
Defines functions getTvdIdCols getColPositions getFormatBorder getTVDIdBorder getBirthdateBorder getBirthdayConsistencyLimit getBirthdateColIdx getConsistencySex getDschFormatTblDf getK11ColPositionFromDsch getK11ColPositionVecFromDsch getTvdIdColsDsch getBirthdateColIdxDsch getSexColIdxDsch getFormatDSCHFile

Documented in getBirthdateBorder getBirthdateColIdx getBirthdateColIdxDsch getBirthdayConsistencyLimit getColPositions getConsistencySex getDschFormatTblDf getFormatBorder getFormatDSCHFile getK11ColPositionFromDsch getK11ColPositionVecFromDsch getSexColIdxDsch getTVDIdBorder getTvdIdCols getTvdIdColsDsch

###   Purpose:   Constants related to pedigree input
###   started:   2017-11-06 (skn and pvr)
### ################################################## ###

#' Return default column indices for Ids
#' @return list with Id columns
#' @export getTvdIdCols
getTvdIdCols <- function(){
  return(list(TierIdCol = 6, MutterIdCol = 2, VaterIdCol = 9))

#' Return default column positions for fixed width coming from TVD
#' @return vector with column positions
#' @export getColPositions
getColPositions <- function(){

#' Return default border values for fixed input format
#' @return list of format borders
#' @export getFormatBorder
getFormatBorder <- function(){
  return(list(TierId = list(lower=79, upper=92),
              MutterId = list(lower=23, upper=36),
              VaterId = list(lower=98, upper=111),
              Geburtsdatum = list(lower=71, upper=78),
              TierRassecode = list(lower=93, upper=95),
              MutterRassecode = list(lower=37, upper=39),
              VaterRassecode = list(lower=112, upper=114),
              Sex = list(lower=96, upper=96)))

#' Get consistency border for TVDid
#' The results returned by this function are based
#' on the definition of a TVD-ID which has two positions
#' for a country code and twelve positions for a number
#' @return list of start and end positions for parts of TVD-ID
#' @export getTVDIdBorder
getTVDIdBorder <- function(){
  return(list(TVDCountry = list(lower=1, upper=2),
              TVDNumber = list(lower=3, upper=14)))

#' Get consistency border for birthdate
#' @export getBirthdateBorder
getBirthdateBorder <- function(){
  return(list(Year = list(lower=1, upper=4),
              Month = list(lower=5, upper=6),
              Day = list(lower=7, upper=8)))

#' Get consistency limits for birthdates
#' @export getBirthdayConsistencyLimit
getBirthdayConsistencyLimit <- function(){
  return(list(cLowestLimitYear = 1950,
              cLowestLimitMonth = 1,
              cHighestLimitMonth = 12,
              cLowestLimitDay = 1,
              cHighestLimitDay = 31))

#' Get column index of birthdate in tbl_df pedigree
#' Because there are no package-global variables, we
#' return the fix-coded column index of birthdate as
#' the result of a function.
#' @return column index of birthdate in tbl_df pedigree
#' @export getBirthdateColIdx
getBirthdateColIdx <- function(){

#' Get consistency sex
#' @export getConsistencySex
getConsistencySex <- function(){
    cMaennlich = 1,
    cWeiblich = 2

#' @title Get Format from DSCH xlsx-file as tbl_df
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @description
#' The data format defined in DSCH (Datenschnittstelle)
#' Rindvieh.ch is read from an xlsx file and returned
#' as a tbl_df. The result contains the complete description
#' of all formats. From that result single format definitions
#' can be extracted.
#' @param psFormatDschFile path to DSCH-xlsx file
#' @return tbl_df containing DSCH format definitions
#' @export getDschFormatTblDf
getDschFormatTblDf <- function(psFormatDschFile){
  # check that file psFormatDschFile exists
  if (!file.exists(psFormatDschFile)){
    stop(" *** ERROR: Cannot find DSCH format file: ", psFormatDschFile)
  return(readxl::read_excel(path = psFormatDschFile))

#' Get K11 Format from the DSCH-format file
#' Given the DSCH-format read from its xlsx file,
#' the format definition of K11 data is
#' extracted and returned as tbl_df
#' @param psFormatDschFile path to DSCH-xlsx file
#' @param pnTagCol column index containing tags in DSCH-tbl_df (default = 2)
#' @param psStartTag Tag indicating starting row of K11 format (default = "Satzart K11")
#' @param psEndTag Tag indicating end row of K11 format (default = NA)
#' @return tbl_df containing K11 definition
#' @export getK11ColPositionFromDsch
getK11ColPositionFromDsch <- function(psFormatDschFile = getFormatDSCHFile(),
                                      pnTagCol   = 2,
                                      psStartTag = "Satzart K11",
                                      psEndTag   = NA) {
  tbl_dsch_format <- getDschFormatTblDf(psFormatDschFile = psFormatDschFile)

