
TEST_BETS.get = function(db = "bacen", lang = "en"){
  if(db == "bacen"){
    if(lang == "en"){
      database = "bacen_v7"
    else {
      database = "base_final_ptv1"
    stop("Database is not available.")
  test.dir = paste0(getwd(),"\\tests")
  log.file = file.path(test.dir, paste0(database,".log"))
  file.create(log.file, overwrite = T)
  githubURL<- paste0("https://github.com/GreedBlink/databases/raw/master/",database,".Rdata")
  metadata <- get(database)
  # Open a file connection and write a meaningful header
  conn <-file(log.file, "w")
  header <- paste("-- TESTING BETS.get with ", database, " metadata @", Sys.time())
  write(header, conn)
  # Get all codes
  codes = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(metadata[,1]))
  codes <- codes[!is.na(codes)]
  # Check if the series are available 
  write(paste0("## Errors and issues in BETS.get with ", database, "metadata "), conn, append = TRUE)
  errors = vector(mode = "integer")
  issues = vector(mode = "character")
  code = NULL
  for(i in 1:length(codes)){
    code = tryCatch({
            info = paste0("TESTANDO ",i,"a serie, codigo ",codes[i])
            ret = BETS.get(codes[i])
            if(class(ret) == "ts" || class(ret) == "data.frame"){
              info = paste(info,"-- OK")
            else {

              info = paste(info, "-- ISSUE")
              message = paste0("?? ISSUE when code = ", codes[i], ". MESSAGE = ", ret)
              write(message, conn, append = TRUE)
              issues = c(codes[i],issues)
            error = function(e){
              message = paste0("!! ERROR when code = ", codes[i], ". MESSAGE = ", e)
              write(message, conn, append = TRUE)
              print(paste0("TESTANDO ",i,"a serie, codigo ",codes[i], " -- ERROR"))
            warning = function(w){
              message = paste0("?? ISSUE when code = ", codes[i], ". MESSAGE = ", w)
              write(message, conn, append = TRUE)
              print(paste0("TESTANDO ",i,"a serie, codigo ",codes[i], " -- ISSUE"))
              issues = c(codes[i],issues)
      errors = c(code, errors)
    perc = round((i/length(codes))*100, digits = 2)
    print(paste0("PROGRESSO: ", perc, "%"))
  # Check which codes are not being used
  max = max(codes)
  vacant = "## Codes that are not being used: "
  nums <- vector(mode = "character")
  j = 1
  for(i in 1:max){
    if(!(i %in% codes)){
      nums[j] = i
      j = j + 1
  # Log results
  vacant = paste0(vacant, paste(nums, collapse = ", "), " and all other positive integers greater than ", max)
  write(vacant, conn, append = TRUE)
  status = paste0(">> There were a total of ", length(errors), " errors.")
  write(status, conn, append = TRUE)
  status = paste0(">> There were a total of ", length(issues), " issues.")
  write(status, conn, append = TRUE)
  status = paste0(">> There are ", length(nums), " codes not being used.")
  write(status, conn, append = TRUE)
  # Log end of test
  footer <- paste("-- END OF TEST: BETS.get with ", database, "metadata @", Sys.time())
  write(footer, conn, append = TRUE)
  # Close file connection
  # Log the codes of all the series with problems
  prob = cbind.fill(errors,issues,fill = "")
  names(prob) = c("errors","issues") 
  write.table(prob, paste0("tests//problematic_series-", database, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = F)
pedrocostaferreira/BETS documentation built on June 1, 2020, 7:53 a.m.