pkgdeps: Find CRAN dependencies for R packages the easy way!

Get all CRAN dependencies of a package, topologically sorted, from left-to-right.


> [1] "digest"   "crayon"   "praise"   "magrittr" "R6"       "methods"

Get Suggests dependencies as well:

get_deps("testthat", suggests = TRUE)
> [1] "digest"   "crayon"   "praise"   "magrittr" "R6"       "methods"  "devtools"
> [8] "withr"    "covr"

Also get recursive dependencies (all Imports + Depends + Suggests dependencies of the main package, and then all Imports + Depends subdependencies of each depenendency pacakge.

get_deps("testthat", suggests = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
>  [1] "digest"     "grDevices"  "methods"    "utils"      "crayon"
>  [6] "praise"     "magrittr"   "R6"         "jsonlite"   "tools"
>  [11] "mime"       "curl"       "openssl"    "httr"       "memoise"
>  [16] "whisker"    "rstudioapi" "stats"      "graphics"   "git2r"
>  [21] "withr"      "devtools"   "lazyeval"   "rex"        "covr"

Because these packages are topologically sorted, they should be suitable for installation with the depdencies handled:

for (pkg in get_deps("testthat", suggests = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)) {
  install.packages(pkg, dependencies = FALSE)  

You can also get information on the dependencies:

> [[1]]
> [[1]]$name
> [1] "testthat"

> [[1]]$version
> [1] "1.0.2"

> [[1]]$license
> [1] "MIT + file LICENSE"

This can be useful for getting data on all your dependencies (such as licenses):

if (!require(devtools)) { install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools) }
install_github("robertzk/recombinator")  # Recombinator package turns nested lists to dataframes.
deps_df <- recombinator(get_deps_data(get_deps("testthat", suggests = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)))
>       name version            license
>       1   digest  0.6.12         GPL (>= 2)
>       2   crayon   1.3.2 MIT + file LICENSE
>       3   praise   1.0.0 MIT + file LICENSE
>       4 magrittr     1.5 MIT + file LICENSE
>       5       R6   2.2.2 MIT + file LICENSE
>       6 jsonlite     1.5 MIT + file LICENSE

write.csv(deps_df, "deps.csv")

(Ironically, this does not yet work for the pkgdeps package itself, because it is not yet on CRAN.)


Because this package is not yet on CRAN, it must be installed via devtools:

if (!require(devtools)) { install.packages("devtools"); library(devtools) }

peterhurford/pkgdeps documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:55 a.m.