
Defines functions reportElectricityPrices

Documented in reportElectricityPrices

#' Read in GDX and calculate electricity prices,  used in convGDX2MIF.R for the reporting
#' Read in electricity prices information from GDX file,  information used in convGDX2MIF.R
#' for the reporting
#' @param gdx a GDX object as created by readGDX, or the path to a gdx
#' @param reporting_tau boolean determining whether to generate the tau report
#' @return MAgPIE object - contains the capacity variables
#' @author Sebastian Osorio,  Renato Rodrigues
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGDX2MIF}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{reportElectricityPrices(gdx)}
#' @importFrom gdx readGDX
#' @importFrom magclass mbind setNames dimSums getSets getSets<- as.magpie getYears collapseDim
#' @export

reportElectricityPrices <- function(gdx, reporting_tau = FALSE) {

  # read sets and parameters
  tt <- readGDX(gdx, name = "t", field = "l", format = "first_found") #time set
  t0 <- tt[1]
  p_ts <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_ts", field = "l", format = "first_found") #time step
  tau <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tau") #set of time slices
  ter <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ter") #set of variable renewable electricity generation technologies
  ternofluc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ternofluc") #set of non-variable (non-fluctuating) renewable electricity generation technologies
  c_esmdisrate <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_esmdisrate", field = "l", format = "first_found") #interest rate
  c_LIMESversion <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_LIMESversion", field = "l", format = "first_found")
  p_taulength <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("p_taulength", "pm_taulength"), field = "l", format = "first_found")[, , tau] #number of hours/year per tau

  # read variables and make sure only the "right" tau are taken -> to avoid info from gdx that might be stuck in the file
  v_exdemand <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_exdemand", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau] #demand
  m_sebal <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_sebal", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
  m_robuststrategy2 <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_robuststrategy2", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]

  # create MagPie object with iso3 regions
  m_sebal <- limesMapping(m_sebal) #[Geur/GWh]
  m_robuststrategy2 <- limesMapping(m_robuststrategy2) #[Geur/GWh]
  v_exdemand <- limesMapping(v_exdemand) #[GWh]

  #Initialize heating price
  m_fullheprices <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions  =  getItems(m_robuststrategy2,  dim  =  1),  years  =  getYears(m_robuststrategy2),  names  =  tau,
                                              fill  =  NA,  sort  =  FALSE,  sets  =  NULL)
  m_heatprices <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions  =  getItems(m_sebal,  dim  =  1),  years  =  getYears(m_sebal),  names  =  tau,
                               fill  =  NA,  sort  =  FALSE,  sets  =  NULL)
  p_hedemand <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions  =  getItems(v_exdemand,  dim  =  1),  years  =  getYears(v_exdemand),  names  =  tau,
                               fill  =  NA,  sort  =  FALSE,  sets  =  NULL)
  #m_fullheprices_DH <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions  =  getItems(m_robuststrategy2_DH,  dim  =  1),  years  =  getYears(m_robuststrategy2_DH),  names  =  tau,
   #                            fill  =  NA,  sort  =  FALSE,  sets  =  NULL)

  #Check the version so to load data and create MagPie object for variables that changed in that version and to choose the electricity-related variables
  if(c_LIMESversion >=  2.28) {
    #v_seprod_el <- v_seprod[, , "seel"]
    heating <- .readHeatingCfg(gdx)

    if(heating == "fullDH") {
      p_eldemand <- v_exdemand[, , "seel"]
      m_fullelecprices <- m_robuststrategy2[, , "seel"]
      m_elecprices <- m_sebal[, , "seel"]

      ##Read variables related to heat prices:
      #heat demand was split into the one to be covered by DH and decentral P2H
      #Check if the new variables/equations already exist in the model
      m_sebal_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_sebal_DH", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
      if(is.null(m_sebal_DH)) {

        split_DH_decP2H <- 0

        p_hedemand <- v_exdemand[, , "sehe"]
        p_hedemand <- collapseDim(p_hedemand,  dim  =  3.2)

        m_heatprices <- m_sebal[, , "sehe"]
        m_heatprices <- collapseDim(m_heatprices,  dim  =  3.2) / p_taulength

        m_fullheprices <- m_robuststrategy2[, , "sehe"]
        m_fullheprices <- collapseDim(m_fullheprices,  dim  =  3.2) / p_taulength

