
Defines functions shifts_to_simmap sample_shifts_values_GMM sample_shifts_values sample_shifts_GMM sample_shifts sample_edges_intervals sample_shifts_edges compute_shifts_from_betas allocate_shifts_from_regimes allocate_regimes_from_shifts update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts node_optimal_values compute_betas_from_shifts update.compute_betas_from_shifts init.compute_betas_from_shifts compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric incidence_matrix_actualization_factors shifts.matrix_to_list shifts.vector_to_list shifts.list_to_matrix shifts.list_to_vector update.incidence.matrix.full init.incidence.matrix.full incidence.matrix.full update.incidence.matrix init.incidence.matrix incidence.matrix

Documented in allocate_regimes_from_shifts allocate_shifts_from_regimes compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric compute_betas_from_shifts compute_shifts_from_betas incidence.matrix incidence_matrix_actualization_factors incidence.matrix.full init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts init.compute_betas_from_shifts init.incidence.matrix init.incidence.matrix.full node_optimal_values sample_edges_intervals sample_shifts_edges shifts.list_to_matrix shifts.list_to_vector shifts.matrix_to_list shifts_to_simmap shifts.vector_to_list update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts update.compute_betas_from_shifts update.incidence.matrix update.incidence.matrix.full

# {Shifts Manipulations}
# Copyright (C) {2014} {SR, MM, PB}
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

## Here is a set of functions to handle both list-like and vector like
## representations of the shifts (through the incedence matrix of the tree), and to
## make the correspondances between regimes and shifts.
## Dependencies : generic_functions.R

## Incidences matrices and list-vector manipulations

#' @title Incidence matrix of a tree.
#' @description
#' \code{incidence.matrix} computes the incidence matrix T of a tree : for a 
#' lineage i and a branch b, T[i,b]=1 if b is in the lineage i, and 0 
#' otherwise.
# @details
# This function uses the general up tree recursion function \code{recursionUp}
# with the initialization function \code{init.incidence.matrix} and update
# function \code{update.incidence.matrix}.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @return Matrix of incidence, size Nedge x ntaxa.
#' @seealso \code{\link{incidence.matrix.full}}
#' @export
#17/06/14 - Initial release
incidence.matrix <- function(phylo){
  ## Reorder and keep track
  phy <- reorder(phylo, order = "postorder")
  cor <- correspondanceEdges(edges=1:nrow(phy$edge), from=phylo, to=phy)
  ## Init and recurence
  Tr <- init.incidence.matrix(phy)
  Tr <- recursionUp(phy, Tr, update.incidence.matrix)
  ## Take for each node its parenting branch
  daughters <- phy$edge[,2]
  Tr <- Tr[daughters,]
  ## Return to original tree
  Tr <- Tr[cor, ]

#' @title Initialization for incidence matrix
#' @description
#' \code{init.incidence.matrix} initialize the matrix updated in
#' \code{update.incidence.matrix} for the computation of the incidence matrix
#' in \code{incidence.matrix}.
#' @details
#' The initialized matrix has ntaxa column and Nnode rows. Each node
#' represent its parental branch. A row corresponding to a tip i is initialized
#' to a vector of zeros, with only entry i equal to one. (Branch ending at 
#' tip i is only in the i^th lineage)
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @return Matrix with Nnode rows and ntaxa column.
#' @keywords internal
#17/06/14 - Initial release
init.incidence.matrix <- function(phy){
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  T <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1 + nrow(phy$edge), ncol = ntaxa)
  for (i in 1:ntaxa){
    T[i,] <- 1:ntaxa == i

#' @title Update function for incidence matrix
#' @description
#' \code{update.incidence.matrix} updates the matrix initialized in 
#' \code{init.incidence.matrix} for the computation of the incidence matrix
#' in \code{incidence.matrix}.
#' @details
#' A node belongs to all the lineages of its daughters.
#' @param daughtersParams : rows of updated matrix corresponding to the
#' daughters of the current node.
#' @return Vector of length ntaxa, indicating to which lineages the branch
#' above the current node belongs to.
#' @keywords internal
#17/06/14 - Initial release
update.incidence.matrix <- function(daughtersParams, ...){
  inc <- colSums(daughtersParams)

