
Gradient regression to integrate phylogeny, species, and trait responses to environment.


Daniel Stanton Reinaldo Vargas-Castillo Peter Nelson Robert Smith


Analysis repository to faciliate work on species, traits, and phylogenies of plants and lichens in relation to Pacific fog gradients. Development of multivariate analysis tools. Gradient regression to integrate phylogeny, species, and trait responses to environment.


Install the package from github as follows:


Load data

d   <- veg
xy  <- d$xy    # spatial
spe <- d$spe   # species
env <- d$env   # environment
tra <- d$tra   # traits
phy <- d$phy   # phylogeny


# spatial
plot(xy, pch=19, col='#00000050')

plot_heatmap(spe, logbase=10)

# environment
plot_heatmap(sapply(env, function(x)100+scale(x)))

# traits
plot_heatmap(sapply(tra, function(x)100+scale(x)))

# phylogeny
plot(phy, cex=0.6, no.margin=TRUE)

Introducing gradient regression

Gradient regression

### basic transformations
spe <- data.frame(genlogtrans(spe))
env <- data.frame(decostand(scale(env, center=F), 'range'))
tra <- data.frame(decostand(tra, 'range'))

### detect phylogenetic signal for traits
K <- sapply(tra, FUN=function(j){
     names(j) <- rownames(tra)
     round(picante::phylosignal(j, multi2di(phy)),6)})
as.matrix(K) # Blomberg's K statistic for continuous traits

### phylogenetic correction of traits (given phylo signal)
ptra <- phylo_corr(phy, tra)

### see effects of phylogenetic correction
for(i in 1:NCOL(tra)){
     plot(tra[,i], ptra[,i], pch=16, cex=0.7, col='#00000050',
          xlab=dimnames(tra)[[2]][i], ylab=dimnames(ptra)[[2]][i])

### community-weighted means of phylo-corrected traits (PCWM),
###     interpreted here as phylo-corrected trait syndromes
pcwm <- data.frame(makecwm(spe, ptra))

### first select dimensionality of NMDS ordinations
`screeNMDS` <- function(spe, distance, kk=5, ...) {
     stress <- rep(NA, kk)
     for (i in 1:kk) {
          cat(i, 'of', kk, 'dimensions\n')
          m <- ordfn(spe=spe, distance=distance, k=i, ...)
          stress[i] <- m$stress
     plot(1:kk, stress, main='', xlab='Dimension', ylab='Stress',
          ylim=c(0, max(stress)*1.05), pch=16, las=1, bty='l')
     lines(1:kk, stress)
     abline(0.20, 0, col='red', lty = 2)
screeNMDS(pcwm, distance='altGower', kk=5)  # 2 dimensions seems ok

### NMDS ordination of phylo-corrected trait syndromes
m <- ordfn(pcwm,'altGower', 2)

### GAM gradient regressions give trait-environment fit
vegan::envfit(m, env, perm=999)    # *linear* fit may be unrealistic 
g <- gamfit(m, env)                # *nonlinear* fit

### plot gradient regressions for each enviro variable;
###     trait syndrome responses to enviro are commonly nonlinear!
plot(m) # NMDS ordination
for (i in 1:NCOL(env)){
     plot(g, i, lcol='#FF000080', lwd=1)

### can also overlay phylo-corrected traits in the same space
gt <- gamfit(m, pcwm)
for (i in 1:NCOL(pcwm)){
     plot(gt, i, lcol='#FF000080', lwd=1)

#### end ####

phytomosaic/foggy documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 12:20 a.m.