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The goal of bnmr is to provide a set of convenient wrapper functions for the Central Bank of Malaysia’s API.


To install bnmr, run the following code (requires remotes):

# install.packages("remotes")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

#> # A tibble: 35 × 6
#>    bank_code   bank_name                         base_…¹ base_…² indic…³ base_…⁴
#>    <chr>       <chr>                               <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 "AFFINBANK" Affin Bank                           2.7     5.56    3.3       NA
#>  2 "ALLIANCEB" Alliance Bank                        2.57    5.42    3.11      NA
#>  3 "AMBANK"    AmBank                               2.6     5.45    3.25      NA
#>  4 "BANGKOK"   Bangkok Bank Berhad                  3.22    5.87    4.42      NA
#>  5 "BANKCHINA" Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad      2.55    5.35    3.55      NA
#>  6 "CIMB BANK" CIMB Bank Berhad                     2.75    5.6     3.5       NA
#>  7 "CITIBANK"  Citibank Berhad                      2.4     5.55    3.2       NA
#>  8 ""          Hong Leong Bank Malaysia Berhad      2.63    5.64    3.5       NA
#>  9 ""          HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad            2.39    5.49    3.5       NA
#> 10 ""          Industrial and Commercial Bank o…    2.52    5.45    3.47      NA
#> # … with 25 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​base_rate,
#> #   ²​base_lending_rate, ³​indicative_eff_lending_rate, ⁴​base_financing_rate


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

philip-khor/bnmr documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 6:59 a.m.