
PBS Groundfish Data Synopsis Meeting notes – Jan 25 2018 Attendees: Chris Grandin - Robyn Forrest - Greg Workman - Andy Edwards - Dana Haggarty - Elise Keppel Sean Anderson

Robyn and Chris noted that might be good to use Mixed models for growth and maturity curves Commercial cpue trawl - Eg Pollock 2-part glm - much faster than old way with bootstrapping (Sean) - Defining fleet (to standardize) – 4 trips with > 4 tows where they catch a certain amount of a species (Sean) - Greg mentioned used to do ‘qualified cpue’ Including sets where >20% of tow is the desired species in the cpue (bin by locality code and depth) (issue of appearance of hyperstability) - Market influence – cpue for other species drops when targeting a higher demand species (ie. Jump in market value of one species drops the cpue of another) - HL spatial cpue per fishing event (not through time) use 2007/2008+ o Might be 2009 that is the first year where the ifmp matches TAC – catch (ask Kat) o May be due to mismatch of sablefish and halibut season starts - Trawl cpue 10 years before (after 1997 100% observers and before footprint) and after footprint (April 2012) - Include effort? o Yes for trawl, effort is hours (qualified by fleet) o not for HL - grey and greyer to represent faith in data (eg. 2007 for HL) - Andre Punt (correct name?) – package on aging (Robyn has used this) and Jason Cope (name?) - age bubbles – don’t restrict to 90th percentile, don’t change orientation o Robyn suggests putting years vertical and labelling every second year - aging precision – Yes, include Weighting age and lengths - Robyn based her weighting for pcod on rock sole method - see Robyn’s last pcod write-up - hadn’t converted weight to length first (all converted at once – mean) - Robyn – try out Sean’s code on upcoming pcod assessment - Andy to check Sean’s weighting code :) - Robyn to show us what Kate Rutherford did to join GFBio with FOS - Males/female - split up lengths and ages - Showing commercial bio data – unsorted o Post 1996 – unsorted only for commercial bio data o For Rockfish only – PHMA N and S, IPHC - age and length

Index trends – bootstrapped means Drop WCVI shrimp Drop QCS shrimp HS multispecies survey - keep

Survey Reliability – how to determine/where to cut off o Avg number positive sets - KEEP o Avg annual cv 0.2 = good job - KEEP o Temporal cv – DROP as filter (maybe still report) - Keep Grey coloring to show less confidence - Don’t need to see survey indices relative to one another (top left), but could plot the spatial survey data on with the same scale and color (in addition to the broken up spatial plots by area/survey) o Pool all years for synoptic surveys on one map to show the species on same scale for relative abundance over coast o Maybe do something similar for HL species - Maybe Add page per species if needed - Emily Rubridge and Katie Gail (correct name?) – hotspot analyses for trawl data – Dana has some of their plots for Rockfish Growth and maturity - maturity ogive – every assessment does it different – we like Sean’s way with logistic regression - Robyn suggests looking at the least squares method as an academic exercise to see if results are different - pool unsorted commercial with survey data? o Chris: using sorted might get too little data at the tail ends o Chris and Robyn: currently use sorted and unsorted pooled for assessments o Male and female separately for length and age Descriptive text - Add Hart page number :) - Add generic note about not including carryovers in TAC - Mention if i) trawl or ii) HL species primarily, or iii) both, or iv) principally not a targeted species - Whether migratory – internationally assessed within management scheme (see species splits between gear types in ifmp) - Robyn’s colleague Brock has a table of recent assessment dates… - Greg also has a spreadsheet for this - CSAS latex bibtex file has a bunch of stuff - Chris - Maybe put to R users group – idea to share reference libraries - Ask Lisa as well for reference compilation - Greg: Include pinchpoint species? No. Co-occurring species? – not sure final decision on this… - Preface page grouping species for some of the repetitive text? o management Who to involve GMU managers – synopsis as interim measure for eco-certification needs Bring in John Holmes and Christy Whelan at next phase – they’ll want to see this NGO’s Industry : Bruce Turris, John Driscol, Scott Wallace, Chris Sporer, Chris Acheson First nations – Jim Layne, Russ Jones, Alejandro Fried, M. Grier, (ask GMU for additional) Bob Rangely (Oceana) ask CSAS office for these contacts as well GIAB – May 2018: includes first nations, NGO’s, etc.

pbs-assess/gfsynopsis documentation built on March 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m.