    gsl.factor <- factor(years.gsl[inset])
    gsl.factor.monthly <- factor(paste(years.gsl[inset], months[inset], sep="-"))
    gsl.yearmonth.factor <- unlist(strsplit(levels(gsl.factor.monthly), "-"))[(0:(nlevels(gsl.factor.monthly) - 1)) * 2 + 1]
    gsl.temp.data <- ci@data$tavg[inset]
    namask.gsl.monthly <- get.na.mask(gsl.temp.data, gsl.factor.monthly, ci@max.missing.days['annual'])
    namask.gsl <- get.na.mask(gsl.temp.data, gsl.factor, ci@max.missing.days['annual']) * as.numeric(tapply(namask.gsl.monthly, gsl.yearmonth.factor, prod))
    dim(namask.gsl) <- dimnames(namask.gsl) <- NULL
    namask.gsl[length(namask.gsl)] <- NA
    return((growing.season.length(gsl.temp.data, gsl.factor, ci@dates[inset], ci@northern.hemisphere, gsl.mode=match.arg(gsl.mode)) * namask.gsl))

#' Monthly Maximum of Daily Maximum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TXx.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes
#' the monthly or annual maximum of daily maximum temperature.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each month.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar txx
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of maximum daily maximum temperature.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.txx <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax)); return(suppressWarnings(tapply.fast(ci@data$tmax, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], max, na.rm=TRUE)) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmax) }

#' Monthly Maximum of Daily Minimum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TNx.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes
#' the monthly or annual maximum of daily minimum temperature.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each month.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tnx
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of maximum daily minimum temperature.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tnx <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin)); return(suppressWarnings(tapply.fast(ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], max, na.rm=TRUE)) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmin) }

#' Monthly Minimum of Daily Maximum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TXn.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes
#' the monthly or annual minimum of daily maximum temperature.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each month.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar txn
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of minimum daily maximum temperature.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.txn <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax)); return(suppressWarnings(tapply.fast(ci@data$tmax, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], min, na.rm=TRUE)) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmax) }

#' Monthly Minimum of Daily Minimum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TNn.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes
#' the monthly or annual minimum of daily minimum temperature.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each month.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tnn
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of minimum daily minimum temperature.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tnn <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin)); return(suppressWarnings(tapply.fast(ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], min, na.rm=TRUE)) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmin) }

## Our implementation currently follows the example set by fclimdex for dealing with missing values, which is wrong; it biases results upwards when missing values are present.

#' Percent of Values Below 10th Percentile Daily Minimum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TN10p.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the
#' monthly or annual percent of values below the 10th percentile of baseline
#' daily minimum temperature.
#' @template threshold_indices_block
#' @template threshold_indices_args
#' @template missing_values_caveat
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tn10p
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of the TN10p index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tn10p <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmin)); return(percent.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmin, ci@dates, ci@jdays, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], ci@quantiles$tmin$outbase$q10, ci@quantiles$tmin$inbase$q10, ci@base.range, "<", ci@max.missing.days[match.arg(freq)]) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmin) }

#' Percent of Values Below 10th Percentile Daily Maximum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TX10p.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the
#' monthly or annual percent of values below the 10th percentile of baseline
#' daily maximum temperature.
#' @template threshold_indices_block
#' @template threshold_indices_args
#' @template missing_values_caveat
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tx10p
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of the TX10p index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tx10p <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmax)); return(percent.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmax, ci@dates, ci@jdays, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], ci@quantiles$tmax$outbase$q10, ci@quantiles$tmax$inbase$q10, ci@base.range, "<", ci@max.missing.days[match.arg(freq)]) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmax) }

#' Percent of Values Above 90th Percentile Daily Minimum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TN90p.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the
#' monthly or annual percent of values above the 90th percentile of baseline
#' daily minimum temperature.
#' @template threshold_indices_block
#' @template threshold_indices_args
#' @template missing_values_caveat
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tn90p
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of the TN90p index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tn90p <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmin)); return(percent.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmin, ci@dates, ci@jdays, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], ci@quantiles$tmin$outbase$q90, ci@quantiles$tmin$inbase$q90, ci@base.range, ">", ci@max.missing.days[match.arg(freq)]) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmin) }

#' Percent of Values Above 90th Percentile Daily Maximum Temperature
#' This function computes the climdex index TX90p.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the
#' monthly or annual percent of values above the 90th percentile of baseline
#' daily maximum temperature.
#' @template threshold_indices_block
#' @template threshold_indices_args
#' @template missing_values_caveat
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar tx90p
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of the TX90p index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.tx90p <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmax)); return(percent.days.op.threshold(ci@data$tmax, ci@dates, ci@jdays, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], ci@quantiles$tmax$outbase$q90, ci@quantiles$tmax$inbase$q90, ci@base.range, ">", ci@max.missing.days[match.arg(freq)]) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tmax) }