      } else { # the equation q_sebal_DH indeed exists

        split_DH_decP2H <- 1

        #Load required equations
        m_robuststrategy2_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_robuststrategy2_DH", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
        v_exdemand_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_exdemand_DH", field = "l", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
        m_sebal_decP2H <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_sebal_decP2H", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
        m_robuststrategy2_decP2H <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_robuststrategy2_decP2H", field = "m", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
        v_exdemand_decP2H <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_exdemand_decP2H", field = "l", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]

        # create MagPie object with iso3 regions
        m_sebal_DH <- limesMapping(m_sebal_DH) #[Geur/GWh]
        m_robuststrategy2_DH <- limesMapping(m_robuststrategy2_DH) #[Geur/GWh]
        v_exdemand_DH <- limesMapping(v_exdemand_DH) #[GWh]
        m_sebal_decP2H <- limesMapping(m_sebal_decP2H) #[Geur/GWh]
        m_robuststrategy2_decP2H <- limesMapping(m_robuststrategy2_decP2H) #[Geur/GWh]
        v_exdemand_decP2H <- limesMapping(v_exdemand_decP2H) #[GWh]

        # calculate marginal value per tau
        m_heatprices_DH <- collapseDim(m_sebal_DH, dim  = 3.2) / p_taulength
        m_fullheprices_DH <- collapseDim(m_robuststrategy2_DH,  dim  =  3.2) / p_taulength
        m_heatprices_decP2H <- collapseDim(m_sebal_decP2H, dim  = 3.2) / p_taulength
        m_fullheprices_decP2H <- collapseDim(m_robuststrategy2_decP2H,  dim  =  3.2) / p_taulength

        #end of if regarding splitting of ETS between DH and decP2H

    } else { #Model does not include heating (fullDH)

      m_fullelecprices <- m_robuststrategy2
      m_elecprices <- m_sebal
      #Better to check that 'sehe' does not appear in v_exdemand
      if(length(grep("sehe", getNames(v_exdemand))) > 0) {
        p_eldemand <- v_exdemand[, , "seel"]
      } else {
        p_eldemand <- v_exdemand


    m_restargetrelativegross_tech <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_restargetrelativegross_tech", field = "m", format = "first_found")
    m_restargetrelativedem_tech <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_restargetrelativedem_tech", field = "m", format = "first_found")
    m_restargetrelativegross_tech <- limesMapping(m_restargetrelativegross_tech) #[Geur/GWh]
    m_restargetrelativedem_tech <- limesMapping(m_restargetrelativedem_tech) #[Geur/GWh]

    #Value of subsidies
    if(c_LIMESversion < 2.38) {
      m_restarget <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_restarget",  field = "m",  format = "first_found")
      m_restarget <- limesMapping(m_restarget)
    } else {
      m_restarget <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions  =  getItems(m_restargetrelativedem_tech,  dim  =  1),  years  =  getYears(m_restargetrelativedem_tech),  names  =  NULL,
                                fill  =  NA,  sort  =  FALSE,  sets  =  NULL)

  } else { #Version is lower than 2.28
    #v_seprod_el <- v_seprod
    p_eldemand <- v_exdemand
    m_fullelecprices <- m_robuststrategy2

    m_restargetrelative_DE <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_restargetrelative_DE", field = "m", format = "first_found")
    m_restargetrelative <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_restargetrelative", field = "m", format = "first_found")
    m_restargetrelative_DE <- limesMapping(m_restargetrelative_DE) #[Geur/GWh]
    m_restargetrelative <- limesMapping(m_restargetrelative) #[Geur/GWh]

  #Collapse names of demand (just in case)
  p_eldemand <- collapseDim(p_eldemand, dim = 3.2)

