
Defines functions as.geomat.predict.aurelhy plot.predict.aurelhy summary.predict.aurelhy print.predict.aurelhy predict.aurelhy as.geomat.aurelhy as.geomat update.aurelhy points.aurelhy plot.aurelhy summary.aurelhy print.aurelhy aurelhy

Documented in as.geomat as.geomat.aurelhy as.geomat.predict.aurelhy aurelhy plot.aurelhy plot.predict.aurelhy points.aurelhy predict.aurelhy print.aurelhy print.predict.aurelhy summary.aurelhy summary.predict.aurelhy update.aurelhy

# This is the aurelhy object that performs the interpolation. It processes in
# two steps:
# 1) Giving a geotm object and an auremask, an aurelhy object is constructed that
#    contains the landscape variables, and a PCA is run to simplify landscape
#    definition. At this point, one can check PCA results and decide how many
#    principal components to keep. One can also add more descriptive variables.
# 2) The predict method applied to the aurelhy object, providing a geopoints
#    object with data to interpolate do the actual interpolation.
#    A predict.aurelhy object is created that one can inspect (regression,
#    kriging? ...). One can also convert the result into a geomat object, using
#    the as.geomat() function
aurelhy <- function(geotm, geomask, landmask = auremask(), x0 = 30, y0 = 30,
step = 12, nbr.pc = 10, scale = FALSE, model = "data ~ .",
vgmodel = gstat::vgm(1, "Sph", 10, 1), add.vars = NULL, var.name = NULL,
resample.geomask = TRUE) {
  call <- match.call()

  # Check that geotm and geomask are correct objects and use a grid of same size
  if (!inherits(geotm, "geotm"))
    stop("geotm must be a 'geotm' object")
  if (!inherits(geomask, "geomask"))
    stop("geomask must be a 'geomask' object")
  if (isTRUE(resample.geomask) && (nrow(geotm) != nrow(geomask) ||
    ncol(geotm) != ncol(geomask) ||
    !isTRUE(all.equal(coords(geotm), coords(geomask)))))
    stop("geotm and geomask must cover exactly the same area on the same grid")
  # Check landmask
  if (!inherits(landmask, "auremask"))
    stop("landmask must be an 'auremask' object")
  # Check x0, y0, step and nbr.pc
  x0 <- as.integer(x0)[1]
  y0 <- as.integer(y0)[1]
  step <- as.integer(step)[1]
  if (step < 1)
    stop("step must be a positive integer")
  nbr.pc <- as.integer(nbr.pc)[1]
  if (nbr.pc < 1)
    stop("nbr.pc must be a positive integer")

  # Resample the geomask and determine which points to keep
  geomask[is.na(geomask)] <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(resample.geomask)) {
    mask <- resample(geomask, x0 = x0, y0 = y0, step = step)
  } else {
    mask <- geomask  # The correct mask is provided immediately
  # Restrict the area covered by tm2 and mask according to selected points
  Xkeep <- apply(mask, 1, any)
  Ykeep <- apply(mask, 2, any)
  # Can we eliminate lines in the grid on the left, or on the right?
  dropX0 <- sum(cumsum(Xkeep) == 0)
  dropX1 <- sum(cumsum(rev(Xkeep)) == 0)
  # Recalculate x0 and calculate nx to best fit this zone
  x0 <- x0 + (dropX0 * step)
  nx <- length(Xkeep) - dropX0 - dropX1
  # Can we eliminate lines in the grid on the top, or on the bottom?
  dropY0 <- sum(cumsum(Ykeep) == 0)
  dropY1 <- sum(cumsum(rev(Ykeep)) == 0)
  # Recalculate y0 and calculate ny to best fit this zone
  y0 <- y0 + (dropY0 * step)
  ny <- length(Ykeep) - dropY0 - dropY1

