
Defines functions calcFAOmassbalance

Documented in calcFAOmassbalance

#' @title calcFAOmassbalance
#' @description
#' Calculates a massbalance dataset of agricultural production, processing and
#' use out of the combined data of calcFAOharmonized(). Covers dry matter (DM),
#' reactive nitrogen (Nr), Phosphorus (P), Generalizable Energy (GE) and wet
#' matter (WM). New products are added to the Food Balance Sheets, and many processing
#' conversions are made more explicit using simple assumptions. The first part of this
#' function is the calcFAOmassbalance_pre.
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Xiaoxi Wang
#' @seealso
#' [calcFAOmassbalance_pre()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("FAOmassbalance")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getNames<- as.magpie
#' @importFrom withr local_options

calcFAOmassbalance <- function() {
  local_options(magclass_sizeLimit = 1e+12)
  past <- findset("past")

  mb <- calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre", aggregate = FALSE)[, past, ]
  mb1 <- add_columns(mb, dim = 3.2, addnm = "bioenergy")
  mb1[, , "bioenergy"] <- 0
  mb1 <- mb1[, ,
             c("production", "production_estimated",
               "export", "import", "stock_variation",
               "food", "feed", "seed", "waste", "other_util", "bioenergy",
               "milling", "brans1", "branoil1", "flour1",
               "refining", "sugar1", "molasses1",
               "extracting", "oil1", "oil2", "oilcakes1",
               "fermentation", "alcohol1",
               "alcohol2", "alcohol3", "alcohol4", "brewers_grain1",
               "distilling", "ethanol1", "distillers_grain1",
  newitems <- setdiff(findset("kall"), getNames(mb1, dim = 1))
  mb2 <- add_columns(mb1, dim = 3.1, addnm = newitems)
  mb2[, , newitems] <- 0

  ### Add feed by animal group
  # consists of feed by animal group according to Isabelle Weindls Feed Baskets
  # plus a balanceflow to bee consistent with FAO
  feed <- calcOutput("FeedPast", balanceflow = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE)
  getNames(feed, dim = 1) <- paste0("feed_", substring(getNames(feed, dim = 1), 7))
  feed <- as.magpie(aperm(unwrap(feed), c(1, 2, 4, 3, 5)))

  balanceflow <- calcOutput("FeedBalanceflow", aggregate = FALSE, future = FALSE)
  getNames(balanceflow, dim = 1) <- paste0("feed_", getNames(balanceflow, dim = 1))
  balanceflow <- balanceflow * calcOutput("Attributes", aggregate = FALSE)
  balanceflow <- as.magpie(aperm(unwrap(balanceflow), c(1, 2, 4, 3, 5)))

  feed <- feed + balanceflow

  # test to check whether distribution of feed was ok
  if (any(round(
                mb2[, , "feed"][, , getNames(mb, dim = 1)]
                - dimSums(feed[, , getNames(mb, dim = 1)], dim = 3.2),
                7) != 0)) {
    vcat(verbosity = 1, "Something is strange here. Check Feedbalanceflow")
  mb3 <- mbind(mb2, feed)

  forest <- calcOutput("TimberDemand", aggregate = FALSE)
  mb3[, , getNames(mb3[, , paste0("wood.",
                                  getNames(forest, dim = 2),
                                  ".dm")])] <- forest[, intersect(getYears(mb3),
                                                      getNames(forest[, , "Industrial roundwood"])] * 0.6
  mb3[, , getNames(mb3[, , paste0("woodfuel.",
                                  getNames(forest, dim = 2),
                                  ".dm")])] <- forest[, intersect(getYears(mb3),
                                                      getNames(forest[, , "Wood fuel"])] * 0.3

  # Adding Pasture as feed item
  mb3[, , "pasture"][, ,
                     c("domestic_supply", "production", "feed")] <- dimSums(feed[, , "pasture"], dim = 3.2)

  # Adding Crop Residues Production and use
  kres <- findset("kres")
  res <- calcOutput("ResDemand", aggregate = FALSE)
  res <- as.magpie(aperm(unwrap(res), c(1, 2, 4, 3, 5)))
  mb3[, , kres][, , c("bioenergy", "domestic_supply", "feed", "other_util", "production")] <- res

  ### Dividing other_util into bioenergy and other_util
  bioenergy <- collapseNames(calcOutput("1stBioenergyPast", aggregate = FALSE)[, , "INDPROD"])
  att <- calcOutput("Attributes", aggregate = FALSE)
  ethanolOilFactor <- (att / (collapseNames(att[, , "ge"])))[, , c("ethanol", "oils")]
  mb3[, , c("ethanol", "oils")][, , "bioenergy"] <- bioenergy[, getYears(mb3), c("ethanol", "oils")] *

  # in some cases bioenergy demand from EEA exceeds ethanol production.
  # We limit it to the availabiltiy in FAOmassbalance_pre
  exceeded <- mb3[, , c("ethanol", "oils")][, , "bioenergy"] > mb3[, , c("ethanol", "oils")][, , "other_util"]
  mb3[, , c("ethanol",
            "oils")][, , "bioenergy"][exceeded] <- mb3[, , c("ethanol",
                                                             "oils")][, , "other_util"][exceeded]

  mb3[, , c("ethanol",
            "oils")][, , "other_util"] <- mb3[, , c("ethanol",
                                                    "oils")][, , "other_util"] - mb3[, , c("ethanol",
                                                                                           "oils")][, , "bioenergy"]
  #round to 1 ton to avoid calculation issues
  mb3 <- round(mb3, 6)

              x = mb3,
              weight = NULL,
              unit = "Mt DM, Mt WM, PJ, Mt Nr, Mt P, Mt K",
              description = "FAO massbalance calculates all conversion processes
              within the FAO CBS/FBS and makes them explict."))
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.