#' @title Incidence matrix of a tree.
#' @description
#' \code{incidence.matrix.full} computes the incidence matrix U of a tree : for a 
#' node i and a branch b, U[i,b]=1 if b is in the lineage i, and 0 
#' otherwise.
# @details
# This function uses the general up tree recursion function \code{recursionUp}
# with the initialization function \code{init.incidence.matrix.full} and update
# function \code{update.incidence.matrix.full}.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @return Matrix of incidence, size ntaxa + Nnode.
#' @seealso \code{\link{incidence.matrix}}
#' @export
#06/10/14 - Initial release
incidence.matrix.full <- function(phylo){
  ## Reorder and keep track
  phy <- reorder(phylo, order = "postorder")
  cor <- correspondanceEdges(edges=1:nrow(phy$edge), from=phylo, to=phy)
  ## Init and recurence
  U <- init.incidence.matrix.full(phy)
  U <- recursionUp(phy, U, updateUp = update.incidence.matrix.full)
  ## Take for each node its parenting branch
  daughters <- phy$edge[,2]
  U <- U[daughters,]
  ## Return to original tree
  U <- U[cor, ]

#' @title Initialization for incidence matrix (full tree)
#' @description
#' \code{init.incidence.matrix.full} initialize the matrix updated in
#' \code{update.incidence.matrix.full} for the computation of the incidence
#'  matrix of the full tree in \code{incidence.matrix.full}.
#' @details
#' The initialized matrix is squared of size ntaxa + Nnode. Each node
#' represent its parental branch. A row corresponding to a tip i is initialized
#' to a vector of zeros, with only entry i equal to one. (Branch ending at 
#' tip i is only in the i^th lineage)
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @return Matrix of size ntaxa + Nnode.
#' @keywords internal
#06/10/14 - Initial release
init.incidence.matrix.full <- function(phy){
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  Nnode <- phy$Nnode
  U <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nnode, ncol = ntaxa + Nnode)
  T_1 <- matrix(0, nrow = ntaxa, ncol = ntaxa + Nnode)
  U <- rbind(T_1, U)
  diag(U) <- rep(1, ntaxa + Nnode)

#' @title Update function for incidence matrix
#' @description
#' \code{update.incidence.matrix.full} updates the matrix initialized in 
#' \code{init.incidence.matrix.full} for the computation of the incidence matrix
#' in \code{incidence.matrix.full}.
#' @details
#' A node belongs to all the lineages of its daughters.
#' @param daughtersParams : rows of updated matrix corresponding to the
#' daughters of the current node.
#' @return Vector of length ntaxa + Nnode, indicating to which lineages the 
#' branch above the current node belongs to.
#' @keywords internal
#06/10/14 - Initial release
update.incidence.matrix.full <- function(daughtersParams, parent, ...){
  inc <- colSums(daughtersParams)
  inc[parent] <- 1
  return(inc > 0)

#' @title Compute the vector of shifts.
#' @description
#' \code{shifts.list_to_vector} takes the list description of the shifts 
#' to give the vectorial representation of the shifts : the b th element of 
#' the vector has the value of the shift occurring on that branch b.
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @param shifts : list description of the shifts : shifts$edges, shifts$values
#' @return Vector of length nbranch.
#' @seealso \code{\link{shifts.vector_to_list}}
#' @keywords internal
#17/06/14 - Initial release
shifts.list_to_vector <- function(phy, shifts){
  delta <- rep(0, nrow(phy$edge))
  delta[shifts$edges] <- shifts$values