#' @title Warm Spell Duration Index
#' @description This function computes the climdex index WSDI.
#' @details
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index WSDI (Warm Spell Duration Index).
#' The warm spell duration index is defined as the number of days each year
#' which are part of a "warm spell". A "warm spell" is defined as a sequence of
#' 6 or more days in which the daily maximum temperature exceeds the 90th
#' percentile of daily maximum temperature for a 5-day running window
#' surrounding this day during the baseline period.
#' The \code{spells.can.span.years} option specifies whether spells can cross
#' year boundaries -- i.e., span years. The default for this is the same as
#' fclimdex.
#' @template wcsdi_common
#' @templateVar cdxvar wsdi
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the warm spell duration index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.wsdi <- function(ci, spells.can.span.years=FALSE) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmax) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmax)); return(threshold.exceedance.duration.index(ci@data$tmax, ci@date.factors$annual, ci@jdays, ci@quantiles$tmax$outbase$q90, ">", spells.can.span.years=spells.can.span.years, max.missing.days=ci@max.missing.days['annual']) * ci@namasks$annual$tmax) }

#' @title Cold Spell Duration Index
#' @description This function computes the climdex index CSDI.
#' @details
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index CSDI (Cold Spell Duration Index).
#' The cold spell duration index is defined as the number of days
#' each year which are part of a "cold spell". A "cold spell" is defined as a
#' sequence of 6 or more days in which the daily minimum temperature is below
#' the 10th percentile of daily minimum temperature for a 5-day running window
#' surrounding this day during the baseline period.
#' The \code{spells.can.span.years} option specifies whether spells can cross
#' year boundaries -- i.e., span years. The default for this is the same as
#' fclimdex.
#' @template wcsdi_common
#' @templateVar cdxvar csdi
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the cold spell duration index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.csdi <- function(ci, spells.can.span.years=FALSE) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$tmin)); return(threshold.exceedance.duration.index(ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors$annual, ci@jdays, ci@quantiles$tmin$outbase$q10, "<", spells.can.span.years=spells.can.span.years, max.missing.days=ci@max.missing.days['annual']) * ci@namasks$annual$tmin) }

#' Mean Diurnal Temperature Range
#' This function computes the diurnal temperature range on a monthly basis.
#' \code{climdex.dtr} computes the mean daily diurnal temperature range. The
#' frequency of observation can be either monthly or annual.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @return A vector containing the mean monthly or mean annual diurnal
#' temperature range.
#' @note This function creates results which may differ in the 3rd decimal
#' place from the results from fclimdex.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar dtr
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a monthly timeseries of mean diurnal temperature range.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.dtr <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$tmin) && !is.null(ci@data$tmax) && !is.null(ci@data$tavg)); return(mean.daily.temp.range(ci@data$tmax, ci@data$tmin, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]]) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$tavg) }

#' Monthly Maximum 1-day Precipitation
#' This function computes the climdex index Rx1day.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index Rx1day: monthly or annual maximum 1-day precipitation.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @template rx5day_common
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar rx1day
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a timeseries of monthly maximum 1-day precipitation.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.rx1day <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual")) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(nday.consec.prec.max(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], 1) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$prec) }

#' Monthly Maximum 5-day Consecutive Precipitation
#' This function computes the climdex index Rx5day.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index Rx5day: monthly or annual maximum 5-day consecutive precipitation.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param freq Time frequency to aggregate to.
#' @param center.mean.on.last.day Whether to center the 5-day running mean on
#' the last day of the window, instead of the center day.
#' @template rx5day_common
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar rx5day
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a timeseries of monthly maximum 5-day consecutive precipitation.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.rx5day <- function(ci, freq=c("monthly", "annual"), center.mean.on.last.day=FALSE) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(nday.consec.prec.max(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors[[match.arg(freq)]], 5, center.mean.on.last.day) * ci@namasks[[match.arg(freq)]]$prec) }