  # calculate marginal value per tau
  m_elecprices <- collapseDim(m_elecprices, dim  = 3.2)/p_taulength
  m_fullelecprices <- collapseDim(m_fullelecprices, dim  = 3.2)/p_taulength

  #compute factor to discount average marginal values
  f_npv <- as.numeric(p_ts)*exp(-as.numeric(c_esmdisrate)*(as.numeric(tt)-as.numeric(t0)))

  ##Discounting marginal values
  #electricity prices
  o_elecprices_disc <- NULL
  o_fullelecprices_disc <- NULL

  o_restargetrelativegross_tech_disc <- NULL
  o_restargetrelativedem_tech_disc <- NULL
  o_restargetrelative_DE_disc <- NULL #Only until version 2.26
  o_restargetrelative_disc <- NULL #Only until version 2.26
  o_restarget_disc <- NULL

  #heat prices
  o_heatprices_disc <- NULL
  o_fullheprices_disc <- NULL
  o_heatprices_DH_disc <- NULL
  o_fullheprices_DH_disc <- NULL
  o_heatprices_decP2H_disc <- NULL
  o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc <- NULL

  for (t2 in 1:length(tt)) {
    o_elecprices_disc <- mbind(o_elecprices_disc,  m_elecprices[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]
    o_fullelecprices_disc <- mbind(o_fullelecprices_disc,  m_fullelecprices[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]

    o_restarget_disc <- mbind(o_restarget_disc, m_restarget[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh-RES]

    #Estimation for variables that changed in some versions
    if(c_LIMESversion >=  2.28) {
      o_restargetrelativegross_tech_disc <- mbind(o_restargetrelativegross_tech_disc, m_restargetrelativegross_tech[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh-RES]
      o_restargetrelativedem_tech_disc <- mbind(o_restargetrelativedem_tech_disc, m_restargetrelativedem_tech[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh-RES]

      o_subsidRES_disc <- (o_restargetrelativegross_tech_disc + o_restargetrelativedem_tech_disc + o_restarget_disc) #[Geur/GWh]

      #Heat prices
      if(heating == "fullDH") {
        if(split_DH_decP2H == 0) { #no split berween DH and decP2H
          o_heatprices_disc <- mbind(o_heatprices_disc,  m_heatprices[, t2, ]/f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]
          o_fullheprices_disc <- mbind(o_fullheprices_disc,  m_fullheprices[, t2, ]/f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]

        } else { #split berween DH and decP2H
          o_heatprices_DH_disc <- mbind(o_heatprices_DH_disc,  m_heatprices_DH[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]
          o_fullheprices_DH_disc <- mbind(o_fullheprices_DH_disc,  m_fullheprices_DH[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]
          o_heatprices_decP2H_disc <- mbind(o_heatprices_decP2H_disc,  m_heatprices_decP2H[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]
          o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc <- mbind(o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc,  m_fullheprices_decP2H[, t2, ] / f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh]

    } else {
      o_restargetrelative_DE_disc <- mbind(o_restargetrelative_DE_disc, m_restargetrelative_DE[, t2, ]/f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh-RES]
      o_restargetrelative_disc <- mbind(o_restargetrelative_disc, m_restargetrelative[, t2, ]/f_npv[t2]) #[Geur 2010/GWh-RES]

      o_subsidRES_disc <- (o_restarget_disc + o_restargetrelative_DE_disc + o_restargetrelative_disc) #[Geur/GWh]