#' @title Compute the matrix of shifts.
#' @description
#' \code{shifts.list_to_matrix} takes the list description of the shifts 
#' to give the matrix representation of the shifts : the b th element of 
#' the lth line has the value of the shift on character l occurring on that branch b
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @param shifts list description of the shifts : shifts$edges, shifts$values.
#' @param p number of traits (optional, needed when shifts = NULL).
#' @return Matrix p x Nedge of length nbranch.
#' @seealso \code{\link{shifts.matrix_to_list}}
#' @export
shifts.list_to_matrix <- function(phy, shifts, p = nrow(shifts$values)){
  if (is.null(p) || p == 0) stop("In shifts.list_to_matrix the dimension p must be specified when shift is NULL.")
  delta <- matrix(0, p, nrow(phy$edge))
  if (!is.null(shifts$edges)){
    delta[1:p, shifts$edges] <- as.matrix(shifts$values[1:p, ])

#' @title Compute the list of shifts.
#' @description
#' \code{shifts.vector_to_list} takes the vectorial description of the shifts 
#' to create the list description of the shifts.
#' @param delta : vector description of the shift.
#' @return Vector of length nbranch.
#' @seealso \code{shifts.list_to_vector}
#' @keywords internal
#26/08/15 - Initial release
shifts.vector_to_list <- function(delta){
  edsh <- which(delta != 0)
  if (length(edsh) > 0){
    shifts <- list(edges = edsh, values = delta[edsh], relativeTimes = rep(0, length(edsh)))
  } else {
    shifts <- list(edges = NULL, values = NULL, relativeTimes = NULL)

#' @title Compute the list of shifts.
#' @description
#' \code{shifts.matrix_to_list} takes the vectorial description of the shifts 
#' to create the list description of the shifts.
#' @param delta matrix description of the shift.
#' @return List describing shifts.
#' @seealso \code{\link{shifts.list_to_matrix}}
#' @export
shifts.matrix_to_list <- function(delta){
  edsh <- which(colSums(abs(delta)) != 0)
  if (length(edsh) > 0){
    shifts <- list(edges = edsh,
                   values = delta[, edsh, drop = FALSE],
                   relativeTimes = rep(0, length(edsh)))
  } else {
    shifts <- list(edges = NULL, values = NULL, relativeTimes = NULL)

#' @title Compute the actualization factors to apply to the incidence matrix.
#' @description
#' \code{incidence_matrix_actualization_factors} computes a ntaxa x Nedge matrix of the 
#' (1 - exp(-alpha * (t_i - t_pa(j) - nu_j * l_j)))_\{i tip, j node\}.
#' This matrix is to be multiplied to the incidence matrix with an outer product.
#' @param tree a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param selection.strength the selection strength of the process.
#' @param relativeTimes_tree a Nedge vector of relative times associated with the branches.
#' @param times_shared a matrix, result of function \code{compute_times_ca}.
#' @return Matrix of size ntaxa x Nedge
#' @keywords internal
incidence_matrix_actualization_factors <- function(tree, 
                                                   relativeTimes_tree = 0,
                                                   times_shared = compute_times_ca(tree)){
  if (sum(abs(selection.strength)) == 0) return(1)
  ntaxa <- length(tree$tip.label)
  Nedge <- dim(tree$edge)[1]
  # Vector of exp(-alpha*t_i) at tips
  ac_tip <- diag(times_shared[1:ntaxa, 1:ntaxa])
  ac_tip <- exp(-selection.strength * ac_tip)
  # Relative times
  ac_rt <- exp(selection.strength * relativeTimes_tree * tree$edge.length)
  # Vector of exp(-alpha*t_pa(j)) at edges
  parents <- tree$edge[, 1]
  ac_edges <- diag(times_shared[parents, parents])
  ac_edges <- exp(selection.strength * ac_edges)
  ac_edges <- ac_edges * ac_rt
  # Matrix 
  ac_mat <- tcrossprod(ac_tip, ac_edges)
  ac_mat <- 1 - ac_mat