#' Simple Precpitation Intensity Index
#' This function computes the climdex index SDII.
#' \code{climdex.sdii} computes the climdex index SDII, or Simple Precipitation
#' Intensity Index. This is defined as the sum of precipitation in wet days
#' (days with preciptitation over 1mm) during the year divided by the number of
#' wet days in the year.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each year.
#' @note fclimdex rounds to 1 decimal place, whereas climdex.sdii does not.
#' This results in some small differences.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar sdii
#' @templateVar cdxdescription a timeseries of annual SDII values.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.sdii <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(simple.precipitation.intensity.index(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual) * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Precipitation Exceeding 10mm Per Day
#' This function computes the climdex index R10mm.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index R10mm: the annual count of days where daily precipitation is more than 10mm per day.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar r10mm
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the R10mm index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.r10mm <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, 10, ">=") * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Precipitation Exceeding 20mm Per Day
#' This function computes the climdex index R20mm.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index R20mm: the annual count of days where daily precipitation is more than 20mm per day.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar r20mm
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the R20mm index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.r20mm <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, 20, ">=") * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Precipitation Exceeding A Specified Amount Per Day
#' This function computes the climdex index Rnnmm.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index Rnnmm: the annual count of days where daily precipitation is more than \code{nn} mm per day.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param threshold The threshold to be used for Rnnmm.
#' @return A vector containing the value of the index for each year.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar rnnmm
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the R1mm index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.rnnmm <- function(ci, threshold=1) {
  if(!is.numeric(threshold) || length(threshold) != 1) stop("Please specify a single numeric threshold value.");

  return(number.days.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, threshold, ">=") * ci@namasks$annual$prec)

#' Maximum Consecutive Dry Days
#' This function computes the climdex index CDD.
#' This function computes the climdex index CDD: the annual maximum length of dry spells, in days.
#' Dry spells are considered to be sequences of days where daily preciptation
#' is less than 1mm per day.
#' @template cdd_common
#' @templateVar cdxvar cdd
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the CDD index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.cdd <- function(ci, spells.can.span.years=TRUE) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(spell.length.max(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, 1, "<", spells.can.span.years) * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Maximum Consecutive Wet Days
#' This function computes the climdex index CWD.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index CWD: the annual maximum length of wet spells, in days.
#' Wet spells are considered to be sequences of days where daily precipitation
#' is at least 1mm per day.
#' @template cdd_common
#' @templateVar cdxvar cdd
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the CWD index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.cwd <- function(ci, spells.can.span.years=TRUE) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(spell.length.max(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, 1, ">=", spells.can.span.years) * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Total Daily Precipitation Exceeding 95\%ile Threshold
#' This function computes the climdex index R95pTOT.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index R95pTOT: the annual sum of precipitation in days where daily precipitation exceeds the
#' 95th percentile of daily precipitation in the base period.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing an annual timeseries of precipitation exceeding
#' the threshold.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar r95ptot
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the R95pTOT index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.r95ptot <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$prec)); return(total.precip.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, ci@quantiles$prec['q95'], ">") * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Total Daily Precipitation Exceeding 99\%ile Threshold
#' This function computes the climdex index R99pTOT.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index R99pTOT: the annual sum of precipitation in days where daily precipitation exceeds the
#' 99th percentile of daily precipitation in the base period.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing an annual timeseries of precipitation exceeding
#' the threshold.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar r99ptot
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the R99pTOT index.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.r99ptot <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec) && !is.null(ci@quantiles$prec)); return(total.precip.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, ci@quantiles$prec['q99'], ">") * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Total Daily Precipitation
#' This function computes the climdex index PRCPTOT.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and computes the climdex
#' index PRCPTOT: the annual sum of precipitation in wet days
#' (days where precipitation is at least 1mm).
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @return A vector containing an annual timeseries of precipitation in wet days.
#' @template generic_seealso_references
#' @templateVar cdxvar prcptot
#' @templateVar cdxdescription an annual timeseries of the sum of precipitation in wet days.
#' @template get_generic_example
#' @export
climdex.prcptot <- function(ci) { stopifnot(!is.null(ci@data$prec)); return(total.precip.op.threshold(ci@data$prec, ci@date.factors$annual, 1, ">=") * ci@namasks$annual$prec) }

#' Get available indices by name
#' This function returns a vector of (function) names of available indices.
#' This function takes a climdexInput object as input and returns the names of
#' all the indices which may be computed or, if \code{get.function.names} is
#' TRUE (the default), the names of the functions corresponding to the indices.
#' @param ci Object of type climdexInput.
#' @param function.names Whether to return function names.
#' @return A vector containing an annual timeseries of precipitation in wet days.
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Create a climdexInput object from some data already loaded in and
#' ## ready to go.
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' ## Get list of functions which might be run.
#' func.names <- climdex.get.available.indices(ci)
#' @export
climdex.get.available.indices <- function(ci, function.names=TRUE) {
  available.indices <- list(tmax=c('su', 'id', 'txx', 'txn', 'tx10p', 'tx90p', 'wsdi'),
                            tmin=c('fd', 'tr', 'tnx', 'tnn', 'tn10p', 'tn90p', 'csdi'),
                            tavg=c('gsl', 'dtr'),
                            prec=c('rx1day', 'rx5day', 'sdii', 'r10mm', 'r20mm', 'rnnmm', 'cdd', 'cwd', 'r95ptot', 'r99ptot', 'prcptot'))
  if(function.names) {
    return(paste("climdex", unlist(available.indices[names(ci@data)]), sep="."))
  } else {
    return(unlist(available.indices[names(ci@data)], use.names=FALSE))