  #Some price aggregation when heat demand split between DH and decP2H
  if(c_LIMESversion >=  2.28) {
    if(heating == "fullDH") {
      if(split_DH_decP2H == 1) {
        #Heat prices at EU ETS level. The variable v_exdemand_DH includes also other sectors (industry and agriculture)
        o_heatprices_EUETS_disc <-
          (o_heatprices_DH_disc * v_exdemand_DH + o_heatprices_decP2H_disc * v_exdemand_decP2H) /
          (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H)
        o_fullheprices_EUETS_disc <-
          (o_fullheprices_DH_disc * v_exdemand_DH + o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc * v_exdemand_decP2H) /
          (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H)
        #Heat prices in buildings (only for sources covered by EU ETS)
        #First estimate buildings load supplied by DH (at every tau)
        p_othersec_exdemand_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_othersec_exdemand_DH", field = "l", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # heat that is provided by DH to other sectors (industry and agriculture) [annual data per sector]
        p_othersec_exdemand_DH <- limesMapping(p_othersec_exdemand_DH)[,getYears(v_exdemand_DH),]
        o_bd_exdemand_DH <- v_exdemand_DH - p_othersec_exdemand_DH
        o_heatprices_bd_EUETS_disc <-
          (o_heatprices_DH_disc * o_bd_exdemand_DH + o_heatprices_decP2H_disc * v_exdemand_decP2H) /
          (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H)
        o_fullheprices_bd_EUETS_disc <-
          (o_fullheprices_DH_disc * o_bd_exdemand_DH + o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc * v_exdemand_decP2H) /
          (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H)

  # Standard Reporting ------------------------------------------------------
  if (!reporting_tau) { # for normal reporting}
    ##Electricity prices
    #conversion from Geur/GWh -> eur/MWh
    tmp1 <- NULL
    #weighted average marginal values per country (spot prices,  capacity adequacy and RES subsidy)
    tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_elecprices_disc * p_taulength * p_eldemand, dim = 3)
                                 /dimSums(p_taulength * p_eldemand, 3),
                                 "Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity (Eur2010/MWh)"))
    #weighted average marginal values per country (spot+capacity adequacy)
    tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullelecprices_disc * p_taulength * p_eldemand, dim = 3)
                                 /dimSums(p_taulength * p_eldemand, 3),
                                 "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Electricity (Eur2010/MWh)"))
    tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(1e6 * dimSums((o_fullelecprices_disc - o_elecprices_disc) * p_taulength * p_eldemand, dim = 3)
                                 /dimSums(p_taulength * p_eldemand, 3),
                                 "Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity|Other fees (Eur2010/MWh)"))

    ##Heat prices
    #conversion from Geur/GWh -> eur/MWh
    tmp2 <- NULL
    if(heating == "fullDH") {
      if(split_DH_decP2H == 0) { #no split of heat demand between DH and P2H (older version)
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_heatprices_disc * p_taulength * p_hedemand, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * p_hedemand, 3),
                                     "Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullheprices_disc * p_taulength * p_hedemand, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * p_hedemand, 3),
                                     "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))
      } else { #split of heat demand between DH and P2H (older version)
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_heatprices_DH_disc * p_taulength * v_exdemand_DH, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * v_exdemand_DH, 3),
                                     "Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|District heating (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullheprices_DH_disc * p_taulength * v_exdemand_DH, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * v_exdemand_DH, 3),
                                     "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|District heating (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_heatprices_decP2H_disc * p_taulength * v_exdemand_decP2H, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * v_exdemand_decP2H, 3),
                                     "Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|Decentral|Electricity (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc * p_taulength * v_exdemand_decP2H, dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * v_exdemand_decP2H, 3),
                                     "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|Decentral|Electricity (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_heatprices_EUETS_disc * p_taulength * (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), 3),
                                     "Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullheprices_EUETS_disc * p_taulength * (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * (v_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), 3),
                                     "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_heatprices_bd_EUETS_disc * p_taulength * (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), 3),
                                     "Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|Buildings|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(1e6 * dimSums(o_fullheprices_bd_EUETS_disc * p_taulength * (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), dim = 3, na.rm = T)
                                     / dimSums(p_taulength * (o_bd_exdemand_DH + v_exdemand_decP2H), 3),
                                     "Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|Buildings|EU ETS-covered (Eur2010/MWh)"))