#' @title Compute Matrix W of actualization (Ultrametric case)
#' @description
#' \code{compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric} computes a squares  p*Nedge bloc diagonal
#' matrix of the (I_p - exp(-A * (h - t_pa(j))))_\{j node\}.
#' @details
#' Careful: the root is not taken into account in this function.
#' @param tree a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param selection.strength the selection strength of the process.
#' @param times_shared a matrix, result of function \code{compute_times_ca}.
#' @return Matrix of size p*Nedge
#' @keywords internal
compute_actualization_matrix_ultrametric <- function(tree, 
                                                     times_shared = compute_times_ca(tree)){
  if(!is.ultrametric(tree)) stop("The tree must be ultrametric.")
  ntaxa <- length(tree$tip.label)
  Nedge <- dim(tree$edge)[1]
  p <- ncol(selection.strength)
  h <- max(diag(times_shared))
  # Init of matrix
  W <- matrix(0, p*Nedge, p*Nedge)
  # Fill it
  parents <- tree$edge[, 1]
  for (e in 1:Nedge){
    W[((e-1) * p + 1):(e * p), ((e-1) * p + 1):(e * p)] <- as.matrix(diag(1, p, p) - expm(-selection.strength * (h - times_shared[parents[e], parents[e]])))

## Handle correspondance shifts - regimes

#' @title Initialization for the computation of the optimal values
#' @description
#' \code{init.compute_betas_from_shifts} initialize the vector of optimal values at nodes and
#' tips, with the value at the root.
#' @details
#' This function is used in function \code{compute_betas_from_shifts} and is designed to 
#' furnish function \code{update.compute_betas_from_shifts} with the right structure of data.
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @param optimal.value the optimal value at the root of the tree
#' @return Matrix of size (Nnode + ntaxa)x1 of NAs, with the optimal value
#'  at the root.
#' @keywords internal
#06/10/14 - Initial release
init.compute_betas_from_shifts <- function(phy, optimal.value, ...){
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  beta <- matrix(nrow = 1 + nrow(phy$edge), ncol = 1) # selection strength
  beta[ntaxa + 1,] <- optimal.value

#' @title Update function for optimal value computation
#' @description
#' \code{update.compute_betas_from_shifts} computes the optimal value at a daughter node, 
#' knowing the optimal value at the parent node and the vector of shifts.
#' @details
#' This function is used in function \code{compute_betas_from_shifts} and is designed to 
#' furnish function \code{recursionDown} with the right structure of data.
#' @param edgeNbr : Number of the edge considered
#' @param ancestral : Computed vector for the parental node
#' @param shifts position and values of the shifts 
#' @return Updated matrix of size (Nnode + ntaxa)x1.
#' @keywords internal
#06/10/14 - Initial release
update.compute_betas_from_shifts <- function(edgeNbr, ancestral, shifts, ...){
  shiftsIndex <- which(shifts$edges == edgeNbr) #If no shifts = NULL, and sum = 0
  beta <- ancestral + sum(shifts$values[shiftsIndex])

#' @title Computation of the optimal values at nodes and tips.
#' @description
#' \code{compute_betas_from_shifts} computes the optimal values at the nodes and tips of the
#' tree, given the value at the root and the list of shifts occurring in the tree.
#' It assumes an OU model.
#' @details
#' Note that this is intended to be an internal function, and should not be used.
#' In general, use \code{\link{node_optimal_values}} to get optimal values
#' from a set of parameters.
# @details
# This function uses function \code{recursionDown} for recursion on the tree, 
# with \code{init.compute_betas_from_shifts} for the initialization of the vector, and 
# \code{update.compute_betas_from_shifts} for its actualization.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param optimal.value the optimal value at the root of the tree.
#' @param shifts position and values of the shifts .
#' @return Vector of size (ntaxa + Nnode) of the optimal values at the tips
#' of the tree.
#' @export
#06/10/14 - Initial release
compute_betas_from_shifts <- function(phylo, optimal.value, shifts){
  phy <- reorder(phylo, order = "cladewise")
  ## Trace edges
  shifts_ordered <- shifts
  shifts_ordered$edges <- correspondanceEdges(edges=shifts$edges,from=phylo,to=phy)
  betas <- init.compute_betas_from_shifts(phy, optimal.value)
  betas <- recursionDown(phy, betas, update.compute_betas_from_shifts, shifts_ordered)