  # Make sure x0 and y0 are large enough and nx and ny are small enough
  # to leave space around
  maxdist <- max(attr(landmask, "dist"))
  type <- attr(landmask, "type")
  if (type == "rectangular") maxdist <- maxdist * (attr(landmask, "n") / 2)
  # Calculation of the size of one degree in latitude/longitude according to
  # central latitude in the considered geographical area
  meanlat <- mean(range(coords(geotm, type = "y")))
  lenx <- deg.lon(meanlat) # Attention: size in one degree in longitude depends only on latitude !
  maxdegx <- maxdist / lenx
  leny <- deg.lat(meanlat)
  maxdegy <- maxdist / leny
  coords <- coords(geotm)
  size <- coords["size"]
  bandx <- ceiling(maxdegx / size - 1)
  bandy <- ceiling(maxdegy / size - 1)
  if (x0 < bandx)
    stop("'x0' must be larger to leave enough space at left to calculate landscape variables")
  if (y0 < bandy)
    stop("'y0' must be larger to leave enough space at left to calculate landscape variables")
  if (nrow(geotm) - x0 - step * (nx - 1) < bandx)
    stop("geotm has not enough data at right to calculate landscape variables")
  if (ncol(geotm) - y0 - step * (ny - 1) < bandy)
    stop("geotm has not enough data at the bottom to calculate landscape variables")

  # Resample geotm and mask using these new limits
  # and calculate coordinates of points where to define landscape
  tm2 <- resample(geotm, x0 = x0, y0 = y0, step = step, nx = nx, ny = ny, strict = TRUE)
  crd <- coords(tm2)
  xlim <- c(crd["x1"], crd["x2"])
  ylim <- c(crd["y1"], crd["y2"])
  if (isTRUE(resample.geomask)) {
    mask <- resample(geomask, x0 = x0, y0 = y0, step = step,
      nx = nx, ny = ny, strict = TRUE)
  } else {
    mask <- window(geomask, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
  res <- coords(tm2, "xy")
  Xsize <- nrow(tm2)
  Ysize <- ncol(tm2)
  # Add 'z', elevation at these points
  # Shouldn't we average elevation around these points???
  res$z <- as.vector(tm2)

  # Before further calculating, check (or rework) add.vars
  if (!is.null(add.vars)) {
    # add.vars can be a geomat => check dimensions
    # and transform into a column data frame
    if (inherits(add.vars, "geomat")) {
      # Do we need to resample add.vars?
      if (isTRUE(all.equal(coords(geotm), coords(add.vars)))) {
        # add.vars is provided on same grid as geotm
        add.vars <- resample(add.vars, x0 = x0, y0 = y0, step = step,
          nx = nx, ny = ny, strict = TRUE)
      } else {
        # Take a window in add.vars of the correct size
        add.vars <- window(add.vars, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)

      if (any(dim(add.vars) != dim(tm2)) ||
        !isTRUE(all.equal(coords(add.vars), coords(tm2),
          tolerance = coords(tm2)["size"] / 2))) {
        cat("The interpolation grid is:\n")
        stop("You must use same grid for 'add.vars' as the interpolation grid")
      add.vars <- as.vector(add.vars)
    add.vars <- as.data.frame(add.vars)
    if (nrow(add.vars) != nrow(res))
      stop("Data provided in 'add.vars' must be measured at same grid points as interpolation")
    if (!is.null(var.name)) {
      if (length(var.name) != 1)
        stop("var.name must be of length 1, when add.vars is a 'geomat' object")

  # Replace NAs in geotm by 0's (supposed to be sea level)
  geotm[is.na(geotm)] <- 0

  # add 'mask' to the table
  res$mask <- as.vector(mask)
  # res2 contains only points we keep
  res2 <- res[as.vector(mask), ]