#' Get series length at ends
#' This function takes a series of boolean values and returns a list of
#' integers of the same length corresponding to the lengths at the ends of
#' sequences of TRUE values.
#' It can often be useful to know how long a series of boolean values is. This
#' function provides a method of knowing where and how long such sequences are.
#' @param x Sequence of booleans.
#' @param na.value Value to replace NAs with.
#' @return A vector consisting of the lengths of sequences of TRUE values at
#' the location of the last TRUE value in the sequence, and zeroes elsewhere.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' ## Get lengths of sequences of TRUE values in a sequence
#' series.lengths <- get.series.lengths.at.ends(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
#' @export
get.series.lengths.at.ends <- function(x, na.value=FALSE) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(x) && is.logical(na.value))
  n <- length(x)
  if(n == 1)

  res <- rep(0, n)
  x[is.na(x)] <- na.value

  ## Compare series to lag-1 and lag+1 series; false added to trigger state transition from TRUE at ends of series
  start <- which(x & !(c(FALSE, x[1:(n - 1)])))
  end <- which(x & !(c(x[2:n], FALSE)))
  res[end] <- end - start + 1

#' Number of days (less than, greater than, etc) a threshold
#' Produces sums of values that exceed (or are below) the specified threshold.
#' This function takes a data series, a threshold, an operator, and a factor to
#' aggregate by. It uses the operator to compare the threshold to the data
#' series, creating a series of booleans, then sums the booleans according to
#' the factor.
#' @param temp Sequence temperature values.
#' @param date.factor Factor to aggregate by.
#' @param threshold Threshold to use.
#' @param op Operator to use for comparison.
#' @return A vector consisting of the number of values that meet the criteria
#' in the given time period (as specified by \code{date.factor}).
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' ## Calculate frost days.
#' fd <- number.days.op.threshold(ci@@data$tmin,
#'                                ci@@date.factors$annual, 0, "<")
#' @export
number.days.op.threshold <- function(temp, date.factor, threshold, op="<") {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(temp) && is.numeric(threshold) && is.factor(date.factor))
  return(tapply.fast(match.fun(op)(temp, threshold), date.factor, sum, na.rm=TRUE))

#' @title Flexible GSL function
#' @description
#' This function computes the growing season length (GSL) given the input,
#' which is allowed to vary considerably from the ETCCDI definitions.
#' @details
#' This function is the function used to implement \code{\link{climdex.gsl}}.
#' It's designed to be flexible to allow for experimentation and testing of new
#' thresholds and methods.
#' If you need to use this code for experimentation in the southern hemisphere,
#' you'll need to rip off the climdex.gsl code to rotate the year around so
#' that July 1st is treated as January 1st.
#' See \code{\link{climdex.gsl}} for more information on what \code{gsl.mode}
#' does.
#' @param daily.mean.temp Timeseries of daily mean temperature (in degrees C),
#' padded out to end on a year boundary (ie: starts on January 1st of some
#' year, ends on December 31st).
#' @param date.factor Factor of the same length as daily.mean.temp that divides
#' the timeseries up into years of data.
#' @param dates The corresponding series of dates.
#' @param northern.hemisphere Whether the data is from the northern hemisphere.
#' @param min.length The minimum number of days above or below the threshold
#' temperature that defines the start or end of a growing season.
#' @param t.thresh The temperature threshold for being considered part of a
#' growing season (in degrees C).
#' @param gsl.mode The growing season length mode (ETCCDI mode is "GSL").
#' @return A vector containing the number of days in the growing season for
#' each year.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.gsl}}, \code{\link{climdexInput.csv}}.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Create a climdexInput object from some data already loaded in and
#' ## ready to go.
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' ## Create an annual timeseries of the growing season length in days.
#' gsl <- growing.season.length(ci@@data$tavg, ci@@date.factors$annual, ci@@dates,
#'                              ci@@northern.hemisphere, gsl.mode="GSL") * 
#'        ci@@namasks$annual$tavg
#' ## Print these out for testing purposes.
#' gsl
#' @export
growing.season.length <- function(daily.mean.temp, date.factor, dates, northern.hemisphere,
                                  min.length=6, t.thresh=5, gsl.mode=c("GSL", "GSL_first", "GSL_max", "GSL_sum")) {
  gsl.mode <- match.arg(gsl.mode)
  month.series <- get.months(dates)
  transition.month <- if(northern.hemisphere) 7 else 1
  if(gsl.mode == "GSL") {
    return(tapply.fast(1:length(daily.mean.temp), date.factor, function(idx) {
      temp.data <- daily.mean.temp[idx]
      ts.mid <- head(which(month.series[idx] == transition.month), n = 1)
      ts.len<- length(temp.data)
      gs.begin <- which(select.blocks.gt.length(temp.data[1:(ts.mid-1)] > t.thresh, min.length - 1))
      ## Growing season actually ends the day -before- the sequence of sketchy days
      gs.end <- which(select.blocks.gt.length(temp.data[ts.mid:ts.len] < t.thresh, min.length - 1)) - 1

