metrics: Calculates landscape metrics

View source: R/metrics.R

metricsR Documentation

Calculates landscape metrics


Calculates landscape metrics of patch, class and/or landscape level via the package landscapemetrics and user-defined functions from an object of class 'MultiLand'.


  raster = NULL,
  points = NULL,
  radii = NULL,
  classes = NULL,
  level = NULL,
  metric = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  what = NULL,
  report_absences = TRUE,
  absence_values = NULL,
  ext_calc = NULL,
  na.exclude = TRUE,
  coords = FALSE,
  update = NULL,
  output = "MLM",
  progress = TRUE,



An object of class 'Multiland' generated with mland().


Vector depicting the rasterlayers of x from which metrics will be calculated. It can be a numeric vector, for rasterlayers numbers, or a character vector, for rasterlayers names (if provided during the generation of x). If NULL, all rasterlayers will be considered.


Numeric or character vector with the points from which metrics will be calculated. If NULL, all points will be considered. See Details.


Numeric vector depicting the radii from which metrics will be calculated. If NULL, all radii will be considered.


List containing the classes or classes names from which metrics will be calculated. If NULL, all classes will be considered. See Details.

level, metric, name, type, what

Arguments passed to landscapemetrics::calculate_lsm(), which define which metrics will be calculated. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE (default), intersections with absences of particular classes will be returned in the final data.frame. See Details.


A list depicting which value for each class-level metric should be printed if report_absences = TRUE. See Details.


A list containing vectors, each one of length equal to 2 or more: the first element of the vector with the identification number of the extra rasterlayer defined in x, and next elements with a string with the name of the function to be applied to the defined raster. See Details.


Logical. Whether to exclude (default) or not the NA values when performing extra calculations to extra rasterlayers. Only applies if ext_calc is not NULL. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the coordinates of the points will be returned in the data.frame containing the values of the required metrics. Default FALSE.


An object of class 'MultiLandMetrics', if it is intended to be updated with new or updated metrics data. See Details.


Either "MLM" (default) to output an object of class 'MultiLandMetrics' or "data" to output only the data.frame with metric values.


Logical. If TRUE (default), progress of calculations will be printed.


Other arguments passed to landscapemetrics::calculate_lsm(). See Details.


metrics() calculates landscape metrics from an object of class MultiLand created with mland(). The function allows to define which metrics will be calculated in the form defined by the function landscapemetrics::calculate_lsm(), by specifying one or more of the following arguments:

  • level: level of metrics. Either "patch", "class" or "landscape" (or vector with combination).

  • metric: abbreviation of metrics (e.g. "area").

  • name: full name of metrics (e.g. "core area").

  • type: type according to FRAGSTATS grouping (e.g. "aggregation metrics").

  • what: selected level of metrics: either "patch", "class" or "landscape". It is also possible to specify functions as a vector of strings, e.g. what = c("lsm_c_ca", "lsm_l_ta").

Available metrics can be seen in metrics_list() and in the associated documentation of package landscapemetrics.

metrics() also allows to define some other parameters that filter how metrics are calculated, by defining the rasterlayers, points, radii and classes to be taken into account.

If report_absences = TRUE (default), the function will print values of class-level metrics from classes that are not present in particular landscapes, as a distinct row in the final data.frame. This is particularly useful for certain class-level metrics in which the absence of the class should be acknowledged, for instance, the percentage of landscape ('pland') for a forest class. For this metric, a value of 0 (zero) should be printed for those landscapes where the class forest is not present. By default, if report_absences = TRUE, the function will consider NA as the value to be declared in the case that the class is absent in the landscape. To declare a different value for a particular class-level metric, this can be declared inside argument absence_values. If not NULL, this must be a list with the value that one ore more class-level metric should have in the case of an absence of a class. For example, in the case of "pland", the argument should be defined as follows: absence_values = list("pland" = 0). Note that the metric must be identified with its abbreviation. You can see abbreviations for all available metrics in metrics_list(), under the column "metric".

If argument points is a character vector, metrics() assumes that the 'MultiLand' object inputted in argument x was created with site_ref = TRUE. This is, there is an column/attribute in the points layer with the names for each distinct point. Therefore, the inputted values in argument points will be taken as these identification names. Otherwise, if a numeric vector is inputted, these values will be taken as the automatically generated point ids (created when running mland()).