#' @title Computation of the optimal values at nodes and tips.
#' @description
#' \code{compute_betas_from_shifts} computes the optimal values at the nodes and tips of the
#' tree, given the value at the root and the list of shifts occurring in the tree.
#' It assumes an OU model.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param param an object of class \code{\link{params_process}}.
#' @return Matrix of size ntraits  x (ntaxa + Nnode) of the optimal values at
#' the node and tips of the tree.
#' Column names correspond to the number of the node in the phylo object.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1792)
#' ntaxa = 10
#' tree <- rphylo(ntaxa, 1, 0.1)
#' # parameters of the process
#' par <- params_process("BM",                             ## Process
#'                       p = 2,                            ## Dimension
#'                       variance = diag(0.5, 2, 2) + 0.5, ## Rate matrix
#'                       edges = c(4, 10, 15),             ## Positions of the shifts
#'                       values = cbind(c(5, 4),           ## Values of the shifts
#'                                      c(-4, -5),
#'                                      c(5, -3)))
#' plot(par, phylo = tree, traits = 1, value_in_box = TRUE,
#'      shifts_bg = "white", root_bg = "white", ancestral_as_shift = TRUE, root_adj = 5)
#' nodelabels()
#' node_optimal_values(par, tree)
#' @export
node_optimal_values <- function(param, phylo){
  if(param$root.state$random) {
    opt_root <- param$root.state$exp.root
  } else {
    opt_root <- param$root.state$value.root
  p <- ncol(param$variance)
  if (is.null(p)) p <- 1
  res <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = Nnode(phylo) + Ntip(phylo))
  for (dim in 1:ncol(param$variance)) {
    shifts <- param$shifts
    shifts$values <- shifts$values[dim, ]
    res[dim, ] <- compute_betas_from_shifts(phylo, opt_root[dim], shifts)
  colnames(res) <- 1:ncol(res)
  rownames(res) <- colnames(param$variance)

#' @title Initialization for the allocation of shifts.
#' @description
#' \code{init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts} initialize the vector of regimes 
#' at nodes and tips, with the regime (0) at the root.
#' @details
#' This function is used in function \code{allocate_regimes_from_shifts} and is 
#' designed to furnish function \code{update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts} with 
#' the right structure of data.
#' @param phy Input tree.
#' @return Matrix of size (Nnode + ntaxa)x1 of NAs, with the 0 at the root.
#' @keywords internal
#10/10/14 - Initial release
init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts <- function(phy, ...){
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  regimes <- matrix(nrow = 1 + nrow(phy$edge), ncol = 1) 
  regimes[ntaxa + 1,] <- 0

#' @title Update function for regime allocation.
#' @description
#' \code{update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts} computes the regime of a daughter 
#' node, knowing the regime at the parent node and the vector of shifts positions
#' @details
#' This function is used in function \code{allocate_regimes_from_shifts} and is 
#' designed to furnish function \code{recursionDown} with the right structure of
#'  data.
#' @param edgeNbr : Number of the edge considered
#' @param ancestral : regime of the parent node
#' @param shifts_edges positions on edges
#' @return regime of the daughter node.
#' @keywords internal
#10/10/14 - Initial release
update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts <- function(edgeNbr, ancestral, shifts_edges, ...){
  shiftsIndex <- which(shifts_edges == edgeNbr) # If no shifts = integer(0)
  if (length(shiftsIndex) == 0){
    return(ancestral) # No shift : keep same regime
  } else {
    return(shiftsIndex) # Shift : new regime numbered by the position in the list