  # We choose a point in the middle of the original geotm object
  mx <- bandx * size * 1.01
  my <- bandy * size * 1.01
  xorig <- coords(geotm, "x")[nrow(geotm) %/% 2]
  yorig <- coords(geotm, "y")[ncol(geotm) %/% 2]
  xlim <- c(xorig - mx, xorig + mx)
  ylim <- c(yorig - my, yorig + my)
  # Take a window out of these data
  geotm2 <- window(geotm, xlim, ylim)
  pt <- coords(geotm2, "xy")
  if (type == "radial") {
    # Get the different groups of points for each sector
    pc <- polar.coords(geotm2, xorig, yorig, maxdist)
    # Make classes for angles and distances
    dists <- attr(landmask, "dist")
    angles <- attr(landmask, "angles")
    pc$dist <- cut(pc$dist, breaks = dists,  labels = 1:(length(dists) - 1))
    pc$angle <- cut(pc$angle, breaks = c(angles, 8),  labels = 1:length(angles))
    # Create a unique vector combining dist and angle to give a number
    # to each sector
    pc$sector <- (as.numeric(pc$dist) - 1) * length(angles) +
  } else {# For a rectangular grid
    # Select rectangular grid sectors and look which points are in each
    # rectangle in the geomat's grid
    pc <- coords(geotm2, "xy")
    xcut <- unique(landmask$x) / lenx + xorig
    ycut <- unique(landmask$y) / leny + yorig
    pc$x <- cut(pc$x, breaks = xcut,  labels = 1:(length(xcut) - 1))
    pc$y <- cut(pc$y, breaks = ycut,  labels = 1:(length(ycut) - 1))
    # Create a unique vector combining x and y to give a number to each sector
    pc$sector <- (as.numeric(pc$x) - 1) * (length(ycut) - 1) + as.numeric(pc$y)
    # If we don't keep origin, eliminate it from the sectors
    if (!attr(landmask, "keep.origin")) {
      # Bug corrected by Pierre Lassegues: (x*y) %/%2 + 1
      # instead of x * y %/% 2 + 1!
      Center <- ((length(xcut) - 1) * (length(ycut) - 1)) %/% 2 + 1
      pc$sector[pc$sector == Center] <- NA
      toDecrement <- (pc$sector > Center)
      toDecrement[is.na(toDecrement)] <- FALSE
      pc$sector[toDecrement] <- pc$sector[toDecrement] - 1
  # Create a vector of lags in x and y directions
  cx <- nrow(geotm2) %/% 2
  cy <- ncol(geotm2) %/% 2
  lags <- data.frame(x = rep(-cx:cx, ncol(geotm2)),
    y = rep(-cy:cy, each = nrow(geotm2)))
  pc <- cbind(lags, sector = pc$sector)
  # Keep only points that are in one sector
  pc <- pc[!is.na(pc$sector), ]
  # Calculation of landscape descriptors is done as follows:
  # 1) Create a matrix with 0's [max(pc$sector) columns and nrow(res2) rows]
  Ncol <- length(unique(pc$sector))
  land <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(res2), ncol = Ncol)
  # 2) For each row in pc, resample geotm with correct lag, apply mask,
  # and add these elevations to the pc$sector's column of land
  for (i in 1:nrow(pc)) {
    tmlag <- resample(geotm, x0 = x0 + pc$x[i], y0 = y0 + pc$y[i],
      step = step, nx = nx, ny = ny, strict = TRUE)
    # Make sure we keep only a grid of same size as tm2, and check we have
    # enough data for that
    if (nrow(tmlag) < Xsize | ncol(tmlag) < Ysize)
      stop("Your 'geotm' object must be large enough to be able to calculate landscape descriptors for all points")
    sect <- pc$sector[i]
    land[, sect] <- land[, sect] + as.vector(tmlag)[mask]
  # 3) Divide all columns by the number of points in the corresponding sector
  Npts <- as.vector(table(pc$sector))
  # Eliminate null value (for the origin, with keep.origin == FALSE)
  Npts <- Npts[Npts != 0]
  div <- matrix(Npts, nrow = nrow(res2),
    ncol = Ncol, byrow = TRUE)
  land <- land / div
  # 4) Substract elevation of the point (tm2) to each column
  el <- res2$z
  # Replace NAs (sea level) by 0's
  el[is.na(el)] <- 0
  el <- matrix(el, nrow = nrow(res2), ncol = Ncol)
  land <- land - el   # That makes the landscape descriptors

  # Perform a PCA on the land data
  pca <- prcomp(land, center = TRUE, scale. = scale)
  # Drop mask from res2
  res2$mask <- NULL

