
Defines functions match_to_catalog

Documented in match_to_catalog

#' Calculates the compatibility of a list of genomes
#' to an input catalog based on likelihood and cosine 
#' similarity
#' @param genomes a data table or matrix with snv  
#' spectra in the first ntype columns and genomes in each row 
#' @param signatures the input catalog, a data table
#' with signature spectra in each column 
#' @param method can be 'median_catalog', 'weighted_catalog'
#' 'cosine_simil' or 'decompose. 'median_atalog' uses the 
#' signature catalog formed by clustering genome SNV spectra and 
#' using it as a probability distribution. The 'median_catalog'
#' method can be used with any custom signatures data frame 
#' if the user intends to provide their own signature table.
#' @param data sets the type of sequencing platform used, options 
#' are 'msk', 'seqcap', 'wgs'
#' @return A data frame that contains the input genomes
#' and in addition columns associated to each signature in
#' in the catalog with likelihood and cosine simil values

match_to_catalog <- function(genomes, signatures, data, cluster_fractions = NULL, method = 'median_catalog'){
  nsig <- dim(signatures)[[2]]
  ntype <- dim(signatures)[[1]]
  signature_names <- colnames(signatures)
  genome_matrix <- genomes[, 1:ntype]
  names_comb <- rep('', dim(genome_matrix)[[1]])
  combined_simil <- rep(0, dim(genome_matrix)[[1]])

  # each genome is decomposed with NNLS into corresponding signatures
  # and likelihood of the decomposition with and without each signature
  # is calculated
  if(method == 'decompose'){
    output <- data.frame(sigs_all = character(), 
                                    exps_all = character(),
                                    comb_all_l = double(), 
                                    comb_all_c = double(),
                                    exp_sig3 = double(),
                                    matrix(0, 0, nsig),
                                    matrix(0, 0, nsig))

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dim(genome_matrix)[[1]], style = 3)

    for(igenome in 1:dim(genome_matrix)[[1]]){
      x <- unlist(genome_matrix[igenome, ])
      # decompose using all signatures
      decomposed_all <- decompose(x, signatures, data)
      sigs <- signatures[, decomposed_all$signatures]
      exps <- decomposed_all$exposures
          sigs <- sigs[, exps > 0]
          exps <- exps[exps > 0]
      if(length(na.omit(match('Signature_3', colnames(sigs)))) > 0){
        sig3_exp <- exps[[which(colnames(sigs) == 'Signature_3')]]
      else sig3_exp <- 0

      comb_all <- as.matrix(sigs) %*% exps
      if(length(exps) > 1){
        sigs_all <- paste0(colnames(sigs), collapse = '.')
        exps_all <- paste0(exps, collapse = '_')
        sigs_all <- decomposed_all$signatures[[which(decomposed_all$exposures > 0)]]
        exps_all <- as.character(exps)

      # calculate likelihood and similarity of the combination
      probs_comb_all <- calc_llh(x, comb_all/sum(comb_all), normalize = F)$probs
      cos_simil_comb_all <- calc_cos(x, comb_all/sum(comb_all))$simils
      probs_comb_without <- rep(0, nsig)
      cos_simil_without <- rep(0, nsig)
      prob_rats <- rep(0, nsig)

      count <- 1
      for(isig in 1:(nsig)){
        # decompose using all except the current signature
        if(nsig > 2){
          decomposed_without <- decompose(x, signatures[, -isig], data)
          sigs <- signatures[, decomposed_without$signatures]
          exps <- decomposed_without$exposures
            sigs <- sigs[, exps > 0]
            exps <- exps[exps > 0]
          comb_without <- as.matrix(sigs) %*% exps

          # calculate_likelihood and similarity of the combination
          probs_comb_without[[isig]] <- calc_llh(x, comb_without/sum(comb_without), normalize = F)$probs
          cos_simil_without[[isig]] <- calc_cos(x, comb_without/sum(comb_without))$simils

          # calculate a ratio of likelihood obtained with and without this
          # signature if it is one of those that were picked out of all signatures
          if(grepl(colnames(signatures)[[isig]], sigs_all)){
            average_logl <- (probs_comb_all + probs_comb_without[[isig]])/2
            rat_prob <- exp(probs_comb_all - average_logl)/(exp(probs_comb_all - average_logl) 
                                                            + exp(probs_comb_without[[isig]] - average_logl))
            rat_prob <- 0

          prob_rats[[isig]] <- rat_prob

      output_this <- data.frame(sigs_all = sigs_all,
                            exps_all = exps_all,
                            comb_all_l = probs_comb_all,
                            comb_all_c = cos_simil_comb_all,
                            exp_sig3 = sig3_exp,  
                            matrix(cos_simil_comb_all - cos_simil_without, 1, length(cos_simil_without)),
                            matrix(prob_rats, 1, length(prob_rats))) 
      output <- rbind(output, output_this)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, igenome)

    colnames(output)[6:(5 + nsig)] <- paste0(colnames(signatures), '_c_diff')
    colnames(output)[(6 + nsig):(5 + 2 * nsig)] <- paste0(colnames(signatures), '_l_rat')

  if(method == 'weighted_catalog'){
    ind_bc <- grep('Signature_', colnames(weights_560_bc_cooccur_PCAWG_sig))
    ind_bc_2 <- na.omit(match(colnames(signatures), colnames(weights_560_bc_cooccur_PCAWG_sig)[ind_bc]))
    signatures <- signatures[, colnames(weights_560_bc_cooccur_PCAWG_sig)[ind_bc[ind_bc_2]]]
    weights <- weights_560_bc_cooccur_PCAWG_sig[, ind_bc[ind_bc_2]]
    signatures <- signatures * weights

  if(method == 'median_catalog' | method == "weighted_catalog"){
    probs_all    <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y, counts){ calc_llh(x, y, counts = counts)$probs }, y = signatures, counts = cluster_fractions)
    max_sigs_all <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y, counts){ calc_llh(x, y, counts = counts)$sig_max }, y = signatures, counts = cluster_fractions)
    max_val_all  <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y, counts){ calc_llh(x, y, counts = counts)$max_val }, y = signatures, counts = cluster_fractions)

  if(method == 'cosine_simil'){
    simils_all    <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y){calc_cos(x, y)$simils}, y = signatures)
    max_sigs_cos_all <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y){calc_cos(x, y)$sig_max}, y = signatures)
    max_val_cos_all  <- apply(genome_matrix, 1, 
                          function(x, y){calc_cos(x, y)$max_val}, y = signatures) 
  if(method == 'weighted_catalog' | method == 'median_catalog'){
    output <- data.frame(t(probs_all),
                         sig_max = max_sigs_all,
                         max = max_val_all)

    if(method == 'weighted_catalog') mname = 'wl'
    if(method == 'median_catalog') mname = 'ml'
    colnames(output) <- c(paste0(colnames(signatures), '_', mname),
                          paste0('sig_max_', mname),
                          paste0('max_', mname))

  if(method == 'cosine_simil'){ 
    output <- data.frame(t(simils_all), 
                         sig_max_c = max_sigs_cos_all,
                         max_c = max_val_cos_all)
    colnames(output)[1:dim(simils_all)[[1]]] <- paste0(colnames(signatures), '_c')

parklab/SigMA documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 6:59 p.m.