    # add global values
    tmp3 <- mbind(tmp1, tmp2)

    tmp4 <- NULL


    #Load sets
    te <- readGDX(gdx, name = "te")
    tehe <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehe")
    teel <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teel") #set of electricity generation technologies (non-storage)
    ter <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ter") #set of variable renewable electricity generation technologies
    ternofluc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ternofluc") #set of non-variable (non-fluctuating) renewable electricity generation technologies
    tefossil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tefossil") #set of fossil-based electricity generation technologies
    tenr <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tenr") #set of non-renewable electricity generation technologies (includes storage)
    tegas <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tegas") #set of gas generation technologies
    telig <- readGDX(gdx, name = "telig") #set of lignite generation technologies
    tecoal <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tecoal") #set of hard coal generation technologies
    tengcc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tengcc") #set of NGCC generation technologies
    tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro") #set of hydropower generation technologies
    tehgen <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehgen")
    tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro")
    tebio <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tebio")
    teoil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teoil")
    techp <- readGDX(gdx, name = "techp")
    teccs <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teccs")
    teothers <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teothers")
    tegas_el <- intersect(tegas, teel)
    tengcc_el <- intersect(tengcc, teel)
    tewaste <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tewaste", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # set of waste generation technologies
    if(is.null(tewaste)) {tewaste <- "waste"} #in old model versions this set was not defined and only the tech 'waste' existed

    #Load variables
    if(c_LIMESversion  ==  2.36) {
      p_plantshortrunprofit <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_plantshortrunprofit", field = "l", format = "first_found") #Short run profits [eur]
      p_plantshortrunprofit_w_fix <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_plantshortrunprofit_w_fix", field = "l", format = "first_found") #Short run profits [including adequacy revenues and fix costs] [eur]
      p_plantprofit_t <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_plantprofit_t", field = "l", format = "first_found") #short-run profits for plants built in t [eur]
      p_prodsubsidy <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_prodsubsidy", field = "l", format = "first_found") #subsidy to RES [eur/GWh RES]
      p_prodsubsidycosts <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_prodsubsidycosts", field = "l", format = "first_found") #cost of subsidies to RES per country [eur]
      p_plantrevenues <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_plantrevenues", field = "l", format = "first_found") #plant revenues (sales and subsidies) [eur]

      #create MagPie object of m_elecprices with iso3 regions
      p_plantshortrunprofit <- limesMapping(p_plantshortrunprofit)
      p_plantshortrunprofit_w_fix <- limesMapping(p_plantshortrunprofit_w_fix)
      p_plantprofit_t <- limesMapping(p_plantprofit_t)
      p_prodsubsidy <- limesMapping(p_prodsubsidy)
      p_prodsubsidycosts <- limesMapping(p_prodsubsidycosts)
      p_plantrevenues <- limesMapping(p_plantrevenues)

      #List of technologies
      varList_el <- list(
        " "                   = c(teel),
        "|Biomass "          		 = intersect(teel, tebio),
        "|Biomass|w/o CCS "  		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
        "|Coal "             		 = intersect(teel, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "|Coal|w/o CCS "     		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
        "|Coal|w/ CCS "      		 = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
        "|Hard Coal "        		 = intersect(teel, c(tecoal)),
        "|Hard Coal|w/o CCS "		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
        "|Hard Coal|w/ CCS " 		 = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
        "|Lignite "          		 = intersect(teel, c(telig)),
        "|Lignite|w/o CCS "  		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
        "|Lignite|w/ CCS "   		 = intersect(teel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
        "|Oil "              		 = intersect(teel, c(teoil)),
        "|Gas "              		 = intersect(teel, c(tegas)),
        "|Gas|w/o CCS "      		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
        "|Gas|w/ CCS "       		 = intersect(teel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
        "|Gas CC|w/o CCS "   		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(tengcc_el, teccs)),
        "|Gas CC|w/ CCS "    		 = intersect(teel, intersect(tengcc_el, teccs)),
        "|Gas CC "           		 = intersect(teel, c(tengcc_el)),
        "|Gas OC "           		 = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
        "|Other "            		 = intersect(teel, c(teothers)),
        "|Hydrogen "         		 = intersect(teel, c(tehgen)),
        "|Hydrogen FC "      		 = intersect(teel, c("hfc")),
        "|Hydrogen OC "      		 = intersect(teel, c("hct")),
        "|Hydrogen CC "      		 = intersect(teel, c("hcc")),
        "|Nuclear "          		 = intersect(teel, c("tnr")),
        "|Waste "            		 = intersect(teel, c(tewaste)),
        "|Other Fossil "     		 = intersect(teel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),