      ## If no growing season start, 0 length; if no end, ends at end of year; otherwise, end - start + 1
      return(ifelse(length(gs.begin) == 0, 0, ifelse(length(gs.end) == 0, ts.len - gs.begin[1] + 1, gs.end[1] - gs.begin[1] + ts.mid)))
  } else {
    in.gsl <- !select.blocks.gt.length(!select.blocks.gt.length(daily.mean.temp >= t.thresh, min.length - 1), min.length - 1)
    warning("GSL_first, GSL_max, and GSL_sum are experimental alternative growing season length definitions. Use at your own risk.")
    innerfunc <- switch(gsl.mode, GSL_first=function(bl) { ifelse(any(bl > 0), (bl[bl > 0])[1], 0) }, GSL_max=max, GSL_sum=sum)
    return(tapply.fast(in.gsl, date.factor, function(ts) { block.lengths <- get.series.lengths.at.ends(ts); return(innerfunc(block.lengths)); }))

#' Lengths of strings of TRUE values
#' Computes fraction of days above or below the baseline threshold for each
#' day, and averages them using the date factor passed in.
#' This function computes fractions of days above or below baseline thresholds
#' for each day, then aggregates them using \code{date.factor}. It is used to
#' implement TN/TX 10/90p.
#' @param temp Sequence of temperature values.
#' @param dates Sequence of associated dates.
#' @param jdays Sequence of associated days of year.
#' @param date.factor Factor to aggregate data using.
#' @param threshold.outside.base Sequence of thresholds to be used for data
#' outside the base period.
#' @param base.thresholds Data structure containing sets of thresholds to be
#' used inside the base period; see \link{climdexInput-class}.
#' @param base.range Date range (type PCICt) of the baseline period.
#' @param op Comparison operator to use.
#' @param max.missing.days Maximum number of NA values per time period.
#' @return A vector consisting of the mean fraction of days above or below the
#' supplied set of thresholds.
#' @note If date.factor is omitted, daily series will be returned.
#' @seealso \link{climdexInput-class}.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' ## Compute monthly tx90p.
#' tx90p <- percent.days.op.threshold(ci@@data$tmax, ci@@dates, ci@@jdays,
#'                                    ci@@date.factors$monthly,
#'                                    ci@@quantiles$tmax$outbase$q90,
#'                                    ci@@quantiles$tmax$inbase$q90,
#'                                    ci@@base.range, ">",
#'                                    ci@@max.missing.days['monthly']) *
#'          ci@@namasks$monthly$tmax
#' @export
percent.days.op.threshold <- function(temp, dates, jdays, date.factor, threshold.outside.base, base.thresholds, base.range, op='<', max.missing.days) {
  f <- match.fun(op)
  dat <- f(temp, threshold.outside.base[jdays])
  inset <- dates >= base.range[1] & dates <= base.range[2]
  ## Don't use in-base thresholds with data shorter than two years; no years to replace with.
  if(sum(inset) > 0 && length(dates) >= 360 * 2) {
    jdays.base <- jdays[inset]
    years.base <- get.years(dates[inset])

    ## Get number of base years, subset temp data to base period only.
    temp.base <- temp[inset]
    years.base.range <- range(years.base)
    byrs <- (years.base.range[2] - years.base.range[1] + 1)

    ## Linearize thresholds, then compare them to the temperatures
    bdim <- dim(base.thresholds)
    dim(base.thresholds) <- c(bdim[1] * bdim[2], bdim[3])
    yday.byr.indices <- jdays.base + (years.base - get.years(base.range)[1]) * bdim[1]
    f.result <- f(rep(temp.base, byrs - 1), base.thresholds[yday.byr.indices,])
    dim(f.result) <- c(length(yday.byr.indices), bdim[3])