  # Add the nbr.pc principal components to res
  res <- cbind(res2, pca$x[, 1:nbr.pc])

  # Add variables, after masking points with same mask as for interpolation
  if (!is.null(add.vars)) {
    add.vars <- add.vars[mask, ]
    res <- cbind(res, add.vars)
    # Do we have a name for an additional variable to use instead?
    Names <- names(res)
    Names[length(Names)] <- var.name
    names(res) <- Names

  # This is an 'aurelhy' object
  class(res) <- c("aurelhy", "data.frame")
  # Record parameters
  attr(res, "call") <- call
  attr(res, "nbr.pc") <- nbr.pc
  attr(res, "scale") <- scale
  attr(res, "tm") <- tm2
  attr(res, "mask") <- mask
  attr(res, "land") <- land
  attr(res, "auremask") <- landmask
  attr(res, "sectors") <- pc
  attr(res, "pca") <- pca
  attr(res, "model") <- as.formula(model)
  attr(res, "vgm") <- vgmodel

# Print and plot methods for aurelhy objects
print.aurelhy <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("An aurelhy object to interpolate points in a terrain model:\n")
  print(attr(x, "tm"))
  if (isTRUE(attr(x, "scale"))) {
    cat("Keeping ", attr(x, "nbr.pc"), " PCs from a PCA on scaled data\n",
      sep = "")
  } else {
    cat("\n\nKeeping ", attr(x, "nbr.pc"), " PCs from a PCA on non-scaled data\n",
      sep = "")
  cat("\nPredictive variables are:\n")
  cat(paste(names(x), collapse = ", "))
  cat("\n\nRegression model is:\n")
  print(attr(x, "model"))
  cat("\nVariogram model is:\n")
  print(attr(x, "vgm"))

# The summary of the PCA
summary.aurelhy <- function(object, ...)
  summary(attr(object, "pca"))

# This is the screeplot of the PCA
plot.aurelhy <- function(x, y, main = "PCA on land descriptors", ...) {
  pca <- attr(x, "pca")
  plot(pca, npcs = length(pca$sdev), main = main, ...)

# A points methods that add interpolation points to a map
points.aurelhy <- function(x, pch = ".", ...)
  points(x$x, x$y, pch = pch, ...)

# An update method for the aurelhy object
update.aurelhy <- function(object, nbr.pc, scale, model, vgmodel, ...) {
  # Arguments match to ... is not allowed
  if (length(list(...)))
    stop("Currently no additional argument passed through ... is supported")

  if (!missing(model))
    attr(object, "model") <- as.formula(model)
  if (!missing(vgmodel))
    attr(object, "vgm") <- vgmodel

  dropPCs <- function(x) {
    N <- names(x)
    N <- N[!grepl("^PC[0-9+$]", N)]
    x[, N]

  if (!missing(scale)) {
    scale <- isTRUE(scale)
    if (attr(object, "scale") != scale) {
      attr(object, "scale") <- scale
      # Redo the PCA analysis
      pca <- prcomp(attr(object, "land"),
        center = TRUE, scale. = scale)
      attr(object, "pca") <- pca
      # How many PCs do we keep?
      if (missing(nbr.pc)) nbr.pc <- attr(object, "nbr.pc")
      attr(object, "nbr.pc") <- nbr.pc
      # Add the nbr.pc principal components to res
      Att <- attributes(object)
      res <- cbind(dropPCs(object), pca$x[, 1:nbr.pc])
      Att$names <- names(res)
      attributes(res) <- Att

  if (!missing(nbr.pc)) {
    attr(object, "nbr.pc") <- nbr.pc
    pca <- attr(object, "pca")
    Att <- attributes(object)
    res <- cbind(dropPCs(object), pca$x[, 1:nbr.pc])
    Att$names <- names(res)
    attributes(res) <- Att
  } else return(object)

as.geomat <- function(x, ...)