        #general aggregation
        "|Fossil "                  = intersect(teel, c(tefossil)),
        "|Fossil|w/o CCS "          = intersect(teel, setdiff(tefossil, teccs)),
        "|Fossil|w/ CCS "           = intersect(teel, intersect(tefossil, teccs)),
        "|Variable renewable "      = intersect(teel, c(ter)),
        "|Non-variable renewable "  = intersect(teel, c(ternofluc)),
        "|Renewable "               = intersect(teel, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "|Non-renewable "           = intersect(teel, tenr),  #this does not include storage

        "|Wind "         			 = intersect(teel, c("windon", "windoff")),
        "|Wind|Onshore " 			 = intersect(teel, c("windon")),
        "|Wind|Offshore "			 = intersect(teel, c("windoff")),
        "|Solar "        			 = intersect(teel, c("spv", "csp")),
        "|Solar|PV "     			 = intersect(teel, c("spv")),
        "|Solar|CSP "    			 = intersect(teel, c("csp")),
        "|Hydro "        			 = intersect(teel, c(tehydro))

      tmp4 <- NULL
      for (var in names(varList_el)){
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(p_plantrevenues[, , varList_el[[var]]], dim = 3)/1e9,
                                     paste0("Revenues|Electricity", var, "(billion eur2010/yr)"))) #convert eur to billion eur
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(p_plantshortrunprofit[, , varList_el[[var]]], dim = 3)/1e9,
                                     paste0("Short-run profits|Electricity", var, "(billion eur2010/yr)"))) #convert eur to billion eur
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(p_plantshortrunprofit_w_fix[, , varList_el[[var]]], dim = 3)/1e9,
                                     paste0("Short-run profits [w adeq rev/fix costs]|Electricity", var, "(billion eur2010/yr)"))) #convert eur to billion eur



    # add global values
    tmp <- mbind(tmp3, tmp4)
  } else { #if not the reportTau
    # TAU reporting -----------------------------------------------------------

    rename_tau <- function(name, data) {
      .tau_nb <- getNames(data)
      .nm <- paste0(name, "|", .tau_nb, " (Eur2015/MWh)")
      out <- setNames(data, .nm)

    tmp <- rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Electricity", 1e6 * o_elecprices_disc)
    tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Electricity", 1e6 * o_fullelecprices_disc))

    if (heating == "fullDH") {

      if(split_DH_decP2H == 0) { #No split of heat demand between DH and decentral P2H

        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_heatprices_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_fullheprices_disc))

      } else { #split of heat demand between DH and decentral P2H

        #Collapse dimensions to avoid errors
        o_heatprices_EUETS_disc <- collapseDim(o_heatprices_EUETS_disc, dim = 3.2)
        o_fullheprices_EUETS_disc <- collapseDim(o_fullheprices_EUETS_disc, dim = 3.2)
        o_heatprices_bd_EUETS_disc <- collapseDim(o_heatprices_bd_EUETS_disc, dim = 3.2)
        o_fullheprices_bd_EUETS_disc <- collapseDim(o_fullheprices_bd_EUETS_disc, dim = 3.2)

        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_heatprices_EUETS_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_fullheprices_EUETS_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|Buildings|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_heatprices_bd_EUETS_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|Buildings|EU ETS-covered", 1e6 * o_fullheprices_bd_EUETS_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|District heating", 1e6 * o_heatprices_DH_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|District heating", 1e6 * o_fullheprices_DH_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price|Secondary Energy|Heat|Decentral|Electricity", 1e6 * o_heatprices_decP2H_disc))
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, rename_tau("Price Full|Secondary Energy|Heat|Decentral|Electricity", 1e6 * o_fullheprices_decP2H_disc))





pik-piam/limes documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:45 a.m.