
TeamPhytoplankton is an R package aimed to make the life of the labgroup easier. We research thermal adaptation of phytoplankton and most of the functions within the package reflect that.

Most notable functions include:

nlsLoop - an upgrade on nlsList which fits a model to each curve in a set by shotgunning the desired number of starting parameters. The best model is picked using AIC.

schoolfield.high - fits the high inactivation only version of the modified Sharpe Schoolfield equation.

Eilers_PI - fits the Eilers PI curve to photosynthesis vs light data.

Platt_PI - fits the Platt PI curve (including photoinhibition) to photosynthesis vs light data.

quasi.rsq.nls - calculates a pseudo-rsquared value for non-linear models.

Installation from GitHub

Installation has usually been made possible using Hadley Wickham's "devtools" package. However it has a lot of dependencies and proves problematic for some Windows users so there is new package on CRAN called "ghit" that should alleviate some of these issues.

# or

# load package then download TeamPhytoplankton


padpadpadpad/TeamPhytoplankton documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:59 p.m.