#' @title Allocation of regimes to nodes.
#' @description
#' \code{allocate_regimes_from_shifts} allocate a number (from 0 to the number 
#' of shifts) to each node, corresponding to its regime : all nodes below shift 
#' i are numbered by i.
# @details
# This function uses function \code{recursionDown} for recursion on the tree, 
# with \code{init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts} for the initialization of the
# vector, and \code{update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts} for its actualization.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param shifts_edges edges were the shifts are.
#' @return Vector of size (ntaxa + Nnode) of the regimes of each node and tip.
#' @export
#10/10/14 - Initial release
allocate_regimes_from_shifts <- function(phylo, shifts_edges){
  phy <- reorder(phylo, order = "cladewise")
  ## Trace edges
  shifts_ordered <- correspondanceEdges(edges=shifts_edges, from=phylo, to=phy)
  regimes <- init.allocate_regimes_from_shifts(phy, shifts_ordered)
  regimes <- recursionDown(phy, regimes, update.allocate_regimes_from_shifts, shifts_ordered)

#' @title Allocation of shifts to edges
#' @description
#' \code{allocate_shifts_from_regimes} returns the position of the shifts induced
#' by the allocation of the regimes. Only works in an "infinite site" model.
# @details
# This function uses function fun on each row of matrix of edges.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param regimes : vector of size (ntaxa + Nnode) of the regimes of each node
#' and tip.
#' @return Vector of edges numbers where the shifts are.
#' @export
#10/10/14 - Initial release
allocate_shifts_from_regimes <- function(phylo, regimes){
  fun <- function(edge){
    if (regimes[edge[1]] == regimes[edge[2]]) {
    } else {
  shifts_edges <- apply(phylo$edge, 1, fun)

#' @title Computation of shifts from the vector of optimal values
#' @description
#' \code{compute_shifts_from_betas} computes the list of shifts corresponding
#' to the vector of optimal values on nodes.
#' @details
#' This function uses function fun on each row of matrix of edges.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree, class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param betas vector of size (ntaxa + Nnode) of the optimal values at each
#' node and tip.
#' @return vector of shifts.
#' @export
#13/10/14 - Initial release
compute_shifts_from_betas <- function(phylo, betas){
  fun <- function(edge){
    if (betas[edge[1]] == betas[edge[2]]) {
      return(c(0, 0))
    } else {
      return(c(1, betas[edge[2]] - betas[edge[1]]))
  shifts_ed <- apply(phylo$edge, 1, fun)
  edges <- which(shifts_ed[1,] == 1)
  shifts <- list(edges = edges,
                 values = shifts_ed[2, edges],
                 relativeTimes = rep(0, length(edges)))

## Random generation of shifts edges
#' @title Sample shifts edges in a parsimonious way.
#' @description
#' \code{sample_shifts_edges} attempts to find K shifts in the tree which allocations
#' are parsimonious. The actual generation of edges is done by function 
#' \code{sample_edges_intervals}.
#' @details
#' This function uses function \code{enumerate_tips_under_edges} to generate a list 
#' of tips under each edge, and function \code{check_parsimony} to check for
#' parsimony of a given solution, under the assumption of an "infinite site model".
#' @param tree : input tree
#' @param K : number of edges to be sampled.
#' @return vector of edges
#' @keywords internal
sample_shifts_edges <- function(tree, K, 
                                part.list = enumerate_tips_under_edges(tree)){
  Nbranch <- nrow(tree$edge)
  ntaxa <- length(tree$tip.label)
  ## If no shift at all, abort
  if (K == 0) stop("There are no shifts to sample !")
  ## If too many shifts, abort.
  if (K > ntaxa) stop("A parcimonious repartition of the shifts cannot have more shifts than tips !")
  ## Else, try several times to generate parsimonious shifts.
  for(It in 1:1000) {
    ## Generate K branches
    edges <- sample_edges_intervals(tree, K)
    ## Check that these are parsimonious
    parsi <- check_parsimony(tree, edges, part.list = part.list)
    ## If parsiomnious, finish
    if (parsi){
  stop("Could not find a parsimonious repartition of the shifts after 1000 random generations. Please consider taking a smaller number of shifts.")