# Transform any AURELHY predictor into a geomat object
as.geomat.aurelhy <- function(x, what = "PC1", nodata = NA, ...) {
  # We look if what is one of the variables present in this object
  what <- as.character(what)[1]
  if (!what %in% names(x))
    stop("'what' must be one of the variables of the 'aurelhy' x object")
  dat <- x[[what]]
  pos <- as.numeric(rownames(x))  # Position of the points in the matrix
  # Start from the mask to create our geomat object
  mask <- attr(x, "mask")
  res <- matrix(nodata, nrow = nrow(mask), ncol = ncol(mask))
  attr(res, "coords") <- attr(mask, "coords")
  class(res) <- c("geomat", "matrix")
  # Fill corresponding points with the data
  res[pos] <- dat

# Predict creates the interpolation
predict.aurelhy <- function(object, geopoints, variable, v.fit = NULL, ...) {
  # Check arguments
  if (!inherits(object, "aurelhy"))
    stop("'object' must be an 'aurelhy' object")
  if (!inherits(geopoints, "geopoints"))
    stop("'geopoints' must be a 'geopoints' object")
  variable <- as.character(variable)
  if (length(variable) < 1)
    stop("You must provide the name of a variable to interpolate")
  if (length(variable) > 1)
    stop("Cannot interpolate more than one variable at a time")
  if (!variable %in% names(geopoints))
    stop("variable must be the name of one column in the 'geopoints' object")
  # Look for the points that are closest to the grid in the 'geopoints' object
  # Quick calculation by transforming coordinates into their closest index
  # in the grid
  Mask <- attr(object, "mask")
  Coords <- coords(Mask)
  X = (geopoints$x - Coords["x"]) / Coords["size"]
  Y = (geopoints$y - Coords["y"]) / Coords["size"]
  # Make a data frame with data, coords and indices
  df <- data.frame(x = geopoints$x, y = geopoints$y,
    data = as.numeric(geopoints[, variable]),
    X = X, Y = Y, Xind = round(X) + 1, Yind = round(Y) + 1)
  # Eliminate points that are outside the grid
  In <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
  In[df$Xind < 1] <- FALSE
  In[df$Xind > nrow(Mask)] <- FALSE
  In[df$Yind < 1] <- FALSE
  In[df$Yind > ncol(Mask)] <- FALSE
  df <- df[In, ]
  # Check which point is in the mask
  df$OK <- diag(Mask[df$Xind, df$Yind])
  # We can possibly check too if rejected points do not match either of the four
  # corners surrounding actual location (sometimes it happens for points near
  # or on the border of the mask)
  checkCorner <- function(df, mask, topX, topY) {
    nOK <- !df$OK
    Xout <- df$X[nOK]
    Yout <- df$Y[nOK]
    if (isTRUE(topX)) XoutC <- ceiling(Xout) + 1 else XoutC <- floor(Xout) + 1
    if (isTRUE(topY)) YoutC <- ceiling(Yout) + 1 else YoutC <- floor(Yout) + 1
    OKc <- diag(mask[XoutC, YoutC])
    if (any(as.logical(OKc))) {
      nOKc <- nOK
      nOKc[nOKc] <- OKc
      df$Xind[which(nOKc == 1)] <- XoutC[OKc]
      df$Yind[which(nOKc == 1)] <- YoutC[OKc]
      df$OK[which(nOKc == 1)] <- TRUE
  # Check each of the four corners around actual coordinates to find a point in the grid
  if (!all(df$OK)) df <- checkCorner(df, Mask, TRUE, TRUE)
  if (!all(df$OK)) df <- checkCorner(df, Mask, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (!all(df$OK)) df <- checkCorner(df, Mask, FALSE, TRUE)
  if (!all(df$OK)) df <- checkCorner(df, Mask, FALSE, FALSE)
  # Keep only those points that are in the mask (df$OK)
  df <- df[df$OK, ]

  # Get AURELHY descriptors for the same points and merge them together with 'data'
  # Selection is done according to rownames of the aurelhy object, after converting
  # Xind and Yind into corresponding row names
  df$pos <- df$Xind + (nrow(Mask) * (df$Yind - 1))
  pred <- as.data.frame(object)
  # Keep only items that match data in df
  pred <- pred[match(df$pos, as.numeric(rownames(pred))), ]
  # Add data to this table
  pred$data <- df$data

