
Defines functions prio_ncol prio_nrow prio_extent prio_resolution prio_crs

Documented in prio_crs prio_extent prio_ncol prio_nrow prio_resolution


#' prio_crs
#' @return the PRIO-GRID CRS proj4string,
#' @export
prio_crs <- function(){"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"}

#' prio_resolution
#' @return the PRIO-GRID resolution
#' @export
prio_resolution <- function(){0.5}

#' prio_extent
#' @return the PRIO-GRID extent
#' @export
prio_extent <- function(){raster::extent(-180, 180, -90, 90)}

#' prio_nrow
#' @return the PRIO-GRID number of rows
#' @export
prio_nrow <- function(){360}

#' prio_ncol
#' @return the PRIO-GRID number of columns
#' @export
prio_ncol <- function(){720}

makeheader <- "
                         _    _
                        | |  (_)
         _ __ ___   __ _| | ___ _ __   __ _
        | '_ ` _ \\ / _` | |/ / | '_ \\ / _` |
        | | | | | | (_| |   <| | | | | (_| |
        |_| |_| |_|\\__,_|_|\\_\\_|_| |_|\\__, |
                                       __/ |
 _______ _______    _____   ___      ______  _______    _____ ______
|_   __ \\_   __ \\  |_   _|.'   `.  .' ___  ||_   __ \\  |_   _|_   _ `.
  | |__) || |__) |   | | /  .-.  \\/ .'   \\_|  | |__) |   | |   | | `. \\
  |  ___/ |  __ /    | | | |   | || |   ____  |  __ /    | |   | |  | |
 _| |_   _| |  \\ \\_ _| |_\\  `-'  /\\ `.___]  |_| |  \\ \\_ _| |_ _| |_.' /
|_____| |____| |___|_____|`.___.'  `._____.'|____| |___|_____|______.'
prio-data/priogrid documentation built on June 28, 2021, 5:34 a.m.