The user may specify which classes will be considered when calculating the metrics, by passing this information in the argument classes. Of course, this information only applies for class-level metrics. The argument must be a list with as many elements as rasterlayers to be considered (defined in argument raster, in ascending order: 1, 2, 3, ...). Each element must be a numeric vector with the classes values (raster values) to be considered, or a character vector with the names of the classes (if provided when generating x).

Other arguments can be passed to function landscapemetrics::calculate_lsm() through argument .... These include specific arguments relative to the calculation of particular landscape metrics. See the documentation of this function for more information.

Extra calculations can be performed through ext_calc. The functions defined here will take the values of the extra rasterlayers defined in x as input. For instance, a plausible definition could be ext_calc = list(1, "mean"), which will take the values from the extra rasterlayer 1, and calculate its mean for each landscape. If na.exclude = TRUE (default), NA values will be excluded from this task.

A previously generated 'MultiLandMetrics' object can be updated with new information regarding other metrics, probably from other points, radii, rasterlayers, etc, that havenĀ“t been calculated in the previous time (or not). In this way, the returned object will be the object provided in this argument, plus the additions of information about new metrics, and changes to previously metric calculations. Note that if a particular metric is calculated for a given rasterlayer, points, radii and or class, that were previously generated in the object provided in update, the information of these metrics from the latter will be overwritten. Also note that if in the previous 'MultiLandMetrics' object report_absences was TRUE for a given set of metrics and other parameters (e.g. points, radii, rasterlayers, etc.), and in the new call report_absences is FALSE (for the same set of other parameters), the rows depicting landscapes with empty classes from the previous call will be mantained. If the intention is the removal of these rows, the user should create a fresh new 'MultiLandMetrics' from scratch.


If output = "MLM", an object of class 'MultiLandMetrics' will be returned. This object can then be passed to functions pair_corr(), pair_plots, landscape_filter(), optimize_gradient() and bind_metrics(). See ?MultiLandMetrics for more information regarding the content of this object. Otherwise, if output = "data", only a data.frame with the calculated metrics will be returned.

See Also

pair_corr(), pair_plots(), landscape_filter(), optimize_gradient(), bind_metrics()


## Not run: 
# Loads a 'MultiLand' object
ernesdesign <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "multilandr")
ernesdesign <- load_mland(ernesdesign)

# Creates a 'MultiLandMetrics' object. It will calculate the metric "percentage of landscape"
# ("pland") and "number of patches" ("np") for all classes. Note that an absence value for
# each metric is declared, as the absence of a class for these metrics should be acknowledged as
# a 0 (percentage of zero and zero patches).
ed_metrics <- metrics(ernesdesign, level = "class", metric = c("pland", "np"),
                      absence_values = list("pland" = 0, "np" = 0))

# Returns data.frame with the values of all metrics for each landscape

# Shows which metrics were calculated and are contained in the data.frame

# If output = "data", only the data.frame will be returned
data <- metrics(ernesdesign, level = "class", metric = "pland",
                classes = c("Forest", "Crops"), absence_values = list("pland" = 0),
                output = "data")

# Calculate landscape metrics plus extra calculations for extra rasterlayer 1,
# the mean value, and a user defined function, which is the mean divided standard deviation.

# User-defined function
mean_sd <- function(x){ mean(x)/sd(x) }

ed_metrics2 <- metrics(ernesdesign, level = "class", metric = c("pland", "np"),
                      absence_values = list("pland" = 0, "np" = 0),
                      ext_calc = list(c(1, "mean"), c(1, "mean_sd")))

# We can calculate metrics for extra rasterlayers only
ed_metrics3 <- metrics(ernesdesign, ext_calc = list(c(1, "mean", "mean_sd")))

# If metrics of different levels must be calculated, a better approach is to declare them
# inside the argument 'what', by naming the function associated with the metric. Also in this case,
# only the landscapes with a radius of 5000 m are considered. A list of available metrics
# with its names, abbreviations and function names can be seen in metrics_list() and in
# the documentation of the package landscapemetrics.
ed_metrics4 <- metrics(ernesdesign, what = c("lsm_c_area_mn", "lsm_l_np", "lsm_l_shdi"),
                       radii = 5000)

# Calculates patch-level metrics of a particular landscape
ed_patchs <- metrics(ernesdesign, points = "Algarrobo", level = "patch", class = "Forest",
                     radii = 1000)

## End(Not run)

phuais/multilandR documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 9:27 p.m.