  ### # K11 start row
  n_k11_start_row <- which(tbl_dsch_format[,pnTagCol] == psStartTag)
  ### # we should only have one starting tag
  if (length(n_k11_start_row) != 1){
    stop("*** No unique starting position found:")
  ### # maching positions of end tags
  if (is.na(psEndTag)){
    vecEndPos <- which(is.na(tbl_dsch_format[,pnTagCol]))
  } else {
    vecEndPos <- which(tbl_dsch_format[,pnTagCol] == psEndTag)
  ### # end tag must be found at least once, otherwise stop with error
  if (length(vecEndPos) < 1)
    stop(" *** Cannot find position of end tag: ", psEndTag)

  ### # in case more than one ending positions were found, take
  ### #  the first after the starting position
  if(length(vecEndPos) > 1){
    n_k11_end_row <- vecEndPos[vecEndPos > n_k11_start_row][1]
  } else {
    n_k11_end_row <- vecEndPos

  ### # check that end is not before start
  if (n_k11_end_row < n_k11_start_row)
    stop(" End-row of K11 smaller than start-row")

  ### # return rows between start and end

#' Get K11 Column positions as vector
#' Positions where columns are separated in a fixed-width-formatted
#' input file for the K11 format are taken from the xlsx-DSCH format
#' definition file. The column separator positions are returned as
#' a vector of integers, because K11 does not contain any floating
#' point columns.
#' @param psFormatDschFile name of xlsx-file conaining DSCH-formats
#' @param pnColPosition column index where positions are stored
#' @return vector with K11 column positions
#' @export getK11ColPositionVecFromDsch
getK11ColPositionVecFromDsch <- function(psFormatDschFile = getFormatDSCHFile(),
                                         pnColPosition = 5){
  ### # read DSCH format from given xlsx-file
  tbl_dsch_k11 <- getK11ColPositionFromDsch(psFormatDschFile = psFormatDschFile)


#' Get column indices of different IDs in pedigree tbl_df
#' Given the DSCH-format of K11 read from psFormatDschFile, the
#' column index in the peidgree tbl_df is searched using some
#' tag patterns that are specific for the ID-columns
#' @param psFormatDschFile DSCH format file (default = "RindviehCH_Schnittstelle_4_13_D_K11.xlsx")
#' @param pnTagCol column in DSCH format where tags occur
#' @param ps_pattern_tier_id Tag for TierID (default = "Kalb Id")
#' @param ps_pattern_mutter_id Tag for MutterId (default = "Mutter Id")
#' @param ps_pattern_vater_id Tag for VaterId (default = "Vater Id")
#' @return list of column indices for TierId, MutterId and VaterId
#' @export getTvdIdColsDsch
getTvdIdColsDsch <- function(psFormatDschFile = getFormatDSCHFile(),
                             pnTagCol   = 2,
                             ps_pattern_tier_id = "Kalb Id",
                             ps_pattern_mutter_id = "Mutter Id",
                             ps_pattern_vater_id = "Vater Id"){
  ### # read DSCH format from given xlsx-file
  tbl_dsch_k11 <- getK11ColPositionFromDsch(psFormatDschFile = psFormatDschFile)
  ### # return list column positions found using the specified patterns
  return(list(TierIdCol = grep(pattern = ps_pattern_tier_id, tbl_dsch_k11[[pnTagCol]]),
              MutterIdCol = grep(pattern = ps_pattern_mutter_id, tbl_dsch_k11[[pnTagCol]]),
              VaterIdCol = grep(pattern = ps_pattern_vater_id, tbl_dsch_k11[[pnTagCol]])))

#' Get column index for birthdate with new DSCH-format
#' @param psFormatDschFile name of the DSCH format file
#' @param pnTagCol column index of tag values
#' @param ps_pattern_geburt_dat tag value to search for
#' @export getBirthdateColIdxDsch
getBirthdateColIdxDsch <- function(psFormatDschFile = getFormatDSCHFile(),
                                   pnTagCol = 2,
                                   ps_pattern_geburt_dat = "Kalbedatum"){
  ### # read DSCH format from given xlsx-file
  tbl_dsch_k11 <- getK11ColPositionFromDsch(psFormatDschFile = psFormatDschFile)
  ### # return list column positions found using the specified patterns
  return(grep(pattern = ps_pattern_geburt_dat, tbl_dsch_k11[[pnTagCol]]))

#' Get column index for sex with new DSCH-format
#' @export getSexColIdxDsch
getSexColIdxDsch <- function(psFormatDschFile = getFormatDSCHFile(),
                             pnTagCol = 2,
                             ps_pattern_geschlecht = "Geschlecht11"){
  ### # read DSCH format from given xlsx-file
  tbl_dsch_k11 <- getK11ColPositionFromDsch(psFormatDschFile = psFormatDschFile)
  ### # return list column positions found using the specified patterns
  return(grep(pattern = ps_pattern_geschlecht, tbl_dsch_k11[[pnTagCol]]))

#' Return path to the DSCH-format file
#' @return Path to the DSCH-format file
#' @export getFormatDSCHFile
getFormatDSCHFile <- function(){
                     package = "PedigreeFromTvdData"))
pvrqualitasag/PedigreeFromTvdData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:50 a.m.