    ## Chop up data along the 2nd dim into a list; sum elements of the list
    dat[inset] <- rowSums(f.result, na.rm=TRUE) / (byrs - 1)
  dat[is.nan(dat)] <- NA
  na.mask <- get.na.mask(dat, date.factor, max.missing.days)
  ## FIXME: Need to monthly-ize the NA mask calculation, which will be ugly.
  ret <- tapply.fast(dat, date.factor, mean, na.rm=TRUE) * 100 * na.mask
  ret[is.nan(ret)] <- NA

#' @title Sum of spell lengths exceeding daily threshold
#' @description
#' This function returns the number of spells of more than \code{min.length}
#' days which exceed or are below the given threshold.
#' @details
#' This routine compares data to the thresholds using the given operator,
#' generating a series of TRUE or FALSE values; these values are then filtered
#' to remove any sequences of less than \code{min.length} days of TRUE values.
#' It then computes the lengths of the remaining sequences of TRUE values
#' (spells) and sums their lengths.
#' The \code{spells.can.span.years} option controls whether spells must always
#' terminate at the end of a period, or whether they may continue until the
#' criteria ceases to be met or the end of the data is reached. The default for
#' fclimdex is FALSE.
#' @param daily.temp Data to compute index on.
#' @param date.factor Date factor to split by.
#' @param jdays Timeseries of days of year.
#' @param thresholds The thresholds to compare to.
#' @param op The operator to use to compare data to threshold.
#' @param min.length The minimum spell length to be considered.
#' @param spells.can.span.years Whether spells can span years.
#' @param max.missing.days Maximum number of NA values per time period.
#' @return A timeseries of maximum spell lengths for each period.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.wsdi}}.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' prec.dat <- c(0.1, 3.0, 4.3, 1.9, 1.3, 6.0, 0, 0, 4.0, 1)
#' phony.date.factor <- factor(rep(1:2, each=5))
#' ## With spells spanning years...
#' alttedi <- threshold.exceedance.duration.index(prec.dat,
#' phony.date.factor, rep(1:5, 2), rep(1, 5), ">=", 2, TRUE, 1)
#' ## Without spells spanning years...
#' tedi <- threshold.exceedance.duration.index(prec.dat, phony.date.factor,
#' rep(1:5, 2), rep(1, 5), ">=", 2, FALSE, 1)
#' @export
threshold.exceedance.duration.index <- function(daily.temp, date.factor, jdays, thresholds, op=">", min.length=6, spells.can.span.years=TRUE, max.missing.days) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(c(daily.temp, thresholds, min.length)), is.factor(date.factor),
            min.length > 0)
  f <- match.fun(op)
  na.mask <- get.na.mask(is.na(daily.temp + thresholds[jdays]), date.factor, max.missing.days)

  if(spells.can.span.years) {
    periods <- select.blocks.gt.length(f(daily.temp, thresholds[jdays]), min.length - 1)
    return(tapply.fast(periods, date.factor, sum) * na.mask)
  } else {
    ## fclimdex behaviour...
    return(tapply.fast(1:length(daily.temp), date.factor, function(idx) { sum(select.blocks.gt.length(f(daily.temp[idx], thresholds[jdays[idx]]), min.length - 1)) } ) * na.mask)

## DTR
## Computes mean diurnal temperature range in each period (as specified by date.factor).
## Max and min temps are assumed to be same length
mean.daily.temp.range <- function(daily.max.temp, daily.min.temp, date.factor) {
  dat <- tapply.fast(daily.max.temp - daily.min.temp, date.factor, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  dat[is.nan(dat)] <- NA