  # Adjust a linear model on these data
  model <- attr(object, "model")
  lmod <- lm(model, data = pred)
  # Extract residuals
  pred$resid <- resid(lmod)
  # and predict values for all the points of the grid within the mask
  grid.mod <- predict(lmod, newdata = as.data.frame(object))
  # Print a very short information about adjusted R-squared value
  cat("[adjusted R-squared is ",
    round(summary(lmod)$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), "]\n", sep = "")

  if (!identical(v.fit, FALSE)) {
    # Adjust the semi-variogram with the model
    vgm <- attr(object, "vgm") # The variogram model to use

    Pred <- pred
    coordinates(Pred) <- ~ x + y
    v <- variogram(resid ~ x + y, Pred)
    #v <- variogram(resid ~ x + y, locations = ~ x + y, data = pred)
    if (is.null(v.fit)) # Fit the variogram model now, if not provided
      v.fit <- fit.variogram(v, vgm)

    # Krige residuals using this fitted variogram model
    # Note that krige method of gstat can only apply on rectangular areas
    # so, we need to krige on the whole bounding box, and then, select
    # points of interest using the mask
    Pred.grid <- coords(Mask, "xy")
    gridded(Pred.grid) <- ~ x + y

    k <- krige(resid ~ x + y, Pred, Pred.grid, model = v.fit)
    #k <- krige(resid ~ x + y, locations = ~ x + y, data = pred,
    #  newdata = Pred.grid, model = v.fit)
    # Extract krigged residuals and keep only those corresponding to the mask
    k.resid <- k["var1.pred"]@data[Mask]
    names(k.resid) <- names(grid.mod)
    # Also extract kriging variance
    k.var <- k["var1.var"]@data[Mask]
    names(k.var) <- names(grid.mod)
    # The final result is the sum of the value predicted by the model (grid.mod)
    # and the kriged residuals (k.resid)
    res <- grid.mod + k.resid
  } else {# Don't use kriged residuals
    res <- grid.mod

  # Construct a predict.aurelhy object
  attr(res, "variable") <- variable
  attr(res, "mask") <- Mask
  attr(res, "predictors") <- pred
  attr(res, "model") <- model
  attr(res, "lm") <- lmod
  attr(res, "predicted") <- grid.mod
  if (!identical(v.fit, FALSE)) {
    attr(res, "vgm") <- vgm
    attr(res, "variogram") <- v
    attr(res, "v.fit") <- v.fit
    attr(res, "df") <- df
    attr(res, "krige.resid") <- k.resid
    attr(res, "krige.resid.var") <- k.var
  } else attr(res, "v.fit") <- FALSE
  class(res) <- c("predict.aurelhy", "data.frame")

# Print, summary and plot methods for predict.aurelhy objects
print.predict.aurelhy <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("A predict.aurelhy object with interpolated values for variable '",
    attr(x, "variable"), "':\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nPredictive variables are:\n")
  pv <- names(attr(x, "predictors"))
  # We need to eliminate 'data' and 'resid' here (two last items)
  pv <- pv[-(length(pv) - 1:0)]
  cat(paste(pv, collapse = ", "))
  cat("\n\nRegression model (adjusted R-squared = ",
    round(summary(attr(x, "lm"))$adj.r.squared, digits = 3), ") is:\n",
    sep = "")
  print(attr(x, "model"))
  cat("Predicted values are distributed as follows:\n")
  print(summary(attr(x, "predicted")))
  cat("Residuals on provided predictors are distributed as follows:\n")
  print(summary(attr(x, "predictors")$resid))

  if (!identical(attr(x, "v.fit"), FALSE)) {
    cat("\nVariogram model for universal kriging of the residuals is:\n")
    print(attr(x, "v.fit"))
    cat("Kriged residuals are distributed as follows:\n")
    print(summary(attr(x, "krige.resid")))
  } else {
    cat("Residuals were not kriged!\n")
  cat("\nInterpolated values for '", attr(x, "variable"),
    "' are distributed as follows:\n", sep = "")

