
#' Custom Filter
#' This function creates a customFilt S3 object based on user-specified items to filter out of the dataset
#' @param rRNAdata an object of class "pepData", "proData", "metabData", or "lipidData", created by \code{\link{as.pepData}}, \code{\link{as.proData}}, \code{\link{as.metabData}}, or \code{\link{as.lipidData}}, respectively.
#' @param e_data_remove character vector specifying the names of the e_data identifiers to remove from the data
#' @param f_data_remove character vector specifying the names of samples to remove from the data
#' @param e_meta_remove character vector specifying the names of the e_meta identifiers to remove from the data
#' @param e_data_keep character vector specifying the names of the e_data identifiers to keep from the data
#' @param f_data_keep character vector specifying the names of samples to keep from the data
#' @param e_meta_keep character vector specifying the names of the e_meta identifiers to keep from the data
#' @return An S3 object of class 'customFilt', which is a list with 3 elements: e_data_remove, f_data_remove, and e_meta_remove.
#' @examples
#' dontrun{
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' data("metab_object")
#' to_filter <- custom_filter(metab_object, e_data_remove = "fumaric acid", f_data_remove = "Infection1")
#' summary(to_filter)
#' to_filter2 <- custom_filter(metab_object, e_data_remove = "fumaric acid")
#' summary(to_filter2)
#' @author Kelly Stratton
#' @export

custom_filter <- function(rRNAdata, e_data_remove = NULL, f_data_remove = NULL, e_meta_remove = NULL, e_data_keep = NULL, f_data_keep = NULL, e_meta_keep = NULL ){
  ## some initial checks ##

  # check that rRNAdata is of correct class #
  if(!class(rRNAdata) == "rRNAdata") stop("rRNAdata must be of class 'rRNAdata'")

  # check that not all e_data_remove, f_data_remove, e_meta_remove and e_data_keep... are NULL #
  if(is.null(e_data_remove) & is.null(f_data_remove) & is.null(e_meta_remove) &
     is.null(e_data_keep) & is.null(f_data_keep) & is.null(e_meta_keep))
    stop("No items have been identified for filtering.")

  #check that both keep and remove arguments are not non-NULL
  if((!is.null(e_data_remove) || !is.null(f_data_remove) || !is.null(e_meta_remove)) &
     (!is.null(e_data_keep) || !is.null(f_data_keep) || !is.null(e_meta_keep)))
    stop("cannot have both remove arguments and keep arguments be non NULL,
         please create and apply to separate filter objects")

  edata_id = attr(rRNAdata, "cnames")$edata_cname
  emeta_id = attr(rRNAdata, "cnames")$emeta_cname
  samp_id = attr(rRNAdata, "cnames")$fdata_cname

  #checks for removes
  if((!is.null(e_data_remove) || !is.null(f_data_remove) || !is.null(e_meta_remove)) &
     (is.null(e_data_keep) & is.null(f_data_keep) & is.null(e_meta_keep)))
    # checks for e_data_remove #

      # check that e_data_remove are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(e_data_remove %in% rRNAdata$e_data[, edata_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in e_data_remove are found in the data.")

      # check that e_data_remove doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$e_data[, edata_id] %in% e_data_remove))
        stop("e_data_remove specifies all the items in the data")

    # checks for f_data_remove #

      # check that f_data_remove are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(f_data_remove %in% rRNAdata$f_data[, samp_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in f_data_remove are found in the data.")

      # check that f_data_remove doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$f_data[, samp_id] %in% f_data_remove))
        stop("f_data_remove specifies all the items in the data")

    # checks for e_meta_remove #

      # check that e_meta_remove are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(e_meta_remove %in% rRNAdata$e_meta[, emeta_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in e_meta_remove are found in the data.")

      # check that e_meta_remove doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$e_meta[, emeta_id] %in% e_meta_remove))
        stop("e_meta_remove specifies all the items in the data")

    # return filter_object of class customFilt #
    filter_object <- list(e_data_remove = e_data_remove, f_data_remove = f_data_remove,
                          e_meta_remove = e_meta_remove)
    class(filter_object) <- c("customFilt", "list")

  #checks for keeps
  if((is.null(e_data_remove) & is.null(f_data_remove) & is.null(e_meta_remove)) &
    # checks for e_data_keep #

      # check that e_data_keep are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(e_data_keep %in% rRNAdata$e_data[, edata_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in e_data_keep are found in the data.")

      # check that e_data_keep doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$e_data[, edata_id] %in% e_data_keep))
        stop("e_data_keep specifies all the items in the data")

    # checks for f_data_keep #

      # check that f_data_keep are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(f_data_keep %in% rRNAdata$f_data[, samp_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in f_data_keep are found in the data.")

      # check that f_data_remove doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$f_data[, samp_id] %in% f_data_keep))
        stop("f_data_keep specifies all the items in the data")

    # checks for e_meta_remove #

      # check that e_meta_keep are all in rRNAdata #
      if(!(all(e_meta_keep %in% rRNAdata$e_meta[, emeta_id])))
        stop("Not all of the items in e_meta_keep are found in the data.")

      # check that e_meta_keep doesn't specify ALL the items in rRNAdata #
      if(all(rRNAdata$e_meta[, emeta_id] %in% e_meta_keep))
        stop("e_meta_keep specifies all the items in the data")

    filter_object <- list(e_data_keep = e_data_keep, f_data_keep = f_data_keep,
                          e_meta_keep = e_meta_keep)
    class(filter_object) <- c("customFilt", "list")

  # attributes #
  attr(filter_object, "num_samples") <- length(unique(rRNAdata$f_data[, samp_id]))
  attr(filter_object, "num_edata") <- length(unique(rRNAdata$e_data[, edata_id]))
  attr(filter_object, "num_emeta") <-
    if(!is.null(emeta_id)) length(unique(rRNAdata$e_meta[, emeta_id]))

  attr(filter_object, "cnames")$edata_cname <- edata_id
  attr(filter_object, "cnames")$emeta_cname <- emeta_id
  attr(filter_object, "cnames")$fdata_cname <- samp_id

pmartR/pmartRmems documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:52 p.m.