#' @title Number of days (less than, greater than, etc) a threshold
#' @description
#' Produces sums of values that exceed (or are below) the specified threshold.
#' @details
#' This function takes a data series, the number of days in the running window,
#' a date factor to aggregate by, and an optional modifier parameter
#' (center.mean.on.last.day). It computes the n-day running sum of
#' precipitation and returns the maximum n-day total precipitation per unit
#' time, as defined by \code{date.factor}.
#' @param daily.prec Daily timeseries of precipitation.
#' @param date.factor Factor to aggregate by.
#' @param ndays Number of days in the running window.
#' @param center.mean.on.last.day Whether to center the n-day running mean on
#' the last day of the series, instead of the middle day.
#' @return A vector consisting of the maximum n-day sum of precipitation per
#' time interval.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' library(PCICt)
#' ## Parse the dates into PCICt.
#' tmax.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmax[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' tmin.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.tmin[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' prec.dates <- as.PCICt(do.call(paste, ec.1018935.prec[,c("year",
#' "jday")]), format="%Y %j", cal="gregorian")
#' ## Load the data in.
#' ci <- climdexInput.raw(ec.1018935.tmax$MAX_TEMP,
#' ec.1018935.tmin$MIN_TEMP, ec.1018935.prec$ONE_DAY_PRECIPITATION,
#' tmax.dates, tmin.dates, prec.dates, base.range=c(1971, 2000))
#' ## Compute rx5day on a monthly basis.
#' rx5day <- nday.consec.prec.max(ci@@data$prec, ci@@date.factors$monthly, 5)
#' @export
nday.consec.prec.max <- function(daily.prec, date.factor, ndays, center.mean.on.last.day=FALSE) {
  if(ndays == 1) {
    return(suppressWarnings(tapply.fast(daily.prec, date.factor, max, na.rm=TRUE)))
  ## Ends of the data will be de-emphasized (padded with zero precip data); NAs replaced with 0
  daily.prec[is.na(daily.prec)] <- 0
  prec.runsum <- running.mean(daily.prec, ndays)
  prec.runsum[is.na(prec.runsum)] <- 0
  if(center.mean.on.last.day) {
      k2 = ndays %/% 2
      prec.runsum <- c(rep(0, k2), prec.runsum[1:(length(prec.runsum) - k2)])
  return(tapply.fast(prec.runsum, date.factor, max) * ndays)

#' Simple Precipitation Intensity Index
#' This function implements the ETCCDI Simple Precipitation Intensity Index.
#' The simple precipitation intensity index is computed by taking the sum of
#' precipitation in wet days (days with >1mm of precipitation), and dividing
#' that by the number of wet days in the period. This gives the mean
#' precipitation in wet days.
#' @param daily.prec Data to compute index on.
#' @param date.factor Date factor to split by.
#' @return The mean precipitation in wet days for each period (as defined by
#' date.factor).
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' prec.dat <- c(0.1, 3.0, 4.3, 0.9, 1.3, 6.0, 0, 0, 4.0, 1)
#' phony.date.factor <- factor(rep(1:2, each=5))
#' sdii <- simple.precipitation.intensity.index(prec.dat, phony.date.factor)
#' @export
simple.precipitation.intensity.index <- function(daily.prec, date.factor) {
  return(tapply.fast(daily.prec, date.factor, function(prec) { idx <- prec >= 1 & !is.na(prec); if(sum(idx) == 0) { return(0); } else { return(sum(prec[idx], na.rm=TRUE) / sum(idx)) } } ))

#' @title Maximum spell length
#' @description
#' This function returns the longest string of days which exceed or are below
#' the given threshold.
#' @details
#' This routine compares data to the threshold using the given operator,
#' generating a series of TRUE or FALSE values. It then computes the lengths of
#' sequences of TRUE values (spells) and chooses the longest spell in each
#' period (as defined by date.factor).
#' The \code{spells.can.span.years} option controls whether spells must always
#' terminate at the end of a period, or whether they may continue until the
#' criteria ceases to be met or the end of the data is reached. The default for
#' fclimdex is TRUE.
#' @param daily.prec Data to compute index on.
#' @param date.factor Date factor to split by.
#' @param threshold The threshold to compare to.
#' @param op The operator to use to compare data to threshold.
#' @param spells.can.span.years Whether spells can span years.
#' @return A timeseries of maximum spell lengths for each period.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.cdd}}.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' prec.dat <- c(0.1, 3.0, 4.3, 1.9, 1.3, 6.0, 0, 0, 4.0, 1)
#' phony.date.factor <- factor(rep(1:2, each=5))
#' ## With spells spanning years...
#' cwd <- spell.length.max(prec.dat, phony.date.factor, 1, ">=", TRUE)
#' ## Without spells spanning years...
#' altcwd <- spell.length.max(prec.dat, phony.date.factor, 1, ">=", FALSE)
#' @export
spell.length.max <- function(daily.prec, date.factor, threshold, op, spells.can.span.years) {
  bools <- match.fun(op)(daily.prec, threshold)

  if(spells.can.span.years) {
    all.true <- tapply.fast(bools, date.factor, all)
    max.spell <- tapply.fast(get.series.lengths.at.ends(bools), date.factor, max)
    ## Mask out values which are in the middle of a spell with NA
    na.mask <- c(1, NA)[as.integer((max.spell == 0) & all.true) + 1]
    return(max.spell * na.mask)
  } else {
    return(tapply.fast(bools, date.factor, function(x) { max(get.series.lengths.at.ends(x)) }))

