
Defines functions readPauliuk

Documented in readPauliuk

#' Read Pauliuk et al. 2013 data
#' Read data from Pauliuk et al. 2013 
#' (https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2012.11.008).
#' @md
#' @param subtype One of:
#'   - `lifetime`: Read estimated lifetime of overall steel stocks (approach b)
#'     in years.
#' @return A [`magpie`][magclass::magclass] object.
#' @author Michaja Pehl
#' @seealso [`readSource()`]
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate
#' @importFrom quitte madrat_mule
#' @importFrom readxl read_xlsx
#' @importFrom rlang .data

#' @export
readPauliuk <- function(subtype = 'lifetime')
  # ---- list all available subtypes with functions doing all the work ----
  switchboard <- list(
    lifetime = function()
      read_xlsx(path = './Supplementary_Table_23.xlsx',
                sheet = 'Supplementray_Table_23',
                range = 'A5:J201',
                col_names = c('country', 'lifetime'),
                col_types = c('text', rep('skip', 8), 'numeric')) %>% 
        mutate(lifetime = as.integer(.data$lifetime)) %>% 
        madrat_mule() %>% 
  # ---- check if the subtype called is available ----
  if (is_empty(intersect(subtype, names(switchboard)))) {
    stop(paste('Invalid subtype -- supported subtypes are:', 
  } else {
    # ---- load data and do whatever ----
pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on March 30, 2024, 3:37 a.m.