
################### nlsLoop

# function

#' Loops through a non-linear model on many different curves to find the best
#' possible fit.
#' Fits the best possible model to each of a set of curves using non-linear
#' least squares regression using nlsLM. The best fit is determined using AIC
#' scores.
#' Returns a dataframe of the best estimated parameter fits for each level of
#' id_col with assOciated AIC score.
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param data Data that includes the rates
#' @param model The formula that is usually fed into nlsLM. Make sure there is
#' a y and an x (the column in your dataframe that is the explanatory variable)
#' eg. ln.resp.cor ~ schoolfield.high(ln.c, Ea, Eh, Th, temp=K, Tc = 25)
#' @param tries Number of combinations of different starting parameters that
#' are tried on each curve.
#' @param id_col The column name that identifies each curve that is to be
#' fitted. Needs to be in speech marks, ' '.
#' @param param_bds Upper and lower boundaries for the start parameters. If
#' missing these default to +/- 1e+09. Need to specified as a vector as :
#' c(lower bound param 1, upper bound param 1, lower bound param 2, upper boung
#' param 2 ...)
#' @param r2 Whether or not you want the quasi rsquared value to be returned.
#' This defaults to no, (so not specifying the argument or r2 = 'N results in
#' no r2 values being returned), to include the r2 values use r2 = 'Y'
#' @param supp.errors If supp.errors = 'Y' then no error messages will be shown
#' from the actual nlsLM function, reducing the number of error messages
#' received while the model works through starting parameters from which the
#' model cannot converge. Advised to only be used once it is expected that
#' error messages in the nlsLM function are not important.
#' @param AICc Whether or not the small sample AIC should be used. Defaults to
#' 'Y'. Override this using AICc == 'N'. AICc should be used instead of AIC
#' when sample size is small in comparison to the number of estimated
#' parameters (Burnham & Anderson 2002 recommend its use when n / K < 40).
#' @param \dots Extra arguments to pass to nlsLM if necessary.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with the best parameter values for each curve.
#' @note Useful additional arguments for nlsLM include: na.action = na.omit,
#' lower/upper = c() where these represent upper and lower boundaries for
#' parameter estimates
#' @author Daniel Padfield
#' @seealso \code{\link{quasi.r2}} for details on the calculation of r squared
#' values for non linear models.
#' \code{\link{nlsLM}} for details on additional arguments to pass to the nlsLM
#' function.
#' See AICc in the AICcmodavg package for application of AICc.
#' @examples
#' data(PI_data)
#' nlsLoop(PI_data,
#'          GPP ~ Eilers_PI(Pmax, Iopt, a, I = light),
#'          tries = 10,
#'          id_col = 'temp',
#'          r2 = 'Y',
#'          supp.errors = 'Y',
#'          param_bds = c(0,20000, 0,1000, 0, 500))
#' @export nlsLoop
nlsLoop <- function(data, model, tries, id_col, param_bds, r2 = 'N', supp.errors = 'N', AICc = 'Y', control, ...){
  # checking whether MuMIn is installed
  if (!requireNamespace("MuMIn", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("The MuMIn package is needed for calculation of AICc. Please install. Can be bypassed by using classic AIC using AICc = 'N'",
         call. = FALSE)
  # create model ####
  formula <- as.formula(model)
  # define parameters to estimate and independent variable ####
  params_ind <- all.vars(formula[[3]])[all.vars(formula[[3]]) %in% colnames(data)]
  params_est <- all.vars(formula[[3]])[! all.vars(formula[[3]]) %in% colnames(data)]
  # set up parameter boundaries ####
  params_bds <- data.frame(param = params_est, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  params_bds$low.bds <- NA
  params_bds$high.bds <- NA
    cat('No boundaries specified for the sought parameters. \n',
        'Default values of +/- 1e+10 will be used. This is likely to slow the process of finding the best model. \n')
    r <- readline("Continue with default values [y/n]? ")
    if(tolower(r) == "y") {