# The summary of the regression done on predictors
summary.predict.aurelhy <- function(object, ...)
  summary(attr(object, "lm"))

plot.predict.aurelhy <- function(x, y, which = 1, ...) {
  which <- as.integer(which)[1]
  if (which > 0 && which <= 5) {
    # The five first graphs are residuals graphs for linear model
    plot(attr(x, "lm"), which = which, ...)
  } else if (which == 6) {
    # This is the variogram model
    v.fit <- attr(x, "v.fit")
    if (identical(v.fit, FALSE))
      stop("No krighed residuals for this object!")
    v <- attr(x, "variogram")
    v.model <- variogramLine(v.fit, max(v$dist), 50)
    plot(gamma ~ dist, data = v, xlab = "distance", ylab = "semivariance",
      ylim = c(0, max(v$gamma)),
      main = "Semivariogram model used for residuals kriging", ...)
    lines(gamma ~ dist, data = v.model, col  = "red", ...)
  } else if (which == 7) {
    # Graph showing the various components of AURELHY interpolation
    # versus observed values
    # Do we have kriged residuals?
    is.kriged <- !identical(attr(x, "v.fit"), FALSE)
    pr <- attr(x, "predictors")
    X <- pr$data
    loc <- as.numeric(rownames(pr))
    # Sort X in increasing order according to loc
    X <- X[order(loc)]
    loc <- sort(loc)
    sel <- names(x) %in% rownames(pr)
    mod <- attr(x, "predicted")[sel]
    if (is.kriged) {
      krige <- attr(x, "krige.resid")[sel]
    } else {
      krige <- rep(NA, length(mod))
    df <- data.frame(X = X, reg = mod, krige.resid = krige, item = loc)
    # Create the graph
    plot(df$X, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "Data",
      ylim = c(min(df$X, df$pred), max(df$X, df$pred) * 1.1),
      main = "Components of AURELHY prediction", xaxt = "n")
    lines(df$reg, type = "h", col = 3)
    xcoords <- 1:nrow(df) + 0.1
    if (is.kriged) {
      segments(xcoords, df$reg, xcoords, df$reg + df$krige.resid, col = 2)
    points(xcoords - 0.05, df$X, pch = "_", col = 1)
    axis(1, at = xcoords - 0.05, labels = df$item, las = 2)
    if (is.kriged) {
      legend("top", c("observed", "linear model", "kriged residuals"),
        col = c(1, 3, 2), lty = 1, horiz = TRUE, inset = 0.02)
    } else {
      legend("top", c("observed", "linear model"),
        col = c(1, 3), lty = 1, horiz = TRUE, inset = 0.02)
    # Return the table of data invisibly
  } else stop("'which' must be between 1 and 7")

as.geomat.predict.aurelhy <- function(x,
what = c("Interpolated", "Predicted", "KrigedResiduals", "KrigeVariance"),
nodata = NA, ...) {
  # We extract either interpolated, predicted, or kriged residuals or variance
  what <- match.arg(what)
  # KrigeResiduals and KrigeVariance only allowed if residuals were kriged!
  if (identical(attr(x, "v.fit"), FALSE) &&
    what %in% c("KrigedResiduals", "KrigeVariance"))
    stop("Impossible to extract krigeage data from an object where residuals were not kriged")
  dat <- switch(what,
    Interpolated = as.numeric(x),
    Predicted = as.numeric(attr(x, "predicted")),
    KrigedResiduals = as.numeric(attr(x, "krige.resid")),
    KrigeVariance = as.numeric(attr(x, "krige.resid.var")))
  pos <- as.numeric(names(x))  # Position of the points in the matrix
  # Start from the mask to create our geomat object
  mask <- attr(x, "mask")
  res <- matrix(nodata, nrow = nrow(mask), ncol = ncol(mask))
  attr(res, "coords") <- attr(mask, "coords")
  class(res) <- c("geomat", "matrix")
  # Fill corresponding points with the data
  res[pos] <- dat
phgrosjean/aurelhy documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 2:25 a.m.