Fast SCCA (fscca)

This project is a work in progress

This is a port of NIPALS SCCA package written by Lee et. al. [1, 2] (scca). It is written for speedup in Rcpp.

Currently, only the lasso penalty function is implemented. Also, the only cross-validation method implemented is the sequential one-dimensional search described in the paper.


Make sure you have the devtools package installed as well as Rcpp and RcppArmadillo:

install.packages(c("devtools", "Rcpp", "RcppArmadillo"))

You can install the current development version from github using devtools:


The build sets the flag PKG_CXXFLAGS = "-std=c++11" in src/Makevars. This is standard for g++ and clang. If this fails on your computer, let me know (my guess it will likely fail on windows).

The branch master should always be stable. Please file a bug report if it is unstable.

Assuming all goes well, load it like a usual package:



The main R entry point is the function fscca(). It is reasonably well documented in R which you can access by typing ?fscca or help('fscca'). This function will automatically perform cross-validation as well as compute multiple components (default is just the first).

If you don't want to perform cross-validation, you can compute the first canonical vectors by using nipals_sparse() which is also documented in R.



Please report any bugs to Github:

pimentel/fscca documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:12 a.m.