opts_knit$set(root.dir="../../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE)
prepare <- function(dtf){
    dtf %>% 
        # Keep only import and export
        filter(flowcode %in% c(1,2)) %>%
        # Remove EU28 reporter
        filter(!reporter %in%c("EU-27")) %>%
        # Remove World partner
        filter(!partner %in%c("EU-27", "World")) %>%
        merge(select(reportercomtrade, reportercode,
                     regionreporter=region)) %>%
                     partnercode = reportercode,
                     regionpartner=region)) %>%
        mutate(period = parse_date_time(period, "%y%m"),
               price = tradevalue / quantity,
               pricew = tradevalue / weight,
               # on sum of all values
               tradevalue = as.numeric(tradevalue),
               # To avoid Error in swd99$c(NA_integer_,  : 
               # invalid subscript type 'integer'
               quantity = as.numeric(quantity),
               # tradeflow within a region 
               withinregion =  regionreporter == regionpartner)

swd99 <- readdbproduct(440799, "raw_flow_monthly")  %>% 
# Load data for another product
swd <- classificationcomtrade$HS %>% filter(parentcode == "4407")

# Load oak data from comtrade, to a file
# comment out to run this (only once, lasts 10 minutes)
# loadcomtradewithpause(440791, path = "data-raw/", freq = "M")
# load file
oak <- dtf %>% renamecolumns %>% prepare

# Here we have the quantity
summary(oak[c("tradevalue", "quantity", "weight",
              "price", "pricew")])

Monthly prices in European countries

swd99eu <- swd99 %>% 
    filter(regionreporter == "Europe") %>%
    group_by(flow, reporter, period) %>% 
    summarise(medianprice = median(price, na.rm=TRUE),
              weight = sum(weight, na.rm=TRUE),
              tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>%
    mutate(price = weight/tradevalue, 
           tradevaluecut = round(log10(tradevalue)))

swd99 <- swd99 %>% 
    mutate(tradevaluecut = round(log10(tradevalue)))

# Point cloud, all prices
p <- ggplot(filter(swd99, regionreporter == "Europe"),
       aes(x = period, y = price, color = reporter)) +
    ylim(0,6) + geom_point(alpha = 1/10) +
    ggtitle("Monthly prices for all 
            available trade flows in Europe")
p + facet_grid(~flow)
p + facet_grid(tradevaluecut~flow)    

# Point cloud, average prices for one country
p <- ggplot(swd99eu,
            aes(x = period, y = price, color = reporter)) +
    ylim(0,6) + geom_point(alpha = 1/10) +

    ggtitle("Average prices per reporting country")
p + facet_grid(~flow) 
p + facet_grid(tradevaluecut~flow)

# Distribution of import prices along the trade volume
p <- ggplot(filter(swd99, reporter %in% largeimp),
       aes(x = period, y = price, color = reporter)) +
    ylim(0,6) + geom_point(alpha = 1/10) +
    ggtitle("Monthly prices for all 
            available trade flows in Europe")

Import prices for large importers

largeimp <- c("Italy", "Belgium", "Germany", "United Kingdom",
              "Austria", "Netherlands", "France", "Denmark",
              "Portugal", "Poland")
p <- ggplot(filter(swd99, reporter %in% largeimp),
       aes(x = period, y = price, color = reporter)) +
    ylim(0,6) + geom_point(alpha = 1/10) +
    ggtitle("Monthly prices for all 
            available trade flows in Europe")
p + facet_grid(reporter~flow) +
    geom_line(data = filter(swd99eu, reporter %in% largeimp))

Oak import prices for large importers

p <- ggplot(filter(oak, reporter %in% largeimp),
       aes(x = period, y = price, color = reporter)) +
    ylim(0,2000) + geom_point(alpha = 1/10) +
    ggtitle("Monthly prices for all 
            available trade flows in Europe")
p + facet_grid(reporter~flow) 

Exploration of the dataset

There are no quantities, therefore we cannot calculate cubic meter prices. But weight and trade values are available, prices will be in US $ per kilogram.

summary(swd99[c("quantity", "weight", "tradevalue")])

Largest exporters and importers

Largest exporters and importers over the period

large <- swd99 %>% filter(regionreporter == "Europe") %>%
    group_by(flow, reporter) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue),
              weight = sum(weight)) %>% 
    data.frame %>%
largeexp <- large %>% filter(flow == "Exports") %>% head(10) 
largeexp %>% kable
largeimp <- large %>% filter(flow == "Imports") %>% head(10)
largeimp %>% kable

paul4forest/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.