#' @title Sample equally spaced edges.
#' @description
#' \code{sample_edges_intervals} samples K shifts, each in one of the K intervals
#' regularly spaced on the height of the tree.
#' @details
#' In case where the tree is not ultrametric, its "height" is defined as the minimum
#' tip height.
#' @param tree : input tree
#' @param K : number of edges to be sampled.
#' @return vector of edges
#' @keywords internal
sample_edges_intervals <- function(tree, K){
  ntaxa <- length(tree$tip.label)
  node_heights <- ape::node.depth.edgelength(tree)
  tree_height <- min(node_heights[1:ntaxa])
  pas <- tree_height / K * 0:K
  groups <- split(1:length(node_heights), findInterval(node_heights, pas))
  sh <- NULL; p <- 1
  for (k in 1:K) {
    grp <- groups[[paste(k)]]
    if (is.null(grp)){
      p <- p + 1
    } else {
      if (p <= length(grp)){
        if (length(grp) == 1) {
          sh <- c(sh, grp)
        } else {
          sh <- c(sh, sample(grp, p))
        p <- 1
      } else {
        sh <- c(sh, grp)
        p <- p - length(grp) + 1
  sh <- sapply(sh, function(x) which(tree$edge[, 1] == x)[1])
  if (length(sh) < K) {
    p <- K - length(sh)
    sh <- c(sh, sample(tree$edge[-sh], p))

sample_shifts <- function(tree, sigma_delta, K){
  if (K == 0) return(NULL)   ## If no shift, return NULL
  shifts_edges <- sample_shifts_edges(tree, K)
  shifts_values <- sample_shifts_values(sigma_delta, K)
  shifts <- list(edges = shifts_edges, 
                 values = shifts_values, 
                 relativeTimes = rep(0, K))

sample_shifts_GMM <- function(tree, m1, m2, s1, s2, K){
  if (K == 0) return(NULL)   ## If no shift, return NULL
  shifts_edges <- sample_shifts_edges(tree, K)
  shifts_values <- sample_shifts_values_GMM(m1, m2, s1, s2, K)
  shifts <- list(edges = shifts_edges, 
                 values = shifts_values, 
                 relativeTimes = rep(0, K))

sample_shifts_values <- function(sigma_delta, K){
  return(rnorm(K, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sigma_delta)))

sample_shifts_values_GMM <- function(m1, m2, s1, s2, K){
  m <- c(m1, m2)
  s <- c(s1, s2)
  modes <- rbinom(K, 1, 0.5) + 1
  return(rnorm(K, mean = m[modes], sd = sqrt(s[modes])))

#' @title Simmap format mapping from list of edges
#' @description
#' \code{shifts_to_simmap} takes a vector of edges where the shifts occur, and return a
#' simmap formatted tree, mapped with corresponding regimes.
#' @details
#' Ancestral state is always 0, and other states are consecutive integers.
#' @param tree input tree in \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} format
#' @param shifts_edges shifts positions on the edges
#' @return tree a simmap object
#' @export
shifts_to_simmap <- function(tree, shifts_edges){
  if (!requireNamespace("phytools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'phytools' is needed for function 'shifts_to_simmap'. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(shifts_edges)){
  ## Reorder tree (older shifts first)
  phy <- reorder(tree, order = "cladewise")
  # Trace edges
  shifts_ordered <- correspondanceEdges(edges = shifts_edges,
                                              from = tree, to = phy)
  ## Find the parent nodes of each shift
  daughters <- phy$edge[shifts_ordered, 2]
  for (i in 1:length(daughters)){
    tree <- phytools::paintSubTree(tree, daughters[i], state = i,
                                   anc.state="0", stem = TRUE)
pbastide/PhylogeneticEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:27 a.m.