#' Sum of precipitation above a threshold
#' This function returns the sum of values above a threshold for each period
#' (as defined by date.factor).
#' This routine sums up all values which exceed or are below (depending on op)
#' the given threshold.
#' @param daily.prec Data to compute index on.
#' @param date.factor Date factor to split by.
#' @param threshold The threshold to compare to.
#' @param op The operator to use to compare data to threshold.
#' @return A timeseries of sums of numbers above the threshold for each period.
#' @seealso \code{\link{climdex.r99ptot}}.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' prec.dat <- c(0.1, 3.0, 4.3, 1.9, 1.3, 6.0, 0, 0, 4.0, 1)
#' phony.date.factor <- factor(rep(1:2, each=5))
#' ## Compute equiv of PRCPTOT
#' prec.sum <- total.precip.op.threshold(prec.dat, phony.date.factor, 1, ">=")
#' @export
total.precip.op.threshold <- function(daily.prec, date.factor, threshold, op) {
  f <- match.fun(op)
  return(tapply.fast(daily.prec, date.factor, function(pr) { return(sum(pr[f(pr, threshold)], na.rm=TRUE)) } ))

## Returns an n-day running quantile for each day of data (dimensions c(dpy, q))
running.quantile <- function(data, n, q, dpy, min.fraction) {
  ret <- .Call("running_quantile_windowed", data, n, q, dpy, min.fraction, PACKAGE='climdex.pcic')
  dim(ret) <- c(length(q), dpy)

#' Select blocks of TRUE values of sufficient length.
#' Produces a sequence of booleans of the same length as input, with sequences
#' of TRUE values shorter than n replaced with FALSE.
#' This function takes a series of booleans and returns a sequence of booleans
#' of equal length, with all sequences of TRUE of length \code{n} or shorter
#' replaced with sequences of FALSE. NA values are replaced with
#' \code{na.value}.
#' @param d Sequence of booleans.
#' @param n Longest sequence of TRUE to replace with FALSE.
#' @param na.value Values to replace NAs with.
#' @return A vector of booleans, with the length \code{n} or less sequences of
#' TRUE replaced with FALSE.
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' ## Return only the first sequence of TRUE... second sequence will be FALSE.
#' foo <- select.blocks.gt.length(c(rep(TRUE, 4), FALSE, rep(TRUE, 3)), 3)
#' @export
select.blocks.gt.length <- function(d, n, na.value=FALSE) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(d), is.numeric(n))

  if(n < 1)

  if(n >= length(d))
    return(rep(FALSE, length(d)))

  d[is.na(d)] <- na.value
  d2 <- Reduce(function(x, y) { return(c(rep(FALSE, y), d[1:(length(d) - y)]) & x) }, 1:n, d)
  return(Reduce(function(x, y) { return(c(d2[(y + 1):length(d2)], rep(FALSE, y)) | x) }, 1:n, d2))

#' Climdex quantile function
#' This function implements R's type=8 in a more efficient manner.
#' This is a reimplementation of R's type=8 created to improve the efficiency
#' of this package.
#' @param x Data to compute quantiles on.
#' @param q Quantiles to be computed.
#' @return A vector of the quantiles in question.
#' @seealso \code{\link{quantile}}
#' @keywords ts climate
#' @examples
#' ## Compute 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile of example data.
#' climdex.quantile(1:10, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
#' @export
climdex.quantile <- function(x, q=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)) {
  return(.Call("c_quantile2", as.double(x), q, PACKAGE='climdex.pcic'))

#' @title Running Mean of a Vector
#' @description Calculates the running means of a vector with a shifting window
#' @details Returns a new vector the same length as vec, where the ith
#' element is the mean of the bin of elements centered at the ith element
#' of the original vector. Means cannot be calculated for elements less
#' than half the width of the bin from the beginning or end of the vector;
#' the result vector has NA in those positions.
#' @param vec A vector
#' @param bin The number of entries to average over for each mean
#' @return a vector containing the running mean of bin elements of vec
#' @example
#' \dontrun { 
#' running.mean(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 2) 
#' }
#' \dontrun { 
#' running.mean(c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5), 4) 
#' }
running.mean <- function(vec, bin){
  vec = as.vector(vec)
  len = length(vec)
  if (bin<=1) {
    return (vec)
  if (bin > len) {
    bin = len
  left.bin = bin%/%2

  means = double(len)

  right.bin = bin - left.bin - 1
  means = c( sum(vec[1:bin]), diff(vec,bin) ) # find the first sum and the differences from it
  means = cumsum(means)/bin                  # apply precomputed differences
  means = c(rep(NA,left.bin), means, rep(NA,right.bin))   # extend to original vector length
pacificclimate/climdex.pcic documentation built on July 30, 2023, 10:59 a.m.