      params_bds$low.bds <- 10^-10
      params_bds$high.bds <- 10^10
    if(tolower(r) == "n"){
      stop('Please enter upper and lower parameter boundaries as param_bds in function argument.')
  else {
    for(i in 1:nrow(params_bds)){
      params_bds$low.bds[i] <- param_bds[(2*i)-1]
      params_bds$high.bds[i] <- param_bds[2*i]
  # nlsLM controls - this can stay the same, potential to be overridden
  if(missing(control)) {
    control <- minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 1000, ftol = .Machine$double.eps, ptol = .Machine$double.eps)
  # set up start values ####
  make_strt_values <- function(x, tries){
    strt_values <- data.frame(param = rep(x, times = tries),
                              value = runif(tries, min = params_bds$low.bds[params_bds$param == x], max = params_bds$high.bds[params_bds$param == x]))
  strt <- plyr::ldply(as.list(params_est), make_strt_values, tries)
  # create a unique id vector
  id <- unique(data[,id_col])
  # create a dataframe to output model results into ####
  res <- data.frame(id_col = id)
  res[,2:(nrow(params_bds) + 1)] <- 0
  colnames(res) <- c(id_col, params_bds$param)
  res$AIC <- 0
  res$quasi.r2 <- 0
  # fit nls model using LM optimisation and using shotgun approach to get starting values ####
  for (i in 1:length(id)){
    cat('\n', i, 'of', length(id), ':', id[i], '\n')
    fit <- NULL
    # subset the dataframe to fit the model for each unique curve by id
    data.fit <- data[data[,id_col] == id[i],]
    # set count to 0
    count <- 0
    for (j in 1:tries){
      if((j/10) %% 1 == 0){cat(j, ' ')}
      # create start list
      start.vals <- list()
      for(k in 1:length(params_est)){
        start.vals[[params_est[k]]] <- strt[strt$param == params_est[k],]$value[j]
      # try and fit the model for every set of searching parameters
      if(supp.errors == 'Y'){
        try(fit <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(formula,
                                     control = control,
                                     data=data.fit, ...),
            silent = TRUE)}
      if(supp.errors != 'Y'){
        try(fit <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(formula,
                                     control = control,
                                     data=data.fit, ...))} #<----- Took out ...
      # if it is the first fit of the model, output the results of the model in the dataframe
      # if the AIC score of the next fit model is < the AIC of the fit in the dataframe, replace
      # the output to ensure the best model is selected
      if(AICc == 'N'){
        if(is.null(fit) == T){
          count <-  0
          count <- ifelse(res[i, 'AIC'] <= AIC(fit), count + 1, 0)
        if(count == 100) break
        if(!is.null(fit) && res[i, 'AIC'] == 0 | !is.null(fit) && res[i, 'AIC'] > AIC(fit)){
          res[i, 'AIC'] <- AIC(fit)
          if(r2 == 'Y') {res[i, 'quasi.r2'] <- nlsTools::quasi.rsq.nls(mdl = fit, y = data.fit[colnames(data.fit) == formula[[2]]], param = length(params_est))}
          for(k in 1:length(params_est)){
            res[i, params_est[k]] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[k])
        if(is.null(fit) == T){
          count <-  0
          count <- ifelse(res[i, 'AIC'] <= MuMIn::AICc(fit), count + 1, 0)
        if(count == 100) break
        if(!is.null(fit) && res[i, 'AIC'] == 0 | !is.null(fit) && res[i, 'AIC'] > MuMIn::AICc(fit)){
          res[i, 'AIC'] <- MuMIn::AICc(fit)
          if(r2 == 'Y') {res[i, 'quasi.r2'] <- nlsTools::quasi.rsq.nls(mdl = fit, y = data.fit[colnames(data.fit) == formula[[2]]], param = length(params_est))}
          for(k in 1:length(params_est)){
            res[i, params_est[k]] <- as.numeric(coef(fit)[k])
  # warnings for res ####
  if(r2 == 'N') {res <- res[,-grep('quasi.r2', colnames(res))]}
  if(supp.errors == 'Y'){warning('Errors have been suppressed from nlsLM()', call. = F)}
  if(r2 == 'Y'){warning('R squared values for non-linear models should be used with caution. See references in ?quasi.r2 for details.', call. = F)}

padpadpadpad/TeamPhytoplankton documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:59 p.m.